private void GenerateTree() { //bind data from data table //string path = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; //string connStr = string.Format( "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data source={0}db\\NorthWind.mdb", path ); DataSet ds = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, "select * from [Products]"); ASTreeViewDataTableColumnDescriptor descripter = new ASTreeViewDataTableColumnDescriptor("ProductName" , "ProductID" , "ParentID"); this.astvMyTree.DataSourceDescriptor = descripter; this.astvMyTree.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; this.astvMyTree.DataBind(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (ASTreeViewNode node in this.astvMyTree.RootNode.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes) { ASTreeViewNode nextNode = GetNextNode(node); ASTreeViewNode previousNode = GetPreviousNode(node); sb.Append(">>[cur Node]:" + node.NodeText + "[previous]" + (previousNode == null ? "%NULL%" : previousNode.NodeText) + "[next]:" + (nextNode == null ? "%NULL%" : nextNode.NodeText) + "<br />"); } //this.divConsole.InnerHtml = sb.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// Run the procedure(Inherited from Base) with required Parameters And Specific Connection String. /// </summary> /// <param name="connectionstring">Connection string for the Database</param> /// <param name="parameters">Parameters that required by the procedure.</param> /// <returns> return type is System.Data.DataSet</returns> public DataSet Run(string connectionstring, IList <CustomParameter> parameters) { DataSet ds; ds = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset(connectionstring, StoredProcedureName, parameters); return(ds); }
public DataSet Run(string connectionstring, string textOleDb) { DataSet ds; ds = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset(connectionstring, CommandType.Text, textOleDb); return(ds); }
/// <summary> /// Run the procedure(Inherited from Base) with specified connection string for getting Dataset. /// </summary> /// <param name="connectionstring">Connection string for the Database.</param> /// <returns>return System.Data.DataSet</returns> public DataSet Run(string connectionstring) { DataSet ds; ds = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset(connectionstring, CommandType.StoredProcedure, StoredProcedureName); return(ds); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { String foo = Session["UserName"].ToString(); lbUsername.Text = Session["UserName"].ToString(); if (Session["UserName"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } if (Request.QueryString["ID"] != null) { lblRoot.Text = Request.QueryString["ID"]; } if (!IsPostBack) { Page.Header.DataBind(); ddlRoot1.DataSource = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, string.Format("Select ua.productID,pt.ProductName from UserAccess ua inner join ProductsTree pt on pt.ProductID=ua.ProductID where pt.parentID=0 and ua.username='******'", Session["UserName"])); ddlRoot1.DataBind(); ddlRoot2.DataSource = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, string.Format("Select ua.productID,pt.ProductName from UserAccess ua inner join ProductsTree pt on pt.ProductID=ua.ProductID where pt.parentID=0 and ua.username='******'", Session["UserName"])); ddlRoot2.DataBind(); BindData(); this.astvMyTree1.ClearNodesSelection(); this.astvMyTree2.ClearNodesSelection(); } }
private void GenerateTree() { //bind data from data table //string path = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; //string connStr = string.Format( "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data source={0}db\\NorthWind.mdb", path ); DataSet ds = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, "select * from [Products]"); ASTreeViewDataTableColumnDescriptor descripter = new ASTreeViewDataTableColumnDescriptor("ProductName" , "ProductID" , "ParentID"); this.astvMyTree.DataSourceDescriptor = descripter; this.astvMyTree.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; this.astvMyTree.DataBind(); if (this.astvMyTree.RootNode.ChildNodes.Count > 0) { this.astvMyTree.RootNode.ChildNodes[0].EnableDeleteContextMenu = false; foreach (ASTreeViewNode node in this.astvMyTree.RootNode.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes) { node.EnableDeleteContextMenu = false; } } }
protected DataTable GetPageNavigationOrder(string pagename) { object[] Parameters = new object[1]; Parameters[0] = pagename; DataSet DS; DS = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset(constring, "p_GetBOAPageNavigationOrder", Parameters); return(DS.Tables[0]); }
private void GenerateTree2() { DataSet ds = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, "select * from [Products2]"); ASTreeViewDataTableColumnDescriptor descripter = new ASTreeViewDataTableColumnDescriptor("ProductName" , "ProductID" , "ParentID"); this.astvMyTree2.DataSourceDescriptor = descripter; this.astvMyTree2.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; this.astvMyTree2.DataBind(); }
protected DataSet GetNavigationLinks(int level, string ParentOrder) { object[] Parameters = new object[2]; Parameters[0] = level; Parameters[1] = ParentOrder; DataSet DS; DS = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset(constring, "p_SelectBOANavigationOrder", Parameters); return(DS); }
private bool IsDeleteValid() { string sql = string.Format("Select * FROM [Products] WHERE [ProductID] in ( {0} )", this.DeleteNodeValues); DataSet ds = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset(base.NorthWindConnectionString , CommandType.Text , sql); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { if (dr["ProductName"].ToString().ToLower().IndexOf("a") >= 0) { return(false); } } return(true); }
