public Site(OnlineVideos.Sites.SiteUtilBase siteUtil) { Model = siteUtil; Name = siteUtil.Settings.Name; Language = siteUtil.Settings.Language; Description = siteUtil.Settings.Description; }
public GlobalSite(OnlineVideos.OnlineVideosWebservice.Site site) { Model = site; Other = Model; Owner = Model.Owner_FK.Substring(0, Model.Owner_FK.IndexOf('@')).Replace('.', ' ').Replace('_', ' '); Language = Util.GetLocalizedLanguageDisplayName(site.Language); ThumbnailImage = Path.Combine(OnlineVideos.OnlineVideoSettings.Instance.ThumbsDir, @"Icons\" + site.Name + ".png"); Thumb = "" + site.Name + ".png"; }
public override string GetVideoUrl(OnlineVideos.VideoInfo video) { if (video.VideoUrl.Contains("/vp/")) { return String.Format(videoUrlFormatString, video.VideoUrl.Substring(video.VideoUrl.LastIndexOf("#") + 1)); } else { return String.Format(videoUrlFormatString, new Uri(video.VideoUrl).Segments.Last().Trim('/')); } }
public Category(OnlineVideos.Category category) { Model = category; Name = category.Name; Description = category.Description; ThumbnailImage = category.ThumbnailImage; CategoryPath = category.RecursiveName(); if (category is OnlineVideos.RssLink) EstimatedVideoCount = (category as OnlineVideos.RssLink).EstimatedVideoCount; // we cannot attach directly to the PropertyChanged event of the Model as it is in another domain and PropertyChangedEventArgs is not serializable eventDelegator = OnlineVideosAppDomain.Domain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(typeof(PropertyChangedDelegator).Assembly.FullName, typeof(PropertyChangedDelegator).FullName) as PropertyChangedDelegator; eventDelegator.InvokeTarget = new PropertyChangedExecutor() { InvokeHandler = ModelPropertyChanged }; Model.PropertyChanged += eventDelegator.EventDelegate; }
public async Task SearchAsync(string term) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(term)) { ToastManager.ShowError("Please enter something."); return; } SetMessage(Core.StringMessage.LoadingPleaseWait); if (!App.Locator.Network.IsActive) { SetMessage(Core.StringMessage.NoInternetConnection); return; } foundInViez = false; IsLoading = true; try { ClearSearchViewModelData(); var tasks = new List <Task> { Task.Run( async() => { _tracksResponse = await _service.SearchTracksAsync(term, limit: 20); if (_tracksResponse != null) { await DispatcherHelper.RunAsync( () => { int indexToAdd = -1; Tracks = CreateLastIncrementalCollection( "songs", () => _tracksResponse, tracks => _tracksResponse = tracks, async i => await _service.SearchTracksAsync(term, page: i, limit: 20)); foreach (var addedOTrack in _tracksResponse.Content) { indexToAdd++; Tracks.Add(Data.Model.WebSongConverter.CreateSong(addedOTrack)); if (indexToAdd == 2 || indexToAdd == 10 || indexToAdd == 22 || indexToAdd == 34 || indexToAdd == 49 || indexToAdd == 63 || indexToAdd == 78 || indexToAdd == 88 || indexToAdd == 99) { Tracks.Insert(indexToAdd, new ListAdvert()); } } }); } }), Task.Run( async() => { _albumsResponse = await _service.SearchAlbumsAsync(term, limit: 20); if (_albumsResponse != null) { await DispatcherHelper.RunAsync( () => { int indexToAdd = -1; Albums = CreateLastIncrementalCollection( "albums", () => _albumsResponse, albums => _albumsResponse = albums, async i => await _service.SearchAlbumsAsync(term, page: i, limit: 20)); foreach (var addedOAlbum in _albumsResponse?.Content) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(addedOAlbum.Mbid) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(addedOAlbum.Id)) { indexToAdd++; Albums.Add(Data.Model.WebSongConverter.CreateAlbum(addedOAlbum)); if (indexToAdd == 2 || indexToAdd == 10 || indexToAdd == 22 || indexToAdd == 34 || indexToAdd == 49 || indexToAdd == 63 || indexToAdd == 78 || indexToAdd == 88 || indexToAdd == 99) { Albums.Insert(indexToAdd, new Advert()); } } } }); } }), Task.Run( async() => { _artistsResponse = await _service.SearchArtistsAsync(term, limit: 1); if (_artistsResponse != null && _artistsResponse.Content.Count > 0) { await DispatcherHelper.RunAsync(() => Artists = new List <LastArtist>(_artistsResponse.Content)); } }), Task.Run( async() => { try { await Task.Factory.StartNew(async() => { await DispatcherHelper.RunAsync(async() => { if (App.Locator.Setting.VideoOnOff) { VideoMessage = Core.StringMessage.LoadingPleaseWait; OnlineVideos = await _misc.GetSearchedVideos(20, term); if (OnlineVideos != null && OnlineVideos.CountOrDefault() > 0) { VideoMessage = Core.StringMessage.NoMessge; } else { VideoMessage = Core.StringMessage.EmptyMessage; } } else { VideoMessage = Core.StringMessage.NoMessge; } }); }); } catch { VideoMessage = Core.StringMessage.SomethinWentWrong; } }) }; await Task.WhenAll(tasks); } catch { SetMessage(Core.StringMessage.SomethinWentWrong); } if (Tracks == null || Tracks.Count < 1) { await FindOnViez(term); } else { TrackMessage = (Tracks != null && Tracks.Count > 0) ? Core.StringMessage.NoMessge : Core.StringMessage.EmptyMessage; } if ((Albums != null && Albums.Count > 0) && (Artists != null && Artists.Count > 0)) { ArtistHeader = true; } else { ArtistHeader = false; } AlbumArtistMessage = ((Albums != null && Albums.Count > 0) || (Artists != null && Artists.Count > 0)) ? Core.StringMessage.NoMessge : Core.StringMessage.EmptyMessage; IsLoading = false; }
private void Play_Step6(PlayListItem playItem, string lsUrl, OnlineVideos.MediaPortal1.Player.PlayerFactory factory) { IPlayerFactory savedFactory = g_Player.Factory; g_Player.Factory = factory; try { if (factory.PreparedPlayer is OnlineVideosPlayer) g_Player.Play("http://localhost/OnlineVideo.mp4", g_Player.MediaType.Video); // hack to get around the MP 1.3 Alpha bug with non http URLs else g_Player.Play(lsUrl, g_Player.MediaType.Video); } catch (Exception ex) // since many plugins attach to the g_Player.PlayBackStarted event, this might throw unexpected errors { Log.Instance.Warn(ex.ToString()); } g_Player.Factory = savedFactory; if (g_Player.Player != null && g_Player.HasVideo) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(playItem.Video.StartTime)) { Log.Instance.Info("Found starttime: {0}", playItem.Video.StartTime); double seconds = Helpers.TimeUtils.SecondsFromTime(playItem.Video.StartTime); if (seconds > 0.0d) { Log.Instance.Info("SeekingAbsolute: {0}", seconds); g_Player.SeekAbsolute(seconds); } } playItem.FileName = lsUrl; currentPlayingItem = playItem; SetGuiProperties_PlayingVideo(playItem); } }
void Play_Step5(PlayListItem playItem, string lsUrl, bool goFullScreen, OnlineVideos.MediaPortal1.Player.PlayerFactory factory, bool? factoryPrepareResult, bool showMessage) { if (factoryPrepareResult == null) { if (factory.PreparedPlayer is OnlineVideosPlayer && (factory.PreparedPlayer as OnlineVideosPlayer).BufferingStopped == true) showMessage = false; factory.PreparedPlayer.Dispose(); if (showMessage) { GUIDialogNotify dlg = (GUIDialogNotify)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)GUIWindow.Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_NOTIFY); if (dlg != null) { dlg.Reset(); dlg.SetImage(SiteImageExistenceCache.GetImageForSite("OnlineVideos", type: "Icon")); dlg.SetHeading(Translation.Instance.Error); dlg.SetText(Translation.Instance.UnableToPlayVideo); dlg.DoModal(GUIWindowManager.ActiveWindow); } } } else { (factory.PreparedPlayer as OVSPLayer).GoFullscreen = goFullScreen; Uri subtitleUri = null; bool validUri = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(playItem.Video.SubtitleUrl) && Uri.TryCreate(playItem.Video.SubtitleUrl, UriKind.Absolute, out subtitleUri); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(playItem.Video.SubtitleText) || (validUri && !subtitleUri.IsFile)) { // download subtitle file before starting playback Gui2UtilConnector.Instance.ExecuteInBackgroundAndCallback(delegate() { string subs = string.IsNullOrEmpty(playItem.Video.SubtitleText) ? WebCache.Instance.GetWebData(playItem.Video.SubtitleUrl) : playItem.Video.SubtitleText; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subs)) { string subFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "OnlineVideoSubtitles.txt"); File.WriteAllText(subFile, subs, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); (factory.PreparedPlayer as OVSPLayer).SubtitleFile = subFile; } return true; }, delegate(bool success, object result) { Play_Step6(playItem, lsUrl, factory); }, Translation.Instance.DownloadingSubtitle, true); } else { if (validUri && subtitleUri.IsFile) (factory.PreparedPlayer as OVSPLayer).SubtitleFile = subtitleUri.AbsolutePath; Play_Step6(playItem, lsUrl, factory); } } }
public override List<ContextMenuEntry> GetContextMenuEntries(Category selectedCategory, OnlineVideos.VideoInfo selectedItem) { List<ContextMenuEntry> result = new List<ContextMenuEntry>(); if (selectedItem != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedItem.Other as string)) { result.Add(new ContextMenuEntry() { DisplayText = "Mehr " + selectedItem.Description, Other = selectedItem.Other }); } return result; }
public override ContextMenuExecutionResult ExecuteContextMenuEntry(Category selectedCategory, OnlineVideos.VideoInfo selectedItem, ContextMenuEntry choice) { if (choice != null && choice.DisplayText.StartsWith("Mehr ")) { currentVideoTitle = choice.DisplayText; return new ContextMenuExecutionResult() { ResultItems = GetVideosFromApiUrl(GetApiUrl("myvideo.videos.list_by_user", new NameValueCollection() { { "user", choice.Other as string } })) .ConvertAll<SearchResultItem>(v => v as SearchResultItem) }; } return null; }
public static SiteSettings GetRemoteSite(string siteName, OnlineVideos.OnlineVideosWebservice.OnlineVideosService ws = null) { try { if (ws == null) ws = new OnlineVideosService() { Timeout = 30000, EnableDecompression = true }; string siteXml = ws.GetSiteXml(siteName); if (siteXml.Length > 0) { IList<SiteSettings> sitesFromWeb = SerializableSettings.Deserialize(siteXml); if (sitesFromWeb != null && sitesFromWeb.Count > 0) { // Download images try { string iconPath = Path.Combine(OnlineVideoSettings.Instance.ThumbsDir, @"Icons\" + siteName + ".png"); byte[] icon = ws.GetSiteIconIfChanged(siteName, File.Exists(iconPath) ? BitConverter.ToString(md5Service.ComputeHash(File.ReadAllBytes(iconPath))).Replace("-", "").ToLower() : null); if (icon != null && icon.Length > 0) File.WriteAllBytes(iconPath, icon); } catch (Exception ex) { OnlineVideos.OnlineVideoSettings.Instance.Logger.Warn("Error getting Icon for Site '{0}': {1}", siteName, ex.ToString()); } try { string bannerPath = Path.Combine(OnlineVideoSettings.Instance.ThumbsDir, @"Banners\" + siteName + ".png"); byte[] banner = ws.GetSiteBannerIfChanged(siteName, File.Exists(bannerPath) ? BitConverter.ToString(md5Service.ComputeHash(File.ReadAllBytes(bannerPath))).Replace("-", "").ToLower() : null); if (banner != null && banner.Length > 0) File.WriteAllBytes(bannerPath, banner); } catch (Exception ex) { OnlineVideos.OnlineVideoSettings.Instance.Logger.Warn("Error getting Banner for Site '{0}': {1}", siteName, ex.ToString()); } // return the site return sitesFromWeb[0]; } } } catch (Exception ex) { OnlineVideos.OnlineVideoSettings.Instance.Logger.Warn("Error getting remote Site {0}: {1}", siteName, ex.ToString()); } return null; }
