public async Task ThrowApiExceptionWhenContentTypeIsJsonAndErrorDescriptionIsNotPresent() { var response = @" { ""errorCode"": ""E0000022"", ""errorSummary"": ""The endpoint does not support the provided HTTP method"", ""errorLink"": ""E0000022"", ""errorId"": ""oaey24IvG9nTJCx8gqGeh8j4Q"", ""errorCauses"": [] }"; var mockResponseHeaders = new List <KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <string> > >(); mockResponseHeaders.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <string> >("content-type", new List <string>() { "Accept: application/json" })); var mockRequestExecutor = new MockedStringRequestExecutor(response, statusCode: 400, mockResponseHeaders); var dataStore = new DefaultDataStore(mockRequestExecutor, new DefaultSerializer(), new ResourceFactory(null, null, null), NullLogger.Instance, new UserAgentBuilder("test", UserAgentHelper.SdkVersion)); var request = new HttpRequest { Uri = "" }; OktaException exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <OktaApiException>( () => dataStore.PostAsync <TestResource>(request, new RequestContext(), CancellationToken.None)); exception.Message.Should().Contain("The endpoint does not support the provided HTTP method"); }
public async Task ThrowOAuthExceptionWhenErrorDescriptionIsPresent() { var response = @" { ""error"": ""invalid_grant"", ""error_description"": ""The interaction code is invalid or has expired."" }"; var mockResponseHeaders = new List <KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <string> > >(); mockResponseHeaders.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <string> >("content-type", new List <string>() { "Accept: application/json" })); var mockRequestExecutor = new MockedStringRequestExecutor(response, statusCode: 400, mockResponseHeaders); var dataStore = new DefaultDataStore(mockRequestExecutor, new DefaultSerializer(), new ResourceFactory(null, null, null), NullLogger.Instance, new UserAgentBuilder("test", UserAgentHelper.SdkVersion)); var request = new HttpRequest { Uri = "" }; OktaException exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <OktaOAuthException>( () => dataStore.PostAsync <TestResource>(request, new RequestContext(), CancellationToken.None)); exception.Message.Should().Contain("The interaction code is invalid or has expired."); }