            public InsertNodeTool(ConversationDataControl content, ConversationNodeDataControl parent, int nodeType, int index)
                this.content    = content;
                this.isRootNode = parent == null;
                this.parent     = isRootNode ? content.getRootNode() : parent;
                ConversationNode node = null;

                switch (nodeType)
                case DIALOG_NODE: node = new DialogueConversationNode(); break;

                case OPTION_NODE: node = new OptionConversationNode(); break;

                this.index = index;
                var parentRect = isRootNode ? new RectInt(0, 25, 0, 0) : parent.getEditorRect();
                var childRect  = isRootNode ? content.getRootNode().getEditorRect() : parent.getChilds()[index].getEditorRect();

                var center = (parentRect.center + childRect.center) / 2f;

                node.setEditorX((int)(center.x - node.getEditorWidth() / 2f));
                node.setEditorY((int)(center.y - node.getEditorHeight() / 2f));

                this.newNode  = ConversationNodeDataControlFactory.Instance.CreateDataControlFor(content, node);
                this.subTools = CreateTools();
            public LinkConversationNodeTool(ConversationDataControl conversation, ConversationNodeDataControl father, int nodeType, int index)
                this.father = father;
                ConversationNode childNode = null;

                if (nodeType == DIALOG_NODE)
                    childNode = new DialogueConversationNode();
                else if (nodeType == OPTION_NODE)
                    childNode = new OptionConversationNode();
                    throw new Exception("Not valid node type!");
                var parentRect = this.father.getEditorRect();

                childNode.setEditorX(parentRect.x + parentRect.width + 35);

                child = this.father.conversation.getNodeDataControl(childNode);

                this.father     = father;
                this.controller = Controller.Instance;
                this.index      = index;
        public void clicked(int option)
            this.child = option;
            OptionConversationNode onode = ((OptionConversationNode)node);

            if (option == onode.getChildCount()) // Timeout
                // TODO Analytics for timeout

            if (TrackerAsset.Instance.Started && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(onode.getXApiQuestion()))
                isTracePending = true;
                xAPISuccess    = onode.getLine(option).getXApiCorrect();
                xAPIQuestion   = onode.getXApiQuestion();
                xAPIResponse   = onode.getLine(option).getText().Replace(",", " ");
                trace          = TrackerAsset.Instance.Alternative.Selected(xAPIQuestion, xAPIResponse, AlternativeTracker.Alternative.Question);
                trace.Result.Duration = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime;
                Game.Instance.OnActionCanceled += ActionCancelled;
            public AddRemoveConversationNodeTool(int nodeType, ConversationNodeDataControl parent, int index)
                this.parent = parent;

                ConversationNode child = null;

                if (nodeType == DIALOG_NODE)
                    child = new DialogueConversationNode();
                else if (nodeType == OPTION_NODE)
                    child = new OptionConversationNode();

                if (child != null)
                    var parentRect = parent.getEditorRect();
                    child.setEditorX(parentRect.x + parentRect.width + 35);

                    this.childDataControl = parent.conversation.getNodeDataControl(child);
                    this.index            = index; // Insert at last
                    this.add = true;
     * @Override
     * public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
     * {
     *  OptionConversationNode ocn = (OptionConversationNode) super.clone( );
     *  ocn.effectConsumed = effectConsumed;
     *  ocn.effects = ( effects != null ? (Effects) effects.clone( ) : null );
     *  /*		if (optionNodes != null) {
     *                          ocn.optionNodes = new List<ConversationNode>();
     *                          for (ConversationNode cn : optionNodes)
     *                                  ocn.optionNodes.add((ConversationNode) cn.clone());
     *                  }*/ /*
     *  ocn.optionNodes = new List<ConversationNode>( );
     *  if( options != null ) {
     *      ocn.options = new List<ConversationLine>( );
     *      for( ConversationLine cl : options )
     *          ocn.options.add( (ConversationLine) cl.clone( ) );
     *  }
     * ocn.random = random;
     *  ocn.keepShowing = keepShowing;
     *  ocn.showUserOption = showUserOption;
     *  return ocn;
     * }*/

    public override object Clone()
        OptionConversationNode ocn = (OptionConversationNode)base.Clone();

        ocn.effectConsumed = effectConsumed;
        ocn.effects        = (effects != null ? (Effects)effects.Clone() : null);

        /*		if (optionNodes != null) {
         *                      ocn.optionNodes = new ArrayList<ConversationNode>();
         *                      for (ConversationNode cn : optionNodes)
         *                              ocn.optionNodes.add((ConversationNode) cn.clone());
         *              }*/
        ocn.optionNodes = new List <ConversationNode>();
        if (options != null)
            ocn.options = new List <ConversationLine>();
            foreach (ConversationLine cl in options)
        ocn.random         = random;
        ocn.keepShowing    = keepShowing;
        ocn.showUserOption = showUserOption;
        public void clicked(int option)
            this.child = option;
            OptionConversationNode onode = ((OptionConversationNode)node);

