private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs e) { try { //调用业务规则 ArrayList lstPurview = null; ArrayList lstPage = null; Oper operLogin = OperFacade.OperLogin(tbxAdminUser.Text.Trim(), tbxAdminPass.Text, Request.UserHostAddress, Request.Browser.Browser, out lstPurview, out lstPage); //将用户信息保存到Session变量 Session[ConstValue.LOGIN_USER_SESSION] = operLogin; //将用户菜单权限保存到Session变量 Session[ConstValue.LOGIN_USER_PURVIEW_SESSION] = lstPurview; //将用户页面权限保存到Session变量 Session[ConstValue.LOGIN_USER_PAGE_SESSION] = lstPage; tblInput.Visible = false; // 置用户信息输入框为不可见 //tblAvi.Visible = true; // 置登录成功动画为可见,在登录成功动画的最后一帧将页面导航至Main.aspx this.Response.Redirect("main.aspx"); } catch (BusinessException be) { string strScript = "<script language='javascript'>"; strScript += "alert('" + be.Message + "');"; strScript += "</script>"; Response.Write(strScript); } }
private static void LogIn(string strOperName, string strPWD, string strL6Name, string strL8Name) { if (!Membership.ValidateUser(strOperName, strPWD)) { throw new BusinessException("登录错误", "操作员或密码输入错误"); } SecurityManage security = new SecurityManage(); Oper oper = security.GetOperByName(strOperName); Dept dept = new Dept(); dept.cnnDeptID = 0; dept.cnnDiscount = 0; dept.cnvcDeptName = "云南人才中心"; if (oper.cnnDeptID != 0) { dept = security.GetDeptById(oper.cnnDeptID); } List <string> lFunc = security.GetFuncById(oper.cnnOperID, oper.cnnDeptID, constApp.strCardType, strL6Name, strL8Name); List <string> lAllFunc = security.GetAllFunc(constApp.strCardType, strL6Name, strL8Name); MyIdentity myidentity = new MyIdentity(oper, dept, Membership.Provider.Name); MyPrincipal myprincipal = new MyPrincipal(myidentity, lFunc, lAllFunc); Thread.CurrentPrincipal = myprincipal; //AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetThreadPrincipal(myprincipal); //return security; }
public AgregarModificarAlumnos() { InitializeComponent(); cmbCurso.DataSource = llenar.ObtenerCursos(); cmbCurso.ValueMember = "IdCurso"; cmbCurso.DisplayMember = "CursoString"; cmbTD.DataSource = llenar.ObtenerDocumento(); cmbTD.ValueMember = "IdDocumento"; cmbTD.DisplayMember = "DocumentoString"; cmbEstado.DataSource = llenar.ObtenerEstados(); //Pache cmbEstado.ValueMember = "IdEstado"; //Pache cmbEstado.DisplayMember = "EstadoString"; //Pache cmbCiclo.DataSource = llenar.ObtenerCiclos(); cmbCiclo.DisplayMember = "CicloString"; cmbCiclo.Text = Oper.NombreArchivo(false, false, true); /* * cmbCurso.SelectedIndex = -1; * cmbTD.SelectedIndex = -1; * cmbEstado.SelectedIndex = -1; * cmbCiclo.SelectedIndex = -1;*/ string fechamax = Convert.ToString("31-12-" + (Convert.ToInt32(dtpFecha.Value.Year) - 10)); dtpFecha.MaxDate = Convert.ToDateTime(fechamax); }
public static void FillTree(TreeView tv, bool haveOper) { DataTable dtOper = ReportQueryFacade.CommonQuery("select * from tbOper order by cnvcOpername"); //"OperFacade.GetAllOper(); DataTable dtDept = ReportQueryFacade.CommonQuery("select * from tbDept order by cnvcDeptName"); //OperFacade.GetAllDept(); //最高级部门 TreeNode tnTop = new TreeNode(); tnTop.ID = "dept_00"; tnTop.Type = "dept"; tnTop.Text = CommonStatic.EnterpriseFullName(); if (haveOper) { DataRow[] drOpers = dtOper.Select("cnvcDeptID=00"); foreach (DataRow drOper in drOpers) { Oper oper = new Oper(drOper); TreeNode tnOper = OperNode(oper); tnTop.Nodes.Add(tnOper); } } //一级部门 DataRow[] drDepts = dtDept.Select("cnvcParentDeptID=00"); foreach (DataRow drDept in drDepts) { Dept dept = new Dept(drDept); TreeNode tnDept = DeptNode(dept); FillNode(dtDept, dtOper, tnDept, dept.cnvcDeptID, haveOper); tnTop.Nodes.Add(tnDept); } tv.Nodes.Add(tnTop); }
