/// <summary> /// This is where we inject our custom characters into the load screen. /// </summary> public override void OpenLoadDialog() { OptionsDialog optionsDialog = new OptionsDialog(); var selections = Data.GetPlayerSelectionsAvailable().ToList(); selections.AddRange(ContentManagerHook.AdditionalCharacters()); foreach (ICharacterClass playerClass in selections) { if (Game1.Instance.SaveGameExists(playerClass)) { string fileName = Game1.GetSaveGameFileName(playerClass); optionsDialog.AddOption(playerClass.DisplayName, (System.Action)(() => this.Context.GameMessages.Post(Names.GameMessages.LoadGame, (object)fileName))); } else { var btn = optionsDialog.AddOption("Empty", (System.Action)null); btn.Enabled = false; } } optionsDialog.AutoOpen(); }
private void Options_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OptionsDialog options = new OptionsDialog(); if ((ToolStripMenuItem)sender == this.Options) { options.ShowDialog(); if (options.DialogResult == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } } if (!Game.GameOver & !Game.Finished & !IsFirst) { return; } switch (OptionsDialog.Level) { case 1: { this.Clock.Location = new Point(20, 265); this.RemainingMines.Location = new Point(225, 270); this.ClockLabel.Location = new Point(50, 270); this.RemainingMinesLabel.Location = new Point(190, 270); Game = new Game() { Rows = 10, Columns = 10, Bombs = 10 }; Game.Location = new Point(15, 25); Game.RemainingItems = 100; Game.RemainingBombs = 10; Game.Size = new Size(240, 240); this.Size = new Size(285, 335); this.RemainingMinesLabel.Text = "10"; this.ClockLabel.Text = "0"; this.Controls.RemoveAt(5); this.Controls.Add(Game); Game.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(Game_MouseClick); Game.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(Game_PropertyChanged); Timer = new Timer(); Timer.Tick += new EventHandler(Time_Tick); Timer.Interval = 1000; IsFirst = true; TimeSeconds = 1; break; } case 2: { this.Clock.Location = new Point(20, 385); this.RemainingMines.Location = new Point(350, 390); this.ClockLabel.Location = new Point(50, 390); this.RemainingMinesLabel.Location = new Point(315, 390); Game = new Game() { Rows = 15, Columns = 15, Bombs = 30 }; Game.Location = new Point(15, 25); Game.RemainingItems = 15 * 15; Game.RemainingBombs = 30; Game.Size = new Size(24 * 15, 24 * 15); this.Size = new Size(410, 460); this.RemainingMinesLabel.Text = "30"; this.ClockLabel.Text = "0"; this.Controls.RemoveAt(5); this.Controls.Add(Game); Game.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(Game_MouseClick); Game.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(Game_PropertyChanged); Timer = new Timer(); Timer.Tick += new EventHandler(Time_Tick); Timer.Interval = 1000; IsFirst = true; TimeSeconds = 1; break; } case 3: { this.Clock.Location = new Point(20, 505); this.RemainingMines.Location = new Point(465, 510); this.ClockLabel.Location = new Point(50, 510); this.RemainingMinesLabel.Location = new Point(430, 510); Game = new Game() { Rows = 20, Columns = 20, Bombs = 50 }; Game.Location = new Point(15, 25); Game.RemainingItems = 20 * 20; Game.RemainingBombs = 50; Game.Size = new Size(24 * 20, 24 * 20); this.Size = new Size(527, 575); this.UpdateBounds(); this.RemainingMinesLabel.Text = "50"; this.ClockLabel.Text = "0"; this.Controls.RemoveAt(5); this.Controls.Add(Game); Game.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(Game_MouseClick); Game.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(Game_PropertyChanged); Timer = new Timer(); Timer.Tick += new EventHandler(Time_Tick); Timer.Interval = 1000; IsFirst = true; TimeSeconds = 1; break; } } }
public void Initialize(OptionsDialog dialog, object dataObject) { obj = dataObject as IWorkspaceObject; }