private void GenerateTree() { //bind data from data table //string path = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; //string connStr = string.Format( "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data source={0}db\\NorthWind.mdb", path ); DataSet ds = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, "select * from [Products]"); ASTreeViewDataTableColumnDescriptor descripter = new ASTreeViewDataTableColumnDescriptor("ProductName" , "ProductID" , "ParentID"); this.astvMyTree.DataSourceDescriptor = descripter; this.astvMyTree.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; this.astvMyTree.DataBind(); SaveOriginalTreeNodes(); }
public static DataTable ExecuteQuery(string Query) { dt = new DataTable(); switch (strProvider.ToUpper()) { case "SQLSERVER": dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(strConn, CommandType.Text, Query).Tables[0]; break; case "ORACLE": dt = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset(strConn, CommandType.Text, Query).Tables[0]; break; default: dt = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset(strConn, CommandType.Text, Query).Tables[0]; break; } return(dt); }
private void GenerateTree2() { string para = "= 1"; string sql = @"SELECT p1.[ProductID] as ProductID, p1.[ProductName] as ProductName, p3.childNodesCount as ChildNodesCount, p1.[ParentID] as ParentID FROM [Products] p1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS childNodesCount , p2.[ParentID] AS pId FROM [Products] p2 GROUP BY p2.[ParentID] ) p3 ON p1.[ProductID] = p3.pId WHERE p1.[ParentID] " + para; DataTable dt = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql).Tables[0]; ASTreeViewNode root = this.astvMyTree2.RootNode; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { string productName = dr["ProductName"].ToString(); string productId = dr["ProductID"].ToString(); string parentId = dr["ParentID"].ToString(); int childNodesCount = int.Parse(dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString()); ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode(productName, productId); node.VirtualNodesCount = childNodesCount; node.VirtualParentKey = productId; node.IsVirtualNode = childNodesCount > 0; node.NavigateUrl = "#"; //List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> attrs = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>(); node.AdditionalAttributes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("onclick", "return false;")); //node.AdditionalAttributes = attrs; root.AppendChild(node); } }
private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "在线用户:"; toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = User; toolStripStatusLabel3.Text = " 登录时间:"; toolStripStatusLabel4.Text = Logintime; toolStripStatusLabel5.Text = " 系统权限:"; toolStripStatusLabel6.Text = Limit; toolStripStatusLabel7.Text = " 深圳市查知科技有限公司"; Object[] mf4 = new Object[] { }; string sql = "select * from tb_User where UserName='******'"; OleDbConnection oldbcon = OleDbHelper.GetOleDbConnection(); oldbcon.Open(); DataSet tableset = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset(sql, mf4); string lim = tableset.Tables[0].Rows[0][3].ToString(); oldbcon.Close(); if (lim == "超级管理员") { //试用版本功能未开放 当前数据查询ToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; 工程管理ToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; GPRS告警ToolStripMenuItem2.Enabled = false; 主机信息ToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; license管理ToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; 系统升级ToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; 系统管理ToolStripMenuItem1.Enabled = false; 参数管理ToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; } else { if (lim == "一般用户") { 修改用户名ToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; 参数管理ToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; 历史数据查询ToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; 系统操作记录查询ToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; 系统管理ToolStripMenuItem1.Enabled = false; //试用版本功能未开放 当前数据查询ToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; 工程管理ToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; GPRS告警ToolStripMenuItem2.Enabled = false; 主机信息ToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; license管理ToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; 系统升级ToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; } else { if (lim == "管理员") { 修改用户名ToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; 系统管理ToolStripMenuItem1.Enabled = false; //试用版本功能未开放 当前数据查询ToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; 工程管理ToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; GPRS告警ToolStripMenuItem2.Enabled = false; 主机信息ToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; license管理ToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; 系统升级ToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; 参数管理ToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; } } } }
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { if (Request.QueryString["t1"] == "ajaxLoad") { string virtualParentKey = Request.QueryString["virtualParentKey"]; string para = string.Empty; // "= 1"; if (virtualParentKey == null) { para = " is NULL"; } else { para = "=" + virtualParentKey; } string sql = @"SELECT p1.[ProductID] as ProductID, p1.[ProductName] as ProductName, p1.[ParentID] as ParentID, p3.childNodesCount as ChildNodesCount FROM [Products] p1 LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS childNodesCount , p2.[ParentID] AS pId FROM [Products] p2 GROUP BY p2.[ParentID] ) p3 ON p1.[ProductID] = p3.pId WHERE p1.