            Tracker.T.alternative.Selected(onode.getXApiQuestion(), onode.getLine(option).getText().Replace(",", " "), onode.getLine(option).getXApiCorrect(), AlternativeTracker.Alternative.Question);
    public OptionNodeEditor()
        myNode = new OptionConversationNode();

        conditionsTex   = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("EAdventureData/img/icons/conditions-24x24", typeof(Texture2D));
        noConditionsTex = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("EAdventureData/img/icons/no-conditions-24x24", typeof(Texture2D));

        linkTex   = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("EAdventureData/img/icons/linkNode", typeof(Texture2D));
        noLinkTex = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("EAdventureData/img/icons/deleteNodeLink", typeof(Texture2D));

        effectTex   = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("EAdventureData/img/icons/effects/32x32/has-macro", typeof(Texture2D));
        noEffectTex = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("EAdventureData/img/icons/effects/32x32/macro", typeof(Texture2D));

        noBackgroundSkin = (GUISkin)Resources.Load("Editor/EditorNoBackgroundSkin", typeof(GUISkin));
        noBackgroundSkin.button.margin  = new RectOffset(1, 1, 1, 1);
        noBackgroundSkin.button.padding = new RectOffset(0, 0, 0, 0);
        void OnGUI()
            float guiscale = Screen.width / 800f;

            style.box.fontSize    = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 20);
            style.button.fontSize = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 20);
            style.label.fontSize  = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 20);
            optionlabel.fontSize  = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 36);
            style.GetStyle("talk_player").fontSize = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 20);
            //float rectwith = guiscale * 330;

            switch (guistate)
            case guiState.ANSWERS_MENU:
                GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(Screen.width * 0.1f, Screen.height * 0.1f, Screen.width * 0.8f, Screen.height * 0.8f));
                OptionConversationNode options = (OptionConversationNode)guioptions.getNode();

                GUILayout.Label(GUIManager.Instance.Last, optionlabel);
                for (int i = 0; i < options.getLineCount(); i++)
                    ConversationLine ono = options.getLine(i);
                    if (ConditionChecker.check(options.getLineConditions(i)))
                        if (GUILayout.Button((string)ono.getText(), style.button))

                            /*Tracker.T ().Choice (GUIManager.Instance.Last, ono.getText ());
                             * Tracker.T ().RequestFlush ();*/

            default: break;
        public void clicked(int option)
            this.child = option;
            OptionConversationNode onode = ((OptionConversationNode)node);

            if (option == onode.getChildCount()) // Timeout
                // TODO Analytics for timeout

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(onode.getXApiQuestion()))
                isTracePending = true;
                xAPISuccess  = onode.getLine(option).getXApiCorrect();
                xAPIQuestion = onode.getXApiQuestion();
                xAPIResponse = onode.getLine(option).getText().Replace(",", " ");
        protected void OnGUI()
            switch (guistate)
            case GUIState.BOOK:
                if (ShowingBook)
                    bookDrawer.Draw(new Rect(Vector2.zero, new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height)));

            case GUIState.ANSWERS_MENU:

                using (new GUIUtil.SkinScope(skin))
                    float guiscale = Screen.width / 800f;
                    skin.box.fontSize    = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 20);
                    skin.button.fontSize = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 20);
                    skin.label.fontSize  = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 20);
                    skin.GetStyle("optionLabel").fontSize      = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 36);
                    skin.GetStyle("talk_player").fontSize      = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 20);
                    skin.GetStyle("emptyProgressBar").fontSize = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 20);

                    using (new GUILayout.AreaScope(new Rect(Screen.width * 0.1f, Screen.height * 0.1f, Screen.width * 0.8f, Screen.height * 0.8f)))
                        using (new GUILayout.VerticalScope())
                            OptionConversationNode options = (OptionConversationNode)guioptions.getNode();

                            if (options.isKeepShowing())
                                var text = GUIManager.Instance.Last;
                                if (text[0] == '#')
                                    text = text.Remove(0, Mathf.Max(0, text.IndexOf(' ') + 1));

                                var textContent = new GUIContent(text);
                                var textRect    = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(textContent, "optionLabel");

                                GUIUtil.DrawTextBorder(textRect, textContent, Color.black, "optionLabel");
                                GUIUtil.DrawText(textRect, textContent, ((GUIStyle)"optionLabel").normal.textColor, "optionLabel");
                            foreach (var i in order)
                                ConversationLine ono = options.getLine(i);
                                if (ConditionChecker.check(options.getLineConditions(i)) && GUILayout.Button(ono.getText()))

                            if (doTimeOut)
                                if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && elapsedTime > options.Timeout)
                                    OptionSelected(options.getChildCount() - 1);

