void GetResolveCurrentRule() { // Create the rule that will get the closest node. TranslateRule getResolveRule = new TranslateRule(DeltinScript, "Pathfinder: Resolve Current", RuleEvent.OngoingPlayer); // The rule will activate when DoGetCurrent is set to true. getResolveRule.Conditions.Add(new Condition((Element)DoGetCurrent.GetVariable(), Operator.Equal, Element.True())); // Set the Current variable to the closest node. getResolveRule.ActionSet.AddAction(Current.SetVariable(ClosestNode(getResolveRule.ActionSet, PlayerPosition()))); // If the OnPathStart hook is null, do the default which is throttling the player to the next node. if (OnPathStart == null) { // Start throttle to the current node. ThrottleEventPlayerToNextNode(getResolveRule.ActionSet); } // Otherwise, use the hook. else { OnPathStart.Invoke(getResolveRule.ActionSet); } // Update IsPathfindStuck data. UpdateStuckDetector(getResolveRule.ActionSet, EventPlayer()); // Reset DoGetCurrent to false. getResolveRule.ActionSet.AddAction(DoGetCurrent.SetVariable(Element.False())); // Add the rule. DeltinScript.WorkshopRules.Add(getResolveRule.GetRule()); }
private void GetResolveRoutine() { // Create the rule that will get the closest node. TranslateRule getResolveRule = new TranslateRule(DeltinScript, "Pathfinder: Resolve Current", RuleEvent.OngoingPlayer); // The rule will activate when DoGetCurrent is set to true. getResolveRule.Conditions.Add(new Condition((Element)DoGetCurrent.GetVariable(), Operators.Equal, new V_True())); // Set the Current variable to the closest node. getResolveRule.ActionSet.AddAction(Current.SetVariable(ClosestNode(getResolveRule.ActionSet, PlayerPosition()))); // If the OnPathStart hook is null, do the default which is throttling the player to the next node. if (OnPathStart == null) { // Start throttle to the current node. ThrottleEventPlayerToNextNode(getResolveRule.ActionSet); } // Otherwise, use the hook. else { OnPathStart.Invoke(getResolveRule.ActionSet); } // Update IsPathfindStuck data. UpdateStuckDetector(getResolveRule.ActionSet); // Reset DoGetCurrent to false. getResolveRule.ActionSet.AddAction(DoGetCurrent.SetVariable(new V_False())); // Add the rule. DeltinScript.WorkshopRules.Add(getResolveRule.GetRule()); // Resolve the rule that increments the current node. // The 'next' rule will set current to the next node index when the current node is reached. TranslateRule next = new TranslateRule(DeltinScript, "Pathfinder: Resolve Next", RuleEvent.OngoingPlayer); next.Conditions.Add(NodeReachedCondition(next.ActionSet)); next.Conditions.Add(new Condition(ParentArray.Get(), Operators.NotEqual, new V_Null())); if (OnPathCompleted == null || !OnPathCompleted.EmptyBlock) { next.ActionSet.AddAction(Element.Part <A_If>(new V_Compare(Current.Get(), Operators.NotEqual, new V_Number(-1)))); } // Get last attribute. next.ActionSet.AddAction(CurrentAttribute.SetVariable(NextSegmentAttribute(new V_EventPlayer()))); // Set current as the current's parent. next.ActionSet.AddAction(Current.SetVariable(ParentArray.Get()[Current.Get()] - 1)); // Update stuck UpdateStuckDetector(next.ActionSet); // Invoke OnNodeReached OnNodeReached?.Invoke(next.ActionSet); if (OnPathCompleted == null || !OnPathCompleted.EmptyBlock) { next.ActionSet.AddAction(Element.Part <A_Else>()); } if (OnPathCompleted == null) { next.ActionSet.AddAction(Element.Part <A_StopThrottleInDirection>(new V_EventPlayer())); StopPathfinding(next.ActionSet, new V_EventPlayer()); } else if (!OnPathCompleted.EmptyBlock) { OnPathCompleted.Invoke(next.ActionSet); } if (OnPathCompleted == null || !OnPathCompleted.EmptyBlock) { next.ActionSet.AddAction(Element.Part <A_End>()); } // Add rule DeltinScript.WorkshopRules.Add(next.GetRule()); }