/// <summary>
 /// public Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="treeConnect">The SMB tree connect associated with this open.</param>
 /// <param name="pathName">A variable-length string that contains the Unicode path name on which the open 
 /// is performed.</param>
 /// <param name="fileId">The unique (per-connection) 16-bit FID identifying this open.</param>
 /// <param name="opLock">An element indicating the type of OpLock, if any, that has been granted on this open.
 /// This value MUST be one of None, Exclusive, Batch, or Level II.</param>
 /// <param name="grantedAccess">The access granted on this open.</param>
 /// <param name="fileGlobalId">A numeric value obtained by registration with the Server Service Remote Protocol.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="pid">The unique (per connection) 32-bit PID provided in the client request that created this
 /// open.</param>
 public CifsServerPerOpenFile(
     IFileServiceServerTreeConnect treeConnect,
     string pathName,
     long fileId,
     uint grantedAccess,
     OplockLevelValue opLock,
     int fileGlobalId,
     uint pid)
     this.treeConnect = treeConnect;
     this.pathName = pathName;
     this.fileId = fileId;
     this.fileGlobalId = fileGlobalId;
     this.grantedAccess = grantedAccess;
     this.opLock = opLock;
     this.pid = pid;
     this.locks = new Dictionary<int, object>();
 /// <summary>
 /// public Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="treeConnect">The SMB tree connect associated with this open.</param>
 /// <param name="pathName">A variable-length string that contains the Unicode path name on which the open
 /// is performed.</param>
 /// <param name="fileId">The unique (per-connection) 16-bit FID identifying this open.</param>
 /// <param name="opLock">An element indicating the type of OpLock, if any, that has been granted on this open.
 /// This value MUST be one of None, Exclusive, Batch, or Level II.</param>
 /// <param name="grantedAccess">The access granted on this open.</param>
 /// <param name="fileGlobalId">A numeric value obtained by registration with the Server Service Remote Protocol.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="pid">The unique (per connection) 32-bit PID provided in the client request that created this
 /// open.</param>
 public CifsServerPerOpenFile(
     IFileServiceServerTreeConnect treeConnect,
     string pathName,
     long fileId,
     uint grantedAccess,
     OplockLevelValue opLock,
     int fileGlobalId,
     uint pid)
     this.treeConnect   = treeConnect;
     this.pathName      = pathName;
     this.fileId        = fileId;
     this.fileGlobalId  = fileGlobalId;
     this.grantedAccess = grantedAccess;
     this.opLock        = opLock;
     this.pid           = pid;
     this.locks         = new Dictionary <int, object>();
        public SmbNtCreateAndxResponsePacket CreateNtCreateAndxResponse(
            CifsServerPerConnection connection,
            SmbNtCreateAndxRequestPacket request,
            OplockLevelValue opLockLevel,
            ulong allocationSize,
            ulong endOfFile,
            FileTypeValue resourceType,
            SMB_NMPIPE_STATUS nmPipeStatus,
            byte directory,
            SmbPacket andxPacket)
            SmbNtCreateAndxResponsePacket response = new SmbNtCreateAndxResponsePacket();
            response.SmbHeader = CifsMessageUtils.CreateSmbHeader(connection, request);

            SMB_COM_NT_CREATE_ANDX_Response_SMB_Parameters smbParameters = response.SmbParameters;
            smbParameters.AndXCommand =
                andxPacket != null ? andxPacket.SmbHeader.Command : SmbCommand.SMB_COM_NO_ANDX_COMMAND;
            smbParameters.AndXReserved = 0x00;
            smbParameters.AndXOffset = (ushort)(response.HeaderSize + Marshal.SizeOf(response.SmbParameters)
                + Marshal.SizeOf(response.SmbData));
            smbParameters.OplockLevel = opLockLevel;
            smbParameters.FID = (ushort)connection.GenerateFID();
            smbParameters.CreateDisposition = NtTransactCreateDisposition.FILE_CREATE;
            FileTime fileTime = new FileTime();
            fileTime.Time = (ulong)DateTime.Now.ToFileTime();
            smbParameters.CreateTime = fileTime;
            smbParameters.LastAccessTime = fileTime;
            smbParameters.LastChangeTime = fileTime;
            smbParameters.ExtFileAttributes = (SMB_EXT_FILE_ATTR)request.SmbParameters.ExtFileAttributes;
            smbParameters.AllocationSize = allocationSize;
            smbParameters.EndOfFile = endOfFile;
            smbParameters.ResourceType = resourceType;
            smbParameters.NMPipeStatus = nmPipeStatus;
            smbParameters.Directory = directory;
            smbParameters.WordCount = (byte)(TypeMarshal.GetBlockMemorySize(smbParameters) / 2);
            response.SmbParameters = smbParameters;

            response.AndxPacket = andxPacket;

            return response;