            public AddVDataArguments(OpsParsedStatement statement)
                OpsParsedArgument typeArg = statement.FindArgument("type");

                if (typeArg == null)
                    typeArg = statement.FindArgument("");
                    if (typeArg == null)
                        throw new OpsException("'type' argument argument");
                type = MeshDeclarationHelper.DecodeType(typeArg.Value);

                OpsParsedArgument usageArg = statement.FindArgument("usage");

                if (usageArg != null)
                    usage = MeshDeclarationHelper.DecodeUsage(usageArg.Value);

                OpsParsedArgument usageIdxArg = statement.FindArgument("usageIdx");

                if (usageIdxArg != null)
                    usageIdx = int.Parse(usageIdxArg.Value);
            public AdjacencyArguments(OpsParsedStatement statement)
                OpsParsedArgument type = statement.FindArgument("type");

                if (type != null)
                    if (0 == String.Compare(type.Value, "topological", true))
                        Topological = true;
                    else if (0 == String.Compare(type.Value, "geometric", true))
                        Topological = false;
                        throw new OpsException("Type argument does not match a valid type (topological|geometric)");

                OpsParsedArgument epsilon = statement.FindArgument("epsilon");

                if (epsilon != null)
                    Epsilon = float.Parse(epsilon.Value);
        public IOpsCommand RemapCommand(OpsParsedStatement statement)
            OpsParsedArgument fileArg = statement.FindArgument("filename");

            if (fileArg == null)
                fileArg = statement.FindArgument("");
                if (fileArg == null)
                    throw OpsException.ArgRequired("filename");
            string filename = fileArg.Value;

            string extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(filename);

            if (extension == null || extension[0] == '\0')
                throw new OpsException("Cannot find an appropriate loader for file: " + filename);

            if (extension[0] == '.')
                extension = extension.TrimStart(new char[] { '.' });

            return(Program.CommandLibrary.GetCommand("Load" + extension));
            public StripifyArguments(OpsParsedStatement statement)
                OpsParsedArgument splits = statement.FindArgument("splits");

                if (splits != null && int.Parse(splits.Value) == 0)
                    meshFlags |= MeshFlags.OptimizeDoNotSplit;
            public NewTex2dArgs(OpsParsedStatement statement)
                OpsParsedArgument nameArg = statement.FindArgument("dst");

                if (nameArg == null)
                    nameArg = statement.FindArgument("");
                    if (nameArg == null)
                        throw OpsException.ArgRequired("dst");
                Name = nameArg.Value;

                OpsParsedArgument formatArg = statement.FindArgument("Format");

                if (formatArg == null)
                    throw OpsException.ArgRequired("format");
                this.Format = OpsFormatHelper.FindByFormat(formatArg.Value).Format;

                OpsParsedArgument widthArg = statement.FindArgument("Width");

                if (widthArg == null)
                    throw OpsException.ArgRequired("width");
                Width = int.Parse(widthArg.Value);

                OpsParsedArgument heightArg = statement.FindArgument("Height");

                if (heightArg == null)
                    throw OpsException.ArgRequired("height");
                Height = int.Parse(heightArg.Value);

                if (Width > 4096 || Height > 4096)
                    throw new OpsException("Dimensions must not exceed 4k");

                OpsParsedArgument mipsArg = statement.FindArgument("Mips");

                if (mipsArg != null)
                    Mips = int.Parse(mipsArg.Value);

                OpsParsedArgument srcArg = statement.FindArgument("Src");

                Src = (srcArg == null) ? null : srcArg.Value;
 public object ParseArguments(OpsParsedStatement statement)
     OpsParsedArgument pathArg = statement.FindArgument("filename");
     if(pathArg == null)
         pathArg = statement.FindArgument("");
         if(pathArg == null)
             throw OpsException.ArgRequired("filename");
     return pathArg.Value;
文件: mipmaps.cs 项目: senny970/2007
            public MipArgs(OpsParsedStatement statement)
                OpsParsedArgument srcArg = statement.FindArgument("Start");

                if (srcArg != null)
                    Start = int.Parse(srcArg.Value);