public static void FillNode(DataTable dtDept, DataTable dtOper, TreeNode tnParent, string strDeptID, bool haveOper) { if (haveOper) { DataRow[] drOpers = dtOper.Select("cnvcDeptID='" + strDeptID + "'"); if (drOpers.Length > 0) { foreach (DataRow drOper in drOpers) { Oper oper = new Oper(drOper); TreeNode tnOper = OperNode(oper); tnParent.Nodes.Add(tnOper); } } } DataRow[] drDepts = dtDept.Select("cnvcParentDeptID='" + strDeptID + "'"); if (drDepts.Length > 0) { foreach (DataRow drDept in drDepts) { Dept dept = new Dept(drDept); TreeNode tnDept = DeptNode(dept); FillNode(dtDept, dtOper, tnDept, dept.cnvcDeptID, haveOper); tnParent.Nodes.Add(tnDept); } } }
private void btnPlay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { curOper = Oper.AgainPlay; if (myPlay == null) { StartPlay(); } else if (myPlay != null && myPlay.CurentState == PlayState.Run) { myPlay.Pause(); SetButton(PlayState.Pause); } else if (myPlay != null && myPlay.CurentState == PlayState.Pause) { myPlay.ContinueRun(); SetButton(PlayState.Run); } } catch { PlayCompleted(this, new EventArgs()); } }
private void equalBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (oper) { case (Oper.NON): break; case (Oper.SUM): textBox1.Text = (num1 + float.Parse(textBox1.Text)).ToString(); inputMode = false; break; case (Oper.MIN): textBox1.Text = (num1 - float.Parse(textBox1.Text)).ToString(); inputMode = false; break; case (Oper.DIV): textBox1.Text = (num1 / float.Parse(textBox1.Text)).ToString(); inputMode = false; break; case (Oper.MUT): textBox1.Text = (num1 * float.Parse(textBox1.Text)).ToString(); inputMode = false; break; } oper = Oper.NON; num1 = 0.0f; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { oper = new Oper(this); Input.multiTouchEnabled = true; self = GetComponent <Transform>(); selfCamera = GetComponent <Camera>(); kcpSocket = GetComponent <KcpSocket>(); kcpSocket.Init(ip, 8888, (Action <List <byte[]>, int>)((List <byte[]> a, int b) => { for (int i = 0; i < a.Count; i++) { // deal message( sendFormat="%f %f %f %d %d" -- frame pos.x pos.y dir.angle dir.speed ) string msg = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(a[i]); string [] fposdir = msg.Split(); float x = float.Parse(fposdir[1]); float y = float.Parse(fposdir[2]); double deltaX = x - self.position.x; double deltaY = y - self.position.y; double delta = Math.Pow(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY, 0.5); if (delta > 0.1) { Debug.Log("delta=" + delta); } offsetX = deltaX; offsetY = deltaY; fakeFrame = 120; dir.angle = int.Parse(fposdir[3]); dir.speed = int.Parse(fposdir[4]); cube.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, dir.angle); } })); kcpSocket.Connect(5000, onConnect); }
PirsEntry getEntry() { PirsEntry entry = new PirsEntry(); entry.Filename = readString(0x27); //Console.WriteLine(entry.FileName.Length); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entry.Filename.Trim())) { entry.Flags = br.ReadByte(); if (getBit(entry.Flags, 7)) { entry.Folder = true; } else { entry.Folder = false; } br.ReadBytes(0x3); entry.Blocklen = Oper.ByteArrayToInt(br.ReadBytes(0x3)); entry.Cluster = br.ReadInt32() >> 8; entry.Parent = (ushort)Convert.ToUInt32(Oper.ByteArrayToString(br.ReadBytes(2)), 16); entry.Size = Oper.ByteArrayToInt(br.ReadBytes(0x4)); entry.UpdateTime = dosDateTime(Oper.ByteArrayToInt(br.ReadBytes(0x4))); entry.AccessTime = dosDateTime(Oper.ByteArrayToInt(br.ReadBytes(0x4))); long pos = br.BaseStream.Position; entry.CRC = getCRC(br, entry.Cluster, entry.Size); br.BaseStream.Seek(pos, SeekOrigin.Begin); } return(entry); }
int DumpGFCU(byte[] data, int startaddr) { int i = 0; for (; i < GFCU_ENTS_MAXCNT; i++) { int pos = startaddr + i * GFCU_EN_SIZE; byte[] entry = Oper.returnportion(data, pos, GFCU_EN_SIZE); int eof = ReadUInt32_LE(entry, GFCU_EN_EOF_START); if (eof == GFCU_EN_EOF_MAGIC) { return(i - 1); } string fn = Oper.ByteArrayToString_v2(entry, GFCU_EN_FN_START, GFCU_EN_FN_LENGTH); int sz = ReadUInt32_LE(entry, GFCU_EN_SIZE_START); int blk = ReadUInt32_LE(entry, GFCU_EN_BLOCK_START); int un = ReadUInt32_LE(entry, GFCU_EN_UNKNOWN_START); GFCU gfcu = new GFCU(pos, fn, sz, blk, un); gfcu_arr.Add(gfcu); } return(i - 1); }