[ParentID] " + para; DataTable dt = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql).Tables[0]; ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode("root"); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { string productName = dr["ProductName"].ToString(); string productId = dr["ProductID"].ToString(); string parentId = dr["ParentID"].ToString(); int childNodesCount = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString())) { childNodesCount = int.Parse(dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString()); } ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode(productName, productId); node.VirtualNodesCount = childNodesCount; node.VirtualParentKey = productId; node.IsVirtualNode = childNodesCount > 0; node.NavigateUrl = "#"; node.AdditionalAttributes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("onclick", "return false;")); root.AppendChild(node); } HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl("ul"); astvMyTree2.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree(ulRoot, root, false); foreach (Control c in ulRoot.Controls) { c.RenderControl(writer); } } else if (Request.QueryString["t2"] == "ajaxAdd") { string addNodeText = Request.QueryString["addNodeText"]; int parentNodeValue = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["parentNodeValue"]); string maxSql = "select max( productId ) from products"; int max = (int)OleDbHelper.ExecuteScalar(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, maxSql); int newId = max + 1; string sql = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO products( productid, Discontinued, productname, parentid ) values( {0} ,0, '{1}', {2})" , max + 1, addNodeText.Replace("'", "''"), parentNodeValue); int i = OleDbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(base.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql); ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode("root"); ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode(addNodeText, newId.ToString()); node.NavigateUrl = "#"; node.AdditionalAttributes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("onclick", "return false;")); root.AppendChild(node); HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl("ul"); astvMyTree2.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree(ulRoot, root, false); foreach (Control c in ulRoot.Controls) { c.RenderControl(writer); } } else { base.Render(writer); } }
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { if (this.Page.Request.QueryString["t1"] == "ajaxLoad") { #region ajaxLoad string virtualParentKey = this.Page.Request.QueryString["virtualParentKey"]; string para = string.Empty; // "= 1"; if (virtualParentKey == null) { para = " is NULL"; } else { para = "=" + virtualParentKey; } string sql = @"SELECT p1.[ProductID] as ProductID, p1.[ProductName] as ProductName, p1.[ParentID] as ParentID, p3.childNodesCount as ChildNodesCount FROM [Products] p1 LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS childNodesCount , p2.[ParentID] AS pId FROM [Products] p2 GROUP BY p2.[ParentID] ) p3 ON p1.[ProductID] = p3.pId WHERE p1.[ParentID] " + para; DataTable dt = OleDbHelper.ExecuteDataset(this.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql).Tables[0]; ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode("root"); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { string productName = dr["ProductName"].ToString(); string productId = dr["ProductID"].ToString(); string parentId = dr["ParentID"].ToString(); int childNodesCount = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString())) { childNodesCount = int.Parse(dr["ChildNodesCount"].ToString()); } ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode(productName, productId); node.VirtualNodesCount = childNodesCount; node.VirtualParentKey = productId; node.IsVirtualNode = childNodesCount > 0; node.NavigateUrl = "#"; node.AdditionalAttributes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("onclick", "return false;")); root.AppendChild(node); } writer.Write(astvMyTree.AjaxResponseStartTag); HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl("ul"); astvMyTree.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree(ulRoot, root, false); foreach (Control c in ulRoot.Controls) { c.RenderControl(writer); } writer.Write(astvMyTree.AjaxResponseEndTag); #endregion } else if (this.Page.Request.QueryString["t2"] == "ajaxAdd") { #region ajaxAdd string addNodeText = this.Page.Request.QueryString["addNodeText"]; int parentNodeValue = int.Parse(this.Page.Request.QueryString["parentNodeValue"]); string maxSql = "select max( productId ) from products"; int max = (int)OleDbHelper.ExecuteScalar(this.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, maxSql); int newId = max + 1; string sql = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO products( productid, Discontinued, productname, parentid ) values( {0} ,0, '{1}', {2})" , max + 1, addNodeText.Replace("'", "''"), parentNodeValue); int i = OleDbHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(this.NorthWindConnectionString, CommandType.Text, sql); ASTreeViewNode root = new ASTreeViewNode("root"); ASTreeViewLinkNode node = new ASTreeViewLinkNode(addNodeText, newId.ToString()); node.NavigateUrl = "#"; node.AdditionalAttributes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("onclick", "return false;")); root.AppendChild(node); writer.Write(astvMyTree.AjaxResponseStartTag); HtmlGenericControl ulRoot = new HtmlGenericControl("ul"); astvMyTree.TreeViewHelper.ConvertTree(ulRoot, root, false); foreach (Control c in ulRoot.Controls) { c.RenderControl(writer); } writer.Write(astvMyTree.AjaxResponseEndTag); #endregion } else { base.Render(writer); #region render click script string clickScript = string.Format(@" <script type='text/javascript'> function nodeSelectHandler{0}(elem){{ document.getElementById('{1}').value = encodeURIComponent(elem.innerHTML); document.getElementById('{2}').value = elem.parentNode.getAttribute(""treeNodeValue""); document.getElementById('{3}').click(); }} </script>" , this.ClientID /*0*/ , this.hfSelectedNodeText.ClientID /*1*/ , this.hfSelectedNodeValue.ClientID /*2*/ , this.btnPostBackTrigger.ClientID /*3*/); writer.Write(clickScript); #endregion } }