private void chkNull(OldItem p) { long chk = 0; Decimal chk1 = 0; p.date_modi = p.date_modi == null ? "" : p.date_modi; p.date_cancel = p.date_cancel == null ? "" : p.date_cancel; p.user_create = p.user_create == null ? "" : p.user_create; p.user_modi = p.user_modi == null ? "" : p.user_modi; p.user_cancel = p.user_cancel == null ? "" : p.user_cancel; //p.item_type_id = p.item_type_id == null ? "" : p.item_type_id; p.item_type = p.item_type == null ? "" : p.item_type; //p.average_price = p.average_price == null ? "" : p.average_price; p.item_trade_name = p.item_trade_name == null ? "" : p.item_trade_name; p.item_name = p.item_name == null ? "" : p.item_name; p.item_common_name = p.item_common_name == null ? "" : p.item_common_name; p.item_code = p.item_code == null ? "" : p.item_code; p.total_price = Decimal.TryParse(p.total_price, out chk1) ? chk.ToString() : "0"; p.unit_price = Decimal.TryParse(p.unit_price, out chk1) ? chk.ToString() : "0"; p.average_price = Decimal.TryParse(p.average_price, out chk1) ? chk.ToString() : "0"; p.total_price = Decimal.TryParse(p.total_price, out chk1) ? chk.ToString() : "0"; p.DUID = long.TryParse(p.DUID, out chk) ? chk.ToString() : "0"; p.item_type_id = long.TryParse(p.item_type_id, out chk) ? chk.ToString() : "0"; p.total_qty = long.TryParse(p.total_qty, out chk) ? chk.ToString() : "0"; p.DUID_QTY = long.TryParse(p.DUID_QTY, out chk) ? chk.ToString() : "0"; }
public ListHitViewer() { InitializeComponent(); db = new DBHelper(); //load up the app bar ApplicationBar = new ApplicationBar(); ApplicationBar.Mode = ApplicationBarMode.Minimized; ApplicationBar.Opacity = 1.0; ApplicationBar.IsVisible = true; ApplicationBar.IsMenuEnabled = true; //get the item from the phone state! woo! if (PhoneApplicationService.Current.State.ContainsKey("CurrentItem") && PhoneApplicationService.Current.State["CurrentItem"] != null) { _item = PhoneApplicationService.Current.State["CurrentItem"] as OldItem; //only show share if the _item is not null ApplicationBarIconButton btnShareAppBar = new ApplicationBarIconButton(); btnShareAppBar.IconUri = new Uri("/Assets/AppBarIcons/share.png", UriKind.Relative); btnShareAppBar.Text = "Tap To Share"; ApplicationBar.Buttons.Add(btnShareAppBar); btnShareAppBar.Click += new EventHandler(btnShareAppBar_Click); } //feedback button ApplicationBarIconButton btnFeedbackAppBar = new ApplicationBarIconButton(); btnFeedbackAppBar.IconUri = new Uri("/Assets/AppBarIcons/questionmark.png", UriKind.Relative); btnFeedbackAppBar.Text = "Feedback"; ApplicationBar.Buttons.Add(btnFeedbackAppBar); btnFeedbackAppBar.Click += new EventHandler(btnFeedbackAppBar_Click); }
private void initConfig() { oitm = new OldItem(); loItm = new List <OldItem>(); = "id"; oitm.item_type_id = "item_type_id"; oitm.item_type = "item_type"; oitm.item_name = "item_name"; oitm.total_price = "total_price"; oitm.total_qty = "total_qty"; oitm.unit_price = "unit_price"; oitm.average_price = "average_price"; oitm.DUID = "DUID"; oitm.DUID_QTY = "DUID_QTY"; = "active"; oitm.item_code = "item_code"; oitm.item_common_name = "item_common_name"; oitm.item_trade_name = "item_trade_name"; oitm.date_create = "date_create"; oitm.date_modi = "date_modi"; oitm.date_cancel = "date_cancel"; oitm.user_create = "user_create"; oitm.user_modi = "user_modi"; oitm.table = "b_item"; oitm.pkField = "id"; }
public void getloItm() { //lDept = new List<Position>(); loItm.Clear(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = selectAll(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { OldItem itm1 = new OldItem(); = row[].ToString(); itm1.item_type_id = row[oitm.item_type_id].ToString(); itm1.item_type = row[oitm.item_type].ToString(); itm1.item_name = row[oitm.item_name].ToString(); itm1.total_price = row[oitm.total_price].ToString(); itm1.total_qty = row[oitm.total_qty].ToString(); itm1.unit_price = row[oitm.unit_price].ToString(); itm1.average_price = row[oitm.average_price].ToString(); itm1.DUID = row[oitm.DUID].ToString(); itm1.DUID_QTY = row[oitm.DUID_QTY].ToString(); = row[].ToString(); itm1.item_code = row[oitm.item_code].ToString(); itm1.date_create = row[oitm.date_create].ToString(); itm1.date_modi = row[oitm.date_modi].ToString(); itm1.date_cancel = row[oitm.date_cancel].ToString(); itm1.user_create = row[oitm.user_create].ToString(); itm1.user_modi = row[oitm.user_modi].ToString(); //itm1.item_code = row[oitm.item_code].ToString(); loItm.Add(itm1); } }