private BillOfMaterials GetBOM() { Oper curOper = Session[ConstValue.LOGIN_USER_SESSION] as Oper; BillOfMaterials _bom = new BillOfMaterials(); _bom.SetOriginalValue(); _bom.cnvcBillNo = txtBillNo.Text.Trim(); _bom.cnvcContractNo = ddlContractNo.SelectedValue; _bom.cnvcDeliveryCompany = ddlDeliveryCompany.SelectedValue; _bom.cnvcProvideCompany = txtProvideCompany.Text.Trim(); _bom.cnvcGoodsName = ddlGoodsName.SelectedItem.Text; _bom.cnvcGoodsType = ddlGoodsType.SelectedValue; _bom.cnvcUnit = "KG"; _bom.cnnReceiveCount = Convert.ToDecimal(txtReceiveCount.Text.Trim()); _bom.cnnCount = Convert.ToDecimal(txtCount.Text.Trim()); _bom.cnvcDeliveryMan = txtDeliveryMan.Text.Trim(); _bom.cndDeliveryDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDeliveryDate.Text); _bom.cndProvideBeginDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtProvideBeginDate.Text); _bom.cndProvideEndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtProvideEndDate.Text); _bom.cndProvideMan = txtProvideMan.Text.Trim(); _bom.cnvcSignerCompany = txtSignerCompany.Text.Trim(); _bom.cnvcSigner = txtSigner.Text.Trim(); _bom.cndTimeOfValidity = Convert.ToDateTime(txtProvideEndDate.Text); _bom.cnvcOperName = curOper.cnvcOperName; _bom.cnnSpecialUnitPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(txtSpecialUnitPrice.Text.Trim()); _bom.cnnSpecialFee = Convert.ToDecimal(txtSpecialFee.Text.Trim()); _bom.cnvcDeptID = this.txtDeptID.Text; //SysInitial.LocalDeptID; return(_bom); }
int DumpSFBX(string fn) { int sfbxaddr = 0, sfbxsize; for (int i = 0; i < SFBX_START.Length; i++) { byte[] sfbx_magic = ReadFile(fn, SFBX_START[i], SFBX_MAGIC.Length); if (CheckMagic(sfbx_magic, SFBX_MAGIC_START, SFBX_MAGIC)) { sfbxaddr = SFBX_START[i]; break; } if (i == SFBX_START.Length - 1) { Console.WriteLine("SFBX data wasn't found. Scanning for it!"); sfbxaddr = ScanForSFBX(fn); break; } } sfbxsize = GetSizeSFBX(fn, sfbxaddr); sfbxaddr = sfbxaddr + SFBX_ENTS_START; // Don't want the header if (sfbxsize == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Size of SFBX wasn't found in Adresstable"); return(0); } int sfbx_ents_size = sfbxsize - SFBX_BLOB_SIZE - SFBX_ENTS_START; int sfbx_ents_maxcnt = sfbx_ents_size / SFBX_EN_SIZE; int j = 0; //Read adresses in array for (; j < sfbx_ents_maxcnt; j++) { int total_pos = sfbxaddr + j * SFBX_EN_SIZE; byte[] entry = ReadFile(fn, total_pos, SFBX_EN_SIZE); int lba = ReadUInt32_LE(entry, SFBX_EN_LBA_START); int sz = ReadUInt32_LE(entry, SFBX_EN_SZ_START); int fileaddr = lba * LOG_BLOCK_SZ; // msft-xvd magic doesnt start at 0x0! byte[] xvd = ReadFile(fn, fileaddr + XVD_MAGIC_START, XVD_MAGIC.Length); byte[] magic; if (Oper.ByteArrayCompare(xvd, XVD_MAGIC)) { magic = Oper.StringToByteArray_v3("XVD"); } else { magic = ReadFile(fn, fileaddr, MAGIC_SIZE); } SFBX s = new SFBX(total_pos, lba, sz, magic); sfbx_arr.Add(s); } return(j - 1); }
public int UpdatePwd(Oper oper, BusiLog busiLog) { //SqlConnection conn = ConnectionPool.BorrowConnection(); int iRet = 0; using (SqlConnection conn = ConnectionPool.BorrowConnection()) { //conn.Open(); SqlTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction(); try { iRet = OperAccess.UpdatePwd(trans, oper); BusiLogAccess.AddBusiLog(trans, busiLog); trans.Commit(); } catch (SqlException sex) { trans.Rollback(); throw sex; } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); throw ex; } finally { ConnectionPool.ReturnConnection(conn); } } return(iRet); }
