public CustomFixedUpdate(float aTimeStep, OnFixedUpdateCallback aCallback, float aMaxAllowedTimestep) { if (aCallback == null) { throw new System.ArgumentException("CustomFixedUpdate needs a valid callback"); } if (aTimeStep <= 0f) { throw new System.ArgumentException("TimeStep needs to be greater than 0"); } deltaTime = aTimeStep; m_Callback = aCallback; m_MaxAllowedTimeStep = aMaxAllowedTimestep; }
public CustomFixedUpdate(OnFixedUpdateCallback aCallback, float aFPS) : this(aCallback, aFPS, 0f) { }
public CustomFixedUpdate(OnFixedUpdateCallback aCallback, float aFPS, float aMaxAllowedTimestep) : this(1f / aFPS, aCallback, aMaxAllowedTimestep) { }
public CustomFixedUpdate(OnFixedUpdateCallback aCallback) : this(0.01f, aCallback, 0f) { }
public CustomFixedUpdate(float aTimeStep, OnFixedUpdateCallback aCallback) : this(aTimeStep, aCallback, 0f) { }