public override Structure CallWithArgsPushedAlready()
            int throwAway = OpcodeCall.StaticExecute(Cpu, true, Name, true);

            // throwAway will be -1 for cases where it's a builtin function.
            // and the return value will be left atop the stack by StaticExecute.
            return(new KOSPassThruReturn());
        public override Structure Call()
            int absoluteJumpTo = OpcodeCall.StaticExecute(Cpu, false, "", true);

            if (absoluteJumpTo >= 0)
                Cpu.InstructionPointer = absoluteJumpTo - 1; // -1 because it increments by 1 automatically between instructions.
            // Remember this is just a special flag telling OpcodeCall to never place
            // this suffix's C# delegate return value on the stack.  It's like saying
            // "even more void that void", because normally even a void suffix gets a
            // dummy return value.  This says to not even do that - just offload the
            // responsibility for pushing a return value onto the user code that is
            // about to be jumped into.
            return(new KOSPassThruReturn());