protected override void HandlePacket(Client client, PlayerShootPacket packet) { client.Manager.Logic.AddPendingAction(t => { if (client.Player.Owner == null) { return; } OldItem item = client.Player.Manager.GameData.Items[(ushort)packet.ContainerType]; int stype = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (client.Player.Inventory[i]?.ObjectType == packet.ContainerType) { stype = i; break; } } if (item == Client.Player.SerialConvert(Client.Player.Inventory[1])) { return; // ability shoot handled by useitem implement ability check } if (client.Player.SlotTypes[stype] != item.SlotType) { Client.Player.kickforCheats(Player.possibleExploit.DIFF_WEAPON); return; } if ((Client.Stage != ProtocalStage.Disconnected) && (!Client.Player.CheckShootSpeed(item))) { return; } if (Client.Stage == ProtocalStage.Disconnected) { return; } ProjectileDesc prjDesc = item.Projectiles[0]; //Assume only one Projectile prj = client.Player.PlayerShootProjectile( packet.BulletId, prjDesc, item.ObjectType, packet.Time, packet.Position, packet.Angle); client.Player.Owner.EnterWorld(prj); client.Player.BroadcastSync(new AllyShootPacket { OwnerId = client.Player.Id, Angle = packet.Angle, ContainerType = packet.ContainerType, BulletId = packet.BulletId }, p => p != client.Player && client.Player.Dist(p) < 25); client.Player.FameCounter.Shoot(prj); }, PendingPriority.Networking); }
public Item save(Item item) { OldItem oldItem = new OldItem(); Utils.Util.propertyCopy(item, oldItem); this._dbManager.Add(oldItem); var entityItem = this._dbManager.Add(item); this._dbManager.SaveChanges(); return(entityItem.Entity); }
public static bool checkItem(OldItem item) { for (var i = 0; i < NoShopContains.Length; i++) { if (item.ObjectId.Contains(NoShopContains[i])) { return(false); } } if ((item.Tier == -1 || item.Tier >= 4) && item.Treasure == false) { return(true); } return(false); }
public bool CheckShootSpeed(OldItem item) { shootCounter++; if (lastShootTime == -1) { lastShootTime = Environment.TickCount; } int tolerance = 240; float diff = (Environment.TickCount - lastShootTime) + tolerance; var dt = (int)(1 / StatsManager.GetAttackFrequency() * 1 / item.RateOfFire); if (diff < dt) { if (shootCounter > item.NumProjectiles) { dexShotViolation++; dGoodCount = 0; return(false); } } else { shootCounter = 0; lastShootTime = Environment.TickCount; if (dexShotViolation > 0) { dGoodCount++; if (dGoodCount >= 2) { dexShotViolation = 0; dGoodCount = 0; } } else { dGoodCount = 0; } } return(true); }
private async void Modified(string Path) { await CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, async() => { try { await Locker.WaitAsync(); try { if (CurrentLocation == System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Path)) { if (await FileSystemStorageItemBase.OpenAsync(Path) is FileSystemStorageItemBase ModifiedItem) { PathConfiguration Config = await SQLite.Current.GetPathConfigurationAsync(CurrentLocation); if (CurrentCollection.FirstOrDefault((Item) => Item.Path.Equals(Path, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) is FileSystemStorageItemBase OldItem) { if (ModifiedItem.GetType() == OldItem.GetType()) { await OldItem.RefreshAsync(); } else { CurrentCollection.Remove(OldItem); if (!SettingControl.IsDisplayProtectedSystemItems || !ModifiedItem.IsSystemItem) { if ((ModifiedItem is IHiddenStorageItem && SettingControl.IsDisplayHiddenItem) || ModifiedItem is not IHiddenStorageItem) { if (CurrentCollection.Any()) { int Index = SortCollectionGenerator.SearchInsertLocation(CurrentCollection, ModifiedItem, Config.SortTarget.GetValueOrDefault(), Config.SortDirection.GetValueOrDefault()); if (Index >= 0) { CurrentCollection.Insert(Index, ModifiedItem); } else { CurrentCollection.Add(ModifiedItem); } } else { CurrentCollection.Add(ModifiedItem); } } } } } else if (ModifiedItem is not IHiddenStorageItem) { if (CurrentCollection.Any()) { int Index = SortCollectionGenerator.SearchInsertLocation(CurrentCollection, ModifiedItem, Config.SortTarget.GetValueOrDefault(), Config.SortDirection.GetValueOrDefault()); if (Index >= 0) { CurrentCollection.Insert(Index, ModifiedItem); } else { CurrentCollection.Add(ModifiedItem); } } else { CurrentCollection.Add(ModifiedItem); } } } } } finally { Locker.Release(); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogTracer.Log(ex, $"{ nameof(StorageAreaWatcher)}: Modify item in collection failed"); } });