private void ultraButton3_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //删除 try { Oper opers = new Oper(); opers.cnnOperID = int.Parse(txtOperName3.Tag.ToString()); opers.cnvcOperName = txtOperName.Text; if (cmbDept3.Items.Count > 0) { if (cmbDept3.SelectedIndex >= 0) { opers.cnnDeptID = int.Parse(cmbDept3.SelectedItem.DataValue.ToString()); } } SecurityManage secruty = new SecurityManage(); secruty.DeleteOper(opers); MessageBox.Show(this, "操作员修改成功!", "操作员管理", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); BindDept(); } catch (BusinessException bex) { MessageBox.Show(this, bex.Message, bex.Type, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message, "系统错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void btnAddOper_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { if (txtOperName.Text == "admin") { throw new BusinessException("操作员管理", "操作员添加错误!"); } Oper opers = new Oper(); opers.cnvcOperName = txtOperName.Text; opers.cnvcPwd = DataSecurity.Encrypt(txtPwd.Text); opers.cnnDeptID = int.Parse(cmbDept.SelectedItem.DataValue.ToString()); SecurityManage security = new SecurityManage(); security.AddOper(opers); MessageBox.Show(this, "操作员添加成功!", "操作员管理", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); BindDept(); } catch (BusinessException bex) { MessageBox.Show(this, bex.Message, bex.Type, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message, "系统错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void ClearBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { textBox1.Text = "0"; textBox2.Clear(); num1 = 0.0f; Oper oper = Oper.NON; }
/// <summary> /// Checks a user's authorization against a given rule /// </summary> /// <param name="principal">The user to authorize</param> /// <param name="context">The name of the rule to check</param> /// <returns>boolean indicating whether the user is authorized</returns> public override bool Authorize(System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal principal, string context) { if (principal == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("principal"); } if (context == null || context.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); } //SecurityAuthorizationCheckEvent.Fire(principal.Identity.Name, context); InstrumentationProvider.FireAuthorizationCheckPerformed(principal.Identity.Name, context); DataTable dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(CommandType.Text, "select * from tbOper where cnvcOperName='" + principal.Identity.Name + "'"); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { return(false); } Oper oper = new Oper(dt); object objOperFunc = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, "select count(*) from tbOperFunc where cnnOperID=" + oper.cnnOperID + " and cnvcFuncCode='" + context + "'"); object objDeptFunc = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, "select count(*) from tbDeptFunc where cnnDeptID=" + oper.cnnDeptID + " and cnvcFuncCode='" + context + "'"); int iOperFunc = Convert.ToInt32(objOperFunc); int iDeptFunc = Convert.ToInt32(objDeptFunc); bool result = iOperFunc + iDeptFunc > 0 ? true : false; if (result == false) { //SecurityAuthorizationFailedEvent.Fire(principal.Identity.Name, context); InstrumentationProvider.FireAuthorizationCheckFailed(principal.Identity.Name, context); } return(result); }
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { if (!this.BOSValidate()) { return; } BillOfOutStorage bos = GetBOS(); Dept curDept = Session[ConstValue.LOGIN_DEPT_SESSION] as Dept; Oper curOper = Session[ConstValue.LOGIN_USER_SESSION] as Oper; BusiLog busiLog = new BusiLog(); busiLog.cnvcOperName = curOper.cnvcOperName; busiLog.cnvcDeptID = curDept.cnvcDeptID; busiLog.cnvcDeptName = curDept.cnvcDeptName; ReportQueryFacade.UpdateBOS(bos, busiLog); this.Popup("调拨单修改成功"); } catch (Exception ex) { this.Popup(ex.Message); } }