                OpsParsedArgument filterArg = statement.FindArgument("Filter");

                if (filterArg != null)
                    if (0 == string.Compare(filterArg.Value, "None", true))
                        Filter |= Filter.None;
                    else if (0 == string.Compare(filterArg.Value, "Point", true))
                        Filter |= Filter.Point;
                    else if (0 == string.Compare(filterArg.Value, "Linear", true))
                        Filter |= Filter.Linear;
                    else if (0 == string.Compare(filterArg.Value, "Triangle", true))
                        Filter |= Filter.Triangle;
                    else if (0 == string.Compare(filterArg.Value, "Box", true))
                        Filter |= Filter.Box;
                        throw new OpsException("Filter Argument is invalid");
                    Filter |= Filter.Box;

                OpsParsedArgument ditherArg = statement.FindArgument("Dither");

                if (ditherArg != null)
                    if (0 != int.Parse(ditherArg.Value))
                        Filter |= Filter.Dither;
            public TexFormatArgs(OpsParsedStatement statement)
                OpsParsedArgument formatArg = statement.FindArgument("format");

                if (formatArg == null)
                    formatArg = statement.FindArgument("");
                    if (formatArg == null)
                        throw OpsException.ArgRequired("format");
                this.Format = OpsFormatHelper.FindByFormat(formatArg.Value).Format;
            public FlattenArguments(OpsParsedStatement statement)
                OpsParsedArgument newModelArg = statement.FindArgument("dst");

                if (newModelArg == null)
                    newModelArg = statement.FindArgument("");
                    if (newModelArg == null)
                        throw OpsException.ArgRequired("dst");

                NewModel = newModelArg.Value;
            public OpsUVAtlasArguments(OpsParsedStatement statement)
                OpsParsedArgument argTexIdx = statement.FindArgument("TexIdx");

                if (argTexIdx != null)
                    TexIdx = int.Parse(argTexIdx.Value);

                OpsParsedArgument argMaxcharts = statement.FindArgument("MaxCharts");

                if (argMaxcharts != null)
                    MaxCharts = int.Parse(argMaxcharts.Value);

                OpsParsedArgument argStretch = statement.FindArgument("Stretch");

                if (argStretch != null)
                    Stretch = float.Parse(argStretch.Value);

                OpsParsedArgument argGutter = statement.FindArgument("Gutter");

                if (argGutter != null)
                    Gutter = int.Parse(argGutter.Value);

                OpsParsedArgument argWidth = statement.FindArgument("Height");

                if (argWidth != null)
                    Width = int.Parse(argWidth.Value);

                OpsParsedArgument argHeight = statement.FindArgument("Height");

                if (argHeight != null)
                    Height = int.Parse(argHeight.Value);
文件: unload.cs 项目: senny970/2007
            public UnloadArguments(OpsParsedStatement statement)
                OpsParsedArgument srcArg = statement.FindArgument("src");

                if (srcArg == null)
                    srcArg = statement.FindArgument("");
                    if (srcArg == null)
                        throw OpsException.ArgRequired("src");
                Src = srcArg.Value;

                OpsParsedArgument filterArg = statement.FindArgument("Type");

                if (filterArg != null)
                    if (0 == string.Compare(filterArg.Value, "Texture", true))
                        Type = ContentType.TEXTURES;
                    else if (0 == string.Compare(filterArg.Value, "Textures", true))
                        Type = ContentType.TEXTURES;
                    else if (0 == string.Compare(filterArg.Value, "Model", true))
                        Type = ContentType.MODELS;
                    else if (0 == string.Compare(filterArg.Value, "Models", true))
                        Type = ContentType.MODELS;
                    else if (0 == string.Compare(filterArg.Value, "Both", true))
                        Type = ContentType.GENERIC;
                        throw new OpsException("Type Argument is invalid.  Value must be (Textures|Models|Both).");
            public TexSaverArgs(OpsParsedStatement statement)
                OpsParsedArgument fileArg = statement.FindArgument("filename");

                if (fileArg == null)
                    fileArg = statement.FindArgument("");
                    if (fileArg == null)
                        throw OpsException.ArgRequired("filename");
                this.Path = fileArg.Value;

                string extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(Path);

                extension = extension.TrimStart(new char[] { '.' });

                this.Format = (ImageFileFormat)Enum.Parse(typeof(ImageFileFormat), extension, true);
            public SavexArguments(OpsParsedStatement statement)
                OpsParsedArgument fileArg = statement.FindArgument("filename");

                if (fileArg == null)
                    fileArg = statement.FindArgument("");
                    if (fileArg == null)
                        throw OpsException.ArgRequired("filename");
                Filename = fileArg.Value;
                if (!Path.IsPathRooted(Filename))
                    Filename = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), Filename);