public override string GetVideoUrl(OnlineVideos.VideoInfo video) { video.PlaybackOptions = new Dictionary<string, string>(); var tokenDataJson = GetWebData<JToken>(string.Format(tokenUrl, video.VideoUrl)); var token= tokenDataJson["token"]; var sig = tokenDataJson["sig"]; string hlsPlaylistUrl = string.Format(playlistUrl, video.VideoUrl, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(token.ToString()), sig); var m3u8Data = GetWebData(hlsPlaylistUrl); foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(m3u8Data, m3u8Regex)) { video.PlaybackOptions.Add( string.Format("{0} - {1} kbps", match.Groups["quality"].Value, int.Parse(match.Groups["bitrate"].Value) / 1000), match.Groups["url"].Value); } return video.PlaybackOptions.Select(p => p.Value).FirstOrDefault(); }
void Play_Step5(PlayListItem playItem, string lsUrl, bool goFullScreen, OnlineVideos.MediaPortal1.Player.PlayerFactory factory, bool? factoryPrepareResult, bool showMessage) { if (factoryPrepareResult == null) { if (factory.PreparedPlayer is OnlineVideosPlayer && (factory.PreparedPlayer as OnlineVideosPlayer).BufferingStopped == true) showMessage = false; factory.PreparedPlayer.Dispose(); if (showMessage) { DisplayUnableToPlayDialog(); } } else { (factory.PreparedPlayer as OVSPLayer).GoFullscreen = goFullScreen; Uri subtitleUri = null; bool validUri = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(playItem.Video.SubtitleUrl) && Uri.TryCreate(playItem.Video.SubtitleUrl, UriKind.Absolute, out subtitleUri); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(playItem.Video.SubtitleText) || (validUri && !subtitleUri.IsFile)) { // download subtitle file before starting playback Gui2UtilConnector.Instance.ExecuteInBackgroundAndCallback(delegate() { string subs = string.IsNullOrEmpty(playItem.Video.SubtitleText) ? WebCache.Instance.GetWebData(playItem.Video.SubtitleUrl) : playItem.Video.SubtitleText; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subs)) { string subFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "OnlineVideoSubtitles.txt"); File.WriteAllText(subFile, subs, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); (factory.PreparedPlayer as OVSPLayer).SubtitleFile = subFile; } return true; }, delegate(bool success, object result) { Play_Step6(playItem, lsUrl, factory); }, Translation.Instance.DownloadingSubtitle, true); } else { if (validUri && subtitleUri.IsFile) (factory.PreparedPlayer as OVSPLayer).SubtitleFile = subtitleUri.AbsolutePath; Play_Step6(playItem, lsUrl, factory); } } }
public override void Initialize(OnlineVideos.SiteSettings siteSettings) { base.Initialize(siteSettings); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(videoListSearchResultsRegEx)) regEx_VideoListSearchResults = new Regex(videoListSearchResultsRegEx, defaultRegexOptions); }
public static void LoadAndWaitForMPUrlSourceFilter(string url, OnlineVideos.MPUrlSourceFilter.IFilterStateEx filterStateEx) { //string url = ApplyMPUrlSourceFilterSiteUserSettings(_resourceAccessor.ResourcePathName); int result = filterStateEx.LoadAsync(url); if (result < 0) throw new UPnPRendererExceptions("Loading URL async error: {0}", result); WaitUntilReady(filterStateEx.IsStreamOpened, 1, "Check stream open error"); WaitUntilReady(filterStateEx.IsFilterReadyToConnectPins, 50, "IsFilterReadyToConnectPins error"); }