private void lstOperativos_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lstOperativos.SelectedIndex == -1) { return; } //trae los datos de la BD para mostrar en los textos vSQL = "SELECT * FROM Operativo " + " WHERE LTRIM(RTRIM(Descripcion)) = '" + lstOperativos.GetItemText(lstOperativos.SelectedItem).Trim().ToUpper() + "'" + " ORDER BY 2"; //Usando DAPPER using (IDbConnection db = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CNN"].ConnectionString)) { //si la conexion esta cerrada, la abre if (db.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { db.Open(); } //DAPPER retorna los datos en el objeto del tipo Oper //el metodo QueryFirst trae solo 1 registro cOper = db.QueryFirst <Oper>(vSQL); //llena los textos con los datos del query txtId.Text = cOper.Id_Oper; txtDescrip.Text = cOper.Descripcion; txtTel.Text = cOper.Telefono; txtDirec.Text = cOper.Direccion; txtJefe.Text = ""; //esta variable no se encuentra en la BD txtObservacion.Text = cOper.Obs; } }
public DataTable getAllOperNoSys(Oper opers) { DataTable dtOper = null; if (opers.cnnDeptID == 0) { dtOper = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(CommandType.Text, "select * from tbOper where cnnDeptID <> 0"); } else { DataTable dtManage = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(CommandType.Text, "select * from tbDept where cnvcManager = '" + opers.cnvcOperName + "'"); if (dtManage.Rows.Count != 1) { dtOper = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(CommandType.Text, "select * from tbOper where cnnDeptID = " + opers.cnnDeptID); } else { Dept dept = new Dept(dtManage); dtOper = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(CommandType.Text, "select * from tbOper where cnnDeptID = " + dept.cnnDeptID.ToString()); } } return(dtOper); }
private BillOfOutStorage GetBOS() { Oper curOper = Session[ConstValue.LOGIN_USER_SESSION] as Oper; BillOfOutStorage _bos = new BillOfOutStorage(); _bos.SetOriginalValue(); _bos.cnvcBillNo = txtBillNo.Text.Trim(); _bos.cnvcProvideStroage = txtProvideStroage.Text.Trim(); _bos.cnvcDeliveryCompany = ddlDeliveryCompany.SelectedItem.Text; _bos.cnvcMoveNo = txtMoveNo.Text.Trim(); _bos.cnvcBillOfMaterialsNo = txtBillOfMaterialsNo.Text.Trim(); _bos.cnvcTransportCompany = txtTransportCompany.Text.Trim(); _bos.cnvcTransportLiscenseTags = txtTransportLiscenseTags.Text.Trim(); _bos.cndOutStorageDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtOutStorageDate.Text); _bos.cnvcGoodsName = ddlGoodsName.SelectedItem.Text; _bos.cnvcGoodsType = ddlGoodsType.SelectedValue; _bos.cnvcUnit = "KG"; _bos.cnnReceivableCount = Convert.ToDecimal(txtReceivableCount.Text.Trim()); _bos.cnnCount = Convert.ToDecimal(txtCount.Text.Trim()); _bos.cnvcComments = txtComments.Text.Trim(); _bos.cnvcStorageIncharge = txtStorageIncharge.Text.Trim(); _bos.cnvcDeliveryMan = txtDeliveryMan.Text.Trim(); _bos.cnvcLister = txtLister.Text.Trim(); _bos.cnvcOperName = curOper.cnvcOperName; _bos.cnvcDeptID = this.txtDeptID.Text; _bos.cnvcDeliveryDeptID = ddlDeliveryCompany.SelectedValue; return(_bos); }
public void ModifyPwd(Oper opers) { try { conn = ConnectionPool.BorrowConnection(); trans = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(trans, CommandType.Text, "update tbOper set cnvcPwd = '" + opers.cnvcPwd + "' where cnvcOperName = '" + opers.cnvcOperName + "'"); trans.Commit(); } catch (BusinessException bex) //业务异常 { //LogAdapter.WriteBusinessException(bex); trans.Rollback(); throw new BusinessException(bex.Type, bex.Message); } catch (SqlException sex) //数据库异常 { //事务回滚 trans.Rollback(); //LogAdapter.WriteDatabaseException(sex); throw new BusinessException("数据库异常", sex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) //其他异常 { //事务回滚 trans.Rollback(); //LogAdapter.WriteFeaturesException(ex); throw new BusinessException("其它异常", ex.Message); } finally { ConnectionPool.ReturnConnection(conn); } }