public HybrasylDialog NewOptionsDialog(String displayText, dynamic optionsStructure, dynamic handler = null, dynamic callback = null) { var dialog = new OptionsDialog(displayText); dialog.SetCallbackHandler(callback); if (optionsStructure is IronPython.Runtime.List) { // A simple options dialog with a callback handler for the response var optionlist = optionsStructure as IronPython.Runtime.List; foreach (var option in optionsStructure) { if (option is String) { dialog.AddDialogOption(option as String); } } if (handler != null) { dialog.setInputHandler(handler); Logger.InfoFormat("Input handler associated with dialog"); } } else if (optionsStructure is IronPython.Runtime.PythonDictionary) { var hash = optionsStructure as IronPython.Runtime.PythonDictionary; foreach (var key in hash.Keys) { if (key is String) { dialog.AddDialogOption(key as String, hash[key]); } } } return new HybrasylDialog(dialog); }
public void Initialize(OptionsDialog dialog, object dataObject) { }
public void Initialize(OptionsDialog dialog, object dataObject) { this.dialog = dialog; }
static public void Main(string[] Args) { //Upgrade settings Assembly a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); Version appVersion = a.GetName().Version; string appVersionString = appVersion.ToString(); log.DebugFormat("Application version of new settings {0}", appVersionString); try { if (Properties.Settings.Default.ApplicationVersion != appVersion.ToString()) { log.Debug("Upgrading settings..."); Properties.Settings.Default.Upgrade(); // if program's hash has changed (e.g. by upgrading to .NET 4.0), then Upgrade() doesn't import the previous application settings // because it cannot locate a previous user.config file. In this case a new user.config file is created with the default settings. // We will try and find a config file from a previous installation and update the settings from it if (Properties.Settings.Default.ApplicationVersion == "" && Properties.Settings.Default.DoUpgrade) { SettingsUpdate.Update(); } log.DebugFormat("Settings upgraded from '{0}' to '{1}'", Properties.Settings.Default.ApplicationVersion, appVersionString); Properties.Settings.Default.ApplicationVersion = appVersionString; Settings.TrySaveSettings(); } } catch (ConfigurationErrorsException ex) { log.Error("Could not load settings.", ex); var msg = string.Format("{0}\n\n{1}", Messages.MESSAGEBOX_LOAD_CORRUPTED_TITLE, string.Format(Messages.MESSAGEBOX_LOAD_CORRUPTED, Settings.GetUserConfigPath())); using (var dlg = new ThreeButtonDialog(new ThreeButtonDialog.Details(SystemIcons.Error, msg, Messages.XENCENTER)) { StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen, //For reasons I do not fully comprehend at the moment, the runtime //overrides the above StartPosition with WindowsDefaultPosition if //ShowInTaskbar is false. However it's a good idea anyway to show it //in the taskbar since the main form is not launcched at this point. ShowInTaskbar = true }) { dlg.ShowDialog(); } Application.Exit(); return; } // Reset statics, because XenAdminTests likes to call Main() twice. TestExceptionString = null; Exiting = false; // Clear XenConnections and History so static classes like OtherConfigAndTagsWatcher // listening to changes still work when Main is called more than once. ConnectionsManager.XenConnections.Clear(); ConnectionsManager.History.Clear(); Search.InitSearch(Branding.Search); TreeSearch.InitSearch(); ArgType argType = ArgType.None; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException -= CurrentDomain_UnhandledException; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException; Application.ThreadException -= Application_ThreadException; Application.ThreadException += Application_ThreadException; Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); try { if (SystemInformation.FontSmoothingType == 2) // ClearType { TransparentUsually = SystemColors.Window; } } catch (NotSupportedException) { // Leave TransparentUsually == Color.Transparent. This is an old platform // without FontSmoothingType support. } switch (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major) { case 6: // Vista, 2K8, Win7. if (Application.RenderWithVisualStyles) { // Vista, Win7 