        private static Mod AttemptLoadVirtualMod(ArchiveFileInfo sfarEntry, SevenZipExtractor archive, Mod.MEGame game, string md5)
            var sfarPath   = sfarEntry.FileName;
            var cookedPath = FilesystemInterposer.DirectoryGetParent(sfarPath, true);

            //Todo: Check if value is CookedPC/CookedPCConsole as further validation
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FilesystemInterposer.DirectoryGetParent(cookedPath, true)))
                var dlcDir        = FilesystemInterposer.DirectoryGetParent(cookedPath, true);
                var dlcFolderName = Path.GetFileName(dlcDir);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dlcFolderName))
                    var thirdPartyInfo = ThirdPartyServices.GetThirdPartyModInfo(dlcFolderName, game);
                    if (thirdPartyInfo != null)
                        Log.Information($@"Third party mod found: {thirdPartyInfo.modname}, preparing virtual moddesc.ini");
                        //We will have to load a virtual moddesc. Since Mod constructor requires reading an ini, we will build and feed it a virtual one.
                        IniData virtualModDesc = new IniData();
                        virtualModDesc[@"ModManager"][@"cmmver"]     = App.HighestSupportedModDesc.ToString();
                        virtualModDesc[@"ModManager"][@"importedby"] = App.BuildNumber.ToString();
                        virtualModDesc[@"ModInfo"][@"game"]          = @"ME3";
                        virtualModDesc[@"ModInfo"][@"modname"]       = thirdPartyInfo.modname;
                        virtualModDesc[@"ModInfo"][@"moddev"]        = thirdPartyInfo.moddev;
                        virtualModDesc[@"ModInfo"][@"modsite"]       = thirdPartyInfo.modsite;
                        virtualModDesc[@"ModInfo"][@"moddesc"]       = thirdPartyInfo.moddesc;
                        virtualModDesc[@"ModInfo"][@"unofficial"]    = @"true";
                        if (int.TryParse(thirdPartyInfo.updatecode, out var updatecode) && updatecode > 0)
                            virtualModDesc[@"ModInfo"][@"updatecode"] = updatecode.ToString();
                            virtualModDesc[@"ModInfo"][@"modver"]     = 0.001.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); //This will force mod to check for update after reload
                            virtualModDesc[@"ModInfo"][@"modver"] = 0.0.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); //Will attempt to look up later after mods have parsed.

                        virtualModDesc[@"CUSTOMDLC"][@"sourcedirs"]        = dlcFolderName;
                        virtualModDesc[@"CUSTOMDLC"][@"destdirs"]          = dlcFolderName;
                        virtualModDesc[@"UPDATES"][@"originalarchivehash"] = md5;

                        var archiveSize    = new FileInfo(archive.FileName).Length;
                        var importingInfos = ThirdPartyServices.GetImportingInfosBySize(archiveSize);
                        if (importingInfos.Count == 1 && importingInfos[0].GetParsedRequiredDLC().Count > 0)
                            OnlineContent.QueryModRelay(importingInfos[0].md5, archiveSize); //Tell telemetry relay we are accessing the TPIS for an existing item so it can update latest for tracking
                            virtualModDesc[@"ModInfo"][@"requireddlc"] = importingInfos[0].requireddlc;

                        return(new Mod(virtualModDesc.ToString(), FilesystemInterposer.DirectoryGetParent(dlcDir, true), archive));
                    Log.Information($@"No third party mod information for importing {dlcFolderName}. Should this be supported for import? Contact Mgamerz on the ME3Tweaks Discord if it should.");

        //this should be private but no way to test it private for now...

