        /// <summary>
        /// The post action from add view. Save the operation data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="operationVm">Operation view model object</param>
        /// <returns>string "true" or "false + error message"</returns>
        public ActionResult AddEditOperation(OperationVm operationVm)
            int    operId;
            string isSaved = OperationHelper.AddEditOperation(operationVm, out operId);

            return(Json(new { isSaved = isSaved, operId = operId }));
        public async Task <PartialViewResult> Detail(int id)
            var retVal = new OperationVm
                Success = false,
                Message = ""

            if (id <= 0)
                retVal.Message = "Please provide an id.";
                return(PartialView("Partial/_operationDetailsPartial", retVal));

            var result = await _operationService.FindAsync(id);

            if (result != null)
                retVal.Success = true;

                if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                    retVal.Operation = result.ConvertToViewModel();
                retVal.Message = "Item with requested Id was not found.";

            return(PartialView("Partial/_operationDetailsPartial", retVal));
        public PartialViewResult Edit(int id)
            var retVal = new OperationVm
                Success = false,
                Message = ""

            if (id <= 0)
                retVal.Message = "Please provide an id.";
                return(PartialView("Partial/_operationEditPartial", retVal));

            var result = _operationService.Find(id);

            if (result != null)
                retVal.Success   = true;
                retVal.Operation = result.ConvertToViewModel();
                retVal.Message = "Item with requested Id was not found.";

            return(PartialView("Partial/_operationEditPartial", retVal));
        public static string AddEditOperation(OperationVm operationVm, out int operId)
            string                    isSaved     = "true";
            int                       operationId = operationVm.OperationId;
            OperationsEntities        db          = new OperationsEntities();
            Operation                 operationDb;
            List <OperationContainer> operationContListDb;
            // notifications
            NotificationMsgVm notifi = new NotificationMsgVm();

            if (operationId == 0)
                operationDb         = new Operation();
                operationContListDb = new List <OperationContainer>();
                operationDb = db.Operations.Include("OperationContainers")
                              .Where(x => x.OperationId == operationId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (operationDb.StatusId > 2)
                    operId  = operationDb.OperationId;
                    isSaved = "false .. Cann't update operation is not open ";
                operationContListDb = operationDb.OperationContainers.ToList();

                //Get quotContainers Ids sent from the screen
                List <long> containerVmIds = operationVm.OperationContainers.Select(x => x.OperConId).ToList();
                var         containerDel   = operationContListDb.Where(x => !containerVmIds.Contains(x.OperConId)).ToList();

                foreach (var item in containerDel)

            Mapper.CreateMap <OperationVm, Operation>().IgnoreAllNonExisting();
            // .ForMember(x => x.OperationContainers, v=> v.Ignore());
            Mapper.CreateMap <OperationContainerVm, OperationContainer>().IgnoreAllNonExisting();
            Mapper.Map(operationVm, operationDb);

            bool updateHB = false;

            if (operationId == 0)
                //Generate code at save event
                if (operationDb.OrderFrom == 1)
                    operationDb.OperationCode = AdminHelper.GeneratePrefixCode(PrefixForEnum.Export, true);
                    operationDb.OperationCode = AdminHelper.GeneratePrefixCode(PrefixForEnum.Import, true);

                //update quotation status if any
                int?quoteId = operationVm.QuoteId;
                if (quoteId != null)
                    //status = 2 -- opened
                    Quotation quoteToUpdate = db.Quotations.Where(x => x.QuoteId == quoteId).FirstOrDefault();
                    quoteToUpdate.StatusId = 2;

                notifi.NotificationTypeID = (operationDb.OrderFrom == 1) ? 1 : 3;
                notifi.ObjectID           = -1;
                List <HouseBillListVm> hbList = HouseBillHelper.GetHBList(operationId, operationDb.OrderFrom);
                if (hbList.Count == 1)
                    if (!operationDb.IsConsolidation)
                        HouseBill hb = db.HouseBills.Where(x => x.OperationId == operationDb.OperationId).FirstOrDefault();
                        hb.CBM = operationDb.CBM;
                        hb.GoodsDescription     = operationDb.GoodsDescription;
                        hb.GrossWeight          = operationDb.GrossWeight;
                        hb.NetWeight            = operationDb.NetWeight;
                        hb.NumberOfPackages     = operationDb.NumberOfPackages;
                        hb.CollectedFreightCost = operationDb.FreightCostAmount;
                        hb.CollectedThcCost     = operationDb.ThcCostAmount;