                                var timeLeft     = Mathf.Max(0, options.Timeout - elapsedTime);
                                var timeLeftText = Mathf.Round(timeLeft * 10) / 10 + " s";
                                DrawProgressBar(GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(0, 0, "emptyProgressBar", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.Height(50)), timeLeftText, 1 - (elapsedTime / options.Timeout));

            default: break;
        protected void OnGUI()
            switch (guistate)
            case GUIState.BOOK:
                if (ShowingBook)
                    bookDrawer.Draw(new Rect(Vector2.zero, new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height)));

            case GUIState.ANSWERS_MENU:

                using (new GUIUtil.SkinScope(skin))
                    float guiscale = Screen.width / 800f;
                    skin.box.fontSize                          = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 20);
                    skin.button.fontSize                       = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 20);
                    skin.button.alignment                      = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
                    skin.button.imagePosition                  = ImagePosition.ImageAbove;
                    skin.button.stretchHeight                  = false;
                    skin.button.stretchWidth                   = true;
                    skin.label.fontSize                        = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 20);
                    skin.GetStyle("optionLabel").fontSize      = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 36);
                    skin.GetStyle("talk_player").fontSize      = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 20);
                    skin.GetStyle("emptyProgressBar").fontSize = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 20);

                    using (new GUILayout.AreaScope(new Rect(Screen.width * 0.1f, Screen.height * 0.1f, Screen.width * 0.8f, Screen.height * 0.8f)))
                        using (new GUILayout.VerticalScope())
                            OptionConversationNode options = (OptionConversationNode)guioptions.getNode();

                            if (options.isKeepShowing())
                                var text = GUIManager.Instance.Last;
                                if (text[0] == '#')
                                    text = text.Remove(0, Mathf.Max(0, text.IndexOf(' ') + 1));

                                var textContent = new GUIContent(text);
                                var textRect    = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(textContent, "optionLabel");

                                GUIUtil.DrawTextBorder(textRect, textContent, Color.black, "optionLabel");
                                GUIUtil.DrawText(textRect, textContent, ((GUIStyle)"optionLabel").normal.textColor, "optionLabel");
                            foreach (var i in order)
                                ConversationLine ono = options.getLine(i);
                                var content          = new GUIContent(ono.getText());
                                var resources        = ono.getResources().Checked().FirstOrDefault();

                                if (resources != null && resources.existAsset("image") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(resources.getAssetPath("image")))
                                    var imagePath = resources.getAssetPath("image");
                                    var image     = ResourceManager.getImage(imagePath);
                                    if (image)
                                        content.image = image;
                                        if (image.height > 240)

                                if (ConditionChecker.check(options.getLineConditions(i)) && GUILayout.Button(content, auxLimitList.ToArray()))

                            if (doTimeOut)
                                if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && elapsedTime > options.Timeout)
                                    OptionSelected(options.getChildCount() - 1);

                                var timeLeft     = Mathf.Max(0, options.Timeout - elapsedTime);
                                var timeLeftText = Mathf.Round(timeLeft * 10) / 10 + " s";
                                DrawProgressBar(GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(0, 0, "emptyProgressBar", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.Height(50)), timeLeftText, 1 - (elapsedTime / options.Timeout));

            default: break;
    public override void ParseElement(XmlElement element)
            speakschar = element.SelectNodes("speak-char"),
            speaksplayer = element.SelectNodes("speak-player"),
            responses = element.SelectNodes("response"),
            options = element.SelectNodes("option"),
            effects = element.SelectNodes("effect"),
            gosback = element.SelectNodes("go-back");

        string tmpArgVal;

        // Store the name
        string conversationName = "";

        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("id");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            conversationName = tmpArgVal;

        // Create a dialogue node (which will be the root node) and add it to a new tree
        // The content of the tree will be built adding nodes directly to the root
        currentNode = new DialogueConversationNode();
        conversation = new TreeConversation(conversationName, currentNode);
        pastOptionNodes = new List<ConversationNode>();

        foreach (XmlElement el in speakschar)
            // Set default name to "NPC"
            characterName = "NPC";
            audioPath = "";

            // If there is a "idTarget" attribute, store it
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("idTarget");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                characterName = tmpArgVal;

            // If there is a "uri" attribute, store it as audio path
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("uri");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                audioPath = tmpArgVal;

            // If there is a "uri" attribute, store it as audio path
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("synthesize");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                string response = tmpArgVal;
                if (response.Equals("yes"))
                    synthesizerVoice = true;
                    synthesizerVoice = false;

            // Store the read string into the current node, and then delete the string. The trim is performed so we
            // don't
            // have to worry with indentations or leading/trailing spaces
            ConversationLine line = new ConversationLine(characterName, el.InnerText);
            if (audioPath != null && !this.audioPath.Equals(""))

            if (synthesizerVoice != null)


        foreach (XmlElement el in speaksplayer)
            audioPath = "";

            // If there is a "uri" attribute, store it as audio path
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("uri");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                audioPath = tmpArgVal;
            // If there is a "uri" attribute, store it as audio path
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("synthesize");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                string response = tmpArgVal;
                if (response.Equals("yes"))
                    synthesizerVoice = true;
                    synthesizerVoice = false;