                OpsParsedArgument argX = statement.FindArgument("XFileType");

                if (argX != null)
                    if (0 == String.Compare(argX.Value, "text", true))
                        saveType = XFileFormat.Text;
                    else if (0 == String.Compare(argX.Value, "binary", true))
                        saveType = XFileFormat.Binary;
                    else if (0 == String.Compare(argX.Value, "compressed", true))
                        saveType = XFileFormat.Compressed;
                        throw new OpsException("Unrecognized XFile argument value.  Use (text|binary|compressed)");
            public TexLoaderArgs(OpsParsedStatement statement)
                OpsParsedArgument pathArg = statement.FindArgument("filename");

                if (pathArg == null)
                    pathArg = statement.FindArgument("");
                    if (pathArg == null)
                        throw OpsException.ArgRequired("filename");
                Path = pathArg.Value;

                OpsParsedArgument srgbArg = statement.FindArgument("srgb");

                if (srgbArg != null)
                    SRGB = bool.Parse(srgbArg.Value);
            public DelVDataArguments(OpsParsedStatement statement)
                OpsParsedArgument usageArg = statement.FindArgument("usage");

                if (usageArg == null)
                    usageArg = statement.FindArgument("");
                    if (usageArg == null)
                        throw OpsException.ArgRequired("usage");
                usage = MeshDeclarationHelper.DecodeUsage(usageArg.Value);

                OpsParsedArgument usageIdxArg = statement.FindArgument("usageIdx");

                if (usageIdxArg != null)
                    hasSrcUsageIdx = true;
                    usageIdx       = int.Parse(usageIdxArg.Value);
            public CloneVDataArguments(OpsParsedStatement statement)
                OpsParsedArgument usageArg = statement.FindArgument("usage");

                if (usageArg == null)
                    usageArg = statement.FindArgument("");
                    if (usageArg == null)
                        throw OpsException.ArgRequired("usage");
                srcUsage = MeshDeclarationHelper.DecodeUsage(usageArg.Value);

                OpsParsedArgument usageIdxArg = statement.FindArgument("usageIdx");

                if (usageIdxArg != null)
                    srcUsageIdx    = int.Parse(usageIdxArg.Value);
                    hasSrcUsageIdx = true;

                OpsParsedArgument dstUsageArg = statement.FindArgument("newusage");

                if (dstUsageArg != null)
                    dstUsage = MeshDeclarationHelper.DecodeUsage(dstUsageArg.Value);

                OpsParsedArgument dstUsageIdxArg = statement.FindArgument("newusageIdx");

                if (dstUsageIdxArg != null)
                    dstUsageIdx    = int.Parse(dstUsageIdxArg.Value);
                    hasDstUsageIdx = true;
            public NewTexCubeArgs(OpsParsedStatement statement)
                OpsParsedArgument nameArg = statement.FindArgument("dst");

                if (nameArg == null)
                    nameArg = statement.FindArgument("");
                    if (nameArg == null)
                        throw OpsException.ArgRequired("dst");
                Name = nameArg.Value;

                OpsParsedArgument formatArg = statement.FindArgument("Format");

                if (formatArg == null)
                    throw OpsException.ArgRequired("format");
                this.Format = OpsFormatHelper.FindByFormat(formatArg.Value).Format;

                OpsParsedArgument sizeArg = statement.FindArgument("Size");

                if (sizeArg == null)
                    throw OpsException.ArgRequired("size");
                Size = int.Parse(sizeArg.Value);

                if (Size > 4096)
                    throw new OpsException("Dimensions must not exceed 4k");

                OpsParsedArgument mipsArg = statement.FindArgument("Mips");

                if (mipsArg != null)
                    Mips = int.Parse(mipsArg.Value);

                OpsParsedArgument srcxpArg = statement.FindArgument("SrcXP");

                SrcXP = (srcxpArg == null) ? null : srcxpArg.Value;

                OpsParsedArgument srcxmArg = statement.FindArgument("SrcXM");

                SrcXM = (srcxmArg == null) ? null : srcxmArg.Value;

                OpsParsedArgument srcypArg = statement.FindArgument("SrcYP");

                SrcYP = (srcypArg == null) ? null : srcypArg.Value;

                OpsParsedArgument srcymArg = statement.FindArgument("SrcYM");

                SrcYM = (srcymArg == null) ? null : srcymArg.Value;

                OpsParsedArgument srczpArg = statement.FindArgument("SrcZP");