        /// <summary>
        /// Inspects and loads compressed mods from an archive.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filepath">Path of the archive</param>
        /// <param name="addCompressedModCallback">Callback indicating that the mod should be added to the collection of found mods</param>
        /// <param name="currentOperationTextCallback">Callback to tell caller what's going on'</param>
        /// <param name="forcedOverrideData">Override data about archive. Used for testing only</param>
        public static void InspectArchive(string filepath, Action <Mod> addCompressedModCallback = null, Action <Mod> failedToLoadModeCallback = null, Action <string> currentOperationTextCallback = null, string forcedMD5 = null, int forcedSize = -1)
            string     relayVersionResponse = @"-1";
            List <Mod> internalModList      = new List <Mod>(); //internal mod list is for this function only so we don't need a callback to get our list since results are returned immediately
            var        isExe       = filepath.EndsWith(@".exe");
            var        archiveFile = isExe ? new SevenZipExtractor(filepath, InArchiveFormat.Nsis) : new SevenZipExtractor(filepath);

            using (archiveFile)
                foreach (var v in archiveFile.ArchiveFileData)
                    Debug.WriteLine($@"{v.FileName} | Index {v.Index} | Size {v.Size}");
                var moddesciniEntries = new List <ArchiveFileInfo>();
                var sfarEntries       = new List <ArchiveFileInfo>(); //ME3 DLC
                var bioengineEntries  = new List <ArchiveFileInfo>(); //ME2 DLC
                var me2mods           = new List <ArchiveFileInfo>(); //ME2 RCW Mods
                foreach (var entry in archiveFile.ArchiveFileData)
                    string fname = Path.GetFileName(entry.FileName);
                    if (!entry.IsDirectory && fname.Equals(@"moddesc.ini", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    else if (!entry.IsDirectory && fname.Equals(@"Default.sfar", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        //for unofficial lookups
                    else if (!entry.IsDirectory && fname.Equals(@"BIOEngine.ini", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        //for unofficial lookups
                    else if (!entry.IsDirectory && Path.GetExtension(fname) == @".me2mod")
                        //for unofficial lookups

                if (moddesciniEntries.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var entry in moddesciniEntries)
                        currentOperationTextCallback?.Invoke(M3L.GetString(M3L.string_interp_readingX, entry.FileName));
                        Mod m = new Mod(entry, archiveFile);
                        if (m.ValidMod)
                else if (me2mods.Count > 0)
                    //found some .me2mod files.
                    foreach (var entry in me2mods)
                        currentOperationTextCallback?.Invoke(M3L.GetString(M3L.string_interp_readingX, entry.FileName));
                        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                        archiveFile.ExtractFile(entry.Index, ms);
                        ms.Position = 0;
                        StreamReader reader         = new StreamReader(ms);
                        string       text           = reader.ReadToEnd();
                        var          rcwModsForFile = RCWMod.ParseRCWMods(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(entry.FileName), text);
                        foreach (var rcw in rcwModsForFile)
                            Mod m = new Mod(rcw);
                    Log.Information(@"Querying third party importing service for information about this file");
                    var  md5  = forcedMD5 ?? Utilities.CalculateMD5(filepath);
                    long size = forcedSize > 0 ? forcedSize : new FileInfo(filepath).Length;
                    var  potentialImportinInfos = ThirdPartyServices.GetImportingInfosBySize(size);
                    var  importingInfo          = potentialImportinInfos.FirstOrDefault(x => x.md5 == md5);

                    if (importingInfo == null && isExe)
                        Log.Error(@"EXE-based mods must be validated by ME3Tweaks before they can be imported into M3. This is to prevent breaking third party mods.");

                    if (importingInfo?.servermoddescname != null)
                        //Partially supported unofficial third party mod
                        //Mod has a custom written moddesc.ini stored on ME3Tweaks
                        Log.Information(@"Fetching premade moddesc.ini from ME3Tweaks for this mod archive");
                        string custommoddesc    = OnlineContent.FetchThirdPartyModdesc(importingInfo.servermoddescname);
                        Mod    virutalCustomMod = new Mod(custommoddesc, "", archiveFile); //Load virutal mod
                        if (virutalCustomMod.ValidMod)
                            return; //Don't do further parsing as this is custom written
                            Log.Error(@"Server moddesc was not valid for this mod. This shouldn't occur. Please report to Mgamerz.");

                    ExeTransform transform = null;
                    if (importingInfo?.exetransform != null)
                        Log.Information(@"TPIS lists exe transform for this mod: " + importingInfo.exetransform);
                        transform = new ExeTransform(OnlineContent.FetchExeTransform(importingInfo.exetransform));