public void AddObjects(XElement root) { foreach (XElement elem in root.XPathSelectElements("//Object")) { if (elem.Element("Class") == null) { continue; } string cls = elem.Element("Class").Value; string id = elem.Attribute("id").Value; ushort type; XAttribute typeAttr = elem.Attribute("type"); if (typeAttr == null) { type = (ushort)assign.Assign(id, elem); } else { type = (ushort)Utils.FromString(typeAttr.Value); } if (cls == "PetBehavior" || cls == "PetAbility") { continue; } if (type2id_obj.ContainsKey(type)) { Console.WriteLine("'{0}' and '{1}' has the same ID of 0x{2:x4}!", id, type2id_obj[type], type); } if (id2type_obj.ContainsKey(id)) { Console.WriteLine("0x{0:x4} and 0x{1:x4} has the same name of {2}!", type, id2type_obj[id], id); } type2id_obj[type] = id; id2type_obj[id] = type; type2elem_obj[type] = elem; switch (cls) { case "Equipment": case "Dye": items[type] = new OldItem(type, elem); break; case "Portal": case "GuildHallPortal": try { portals[type] = new PortalDesc(type, elem); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Error for portal: " + type + " id: " + id); /*3392,1792,1795,1796,1805,1806,1810,1825 -- no location, assume nexus?* * Tomb Portal of Cowardice, Dungeon Portal, Portal of Cowardice, Realm Portal, Glowing Portal of Cowardice, Glowing Realm Portal, Nexus Portal, Locked Wine Cellar Portal*/ } break; case "Pet": type2pet[type] = new PetStruct(type, elem); break; case "PetSkin": id2pet_skin[id] = new PetSkin(type, elem); break; case "PetBehavior": case "PetAbility": break; default: objDescs[type] = new ObjectDesc(type, elem); break; } XAttribute extAttr = elem.Attribute("ext"); bool ext; if (extAttr != null && bool.TryParse(extAttr.Value, out ext) && ext) { if (elem.Attribute("type") == null) { elem.Add(new XAttribute("type", type)); } addition.Add(elem); updateCount++; } } }
public Item CreateSerial(OldItem item, string DroppedIn, bool soulbound = false, bool insert = true, int _id = -1) { int id; if (insert && _id == -1) { using (var db = new Database()) { id = db.GetNextSerialId(); } } else { id = _id; } Item ret = new Item { serialId = id, ObjectType = item.ObjectType, firstUser = -1, currentUser = -1, droppedIn = DroppedIn, Soulbound = soulbound, banned = 0, ObjectId = item.ObjectId, SlotType = item.SlotType, Tier = item.Tier, Description = item.Description, RateOfFire = item.RateOfFire, Usable = item.Usable, BagType = item.BagType, MpCost = item.MpCost, FameBonus = item.FameBonus, NumProjectiles = item.NumProjectiles, ArcGap = item.ArcGap, Consumable = item.Consumable, Potion = item.Potion, DisplayId = item.DisplayId, SuccessorId = item.SuccessorId, Cooldown = item.Cooldown, Resurrects = item.Resurrects, Texture1 = item.Texture1, Texture2 = item.Texture2, Secret = item.Secret, IsBackpack = item.IsBackpack, Rarity = item.Rarity, Family = item.Family, Class = item.Class, Doses = item.Doses, StatsBoost = item.StatsBoost, ActivateEffects = item.ActivateEffects, Projectiles = item.Projectiles, MpEndCost = item.MpEndCost, Timer = item.Timer, XpBooster = item.XpBooster, LootDropBooster = item.LootDropBooster, LootTierBooster = item.LootTierBooster, SetType = item.SetType, BrokenResurrect = item.BrokenResurrect, NotBrokenResurrect = item.NotBrokenResurrect, MantleResurrect = item.MantleResurrect, MpGiveBack = item.MpGiveBack, Treasure = item.Treasure, Maxy = item.Maxy, FeedPower = item.FeedPower }; if (insert) { using (var db = new Database()) { db.InsertSerial(ret); } } return(ret); }
