/// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of a evolutionary algoritm based on survival of the fittest.
        /// Requires a DNA which implements a fitness function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="population_size">Count of individuals per generation</param>
        /// <param name="mode">Is maximization or minimization the goal</param>
        /// <param name="mutation">Probability that mutations happen. More than 0.05 seens to be a bad choice</param>
        /// <param name="best_can_reproduce">propability that parents can recombine their genes</param>
        /// <param name="elitism_modifier">Multiplied with log_2(population_size), determines how many individuals may reproduce. Actually meant to be less than 1. But beeing greater than 1 could effect speed positivly</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">There must be at least 10 individuals in the population_size, less makes no sense and will also cause errors</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">There are less than 3 / not enough parents, because _reproducable_count is smaller than 3 which is a minimum defined by the developer</exception>
        public GeneticAlgoritm(int population_size, OptimizationTarget mode, double mutation,
                               double best_can_reproduce = 0.9,
                               double elitism_modifier   = 1)
            if (population_size < 10)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"{nameof(population_size)} must be greater than 9");

            for (int i = 0; i < population_size; i++)
                _population.Add(new T());

            _mode = mode;
            _reproducable_count    = (int)((elitism_modifier * Math.Log(population_size, 2)) % population_size);
            _reproducable_quotient = 1 / _reproducable_count; // used for selection, cannot divide by zero so need to multiply with quotient
            _best_can_reproduce    = best_can_reproduce;
            _mutation = mutation;

            if (mode == OptimizationTarget.MAXIMIZATION)
                _best_fitness = double.MinValue;
                _best_fitness = double.MaxValue;

            if (_reproducable_count < 3)
                throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(_reproducable_count)} may not be smaller than 3");
 public Population(FunctionBase optimizationFunction, int maxPopulationCount, int dimensions, OptimizationTarget optimizationTarget = OptimizationTarget.Minimum)
     OptimizationFunction = optimizationFunction;
     MaxPopulationCount   = maxPopulationCount;
     Dimensions           = dimensions;
     OptimizationTarget   = optimizationTarget;
 public Population(FunctionBase optimizationFunction, IAlgorithm algorithm, int dimensions, OptimizationTarget optimizationTarget = OptimizationTarget.Minimum)
     OptimizationFunction = optimizationFunction;
     Algorithm            = algorithm;
     MaxPopulationCount   = algorithm.MaxPopulation;
     Dimensions           = dimensions;
     OptimizationTarget   = optimizationTarget;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        protected Configuration()
            this.SolutionFilePath = "";
            this.OutputFilePath   = "";
            this.ProjectName      = "";

            this.Timeout = 0;

            this.PauseOnAssertionFailure = false;
            this.InteroperationEnabled   = true;

            this.CompilationTarget  = CompilationTarget.Execution;
            this.OptimizationTarget = OptimizationTarget.Release;

            this.CustomCompilerPassAssemblyPaths = new HashSet <string>();

            this.AnalyzeDataFlow             = false;
            this.AnalyzeDataRaces            = false;
            this.DoStateTransitionAnalysis   = false;
            this.ShowControlFlowInformation  = false;
            this.ShowDataFlowInformation     = false;
            this.ShowFullDataFlowInformation = false;

            this.AssemblyToBeAnalyzed = "";
            this.TestMethodName       = "";
            this.ScheduleFile         = "";

            this.SchedulingStrategy   = SchedulingStrategy.Random;
            this.SchedulingIterations = 1;
            this.RandomSchedulingSeed = null;

            this.PerformFullExploration   = false;
            this.MaxFairSchedulingSteps   = 0;
            this.MaxUnfairSchedulingSteps = 0;
            this.UserExplicitlySetMaxFairSchedulingSteps = false;
            this.ParallelBugFindingTasks    = 1;
            this.TestingSchedulerProcessId  = -1;
            this.TestingProcessId           = -1;
            this.ConsiderDepthBoundHitAsBug = false;
            this.PrioritySwitchBound        = 0;
            this.DelayBound        = 0;
            this.CoinFlipBound     = 0;
            this.SafetyPrefixBound = 0;

            this.AttachDebugger = false;
            this.ScheduleIntraMachineConcurrency = false;
            this.LivenessTemperatureThreshold    = 0;
            this.CacheProgramState            = false;
            this.EnableCycleReplayingStrategy = false;
            this.BoundOperations = false;
            this.DynamicEventQueuePrioritization = false;

            this.EnableDataRaceDetection = false;

            this.ReportCodeCoverage = false;

            this.ContainerId               = 0;
            this.NumberOfContainers        = 1;
            this.RemoteApplicationFilePath = "";

            this.Verbose                   = 1;
            this.ShowWarnings              = false;
            this.EnableDebugging           = false;
            this.EnableProfiling           = false;
            this.KeepTemporaryFiles        = false;
            this.RedirectTestConsoleOutput = true;
            this.PrintTrace                = false;
            this.SuppressTrace             = false;
            this.ThrowInternalExceptions   = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        protected Configuration()
            this.SolutionFilePath = string.Empty;
            this.OutputFilePath   = string.Empty;
            this.ProjectName      = string.Empty;

            this.Timeout = 0;