                    //Fully unofficial third party mod.

                    foreach (var sfarEntry in sfarEntries)
                        var vMod = AttemptLoadVirtualMod(sfarEntry, archiveFile, Mod.MEGame.ME3, md5);
                        if (vMod.ValidMod)
                            vMod.ExeExtractionTransform = transform;

                    //TODO: ME2
                    //foreach (var entry in bioengineEntries)
                    //    var vMod = AttemptLoadVirtualMod(entry, archiveFile, Mod.MEGame.ME2, md5);
                    //    if (vMod.ValidMod)
                    //    {
                    //        addCompressedModCallback?.Invoke(vMod);
                    //        internalModList.Add(vMod);
                    //    }

                    //TODO: ME1

                    if (importingInfo?.version != null)
                        foreach (Mod compressedMod in internalModList)
                            compressedMod.ModVersionString = importingInfo.version;
                            Version.TryParse(importingInfo.version, out var parsedValue);
                            compressedMod.ParsedModVersion = parsedValue;
                    else if (relayVersionResponse == @"-1")
                        //If no version information, check ME3Tweaks to see if it's been added recently
                        //see if server has information on version number
                        Log.Information(@"Querying ME3Tweaks for additional information");
                        var modInfo = OnlineContent.QueryModRelay(md5, size);
                        //todo: make this work offline.
                        if (modInfo != null && modInfo.TryGetValue(@"version", out string value))
                            Log.Information(@"ME3Tweaks reports version number for this file is: " + value);
                            foreach (Mod compressedMod in internalModList)
                                compressedMod.ModVersionString = value;
                                Version.TryParse(value, out var parsedValue);
                                compressedMod.ParsedModVersion = parsedValue;
                            relayVersionResponse = value;
                            Log.Information(@"ME3Tweaks does not have additional version information for this file");
                            Analytics.TrackEvent("Non Mod Manager Mod Dropped", new Dictionary <string, string>()
                                { "Filename", Path.GetFileName(filepath) },
                                { "MD5", md5 }

                        //Try straight up TPMI import?
                        Log.Warning($@"No importing information is available for file with hash {md5}. No mods could be found.");
                        Analytics.TrackEvent("Non Mod Manager Mod Dropped", new Dictionary <string, string>()
                            { "Filename", Path.GetFileName(filepath) },
                            { "MD5", md5 }
        //this should be private but no way to test it private for now...

        /// <summary>
        /// Inspects and loads compressed mods from an archive.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filepath">Path of the archive</param>
        /// <param name="addCompressedModCallback">Callback indicating that the mod should be added to the collection of found mods</param>
        /// <param name="currentOperationTextCallback">Callback to tell caller what's going on'</param>
        /// <param name="forcedOverrideData">Override data about archive. Used for testing only</param>
        public static void InspectArchive(string filepath, Action <Mod> addCompressedModCallback = null, Action <Mod> failedToLoadModeCallback = null, Action <string> currentOperationTextCallback = null,
                                          Action showALOTLauncher = null, string forcedMD5 = null, int forcedSize = -1)
            string     relayVersionResponse = @"-1";
            List <Mod> internalModList      = new List <Mod>(); //internal mod list is for this function only so we don't need a callback to get our list since results are returned immediately
            var        isExe       = filepath.EndsWith(@".exe");
            var        archiveFile = isExe ? new SevenZipExtractor(filepath, InArchiveFormat.Nsis) : new SevenZipExtractor(filepath);