            // Store the read string into the current node, and then delete the string. The trim is performed so we
            // don't have to worry with indentations or leading/trailing spaces
            ConversationLine line = new ConversationLine(ConversationLine.PLAYER, el.InnerText);
            if (audioPath != null && !this.audioPath.Equals(""))
            if (synthesizerVoice != null)


        foreach (XmlElement el in responses)

            //If there is a "random" attribute, store is the options will be random
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("random");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                if (tmpArgVal.Equals("yes"))
                    random = true;
                    random = false;

            //If there is a "keepShowing" attribute, keep the previous conversation line showing
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("keepShowing");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                if (tmpArgVal.Equals("yes"))
                    keepShowing = true;
                    keepShowing = false;

            //If there is a "showUserOption" attribute, identify if show the user response at option node
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("showUserOption");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                if (tmpArgVal.Equals("yes"))
                    showUserOption = true;
                    showUserOption = false;

            //If there is a "showUserOption" attribute, identify if show the user response at option node
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("preListening");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                if (tmpArgVal.Equals("yes"))
                    preListening = true;
                    preListening = false;

            //If there is a "x" and "y" attributes with the position where the option node has to be painted,
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("preListening");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                if (tmpArgVal.Equals("yes"))
                    preListening = true;
                    preListening = false;

            //If there is a "x" and "y" attributes with the position where the option node has to be painted
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("x");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                x = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("y");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                y = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);

            // Create a new OptionNode, and link it to the current node
            ConversationNode nuevoNodoOpcion = new OptionConversationNode(random, keepShowing, showUserOption, preListening, x, y);

            // Change the actual node for the option node recently created
            currentNode = nuevoNodoOpcion;
        foreach (XmlElement el in options)
            currentNode = pastOptionNodes[pastOptionNodes.Count - 1];
            pastOptionNodes.RemoveAt(pastOptionNodes.Count - 1);
        foreach (XmlElement el in effects)
            currentEffects = new Effects();
            new EffectSubParser_(currentEffects, chapter).ParseElement(el);
        foreach (XmlElement el in gosback)
            currentNode.addChild(pastOptionNodes[pastOptionNodes.Count - 1]);

        chapter.addConversation(new GraphConversation((TreeConversation)conversation));
        protected void OnGUI()
            if (loadingScreen != null)

            switch (guistate)
            case GUIState.BOOK:
                if (ShowingBook)
                    bookDrawer.Draw(new Rect(Vector2.zero, new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height)));

            case GUIState.ANSWERS_MENU:

                using (new GUIUtil.SkinScope(skin))
                    float guiscale         = Screen.width / 800f;
                    var   buttonImageWidth = (200f / 600f) * Screen.height;
                    skin.box.fontSize                          = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 20);
                    skin.button.fontSize                       = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 20);
                    skin.button.alignment                      = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
                    skin.button.imagePosition                  = ImagePosition.ImageAbove;
                    skin.button.stretchHeight                  = false;
                    skin.button.stretchWidth                   = true;
                    skin.label.fontSize                        = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 20);
                    skin.GetStyle("optionLabel").fontSize      = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 36);
                    skin.GetStyle("talk_player").fontSize      = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 20);
                    skin.GetStyle("emptyProgressBar").fontSize = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 20);
                    OptionConversationNode options = (OptionConversationNode)guioptions.getNode();
                    var areawidth = Screen.width * 0.8f;
                    using (new GUILayout.AreaScope(new Rect(Screen.width * 0.1f, Screen.height * 0.1f, areawidth, Screen.height * 0.8f)))
                        using (new GUILayout.VerticalScope(GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)))
                            var restWidth        = 1f;
                            var initedHorizontal = false;

                            if (options.isKeepShowing() && GUIManager.Instance.Line != null)
                                var text = GUIManager.Instance.Line.getText();
                                if (text[0] == '#')
                                    text = text.Remove(0, Mathf.Max(0, text.IndexOf(' ') + 1));

                                var textContent = new GUIContent(text);
                                var textRect    = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(textContent, "optionLabel");

                                GUIUtil.DrawTextBorder(textRect, textContent, Color.black, "optionLabel");
                                GUIUtil.DrawText(textRect, textContent, ((GUIStyle)"optionLabel").normal.textColor, "optionLabel");

                                var resources = GUIManager.Instance.Line.getResources().Checked().FirstOrDefault();
                                if (resources != null)
                                    var image = resources.existAsset("image") ? Game.Instance.ResourceManager.getImage(resources.getAssetPath("image")) : null;
                                    if (image)
                                        initedHorizontal = true;
                                        restWidth        = 0.7f;
                                        var imageRatio  = image.width / (float)image.height;
                                        var imageWidth  = areawidth * 0.28f;
                                        var imageHeight = Mathf.Min(imageWidth / imageRatio, Screen.height * 0.45f);
                                        using (new GUILayout.VerticalScope(GUILayout.Width(areawidth * 0.3f)))
                                            GUILayout.Box(image, GUILayout.Width(imageWidth), GUILayout.Height(imageHeight));