                        // hb.ShipperId = operationDb.ShipperId;
                        //  hb.ConsigneeId = operationDb.ConsigneeId;
                        // hb.NotifierId = operationDb.NotifierId;
                        //  hb.NotifierAsConsignee = operationDb.NotifierAsConsignee;
                        //  hb.AgentId = operationDb.AgentId;

                        hb.FromPortId = operationDb.FromPortId;
                        hb.ToPortId   = operationDb.ToPortId;
            operId = 0;
                operId = operationDb.OperationId;
                if (notifi.ObjectID == -1)
                    notifi.ObjectID        = operId;
                    notifi.NotificationMsg = " New " + (operationDb.OrderFrom == 1 ? "Export " : "Import ") + " Operation Code: " + operationDb.OperationCode;

                //update hb
                if (updateHB)
            catch (DbEntityValidationException e)
                isSaved = "false " + e.Message;
            catch (Exception e)
                isSaved = "false " + e.Message;

        public static OperationVm GetOperationInfo(int id = 0, byte orderFrom = 1, int quoteId = 0)
            OperationVm        operationVm = new OperationVm(orderFrom, quoteId);
            OperationsEntities db          = new OperationsEntities();

            if (quoteId == 0 && id == 0) //add new with no quotation
                OperationContainerVm operContVm = new OperationContainerVm();

            if (quoteId != 0 && id == 0)
                //check if has record in operation table
                Operation operationDb = db.Operations.Where(x => x.QuoteId == quoteId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (operationDb != null)
                    id = operationDb.OperationId;

            if (id != 0) // has record in operation table
                var operationDb = db.Operations.Include("OperationContainers")
                                  .Where(x => x.OperationId == id).FirstOrDefault();

                Mapper.CreateMap <Operation, OperationVm>().IgnoreAllNonExisting();
                Mapper.CreateMap <OperationContainer, OperationContainerVm>().IgnoreAllNonExisting();
                Mapper.Map(operationDb, operationVm);

                if (operationVm.OperationContainers.Count == 0)
                    OperationContainerVm operContVm = new OperationContainerVm();
            else // No has record in operation table .. and has quote id
                //Will fill operationVm from quotation data
                var quotationDb = db.Quotations.Include("QuotationContainers")
                                  .Where(x => x.QuoteId == quoteId).FirstOrDefault();
                var quotationContListDb = quotationDb.QuotationContainers.ToList();
                Mapper.CreateMap <Quotation, OperationVm>().IgnoreAllNonExisting()
                .ForMember(x => x.OperationContainers, v => v.Ignore())
                .ForMember(x => x.CreateDate, y => y.Ignore())
                .ForMember(x => x.CreateBy, y => y.Ignore());
                Mapper.Map(quotationDb, operationVm);
                OperationContainerVm operContVm;
                if (quotationContListDb.Count == 0)
                    operContVm = new OperationContainerVm();
                    foreach (var item in quotationContListDb)
                        for (int i = 0; i < item.NumberOfContainers; i++)
                            operContVm = new OperationContainerVm();
                            operContVm.ContainerTypeId = item.ContainerTypeId;
        /// <summary>
        /// Add export or import MBL operation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orderFrom"> export --- import</param>
        /// <param name="id">operation id to load edit mode view</param>
        /// <param name="quoteId">quotation id in case of processing an exsiting quotation</param>
        /// <returns>the add operation view</returns>
        public ActionResult Add(string orderFrom = "export", int id = 0, int quoteId = 0)
            #region Check Rights
            bool hasRights;
            if (orderFrom.ToLower() == "export") //Check export rights
                if (quoteId != 0)                //process quotation check
                    hasRights = AdminHelper.CheckUserAction(ScreenEnum.ExportQuotation, ActionEnum.ProcessToMBL);
                    if (id == 0)
                        hasRights = AdminHelper.CheckUserAction(ScreenEnum.ExportMBL, ActionEnum.Add);
                        hasRights = AdminHelper.CheckUserAction(ScreenEnum.ExportMBL, ActionEnum.Edit);
                if (quoteId != 0) //process quotation check
                    hasRights = AdminHelper.CheckUserAction(ScreenEnum.ImportQuotation, ActionEnum.ProcessToMBL);
                    if (id == 0)
                        hasRights = AdminHelper.CheckUserAction(ScreenEnum.ImportMBL, ActionEnum.Add);
                        hasRights = AdminHelper.CheckUserAction(ScreenEnum.ImportMBL, ActionEnum.Edit);

            if (!hasRights)
                return(RedirectToAction("UnAuthorized", "Home"));


            byte orderFromInt = 0;
            if (orderFrom.ToLower() == "export")
                ViewBag.OperationType = "Export";
                orderFromInt          = 1;
            else if (orderFrom.ToLower() == "import")
                ViewBag.OperationType = "Import";
                orderFromInt          = 2;
                //Error Page