            using (archiveFile)
                foreach (var v in archiveFile.ArchiveFileData)
                    Debug.WriteLine($@"{v.FileName} | Index {v.Index} | Size {v.Size} | Last Modified {v.LastWriteTime}");
                var  moddesciniEntries = new List <ArchiveFileInfo>();
                var  sfarEntries       = new List <ArchiveFileInfo>(); //ME3 DLC
                var  bioengineEntries  = new List <ArchiveFileInfo>(); //ME2 DLC
                var  me2mods           = new List <ArchiveFileInfo>(); //ME2 RCW Mods
                var  textureModEntries = new List <ArchiveFileInfo>(); //TPF MEM MOD files
                bool isAlotFile        = false;
                    foreach (var entry in archiveFile.ArchiveFileData)
                        if (!entry.IsDirectory)
                            string fname = Path.GetFileName(entry.FileName);
                            if (fname.Equals(@"ALOTInstaller.exe", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                isAlotFile = true;
                            else if (fname.Equals(@"moddesc.ini", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            else if (fname.Equals(@"Default.sfar", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                //for unofficial lookups
                            else if (fname.Equals(@"BIOEngine.ini", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                //for unofficial lookups
                            else if (Path.GetExtension(fname) == @".me2mod")
                            else if (Path.GetExtension(fname) == @".mem" || Path.GetExtension(fname) == @".tpf" || Path.GetExtension(fname) == @".mod")
                                //for forwarding to ALOT Installer
                catch (SevenZipArchiveException svae)
                    //error reading archive!
                    Mod failed = new Mod(false);
                    failed.ModName          = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_archiveError);
                    failed.LoadFailedReason = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_couldNotInspectArchive7zException);
                    Log.Error($@"Unable to inspect archive {filepath}: SevenZipException occurred! It may be corrupt. The specific error was: {svae.Message}");

                // Used for TPIS information lookup
                long archiveSize = forcedSize > 0 ? forcedSize : new FileInfo(filepath).Length;

                if (moddesciniEntries.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var entry in moddesciniEntries)
                        currentOperationTextCallback?.Invoke(M3L.GetString(M3L.string_interp_readingX, entry.FileName));
                        Mod m = new Mod(entry, archiveFile);
                        if (!m.ValidMod)
                            m.SelectedForImport = false;

                else if (me2mods.Count > 0)
                    //found some .me2mod files.
                    foreach (var entry in me2mods)
                        currentOperationTextCallback?.Invoke(M3L.GetString(M3L.string_interp_readingX, entry.FileName));
                        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                        archiveFile.ExtractFile(entry.Index, ms);
                        ms.Position = 0;
                        StreamReader reader         = new StreamReader(ms);
                        string       text           = reader.ReadToEnd();
                        var          rcwModsForFile = RCWMod.ParseRCWMods(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(entry.FileName), text);
                        foreach (var rcw in rcwModsForFile)
                            Mod m = new Mod(rcw);
                else if (textureModEntries.Any() && isAlotFile)
                    if (isAlotFile)
                        //is alot installer
                        Log.Information(@"This file contains texture files and ALOTInstaller.exe - this is an ALOT main file");
                        var textureLibraryPath = Utilities.GetALOTInstallerTextureLibraryDirectory();
                        if (textureLibraryPath != null)
                            //we have destination
                            var destPath = Path.Combine(textureLibraryPath, Path.GetFileName(filepath));
                            if (!File.Exists(destPath))
                                File.Move(filepath, destPath, true);
                    //todo: Parse
                    //    //found some texture-mod only files
                    //    foreach (var entry in textureModEntries)
                    //    {
                    //        currentOperationTextCallback?.Invoke(M3L.GetString(M3L.string_interp_readingX, entry.FileName));
                    //        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                    //        archiveFile.ExtractFile(entry.Index, ms);
                    //        ms.Position = 0;
                    //        StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(ms);
                    //        string text = reader.ReadToEnd();
                    //        var rcwModsForFile = RCWMod.ParseRCWMods(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(entry.FileName), text);
                    //        foreach (var rcw in rcwModsForFile)
                    //        {
                    //            Mod m = new Mod(rcw);
                    //            addCompressedModCallback?.Invoke(m);
                    //            internalModList.Add(m);
                    //        }
                    //    }
                    Log.Information(@"Querying third party importing service for information about this file: " + filepath);
                    var md5 = forcedMD5 ?? Utilities.CalculateMD5(filepath);
                    var potentialImportinInfos = ThirdPartyServices.GetImportingInfosBySize(archiveSize);
                    var importingInfo          = potentialImportinInfos.FirstOrDefault(x => x.md5 == md5);