with styles. TitleBarStartColor = Color.FromArgb(242, 242, 242); TitleBarEndColor = Color.FromArgb(207, 207, 207); TitleBarBorderColor = Color.FromArgb(160, 160, 160); TitleBarForeColor = Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 60); HeaderGradientForeColor = Color.White; HeaderGradientFont = new Font(DefaultFont.FontFamily, 11.25f); TabbedDialogHeaderFont = HeaderGradientFont; TabPageRowBorder = Color.Gainsboro; TabPageRowHeader = Color.WhiteSmoke; } else { // 2K8 and Vista, Win7 without styles. TitleBarStartColor = ProfessionalColors.OverflowButtonGradientBegin; TitleBarEndColor = ProfessionalColors.OverflowButtonGradientEnd; TitleBarBorderColor = TitleBarEndColor; TitleBarForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText; HeaderGradientForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText; HeaderGradientFont = new Font(DefaultFont.FontFamily, DefaultFont.Size + 1f, FontStyle.Bold); TabbedDialogHeaderFont = HeaderGradientFont; TabPageRowBorder = Color.DarkGray; TabPageRowHeader = Color.Silver; } break; default: TitleBarStartColor = ProfessionalColors.OverflowButtonGradientBegin; TitleBarEndColor = ProfessionalColors.OverflowButtonGradientEnd; TitleBarBorderColor = TitleBarEndColor; TitleBarForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText; HeaderGradientForeColor = Application.RenderWithVisualStyles ? Color.White : SystemColors.ControlText; HeaderGradientFont = new Font(DefaultFont.FontFamily, DefaultFont.Size + 1f, FontStyle.Bold); TabbedDialogHeaderFont = new Font(DefaultFont.FontFamily, DefaultFont.Size + 1.75f, FontStyle.Bold); TabPageRowBorder = Color.DarkGray; TabPageRowHeader = Color.Silver; break; } // Force the current culture, to make the layout the same whatever the culture of the underlying OS (CA-46983). Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo(InvisibleMessages.LOCALE, false); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Thread.CurrentThread.Name)) { Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Main program thread"; } ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 20; ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = SSL.ValidateServerCertificate; ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; Session.UserAgent = string.Format("XenCenter/{0}", ClientVersion()); RememberProxyAuthenticationModules(); ReconfigureConnectionSettings(); log.Info("Application started"); logSystemDetails(); OptionsDialog.Log(); if (Args.Length > 0) { log.InfoFormat("Args[0]: {0}", Args[0]); } List <string> sanitizedArgs = new List <string>(Args); // Remove the '--wait' argument, which may have been passed to the splash screen sanitizedArgs.Remove("--wait"); string[] args = null; if (sanitizedArgs.Count > 1) { argType = ParseFileArgs(sanitizedArgs, out args); if (argType == ArgType.Passwords) { log.DebugFormat("Handling password request using '{0}'", args[0]); try { PasswordsRequest.HandleRequest(args[0]); } catch (Exception exn) { log.Fatal(exn, exn); } Application.Exit(); return; } } else if (sanitizedArgs.Count == 1 && sanitizedArgs[0] == "messageboxtest") { new MessageBoxTest().ShowDialog(); Application.Exit(); return; } else if (sanitizedArgs.Count > 0) { log.Warn("Unrecognised command line options"); } try { ConnectPipe(); } catch (Win32Exception exn) { log.Error("Creating named pipe failed. Continuing to launch XenCenter.", exn); } Application.ApplicationExit -= Application_ApplicationExit; Application.ApplicationExit += Application_ApplicationExit; MainWindow mainWindow = new MainWindow(argType, args); Application.Run(mainWindow); log.Info("Application main thread exited"); }
private void optionsToolStripButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create Options Dialog using (OptionsDialog optDlg = new OptionsDialog()) optDlg.ShowDialog(); }
private void toolsOptionsMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OptionsDialog.Display(this); }