                            using (new GUILayout.VerticalScope(GUILayout.Width(areawidth * restWidth)))
                                if (options.Horizontal)
                                var elementsLeft = options.getLineCount();
                                while (elementsLeft > 0)
                                    if (options.Horizontal)
                                    var start     = options.getLineCount() - elementsLeft;
                                    var amount    = options.MaxElemsPerRow > 0 ? options.MaxElemsPerRow : options.getLineCount();
                                    var end       = Mathf.Clamp(start + amount, 0, options.getLineCount());
                                    var eachWidth = (areawidth * restWidth / (end - start)) - 20;
                                    for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
                                        ConversationLine ono = options.getLine(order[i]);
                                        var content          = new GUIContent(ono.getText());
                                        var resources        = ono.getResources().Checked().FirstOrDefault();
                                        if (end - start > 1 && options.Horizontal)

                                        if (resources != null && resources.existAsset("image") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(resources.getAssetPath("image")))
                                            var imagePath = resources.getAssetPath("image");
                                            var image     = ResourceManager.getImage(imagePath);
                                            if (image)
                                                content.image = image;

                                                /*if (image.height > buttonImageWidth)
                                                 * {*/
                                                auxLimitList.Add(GUILayout.Height(buttonImageWidth - 20));

                                        if (ConditionChecker.check(options.getLineConditions(order[i])) && GUILayout.Button(content, auxLimitList.ToArray()))
                                    elementsLeft = options.getLineCount() - end;
                                    if (options.Horizontal)

                                    if (doTimeOut)
                                        if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && elapsedTime > options.Timeout)
                                            OptionSelected(options.getChildCount() - 1);

                                        var timeLeft     = Mathf.Max(0, options.Timeout - elapsedTime);
                                        var timeLeftText = Mathf.Round(timeLeft * 10) / 10 + " s";
                                        DrawProgressBar(GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(0, 0, "emptyProgressBar", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.Height(50)), timeLeftText, 1 - (elapsedTime / options.Timeout));

                                if (initedHorizontal)

                                if (options.Horizontal)

            default: break;
    public override void ParseElement(XmlElement element)
            speakschar   = element.SelectNodes("speak-char"),
            speaksplayer = element.SelectNodes("speak-player"),
            responses    = element.SelectNodes("response"),
            options      = element.SelectNodes("option"),
            effects      = element.SelectNodes("effect"),
            gosback      = element.SelectNodes("go-back");

        string tmpArgVal;

        // Store the name
        string conversationName = "";

        tmpArgVal = element.GetAttribute("id");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
            conversationName = tmpArgVal;

        // Create a dialogue node (which will be the root node) and add it to a new tree
        // The content of the tree will be built adding nodes directly to the root
        currentNode     = new DialogueConversationNode();
        conversation    = new TreeConversation(conversationName, currentNode);
        pastOptionNodes = new List <ConversationNode>();

        foreach (XmlElement el in speakschar)
            // Set default name to "NPC"
            characterName = "NPC";
            audioPath     = "";

            // If there is a "idTarget" attribute, store it
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("idTarget");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                characterName = tmpArgVal;

            // If there is a "uri" attribute, store it as audio path
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("uri");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                audioPath = tmpArgVal;

            // If there is a "uri" attribute, store it as audio path
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("synthesize");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                string response = tmpArgVal;
                if (response.Equals("yes"))
                    synthesizerVoice = true;
                    synthesizerVoice = false;

            // Store the read string into the current node, and then delete the string. The trim is performed so we
            // don't
            // have to worry with indentations or leading/trailing spaces
            ConversationLine line = new ConversationLine(characterName, el.InnerText);
            if (audioPath != null && !this.audioPath.Equals(""))

            if (synthesizerVoice != null)

        foreach (XmlElement el in speaksplayer)
            audioPath = "";

            // If there is a "uri" attribute, store it as audio path
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("uri");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                audioPath = tmpArgVal;
            // If there is a "uri" attribute, store it as audio path
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("synthesize");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                string response = tmpArgVal;
                if (response.Equals("yes"))
                    synthesizerVoice = true;
                    synthesizerVoice = false;

            // Store the read string into the current node, and then delete the string. The trim is performed so we
            // don't have to worry with indentations or leading/trailing spaces
            ConversationLine line = new ConversationLine(ConversationLine.PLAYER, el.InnerText);
            if (audioPath != null && !this.audioPath.Equals(""))
            if (synthesizerVoice != null)


        foreach (XmlElement el in responses)
            //If there is a "random" attribute, store is the options will be random
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("random");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                if (tmpArgVal.Equals("yes"))
                    random = true;
                    random = false;

            //If there is a "keepShowing" attribute, keep the previous conversation line showing
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("keepShowing");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                if (tmpArgVal.Equals("yes"))
                    keepShowing = true;
                    keepShowing = false;

            //If there is a "showUserOption" attribute, identify if show the user response at option node
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("showUserOption");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                if (tmpArgVal.Equals("yes"))
                    showUserOption = true;
                    showUserOption = false;

