internal static void OnQueryEntitlements(IntPtr address)
            OnQueryEntitlementsCallback   callback     = null;
            QueryEntitlementsCallbackInfo callbackInfo = null;

            if (Helper.TryGetAndRemoveCallback <OnQueryEntitlementsCallback, QueryEntitlementsCallbackInfoInternal, QueryEntitlementsCallbackInfo>(address, out callback, out callbackInfo))
        /// <summary>
        /// Query the entitlement information defined with Epic Online Services.
        /// A set of entitlement names can be provided to filter the set of entitlements associated with the account.
        /// This data will be cached for a limited time and retrieved again from the backend when necessary.
        /// Use <see cref="CopyEntitlementByIndex" />, <see cref="CopyEntitlementByNameAndIndex" />, and <see cref="CopyEntitlementById" /> to get the entitlement details.
        /// Use <see cref="GetEntitlementsByNameCount" /> to retrieve the number of entitlements with a specific entitlement name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">structure containing the account and entitlement names to retrieve</param>
        /// <param name="clientData">arbitrary data that is passed back to you in the CompletionDelegate</param>
        /// <param name="completionDelegate">a callback that is fired when the async operation completes, either successfully or in error</param>
        public void QueryEntitlements(QueryEntitlementsOptions options, object clientData, OnQueryEntitlementsCallback completionDelegate)
            var optionsInternal = Helper.CopyProperties <QueryEntitlementsOptionsInternal>(options);

            var completionDelegateInternal = new OnQueryEntitlementsCallbackInternal(OnQueryEntitlements);
            var clientDataAddress          = IntPtr.Zero;

            Helper.AddCallback(ref clientDataAddress, clientData, completionDelegate, completionDelegateInternal);

            EOS_Ecom_QueryEntitlements(InnerHandle, ref optionsInternal, clientDataAddress, completionDelegateInternal);
            Helper.TryMarshalDispose(ref optionsInternal);