        public IAuthenticationRequest CreateRequest()
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyOperation(this.Request == null, OpenIdStrings.CreateRequestAlreadyCalled);
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyOperation(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Text), OpenIdStrings.OpenIdTextBoxEmpty);

            try {
                var consumer = this.CreateRelyingParty();

                // Resolve the trust root, and swap out the scheme and port if necessary to match the
                // return_to URL, since this match is required by OpenId, and the consumer app
                // may be using HTTP at some times and HTTPS at others.
                UriBuilder realm = OpenIdUtilities.GetResolvedRealm(this.Page, this.RealmUrl);
                realm.Scheme = Page.Request.Url.Scheme;
                realm.Port   = Page.Request.Url.Port;

                // Initiate openid request
                // We use TryParse here to avoid throwing an exception which
                // might slip through our validator control if it is disabled.
                Identifier userSuppliedIdentifier;
                if (Identifier.TryParse(this.Text, out userSuppliedIdentifier))
                    Realm typedRealm = new Realm(realm);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ReturnToUrl))
                        this.Request = consumer.CreateRequest(userSuppliedIdentifier, typedRealm);
                        Uri returnTo = new Uri(MessagingUtilities.GetRequestUrlFromContext(), this.ReturnToUrl);
                        this.Request = consumer.CreateRequest(userSuppliedIdentifier, typedRealm, returnTo);
                    this.Request.Mode = this.ImmediateMode ? AuthenticationRequestMode.Immediate : AuthenticationRequestMode.Setup;
                    if (this.EnableRequestProfile)

                    // Add state that needs to survive across the redirect.
                    this.Request.AddCallbackArguments(UsePersistentCookieCallbackKey, this.UsePersistentCookie.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                    Logger.WarnFormat("An invalid identifier was entered ({0}), but not caught by any validation routine.", this.Text);
                    this.Request = null;
            } catch (ProtocolException ex) {
                this.OnFailed(new FailedAuthenticationResponse(ex));