            //If there is a "showUserOption" attribute, identify if show the user response at option node
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("preListening");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                if (tmpArgVal.Equals("yes"))
                    preListening = true;
                    preListening = false;

            //If there is a "x" and "y" attributes with the position where the option node has to be painted,
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("preListening");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                if (tmpArgVal.Equals("yes"))
                    preListening = true;
                    preListening = false;

            //If there is a "x" and "y" attributes with the position where the option node has to be painted
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("x");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                x = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);
            tmpArgVal = el.GetAttribute("y");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpArgVal))
                y = int.Parse(tmpArgVal);

            // Create a new OptionNode, and link it to the current node
            ConversationNode nuevoNodoOpcion = new OptionConversationNode(random, keepShowing, showUserOption, preListening, x, y);

            // Change the actual node for the option node recently created
            currentNode = nuevoNodoOpcion;
        foreach (XmlElement el in options)
            currentNode = pastOptionNodes[pastOptionNodes.Count - 1];
            pastOptionNodes.RemoveAt(pastOptionNodes.Count - 1);
        foreach (XmlElement el in effects)
            currentEffects = new Effects();
            new EffectSubParser_(currentEffects, chapter).ParseElement(el);
        foreach (XmlElement el in gosback)
            currentNode.addChild(pastOptionNodes[pastOptionNodes.Count - 1]);

        chapter.addConversation(new GraphConversation((TreeConversation)conversation));
    void OnGUI()
        float guiscale = Screen.width / 800f;

        style.box.fontSize    = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 20);
        style.button.fontSize = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 20);
        style.label.fontSize  = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 20);
        optionlabel.fontSize  = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 36);
        //style.label.fontSize = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 20);
        style.GetStyle("talk_player").fontSize = Mathf.RoundToInt(guiscale * 20);

        float rectwith = guiscale * 330;

        switch (guistate)
        case guiState.TALK_PLAYER:
            /*GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect ((Screen.width/2)-rectwith/2, 50, rectwith, 400));
             * GUILayout.BeginHorizontal ();
             * GUILayout.Box (guitext,style.GetStyle("talk_player"));
             * GUILayout.EndHorizontal ();
             * GUILayout.EndArea ();*/

        case guiState.TALK_CHARACTER:
            /*GUIStyle current = new GUIStyle(style.box);
             * if (this.guitalkerObject != null) {
             * position = Camera.current.WorldToScreenPoint (this.guitalkerObject.transform.position);
             * Color tmp = Color.black;
             * NPC cha = data.getChapters () [current_chapter].getCharacter (guitalker);
             * ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString(
             *  cha.getTextFrontColor()
             *  ,out tmp);
             * current.normal.textColor = tmp;
             * current.normal.background = BorderGenerator.generateFor (cha);
             * }else
             * position = new Vector2(Screen.width/2,100);
             * if(position.x <= rectwith/2)
             * position.x = rectwith/2;
             * else if(position.x >= (Screen.width - rectwith/2) )
             * position.x = (Screen.width - rectwith/2);
             * GUILayout.BeginArea (
             * new Rect (position.x-rectwith/2,
             *  Screen.height
             *  - position.y
             *  - (this.guitalkerObject.GetComponent<CharacterMB>().getHeight())*guiscale/2
             *  - current.CalcHeight(new GUIContent(guitext),rectwith), rectwith, 400)
             * );
             * GUILayout.BeginHorizontal ();
             * GUILayout.Box (guitext,current);
             * GUILayout.EndHorizontal ();
             * GUILayout.EndArea ();*/

        case guiState.ANSWERS_MENU:
            GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(Screen.width * 0.1f, Screen.height * 0.1f, Screen.width * 0.8f, Screen.height * 0.8f));
            OptionConversationNode options = (OptionConversationNode)guioptions.getNode();

            GUILayout.Label(guitext, optionlabel);
            for (int i = 0; i < options.getLineCount(); i++)
                ConversationLine ono = options.getLine(i);
                if (ConditionChecker.check(options.getLineConditions(i)))
                    if (GUILayout.Button((string)ono.getText(), style.button))

        case guiState.LOADING_GAME:

        case guiState.NOTHING:
            /*if(loader_state == loaderState.LOADING){
             *  GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect (Screen.width*0.1f, Screen.height*0.1f, Screen.width*0.8f, Screen.height*0.8f));
             *  GUILayout.BeginVertical ();
             *  GUILayout.Label ("Cargando",style.label);
             *  if(totals != null){
             *      GUILayout.Box ("Personajes: " + this.characters.Count + " de " + totals["Characters"],style.box);
             *      GUILayout.Box ("Objetos: " + this.objects.Count + " de " + totals["Objects"],style.box);
             *      GUILayout.Box ("Objetos de Atrezzo: " + this.atrezzos.Count + " de " + totals["Atrezzos"],style.box);
             *      GUILayout.Box ("Estados Globales: " + this.global_states.Count + " de " + totals["Global-States"],style.box);
             *      GUILayout.Box ("Grafos de Conversacion: " + this.graph_conversations.Count + " de " + totals["Graph-conversations"],style.box);
             *      GUILayout.Box ("Macros: " + this.macros.Count + " de " + totals["Macros"],style.box);
             *      GUILayout.Box ("Escenas: " + this.scenes.Count + " de " + totals["Scene"],style.box);
             *  }
             *  GUILayout.EndVertical ();
             *  GUILayout.EndArea ();
             * }*/