                    if (importingInfo == null && isExe)
                        Log.Error(@"EXE-based mods must be validated by ME3Tweaks before they can be imported into M3. This is to prevent breaking third party mods.");

                    if (importingInfo?.servermoddescname != null)
                        //Partially supported unofficial third party mod
                        //Mod has a custom written moddesc.ini stored on ME3Tweaks
                        Log.Information(@"Fetching premade moddesc.ini from ME3Tweaks for this mod archive");
                        string custommoddesc    = null;
                        string loadFailedReason = null;
                            custommoddesc = OnlineContent.FetchThirdPartyModdesc(importingInfo.servermoddescname);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            loadFailedReason = e.Message;
                            Log.Error(@"Error fetching moddesc from server: " + e.Message);

                        Mod virutalCustomMod = new Mod(custommoddesc, "", archiveFile); //Load virutal mod
                        if (virutalCustomMod.ValidMod)
                            Log.Information(@"Mod loaded from server moddesc.");
                            return; //Don't do further parsing as this is custom written
                            if (loadFailedReason != null)
                                virutalCustomMod.LoadFailedReason = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_interp_failedToFetchModdesciniFileFromServerReasonLoadFailedReason, loadFailedReason);
                                Log.Error(@"Server moddesc was not valid for this mod. This shouldn't occur. Please report to Mgamerz.");

                    ExeTransform transform = null;
                    if (importingInfo?.exetransform != null)
                        Log.Information(@"TPIS lists exe transform for this mod: " + importingInfo.exetransform);
                        transform = new ExeTransform(OnlineContent.FetchExeTransform(importingInfo.exetransform));

                    //Fully unofficial third party mod.

                    foreach (var sfarEntry in sfarEntries)
                        var vMod = AttemptLoadVirtualMod(sfarEntry, archiveFile, Mod.MEGame.ME3, md5);
                        if (vMod != null)
                            vMod.ExeExtractionTransform = transform;

                    //TODO: ME2 ?
                    //foreach (var entry in bioengineEntries)
                    //    var vMod = AttemptLoadVirtualMod(entry, archiveFile, Mod.MEGame.ME2, md5);
                    //    if (vMod.ValidMod)
                    //    {
                    //        addCompressedModCallback?.Invoke(vMod);
                    //        internalModList.Add(vMod);
                    //    }

                    //TODO: ME1 ?

                    if (importingInfo?.version != null)
                        foreach (Mod compressedMod in internalModList)
                            compressedMod.ModVersionString = importingInfo.version;
                            Version.TryParse(importingInfo.version, out var parsedValue);
                            compressedMod.ParsedModVersion = parsedValue;
                    else if (relayVersionResponse == @"-1")
                        //If no version information, check ME3Tweaks to see if it's been added recently
                        //see if server has information on version number
                        Log.Information(@"Querying ME3Tweaks for additional information for this file...");
                        var modInfo = OnlineContent.QueryModRelay(md5, archiveSize);
                        //todo: make this work offline.
                        if (modInfo != null && modInfo.TryGetValue(@"version", out string value))
                            Log.Information(@"ME3Tweaks reports version number for this file is: " + value);
                            foreach (Mod compressedMod in internalModList)
                                compressedMod.ModVersionString = value;
                                Version.TryParse(value, out var parsedValue);
                                compressedMod.ParsedModVersion = parsedValue;
                            relayVersionResponse = value;
                            Log.Information(@"ME3Tweaks does not have additional version information for this file.");
                            Analytics.TrackEvent(@"Non Mod Manager Mod Dropped", new Dictionary <string, string>()
                                { @"Filename", Path.GetFileName(filepath) },
                                { @"MD5", md5 }
                            foreach (Mod compressedMod in internalModList)
                                compressedMod.ModVersionString = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_unknown);

                        //Try straight up TPMI import?
                        Log.Warning($@"No importing information is available for file with hash {md5}. No mods could be found.");
                        Analytics.TrackEvent(@"Non Mod Manager Mod Dropped", new Dictionary <string, string>()
                            { @"Filename", Path.GetFileName(filepath) },
                            { @"MD5", md5 }