private Window PrepareWindow(ViewModelBase viewModel, ViewModelBase owner) { Window windowToOpen = null; if (viewModel is MainViewModel) { windowToOpen = new MainWindow(); } else if (viewModel is EncodingViewModel) { windowToOpen = new EncodingWindow(); } else if (viewModel is SubtitleDialogViewModel) { windowToOpen = new SubtitleDialog(); } else if (viewModel is ChoosePresetNameViewModel) { windowToOpen = new ChoosePresetName(); } else if (viewModel is OptionsDialogViewModel) { windowToOpen = new OptionsDialog(); } else if (viewModel is ChapterMarkersDialogViewModel) { windowToOpen = new ChapterMarkersDialog(); } else if (viewModel is PreviewViewModel) { windowToOpen = new PreviewWindow(); } else if (viewModel is AboutDialogViewModel) { windowToOpen = new AboutDialog(); } else if (viewModel is LogViewModel) { windowToOpen = new LogWindow(); } else if (viewModel is QueueColumnsViewModel) { windowToOpen = new QueueColumnsDialog(); } else if (viewModel is ScanMultipleDialogViewModel) { windowToOpen = new ScanMultipleDialog(); } else if (viewModel is QueueTitlesDialogViewModel) { windowToOpen = new QueueTitlesDialog(); } else if (viewModel is AddAutoPauseProcessDialogViewModel) { windowToOpen = new AddAutoPauseProcessDialog(); } else if (viewModel is FileConflictDialogViewModel) { windowToOpen = new FileConflictDialog(); } else if (viewModel is EncodeDetailsViewModel) { windowToOpen = new EncodeDetailsWindow(); } else if (viewModel is ShutdownWarningViewModel) { windowToOpen = new ShutdownWarningWindow(); } if (owner != null) { windowToOpen.Owner = openWindows[owner]; } windowToOpen.DataContext = viewModel; windowToOpen.Closing += this.OnClosing; this.openWindows.Add(viewModel, windowToOpen); return(windowToOpen); }
public GeneralProjectOptionsWidget(Project project, OptionsDialog dialog) { Build(); this.project = project; this.dialog = dialog; nameLabel.UseUnderline = true; descriptionLabel.UseUnderline = true; projectNameEntry.Text = project.Name; projectDescriptionTextView.Buffer.Text = project.Description; // TODO msbuild Move to build panel? if (project is DotNetProject) { projectDefaultNamespaceEntry.Text = ((DotNetProject)project).DefaultNamespace; bool byDefault, require; MSBuildProjectService.CheckHandlerUsesMSBuildEngine(project, out byDefault, out require); if (require) { this.msbuildOptionsSection.Visible = false; this.msbuildHeaderLabel.Visible = false; } else { this.msbuildCheck.Active = project.UseMSBuildEngine ?? byDefault; if (byDefault) { msbuildCheck.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Use MSBuild build engine (recommended for this project type)"); } else { msbuildCheck.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Use MSBuild build engine (unsupported for this project type)"); } } } else { defaultNamespaceLabel.Visible = false; projectDefaultNamespaceEntry.Visible = false; this.msbuildOptionsSection.Visible = false; this.msbuildHeaderLabel.Visible = false; } switch (project.NewFileSearch) { case NewFileSearch.None: newFilesOnLoadCheckButton.Active = false; autoInsertNewFilesCheckButton.Active = false; break; case NewFileSearch.OnLoad: newFilesOnLoadCheckButton.Active = true; autoInsertNewFilesCheckButton.Active = false; break; default: newFilesOnLoadCheckButton.Active = true; autoInsertNewFilesCheckButton.Active = true; break; } entryVersion.Text = project.Version; checkSolutionVersion.Active = project.SyncVersionWithSolution; entryVersion.Sensitive = !project.SyncVersionWithSolution; newFilesOnLoadCheckButton.Clicked += new EventHandler(AutoLoadCheckBoxCheckedChangeEvent); AutoLoadCheckBoxCheckedChangeEvent(null, null); }
protected virtual void OnEinstellungenActivated(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { OptionsDialog opt = new OptionsDialog(); }