        case guiState.GAME_SELECTION:
        /*GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect (Screen.width*0.1f, Screen.height*0.1f, Screen.width*0.8f, Screen.height*0.8f));
         * GUILayout.BeginVertical ();
         * string[] games = Directory.GetDirectories("Games/");
         * GUILayout.Label("eAdventure Loader v0.1",style.label);
         * foreach(string game in games){
         *  if(GUILayout.Button (game.Split('/')[1],style.button)){
         *      this.selected_game = game + "/";
         *      //this.startLoad();
         *  };
         * }
         * GUILayout.EndVertical ();
         * GUILayout.EndArea ();
         * break;*/
        default: break;
 public OptionNodeDataControl(ConversationDataControl conversation, ConversationNode conversationNode) : base(conversation, conversationNode)
     this.optionConversationNode = conversationNode as OptionConversationNode;
     this.timeoutConditions      = new ConditionsController(optionConversationNode.TimeoutConditions);
     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see conversationaleditor.xmlparser.ConversationParser#startElement(java.lang.string, java.lang.string,
     *      java.lang.string, org.xml.sax.Attributes)
    public override void startElement(string namespaceURI, string sName, string qName, Dictionary <string, string> attrs)
        // If no element is being subparsed
        if (subParsing == SUBPARSING_NONE)
            // If it is a "conversation" we pick the name, so we can build the tree later
            if (qName.Equals("tree-conversation"))
                // Store the name
                string conversationName = "";
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in attrs)
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("id"))
                        conversationName = entry.Value.ToString();

                // Create a dialogue node (which will be the root node) and add it to a new tree
                // The content of the tree will be built adding nodes directly to the root
                currentNode     = new DialogueConversationNode();
                conversation    = new TreeConversation(conversationName, currentNode);
                pastOptionNodes = new List <ConversationNode>();

            // If it is a non-player character line, store the character name and audio path (if present)
            else if (qName.Equals("speak-char"))
                // Set default name to "NPC"
                characterName = "NPC";
                audioPath     = "";

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in attrs)
                    // If there is a "idTarget" attribute, store it
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("idTarget"))
                        characterName = entry.Value.ToString();

                    // If there is a "uri" attribute, store it as audio path
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("uri"))
                        audioPath = entry.Value.ToString();
                    // If there is a "synthesize" attribute, store its value
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("synthesize"))
                        string response = entry.Value.ToString();
                        if (response.Equals("yes"))
                            synthesizerVoice = true;
                            synthesizerVoice = false;

            // If it is a player character line, store the audio path (if present)
            else if (qName.Equals("speak-player"))
                audioPath = "";

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in attrs)
                    // If there is a "uri" attribute, store it as audio path
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("uri"))
                        audioPath = entry.Value.ToString();

                    // If there is a "synthesize" attribute, store its value
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("synthesize"))
                        string response = entry.Value.ToString();
                        if (response.Equals("yes"))
                            synthesizerVoice = true;
                            synthesizerVoice = false;

            // If it is a point with a set of possible responses, create a new OptionNode
            else if (qName.Equals("response"))
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in attrs)
                    //If there is a "random" attribute, store is the options will be random
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("random"))
                        if (entry.Value.ToString().Equals("yes"))
                            random = true;
                            random = false;
                    //If there is a "keepShowing" attribute, keep the previous conversation line showing
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("keepShowing"))
                        if (entry.Value.ToString().Equals("yes"))
                            keepShowing = true;
                            keepShowing = false;
                    //If there is a "showUserOption" attribute, identify if show the user response at option node
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("showUserOption"))
                        if (entry.Value.ToString().Equals("yes"))
                            showUserOption = true;
                            showUserOption = false;

                    //If there is a "showUserOption" attribute, identify if show the user response at option node
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("preListening"))
                        if (entry.Value.ToString().Equals("yes"))
                            preListening = true;
                            preListening = false;

                    //If there is a "x" and "y" attributes with the position where the option node has to be painted,
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("x"))
                        x = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());

                    if (entry.Key.Equals("y"))
                        y = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                // Create a new OptionNode, and link it to the current node
                ConversationNode nuevoNodoOpcion = new OptionConversationNode(random, keepShowing, showUserOption, preListening, x, y);

                // Change the actual node for the option node recently created
                currentNode = nuevoNodoOpcion;

            // If we are about to read an option, change the state of the recognizer, so we can read the line of the
            // option
            else if (qName.Equals("option"))
                state = STATE_WAITING_OPTION;