public void DeleteOper(Oper opers) { try { conn = ConnectionPool.BorrowConnection(); trans = conn.BeginTransaction(); EntityMapping.Delete(opers, trans); trans.Commit(); } catch (BusinessException bex) //业务异常 { //LogAdapter.WriteBusinessException(bex); trans.Rollback(); throw new BusinessException(bex.Type, bex.Message); } catch (SqlException sex) //数据库异常 { //事务回滚 trans.Rollback(); //LogAdapter.WriteDatabaseException(sex); throw new BusinessException("数据库异常", sex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) //其他异常 { //事务回滚 trans.Rollback(); //LogAdapter.WriteFeaturesException(ex); throw new BusinessException("其它异常", ex.Message); } finally { ConnectionPool.ReturnConnection(conn); } }
protected override void Seed(DocTracker.DAL.MainContext context) { // This method will be called after migrating to the latest version. // You can use the DbSet<T>.AddOrUpdate() helper extension method // to avoid creating duplicate seed data. var docs = new List <Doc>(); var doc = new Doc { Title = "测试公文", Copies = 15, DocNumber = "测试发[2018]1号", ReceiveDate = DateTime.Now, Remark = "这里市备注", Scope = "测试组,政府,区委,政协", SecretLv = SecretLevel.NormalSecret, //秘密 SendDate = DateTime.Now, YearNumber = 2018, Opers = new List <Oper>() }; var oper = new Oper { DocID = 1, Name = "操作1" }; doc.Opers.Add(oper); docs.Add(doc); docs.ForEach(d => context.Docs.AddOrUpdate(od => od.Title, d)); context.SaveChanges(); }
//private int _iDiscount; public MyIdentity(Oper oper, Dept dept, string authenticationType) { this._oper = oper; this._AuthenticationType = authenticationType; //this._iDiscount = discount; this._dept = dept; }
public OperatorEditVM(Oper oper, List <Shift> shift, List <Certification> certification, OperatorCertifications operatorCertifications) { Oper = oper; Shift = shift; Certification = certification; OperatorCertifications = operatorCertifications; }
private DeviceMode GetMode(string lpFileName) { lpFileName = "\\\\.\\" + lpFileName.ToUpper(); int numBytesRead = 0; byte[] bytes = new byte[0x200]; DeviceMode mode = DeviceMode.None; SafeFileHandle handle = CreateFile(lpFileName, 0x80000000, 1, IntPtr.Zero, 3, 0, IntPtr.Zero); if (handle.IsInvalid) { handle.Close(); return(DeviceMode.None); } ReadFile(handle, bytes, 0x200, out numBytesRead, IntPtr.Zero); byte[] first = new byte[] { bytes[510], bytes[0x1ff] }; if (first.SequenceEqual <byte>(XBOX_Signature)) { mode = DeviceMode.Xbox; } else if (first.SequenceEqual <byte>(PC_Signature)) { if (Oper.allsame(Oper.returnportion(bytes, 0, 440), 0x00)) { mode = DeviceMode.PC; } } handle.Close(); return(mode); }
/// <summary> /// Opens a OpenFileDialog window and returns a DialogResult if blocking otherwise dialog.ok /// </summary> /// <param name="fbd">Reference to a OpenFileDialog</param> /// <param name="onfinish">If a delegate is passed, then it doesn't block.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static DialogResult OpenFileDialog(ref OpenFileDialog fbd, onDialogFinished onfinish = null) { if (!Directory.Exists(fbd.InitialDirectory)) { if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, fbd.InitialDirectory))) { fbd.InitialDirectory = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, fbd.InitialDirectory); } else { fbd.InitialDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory; } } DialogResult dr = new DialogResult(); Oper o = new Oper(ref fbd, ref dr); Thread thread = new Thread(() => OpenFileDialog_DoWork(o)); thread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); thread.Start(); if (onfinish != null) { return(DialogResult.OK); } while (!o._isFinished) { Thread.Sleep(100); } return(o._dr); }
