/// <summary>
        /// On request Complete
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="response">Response</param>
        private void OnComplete(string response)
            // Log response

            // You have two options:
            // 1. Load the result object. It's slower, but you have the entire object.
            // 2. Load the elevation data into array. It's fast. Supports one-dimensional and two-dimensional arrays.

            // 1. Load result object
            OnlineMapsBingMapsElevationResult result = OnlineMapsBingMapsElevation.GetResult(response, OnlineMapsBingMapsElevation.Output.json);

            // Log elevations length
            if (result != null)
                Debug.Log("Result is null");

            // 2. Load the elevation data into two-dimensional array.
            short[,] elevations = new short[32, 32];
            Array ea = elevations;

            OnlineMapsBingMapsElevation.ParseElevationArray(response, OnlineMapsBingMapsElevation.Output.json, ref ea);

            // Log first elevation value
            Debug.Log(elevations[0, 0]);
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts the response string to response object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="response">Response string</param>
 /// <param name="outputType">Format of response string (JSON or XML)</param>
 /// <returns>Response object</returns>
 public static OnlineMapsBingMapsElevationResult GetResult(string response, Output outputType)
         if (outputType == Output.json)
             return(OnlineMapsJSON.Deserialize <OnlineMapsBingMapsElevationResult>(response));
         OnlineMapsXML xml = OnlineMapsXML.Load(response);
         if (!xml.isNull)
             OnlineMapsBingMapsElevationResult result = new OnlineMapsBingMapsElevationResult(xml);
     catch {}