            // If it is an effect tag, create new effect, new subparser and switch state
            else if (qName.Equals("effect"))
                currentEffects  = new Effects();
                effectSubParser = new EffectSubParser(currentEffects, chapter);
                subParsing      = SUBPARSING_EFFECT;

            // If there is a go back, link the current node (which will be a DialogueNode) with the last OptionNode
            // stored
            else if (qName.Equals("go-back"))
                currentNode.addChild(pastOptionNodes[pastOptionNodes.Count - 1]);

        // If an effect element is being subparsed, spread the call
        if (subParsing == SUBPARSING_EFFECT)
            effectSubParser.startElement(namespaceURI, sName, qName, attrs);
 public OptionsPositionTool(OptionConversationNode optionNode, bool bottomPosition)
     this.optionNode     = optionNode;
     this.bottomPosition = bottomPosition;
     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see conversationaleditor.xmlparser.ConversationParser#startElement(java.lang.string, java.lang.string,
     *      java.lang.string, org.xml.sax.Attributes)
    public override void startElement(string namespaceURI, string sName, string qName, Dictionary<string, string> attrs)
        // If no element is being subparsed
        if (subParsing == SUBPARSING_NONE)

            // If it is a "conversation" we pick the name, so we can build the tree later
            if (qName.Equals("tree-conversation"))
                // Store the name
                string conversationName = "";
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in attrs)
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("id"))
                        conversationName = entry.Value.ToString();

                // Create a dialogue node (which will be the root node) and add it to a new tree
                // The content of the tree will be built adding nodes directly to the root
                currentNode = new DialogueConversationNode();
                conversation = new TreeConversation(conversationName, currentNode);
                pastOptionNodes = new List<ConversationNode>();

            // If it is a non-player character line, store the character name and audio path (if present)
            else if (qName.Equals("speak-char"))
                // Set default name to "NPC"
                characterName = "NPC";
                audioPath = "";

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in attrs)
                    // If there is a "idTarget" attribute, store it
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("idTarget"))
                        characterName = entry.Value.ToString();

                    // If there is a "uri" attribute, store it as audio path
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("uri"))
                        audioPath = entry.Value.ToString();
                    // If there is a "synthesize" attribute, store its value
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("synthesize"))
                        string response = entry.Value.ToString();
                        if (response.Equals("yes"))
                            synthesizerVoice = true;
                            synthesizerVoice = false;

            // If it is a player character line, store the audio path (if present)
            else if (qName.Equals("speak-player"))
                audioPath = "";

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in attrs)

                    // If there is a "uri" attribute, store it as audio path
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("uri"))
                        audioPath = entry.Value.ToString();

                    // If there is a "synthesize" attribute, store its value
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("synthesize"))
                        string response = entry.Value.ToString();
                        if (response.Equals("yes"))
                            synthesizerVoice = true;
                            synthesizerVoice = false;

            // If it is a point with a set of possible responses, create a new OptionNode
            else if (qName.Equals("response"))

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in attrs)
                    //If there is a "random" attribute, store is the options will be random
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("random"))
                        if (entry.Value.ToString().Equals("yes"))
                            random = true;
                            random = false;
                    //If there is a "keepShowing" attribute, keep the previous conversation line showing
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("keepShowing"))
                        if (entry.Value.ToString().Equals("yes"))
                            keepShowing = true;
                            keepShowing = false;
                    //If there is a "showUserOption" attribute, identify if show the user response at option node
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("showUserOption"))
                        if (entry.Value.ToString().Equals("yes"))
                            showUserOption = true;
                            showUserOption = false;

                    //If there is a "showUserOption" attribute, identify if show the user response at option node
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("preListening"))
                        if (entry.Value.ToString().Equals("yes"))
                            preListening = true;
                            preListening = false;

                    //If there is a "x" and "y" attributes with the position where the option node has to be painted,
                    if (entry.Key.Equals("x"))
                        x = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());

                    if (entry.Key.Equals("y"))
                        y = int.Parse(entry.Value.ToString());
                // Create a new OptionNode, and link it to the current node
                ConversationNode nuevoNodoOpcion = new OptionConversationNode(random, keepShowing, showUserOption, preListening, x, y);

                // Change the actual node for the option node recently created
                currentNode = nuevoNodoOpcion;

            // If we are about to read an option, change the state of the recognizer, so we can read the line of the
            // option
            else if (qName.Equals("option"))
                state = STATE_WAITING_OPTION;


            // If it is an effect tag, create new effect, new subparser and switch state
            else if (qName.Equals("effect"))
                currentEffects = new Effects();
                effectSubParser = new EffectSubParser(currentEffects, chapter);
                subParsing = SUBPARSING_EFFECT;

            // If there is a go back, link the current node (which will be a DialogueNode) with the last OptionNode
            // stored
            else if (qName.Equals("go-back"))
                currentNode.addChild(pastOptionNodes[pastOptionNodes.Count - 1]);

        // If an effect element is being subparsed, spread the call
        if (subParsing == SUBPARSING_EFFECT)
            effectSubParser.startElement(namespaceURI, sName, qName, attrs);