void ButtonBase_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (dialog == null) { dialog = new OptionsDialog(CompositionContainerBuilder.Container); dialog.IsVisibleChanged += DialogOnIsVisibleChanged; } dialog.Show(); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new options dialog (a dialog that displays clickable options to the player). /// </summary> /// <param name="displayText">The text to be displayed in the dialog</param> /// <param name="dialogOptions">A collection of dialog options (eg HybrasylDialogOptions) associated with this dialog</param> /// <param name="callback">A callback function or expression that will fire when this dialog is shown to a player</param> /// <param name="handler">A callback function or expression that will handle the response once a player selects (clicks) an option</param> /// <returns>The constructed dialog</returns> public HybrasylDialog NewOptionsDialog(string displayText, HybrasylDialogOptions dialogOptions, string callback = "", string handler = "") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayText)) { GameLog.ScriptingError("NewOptionsDialog: display text (first argument) cannot be null or empty"); return(null); } if (dialogOptions is null || dialogOptions.Options.Count == 0) { GameLog.ScriptingError("NewOptionsDialog: dialogOptions (second or greater argument(s)) null, or had no options"); return(null); } var dialog = new OptionsDialog(displayText); foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in dialogOptions.Options) { if (entry.Value is string) { // Callback dialog.AddDialogOption(entry.Key as string, entry.Value as string); } else if (entry.Value is HybrasylDialog) { var hd = entry.Value as HybrasylDialog; if (hd.DialogType == typeof(JumpDialog)) { // Dialog jump dialog.AddDialogOption(entry.Key as string, hd.Dialog as JumpDialog); } else { GameLog.ScriptingError("NewOptionsDialog: one or more passed option(s) uses type {type} - only jump dialogs are allowed currently", entry.Value.GetType().Name); } } else if (entry.Value is null) { // This is JUST an option, with no callback or jump dialog. The dialog handler will process the option itself. dialog.AddDialogOption(entry.Key as string); } else if (entry.Value is HybrasylDialogSequence) { var hds = entry.Value as HybrasylDialogSequence; dialog.AddDialogOption(entry.Key as string, hds.Sequence); } else { GameLog.ScriptingError("NewOptionsDialog: one or more passed option(s) was an unknown type {type} - this will not work", entry.Value.GetType().Name); } } if (dialog.OptionCount == 0) { GameLog.ScriptingError("NewOptionsDialog: no options were passed or created. This dialog WILL NOT render. DisplayText follows: {displayText}", displayText); } dialog.SetInputHandler(handler); dialog.SetCallbackHandler(callback); return(new HybrasylDialog(dialog)); }
private void OnOpenScreenSaverOptions(object sender, EventArgs e) { Form dialog = new OptionsDialog(); dialog.ShowDialog(); }
public override void Initialize(OptionsDialog dialog, object dataObject) { base.Initialize(dialog, dataObject); }
private void HandleEditOptions([NotNull] object sender, [NotNull] RoutedEventArgs e) { Assert.ArgumentNotNull(sender, "sender"); Assert.ArgumentNotNull(e, "e"); var model = new OptionsViewModel() { AutoClearInput = SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.AutoClearInput, AutoReconnect = SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.AutoReconnect, CommandChar = SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.CommandChar, CommandDelimiter = SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.CommandDelimiter, StartOfLine = SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.CursorPosition == CursorPositionHistory.StartOfLine, EndOfLine = SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.CursorPosition == CursorPositionHistory.EndOfLine, HistorySize = SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.CommandsHistorySize.ToString(), MinLengthHistory = SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.MinLengthHistory.ToString(), ScrollBuffer = SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.ScrollBuffer.ToString(), SettingsFolder = SettingsHolder.Instance.SettingsFolder == SettingsFolder.DocumentsAndSettings, AutoConnect = SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.AutoConnect, SelectedFont = SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.MUDFontName, SelectedFontSize = SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.MUDFontSize, SelectedFontWeight = SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.MudFontWeight, }; var optionsDialog = new OptionsDialog() { DataContext = model, Owner = this }; var dialogResult = optionsDialog.ShowDialog(); if (dialogResult.HasValue && dialogResult.Value) { SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.AutoClearInput = model.AutoClearInput; SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.AutoReconnect = model.AutoReconnect; SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.CommandChar = model.CommandChar; SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.CommandDelimiter = model.CommandDelimiter; SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.AutoConnect = model.AutoConnect; SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.ColorTheme = model.SelectedTheme.Name; ThemeManager.Instance.ActiveTheme = model.SelectedTheme; SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.MUDFontName = model.SelectedFont; SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.MUDFontSize = model.SelectedFontSize; SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.MudFontWeight = model.SelectedFontWeight; if (model.StartOfLine) { SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.CursorPosition = CursorPositionHistory.StartOfLine; } else { SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.CursorPosition = CursorPositionHistory.EndOfLine; } if (model.SettingsFolder) { SettingsHolder.Instance.SettingsFolder = SettingsFolder.DocumentsAndSettings; } else { SettingsHolder.Instance.SettingsFolder = SettingsFolder.ProgramFolder; } int val; if (int.TryParse(model.HistorySize, out val)) { SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.CommandsHistorySize = val; } if (int.TryParse(model.MinLengthHistory, out val)) { SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.MinLengthHistory = val; } if (int.TryParse(model.ScrollBuffer, out val)) { SettingsHolder.Instance.Settings.ScrollBuffer = val < 100000 ? val : 100000; } SettingsHolder.Instance.SaveCommonSettings(); } }
private void toolsDSConfigMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OptionsDialog.Display(this, Resources.DataSourceManagerDataSources); }
public override void Initialize(OptionsDialog dialog, object dataObject) { packagingProject = dataObject as PackagingProject; project = dataObject as DotNetProject; base.Initialize(dialog, dataObject); }
private void toolsTemplatesMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OptionsDialog.Display(this, Resources.TemplateManagerTemplates); }
void IOptionsPanel.Initialize(OptionsDialog dialog, object dataObject) { }
private void optionsMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OptionsDialog optionsForm = new OptionsDialog(); optionsForm.UserAgent = scp.UserAgent; if (optionsForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { bool saveOptions = false; if (scp.UserAgent != optionsForm.UserAgent) { Properties.Settings.Default.UserAgentCurrent = optionsForm.UserAgent; saveOptions = true; scp.UserAgent = optionsForm.UserAgent; scp.Rescan(); } if (saveOptions) { Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } } }
protected override bool OnPerform() { if ((HudController.Instance != null) && (GameUtils.IsOnVacation())) { HudModel model = HudController.Instance.mHudModel as HudModel; if (model != null) { if (model.MinuteChanged != null) { foreach (Delegate del in model.MinuteChanged.GetInvocationList()) { TimeControl control = del.Target as TimeControl; if (control != null) { TimeControlEx.sThs = control; model.MinuteChanged -= TimeControlEx.sThs.OnMinuteChanged; model.MinuteChanged -= TimeControlEx.OnMinuteChanged; model.MinuteChanged += TimeControlEx.OnMinuteChanged; break; } } } } } InventoryPanel inventory = InventoryPanel.sInstance; if ((inventory != null) && (inventory.Visible)) { if (inventory.mTimeAlmanacButton != null) { if (GameUtils.IsFutureWorld()) { inventory.mTimeAlmanacButton.Visible = (GameStates.TravelHousehold == Household.ActiveHousehold); } if (inventory.mTimeAlmanacButton.Visible) { inventory.mTimeAlmanacButton.Click -= inventory.OnClickTimeAlmanac; inventory.mTimeAlmanacButton.Click -= FutureDescendantServiceEx.OnClickTimeAlmanac; inventory.mTimeAlmanacButton.Click += FutureDescendantServiceEx.OnClickTimeAlmanac; } } } EditTownPuck puck = EditTownPuck.Instance; if (puck != null) { if (puck.mReturnToLiveButton != null) { puck.mReturnToLiveButton.Click -= puck.OnReturnToLive; puck.mReturnToLiveButton.Click -= OnReturnToLive; puck.mReturnToLiveButton.Click += OnReturnToLive; } } EditTownInfoPanel panel = EditTownInfoPanel.Instance; if (panel != null) { if ((panel.mActionButtons != null) && (panel.mActionButtons.Length > 8) && (panel.mActionButtons[0x8] != null)) { panel.mActionButtons[0x8].Click -= panel.OnChangeTypeClick; panel.mActionButtons[0x8].Click -= OnChangeTypeClick; panel.mActionButtons[0x8].Click += OnChangeTypeClick; } } OptionsDialog options = OptionsDialog.sDialog; if (options != null) { if (GameUtils.IsInstalled(ProductVersion.EP8)) { Button testButton = options.mSeasonWindow.GetChildByID(0xdf085c3, true) as Button; if ((testButton != null) && (!testButton.Enabled)) { using (BaseWorldReversion reversion = new BaseWorldReversion()) { foreach (Button weather in options.mEnabledWeatherButtons.Values) { weather.Enabled = true; } if (options.mFahrenheitRadio != null) { options.mFahrenheitRadio.Enabled = true; } if (options.mCelciusRadio != null) { options.mCelciusRadio.Enabled = true; } options.SetupSeasonControls(false, ref options.mOldSeasonData); } } } } FutureDescendantService instance = FutureDescendantServiceEx.GetInstance(); if (Sims3.UI.Responder.Instance.InLiveMode && Traveler.Settings.mDisableDescendants && instance.mEventListeners.Count > 0) { instance.CleanUpEventListeners(); } return(true); }
// Tools private void MenuToolsOptions_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var optionsWindow = new OptionsDialog(); optionsWindow.ShowDialog(this); }
private void OptionsIcon_Clicked(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { //new OptionsDialog(Settings).ShowDialog(); OptionsDialog od = new OptionsDialog(Settings.GetCopy()); bool? result = od.ShowDialog(); if (result != null && result.HasValue && result.Value) { od.Settings.CopyTo(Settings); Settings.Save(Path.Combine(AppFolder, "settings.xml")); } }
public ValidateOptionsCommand(OptionsDialog dlg) { this.dlg = dlg; }
public override void OnShowOptionsDialog( OptionsDialog dialog ) { base.OnShowOptionsDialog( dialog ); if( addPageToOptions ) dialog.AddLeaf( new AddonOptionsLeaf() ); }
public SolutionRunConfigurationsPanelWidget(SolutionRunConfigurationsPanel panel, OptionsDialog dialog) { this.panel = panel; Margin = 6; Spacing = 6; list = new RunConfigurationsList(); PackStart(list, true); var box = new Xwt.HBox(); box.Spacing = 6; var btn = new Xwt.Button(GettextCatalog.GetString("New")); btn.Clicked += OnAddConfiguration; box.PackStart(btn, false); copyButton = new Xwt.Button(GettextCatalog.GetString("Duplicate")); copyButton.Clicked += OnCopyConfiguration; box.PackStart(copyButton, false); renameButton = new Xwt.Button(GettextCatalog.GetString("Rename")); renameButton.Clicked += OnRenameConfiguration; box.PackStart(renameButton, false); removeButton = new Xwt.Button(GettextCatalog.GetString("Remove")); removeButton.Clicked += OnRemoveConfiguration; box.PackEnd(removeButton, false); Fill(); PackStart(box, false); list.SelectionChanged += (sender, e) => UpdateButtons(); list.RowActivated += (sender, e) => panel.ShowConfiguration((MultiItemSolutionRunConfiguration)list.SelectedConfiguration); UpdateButtons(); }