public IMachineProvider ProviderFactoryFunction(Machine machine) { IMachineProvider provider; switch (machine.MachineType) { case MachineType.Octoprint: var oConnectorMock = new Mock <RestMachineConnector <OctoprintMachine> >(); provider = new OctoprintMachineProvider(oConnectorMock.Object, machine as OctoprintMachine); break; case MachineType.RepRapFirmware: var rrfConnectorMock = new Mock <RestMachineConnector <RepRapFirmwareMachine> >(); provider = new RepRapFirmwareMachineProvider(rrfConnectorMock.Object, machine as RepRapFirmwareMachine); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } return(provider); }
public void Execute(LiteDataContext context) { var db = context.Database; //libsodium-net was dropped in favor of because bcrypt is implemented with //managed code. This was primarily done to simplify the initial installation. However, //this means that any passwords that have been generated are no longer compatible. if (db.CollectionExists(nameof(User))) { db.DropCollection(nameof(User)); } //rename the certificate exception collection, the certificate exception was just //a wrapper for the certificate detail, it was initially created in case there was additional //info that needed to be save that was best not sent to the client. There was not any additional data //so it was removed. if (db.CollectionExists("CertificateException")) { db.RenameCollection("CertificateException", nameof(CertificateDetails)); } //The application settings are now stored in the values store //There was also some property renames and the RequiresAuthentication property was removed //since anonymous access is no longer supported. if (db.CollectionExists("ApplicationSettings")) { var settings = db.GetCollection(nameof(ApplicationSettings)).FindById(1); if (settings != null) { var newSettings = new ApplicationSettings { HideDisabledMachines = settings["HideDisabledPrinters"].AsBoolean, HideIdleMachines = settings["HideIdlePrinters"].AsBoolean, Interval = settings["Interval"].AsInt32 > 0 ? settings["Interval"].AsInt32 : ApplicationSettings.DefaultInterval, LocalPort = settings["LocalPort"].AsInt32 > 0 ? settings["LocalPort"].AsInt32 : ApplicationSettings.DefaultPort, }; context.GetValueStore().Put(newSettings); db.DropCollection(nameof(ApplicationSettings)); } } //check if there is a printer collection if (db.CollectionExists("Printer")) { var printerCollection = db.GetCollection("Printer"); var machineRepository = context.GetRepository <Machine>(); var printers = printerCollection.FindAll().ToList(); foreach (var printer in printers) { //this will only pull the data required to load the configuration from the machine var printerType = printer["PrinterType"].AsString; var config = printer["Config"].AsDocument; switch (printerType) { case "Octoprint": var oMachine = new OctoprintMachine { Id = printer["Id"].AsInt32, Name = printer["Name"].AsString, Disabled = printer["Disabled"].AsBoolean, ApiKey = config["ApiKey"].AsString, Url = config["Url"].AsString, WebCamUrl = config["WebCamUrl"].AsString, SnapshotUrl = config["SnapshotUrl"].AsString, ClientCertificate = config["ClientCertificate"].AsString }; var oProvider = new OctoprintMachineProvider(oMachine); oProvider.LoadConfiguration(oMachine).Wait(); machineRepository.Create(oMachine); break; case "RepRap": var rMachine = new RepRapFirmwareMachine { Id = printer["Id"].AsInt32, Name = printer["Name"].AsString, Disabled = printer["Disabled"].AsBoolean, Url = config["Url"].AsString, WebCamUrl = config["WebCamUrl"].AsString, SnapshotUrl = config["SnapshotUrl"].AsString, ClientCertificate = config["ClientCertificate"].AsString }; var rProvider = new RepRapFirmwareMachineProvider(rMachine); rProvider.LoadConfiguration(rMachine).Wait(); machineRepository.Create(rMachine); break; } } db.DropCollection("Printer"); } }