            this.CompilationTarget  = CompilationTarget.Execution;
            this.OptimizationTarget = OptimizationTarget.Release;

            this.CustomCompilerPassAssemblyPaths = new HashSet <string>();

            this.AnalyzeDataFlow             = false;
            this.AnalyzeDataRaces            = false;
            this.DoStateTransitionAnalysis   = false;
            this.ShowControlFlowInformation  = false;
            this.ShowDataFlowInformation     = false;
            this.ShowFullDataFlowInformation = false;
            this.RewriteCSharpVersion        = new Version();

            this.RuntimeGeneration = 0;

            this.AssemblyToBeAnalyzed   = string.Empty;
            this.TestingRuntimeAssembly = string.Empty;
            this.TestMethodName         = string.Empty;

            this.SchedulingStrategy        = SchedulingStrategy.Random;
            this.ReductionStrategy         = ReductionStrategy.None;
            this.SchedulingIterations      = 1;
            this.RandomSchedulingSeed      = null;
            this.IncrementalSchedulingSeed = false;

            this.PerformFullExploration   = false;
            this.MaxFairSchedulingSteps   = 0;
            this.MaxUnfairSchedulingSteps = 0;
            this.UserExplicitlySetMaxFairSchedulingSteps = false;
            this.ParallelBugFindingTasks     = 1;
            this.RunAsParallelBugFindingTask = false;
            this.TestingSchedulerEndPoint    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            this.TestingSchedulerProcessId   = -1;
            this.TestingProcessId            = 0;
            this.ConsiderDepthBoundHitAsBug  = false;
            this.PrioritySwitchBound         = 0;
            this.DelayBound        = 0;
            this.CoinFlipBound     = 0;
            this.SafetyPrefixBound = 0;

            this.EnableLivenessChecking        = true;
            this.LivenessTemperatureThreshold  = 0;
            this.EnableCycleDetection          = false;
            this.EnableUserDefinedStateHashing = false;
            this.EnableMonitorsInProduction    = false;
            this.EnableNoApiCallAfterTransitionStmtAssertion = true;

            this.AttachDebugger = false;

            this.ScheduleFile  = string.Empty;
            this.ScheduleTrace = string.Empty;

            this.EnableDataRaceDetection = false;

            this.ReportCodeCoverage     = false;
            this.ReportActivityCoverage = false;
            this.DebugActivityCoverage  = false;

            this.ContainerId               = 0;
            this.NumberOfContainers        = 1;
            this.RemoteApplicationFilePath = string.Empty;

            this.Verbose            = 1;
            this.ShowWarnings       = false;
            this.EnableDebugging    = false;
            this.EnableProfiling    = false;
            this.KeepTemporaryFiles = false;

            this.EnableColoredConsoleOutput = false;
            this.ThrowInternalExceptions    = false;
            this.DisableEnvironmentExit     = true;
 public PopulationBuilder WithOptimizationTarget(OptimizationTarget optimizationTarget)
     _optimizationTarget = optimizationTarget;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        protected Configuration()
            this.SolutionFilePath = "";
            this.OutputFilePath = "";
            this.ProjectName = "";

            this.Timeout = 0;

            this.PauseOnAssertionFailure = false;
            this.InteroperationEnabled = true;

            this.CompilationTarget = CompilationTarget.Execution;
            this.OptimizationTarget = OptimizationTarget.Release;

            this.CustomCompilerPassAssemblyPaths = new HashSet<string>();

            this.AnalyzeDataFlow = false;
            this.AnalyzeDataRaces = false;
            this.DoStateTransitionAnalysis = false;
            this.ShowControlFlowInformation = false;
            this.ShowDataFlowInformation = false;
            this.ShowFullDataFlowInformation = false;

            this.AssemblyToBeAnalyzed = "";
            this.ScheduleFile = "";

            this.SchedulingStrategy = SchedulingStrategy.Random;
            this.SchedulingIterations = 1;
            this.RandomSchedulingSeed = null;

            this.PerformFullExploration = false;
            this.MaxSchedulingSteps = 0;
            this.ParallelBugFindingTasks = 1;
            this.TestingSchedulerProcessId = -1;
            this.TestingProcessId = -1;
            this.ConsiderDepthBoundHitAsBug = false;
            this.PrioritySwitchBound = 0;
            this.DelayBound = 0;
            this.CoinFlipBound = 0;
            this.SafetyPrefixBound = 0;

            this.AttachDebugger = false;
            this.ScheduleIntraMachineConcurrency = false;
            this.LivenessTemperatureThreshold = 0;
            this.CacheProgramState = false;
            this.EnableCycleReplayingStrategy = false;
            this.BoundOperations = false;
            this.DynamicEventQueuePrioritization = false;

            this.EnableDataRaceDetection = false;

            this.EnableVisualization = false;

            this.ContainerId = 0;
            this.NumberOfContainers = 1;
            this.RemoteApplicationFilePath = "";

            this.Verbose = 1;
            this.ShowWarnings = false;
            this.EnableDebugging = false;
            this.EnableProfiling = false;
            this.KeepTemporaryFiles = false;
            this.RedirectTestConsoleOutput = true;
            this.PrintTrace = false;
            this.SuppressTrace = false;
            this.ThrowInternalExceptions = false;