            OperationVm operationVm = OperationHelper.GetOperationInfo(id, orderFromInt, quoteId);

            ViewBag.CarrierList      = ListCommonHelper.GetCarrierList();
            ViewBag.ShipperList      = ListCommonHelper.GetShipperList();
            ViewBag.ConsigneeList    = ListCommonHelper.GetConsigneeList();
            ViewBag.NotifierList     = ListCommonHelper.GetNotifierList(0);
            ViewBag.IncotermLib      = ListCommonHelper.GetIncotermLibList();
            ViewBag.Containers       = ListCommonHelper.GetContainerList();
            ViewBag.PackageList      = ListCommonHelper.GetPackageTypeList();
            ViewData["PortList"]     = ListCommonHelper.GetPortsGrouped();
            ViewData["CurrencyList"] = ListCommonHelper.GetCurrencyList();
            ViewBag.AgentList        = ListCommonHelper.GetAgentList();

        public async Task <ActionResult> Edit([Bind(Include = "Id, Name, Description, Active, ActiveFrom, ActiveTo, RowVersion")] Operation operation)
            // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39533599/mvc-5-with-bootstrap-modal-from-partial-view-validation-not-working
            // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2845852/asp-net-mvc-how-to-convert-modelstate-errors-to-json
            var retVal = new OperationVm
                Success = false,
                Message = ""

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var repo  = _unitOfWorkAsync.RepositoryAsync <Operation>();
                var valid = operation.Validate();

                    var existingEntity = await repo.FindAsync(operation.Id);

                    if (existingEntity == null)
                        ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, @"Unable to update entity. The entity was deleted by another user.");

                    existingEntity.Name        = operation.Name;
                    existingEntity.Description = operation.Description;

                    if (existingEntity.Active != operation.Active)
                        // the item has been deactivated...
                        if (existingEntity.Active && !operation.Active)
                            // set the date of deactivation to current date, dont touch the created date
                            existingEntity.ActiveTo = DateTime.Now;

                        // the item has been reactivated...
                        if (!existingEntity.Active && operation.Active)
                            // audit log?
                            existingEntity.Active     = true;
                            existingEntity.ActiveFrom = DateTime.Now;
                            existingEntity.ActiveTo   = operation.ActiveTo;
                        // extending the activation validity date...
                        existingEntity.ActiveTo = operation.ActiveTo;

                    existingEntity.Active = operation.Active;

                    // you are not allowed to change the value of active from, you naughty naughty person!
                    existingEntity.TrackingState = TrackingState.Modified;
                    existingEntity.RowVersion    = operation.RowVersion;

                    // Warning: concurrency issues (row versions) must be resolved here...

                    var result = await _unitOfWorkAsync.SaveChangesAsync();

                    if (result > 0)
                        retVal.Success = true;
                catch (Exception e)
                    retVal.Message = e.Message;

                    // if we stumbled upon an optimistic concurrency error, emit proper error to the user, and have the view reloaded with the new values taken from the database
                    if (e.Message.Contains("The record you attempted to edit was modified by another user after you got the original value. The edit operation was canceled and the current values in the database have been displayed."))
                        return(Json(new { Success = false, OptimisticConcurrencyError = true, OptimisticConcurrencyErrorMsg = "The record you attempted to edit was modified by another user after you got the original value. The edit operation was canceled and the current values in the database have been displayed." }));
                // the model aint valid, we need to return the user to the view to enable him to fix the entry...
                retVal.Success = false;

                var errorModel =
                    from x in ModelState.Keys
                    where ModelState[x].Errors.Count > 0
                    select new
                    key    = x.First().ToString().ToUpper() + string.Join("", x.Skip(1)),
                    errors = ModelState[x].Errors.
                             Select(y => y.ErrorMessage).

                return(Json(new { Success = false, FormErrors = errorModel }));

            return(Json(new { Success = true }));