/// <summary> /// Called when users wants to share an Item with another user from a search term or browser window. /// </summary> private void initiateProximityOperation(OldItem _item) { if (NFCIsSupportedOnDevice()) { string itemName =; itemName = Uri.EscapeDataString(itemName); MainPage.currentHTML = retrieveHistoryOrFavoriteResult(_item.ItemSQL); if (!itemName.Contains("<script>") && !itemName.Contains("http://") && !itemName.Contains("/")) { NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/ProximityInfo.xaml?Name=" + itemName + "&IsHost=true", UriKind.Relative)); } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid item detected. Unable to initiate share operation."); } } }
private static List <AbilityItem> GetPetAbilites(OldItem egg, PetStruct petStruct) { List <Ability> abilities = new List <Ability> { Ability.AttackClose, Ability.AttackFar, Ability.AttackMid, Ability.Decoy, Ability.Electric, Ability.Heal, Ability.MagicHeal, Ability.RisingFury, Ability.Savage }; Random rand = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks); List <AbilityItem> ret = new List <AbilityItem>(3); int power = 1; switch (egg.Rarity) { case Rarity.Uncommon: power = 30; break; case Rarity.Rare: power = 50; break; case Rarity.Legendary: power = 70; break; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (i == 0 && petStruct.FirstAbility != null) { ret.Add(new AbilityItem { Power = power, Points = 0, Type = (int)petStruct.FirstAbility }); abilities.Remove((Ability)petStruct.FirstAbility); } else { Ability ability = abilities[rand.Next(abilities.Count)]; ret.Add(new AbilityItem { Power = power, Points = 0, Type = (int)ability }); if (ability == Ability.AttackClose || ability == Ability.AttackFar || ability == Ability.AttackMid) { abilities.Remove(Ability.AttackClose); abilities.Remove(Ability.AttackFar); abilities.Remove(Ability.AttackMid); } else { abilities.Remove(ability); } } } return(ret); }
public static async void Create(RealmManager manager, Player player, OldItem egg) { await manager.Database.DoActionAsync(db => { PetStruct petStruct = GetPetStruct(manager, egg.Family, (Rarity)egg.Rarity); PetSkin skin = manager.GameData.IdToPetSkin[petStruct.DefaultSkin]; PetItem item = new PetItem { InstanceId = db.GetNextPetId(player.AccountId), Rarity = (int)egg.Rarity, SkinName = skin.DisplayId, Skin = skin.ObjectType, Type = petStruct.ObjectType, Abilities = GetPetAbilites(egg, petStruct) }; switch (item.Rarity) { case 1: item.MaxAbilityPower = 50; item.Abilities[0].Power = 30; item.Abilities[0].Points = 2080; item.Abilities[1].Power = 11; item.Abilities[1].Points = 290; item.Abilities[2].Power = 1; item.Abilities[2].Points = 0; break; case 2: item.MaxAbilityPower = 70; item.Abilities[0].Power = 50; item.Abilities[0].Points = 10607; item.Abilities[1].Power = 30; item.Abilities[1].Points = 2080; item.Abilities[2].Power = 1; item.Abilities[2].Points = 0; break; case 3: item.MaxAbilityPower = 90; item.Abilities[0].Power = 70; item.Abilities[0].Points = 50355; item.Abilities[1].Power = 50; item.Abilities[1].Points = 10607; item.Abilities[2].Power = 30; item.Abilities[2].Points = 2080; break; case 4: item.MaxAbilityPower = 100; item.Abilities[0].Power = 90; item.Abilities[0].Points = 235610; item.Abilities[1].Power = 70; item.Abilities[1].Points = 50354; item.Abilities[2].Power = 50; item.Abilities[2].Points = 10607; break; default: item.MaxAbilityPower = 30; item.Abilities[0].Power = 1; item.Abilities[0].Points = 0; item.Abilities[1].Power = 1; item.Abilities[1].Points = 0; item.Abilities[2].Power = 1; item.Abilities[2].Points = 0; break; } Pet pet = new Pet(manager, item, null); int x; int y; Random rand = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks); do { x = rand.Next(0, player.Owner.Map.Width); y = rand.Next(0, player.Owner.Map.Height); } while (player.Owner.Map[x, y].Region != TileRegion.Spawn); pet.Move(x + 0.5f, y + 0.5f); db.CreatePet(player.Client.Account, item); player.Owner.EnterWorld(pet); player.Client.SendPacket(new HatchEggPacket { PetName = skin.DisplayId, PetSkinId = skin.ObjectType }); player.Client.SendPacket(new UpdatePacket { Tiles = new UpdatePacket.TileData[0], NewObjects = new ObjectDef[1] { pet.ToDefinition() }, RemovedObjectIds = new int[0] }); }); }