private bool CheckPassword(string username, string password, bool updateLastLoginActivityDate) { string passwdFromDB; int failedPasswordAttemptCount; bool isPasswordCorrect; DateTime lastLoginDate, lastActivityDate; DataTable dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(CommandType.Text, "select * from tbOper where cnvcOperName='" + username + "'"); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { throw new BusinessException("操作员登录", "未找到操作员!"); } Oper oper = new Oper(dt); GetPasswordWithFormat(oper, updateLastLoginActivityDate, out passwdFromDB, out failedPasswordAttemptCount, out lastLoginDate, out lastActivityDate); //string encodedPasswd = EncodePassword(password); isPasswordCorrect = UnEncodePassword(passwdFromDB).Equals(password); if (isPasswordCorrect) { return(true); } oper.FailedPasswordAttemptCount = oper.FailedPasswordAttemptCount + 1; oper.FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart = DateTime.Now; EntityMapping.Update(oper); return(isPasswordCorrect); }
private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { Oper oper = LoginFacade.IsUser(txtLoginID.Text, txtPwd.Text); // ArrayList list = Application["GLOBAL_USER_LIST"] as ArrayList; // if (list == null) // { // list = new ArrayList(); // } // for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) // { // if (txtLoginID.Text == (list[i] as string)) // { // //厮将鞠村阻�戻幣危列佚連 // throw new Exception("緩喘薩厮将鞠村"); // } // } // list.Add(txtLoginID.Text); // Application["GLOBAL_USER_LIST"] = list; Session[ConstApp.S_OPER] = oper; Response.Redirect("wfmMain.aspx", false); } catch (Exception ex) { Popup(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Opens a "FileDialog" prompt window and returns the Dialog Result if blocking, otherwise DialogResult.OK. /// Call will block if a delegate isn't passed. /// </summary> /// <param name="fd">Reference of a FileDialog </param> /// <param name="onfinish">If a delegate is passed, then it doesn't block.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static DialogResult FileDialog(ref FileDialog fd, onDialogFinished onfinish = null) { DialogResult dr = new DialogResult(); Oper o = new Oper(ref fd, ref dr) {_callback = onfinish}; Thread thread = new Thread(() => FileDialog_DoWork(o)); thread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); thread.Start(); if (onfinish != null) return DialogResult.OK; while (!o._isFinished) Thread.Sleep(100); return o._dr; }
public void execute_ordered_test() { var mockPipelineDefinition = new Mock<IPipeDefinition>(); var oper = new Oper((a, o) => (int)o * 2); mockPipelineDefinition.SetupGet(e => e.Closed).Returns(true); mockPipelineDefinition.SetupGet(e => e.Operations).Returns(new[] {oper}); var item = new PipelineCompiler<int, int>(mockPipelineDefinition.Object); var f = item.Compile(); Assert.That(f(null, 5), Is.EqualTo(10)); }
/// <summary> /// Opens a OpenFileDialog window and returns a DialogResult if blocking otherwise dialog.ok /// </summary> /// <param name="fbd">Reference to a OpenFileDialog</param> /// <param name="onfinish">If a delegate is passed, then it doesn't block.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static DialogResult OpenFileDialog(ref OpenFileDialog fbd, onDialogFinished onfinish = null) { if (!Directory.Exists(fbd.InitialDirectory)) { if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, fbd.InitialDirectory))) fbd.InitialDirectory = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, fbd.InitialDirectory); else fbd.InitialDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory; } DialogResult dr = new DialogResult(); Oper o = new Oper(ref fbd, ref dr); Thread thread = new Thread(() => OpenFileDialog_DoWork(o)); thread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); thread.Start(); if (onfinish != null) return DialogResult.OK; while (!o._isFinished) Thread.Sleep(100); return o._dr; }