                SrcZP = (srcypArg == null) ? null : srczpArg.Value;

                OpsParsedArgument srczmArg = statement.FindArgument("SrcZM");

                SrcZM = (srczmArg == null) ? null : srczmArg.Value;
            public OptimizeArguments(OpsParsedStatement statement)
                OpsParsedArgument splits  = statement.FindArgument("splits");
                OpsParsedArgument nocache = statement.FindArgument("nocache");
                OpsParsedArgument weld    = statement.FindArgument("weld");
                OpsParsedArgument e       = statement.FindArgument("e");
                OpsParsedArgument P       = statement.FindArgument("P");
                OpsParsedArgument W       = statement.FindArgument("W");
                OpsParsedArgument N       = statement.FindArgument("N");
                OpsParsedArgument T       = statement.FindArgument("T");
                OpsParsedArgument B       = statement.FindArgument("B");
                OpsParsedArgument UV      = statement.FindArgument("UV");
                OpsParsedArgument D       = statement.FindArgument("D");
                OpsParsedArgument S       = statement.FindArgument("S");
                OpsParsedArgument PS      = statement.FindArgument("PS");
                OpsParsedArgument F       = statement.FindArgument("F");

                if (splits != null && int.Parse(splits.Value) == 0)
                    meshFlags |= MeshFlags.OptimizeDoNotSplit;

                if (nocache != null && int.Parse(nocache.Value) == 0)
                    meshFlags |= MeshFlags.OptimizeVertexCache;

                if (weld != null)
                    if (0 == String.Compare(weld.Value, "none", true))
                        weldType = WeldType.None;
                    else if (0 == String.Compare(weld.Value, "all", true))
                        weldType      = WeldType.All;
                        epsilonFlags |= WeldEpsilonsFlags.WeldAll;

                if (weldType == WeldType.Epsilon)
                    float delta = 1.0e-6f;

                    if (e != null)
                        delta = float.Parse(e.Value);

                    epsilons.Binormal         = delta;
                    epsilons.BlendWeights     = delta;
                    epsilons.Diffuse          = delta;
                    epsilons.Normal           = delta;
                    epsilons.PointSize        = delta;
                    epsilons.Position         = delta;
                    epsilons.Specular         = delta;
                    epsilons.Tangent          = delta;
                    epsilons.TessellateFactor = delta;

                    if (P != null)
                        epsilons.Position = float.Parse(P.Value);

                    if (W != null)
                        epsilons.BlendWeights = float.Parse(W.Value);

                    if (N != null)
                        epsilons.Normal = float.Parse(N.Value);

                    if (T != null)
                        epsilons.Tangent = float.Parse(T.Value);

                    if (B != null)
                        epsilons.Binormal = float.Parse(B.Value);

                    float   uvDelta      = (UV == null) ? delta : float.Parse(UV.Value);
                    float[] uvDeltaArray = epsilons.TextureCoordinate;
                    for (int i = 0; i < uvDeltaArray.Length; i++)
                        uvDeltaArray[i] = uvDelta;
                    epsilons.TextureCoordinate = uvDeltaArray;

                    if (D != null)
                        epsilons.Diffuse = float.Parse(D.Value);

                    if (S != null)
                        epsilons.Specular = float.Parse(S.Value);

                    if (PS != null)
                        epsilons.PointSize = float.Parse(PS.Value);

                    if (F != null)
                        epsilons.TessellateFactor = float.Parse(F.Value);
            public TexResizeArgs(OpsParsedStatement statement)
                OpsParsedArgument widthArg = statement.FindArgument("Width");

                if (widthArg != null)
                    Width = int.Parse(widthArg.Value);

                OpsParsedArgument heightArg = statement.FindArgument("Height");

                if (heightArg != null)
                    Height = int.Parse(heightArg.Value);

                OpsParsedArgument depthArg = statement.FindArgument("Depth");

                if (depthArg != null)
                    Depth = int.Parse(depthArg.Value);

                OpsParsedArgument filterArg = statement.FindArgument("Filter");

                if (filterArg != null)
                    if (0 == string.Compare(filterArg.Value, "None", true))
                        Filter |= Filter.None;
                    else if (0 == string.Compare(filterArg.Value, "Point", true))
                        Filter |= Filter.Point;
                    else if (0 == string.Compare(filterArg.Value, "Linear", true))
                        Filter |= Filter.Linear;
                    else if (0 == string.Compare(filterArg.Value, "Triangle", true))
                        Filter |= Filter.Triangle;
                    else if (0 == string.Compare(filterArg.Value, "Box", true))
                        Filter |= Filter.Box;
                        throw new OpsException("Filter Argument is invalid");
                    Filter |= Filter.Box;

