void Start()
        // Should only be called once when your app is loaded.
        // OneSignal.Init(OneSignal_AppId, GoogleProjectNumber, NotificationReceivedHandler(optional));
        OneSignal.Init("54a71637-0755-4b10-9d21-f91659637a36", "28159365108", HandleNotification);

        // Shows a Native iOS/Android alert dialog when the user is in your app when a notification comes in.
    void Start()
        extraMessage = null;

        // Enable line below to debug issues with setuping OneSignal. (logLevel, visualLogLevel)
        //OneSignal.SetLogLevel(OneSignal.LOG_LEVEL.INFO, OneSignal.LOG_LEVEL.INFO);

        // The only required method you need to call to setup OneSignal to receive push notifications.
        // Call before using any other methods on OneSignal.
        // Should only be called once when your app is loaded.
        // OneSignal.Init(OneSignal_AppId, GoogleProjectNumber, NotificationReceivedHandler(optional));
        OneSignal.Init("b2f7f966-d8cc-11e4-bed1-df8f05be55ba", "703322744261", HandleNotification);

        // Shows a Native iOS/Android alert dialog when the user is in your app when a notification comes in.