                OpsParsedArgument ditherArg = statement.FindArgument("Dither");

                if (ditherArg != null)
                    if (0 != int.Parse(ditherArg.Value))
                        Filter |= Filter.Dither;
            public Splice2dArgs(OpsParsedStatement statement)
                OpsParsedArgument dstArg = statement.FindArgument("dst");

                if (dstArg == null)
                    dstArg = statement.FindArgument("");
                    if (dstArg == null)
                        throw OpsException.ArgRequired("dst");
                Dst = dstArg.Value;

                OpsParsedArgument volumeArg = statement.FindArgument("Volume");

                if (volumeArg != null)
                    Volume = int.Parse(volumeArg.Value);

                OpsParsedArgument faceArg = statement.FindArgument("Face");

                if (faceArg != null)
                    if (0 == string.Compare(faceArg.Value, "+x", true))
                        Face = CubeMapFace.PositiveX;
                    else if (0 == string.Compare(faceArg.Value, "+y", true))
                        Face = CubeMapFace.PositiveY;
                    else if (0 == string.Compare(faceArg.Value, "+z", true))
                        Face = CubeMapFace.PositiveZ;
                    else if (0 == string.Compare(faceArg.Value, "-x", true))
                        Face = CubeMapFace.NegativeX;
                    else if (0 == string.Compare(faceArg.Value, "-y", true))
                        Face = CubeMapFace.NegativeY;
                    else if (0 == string.Compare(faceArg.Value, "-z", true))
                        Face = CubeMapFace.NegativeZ;
                        throw new OpsException("Face Argument was not recognized.  must be '[+-][xyz]'");

                OpsParsedArgument mipsArg = statement.FindArgument("mipmap");

                if (mipsArg != null)
                    Mips = int.Parse(mipsArg.Value);
文件: Tangents.cs 项目: senny970/2007
            public TangentArguments(OpsParsedStatement statement)
                OpsParsedArgument argTexIdx = statement.FindArgument("TexIdx");

                if (argTexIdx != null)
                    TexIdx = int.Parse(argTexIdx.Value);

                OpsParsedArgument argOrtho = statement.FindArgument("Ortho");

                if (argOrtho != null)
                    if (0 == String.Compare(argOrtho.Value, "None", true))
                        Options |= TangentOptions.DontOrthogonalize;
                    else if (0 == String.Compare(argOrtho.Value, "U", true))
                        Options |= TangentOptions.OrthogonalizeFromU;
                    else if (0 == String.Compare(argOrtho.Value, "V", true))
                        Options |= TangentOptions.OrthogonalizeFromV;

                OpsParsedArgument argNormalizePartials = statement.FindArgument("NormalizePartials");

                if (argNormalizePartials != null)
                    if (0 == int.Parse(argNormalizePartials.Value))
                        Options |= TangentOptions.DontNormalizePartials;

                OpsParsedArgument argWeight = statement.FindArgument("Weight");

                if (argWeight != null)
                    if (0 == String.Compare(argWeight.Value, "Area", true))
                        Options |= TangentOptions.WeightByArea;
                    else if (0 == String.Compare(argWeight.Value, "Equal", true))
                        Options |= TangentOptions.WeightEqual;

                OpsParsedArgument argWarp = statement.FindArgument("Wrap");

                if (argWarp != null)
                    if (0 == String.Compare(argWarp.Value, "U", true))
                        Options |= TangentOptions.WrapU;
                    else if (0 == String.Compare(argWarp.Value, "V", true))
                        Options |= TangentOptions.WrapV;
                    else if (0 == String.Compare(argWarp.Value, "UV", true))
                        Options |= TangentOptions.WrapUV;

                OpsParsedArgument argThreshPE = statement.FindArgument("ThreshPE");

                if (argThreshPE != null)
                    ThreshPE = float.Parse(argThreshPE.Value);

                OpsParsedArgument argThreshSP = statement.FindArgument("ThreshSP");

                if (argThreshSP != null)
                    ThreshSP = float.Parse(argThreshSP.Value);

                OpsParsedArgument argThreshNE = statement.FindArgument("ThreshNE");

                if (argThreshNE != null)
                    ThreshNE = float.Parse(argThreshNE.Value);