 private void SetAttributesForMocesOrPoces(OcesCertificate certificate)
     if (certificate is PocesCertificate)
         Session.Add(KeyType, "POCES");
         Session.Add(KeyPid, ((PocesCertificate)certificate).Pid);
         Session.Add(KeyType, "MOCES");
         Session.Add(KeyRid, ((MocesCertificate)certificate).Rid);
         Session.Add(KeyCvr, ((MocesCertificate)certificate).Cvr);
 public CertificateIsRevokedException(OcesCertificate certificate)
     : base("Certificate " + certificate.SubjectDistinguishedName + "is revoked")
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks that a full CRL can be retrieved and is valid. Expects that an environment has been set up.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><code>true</code> if the CRL is retrieved or else false</returns>
        public static bool VerifyFullCrl(OcesCertificate ocesCertificate)
            Crl crl = CertificateRevocationHandler.RetrieveFullCrl(ocesCertificate);

            return(crl != null && crl.IsValid);
 public CertificateAndStatus(OcesCertificate certificate,
                             CertificateStatus certificateStatus)
     Certificate       = certificate;
     CertificateStatus = certificateStatus;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method verifies a certificate by calling the OCSP used in current Environment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="certificate">certificate to verify</param>
        /// <returns>true if certificate is revoked else false</returns>
        public static bool VerifyCertificateWithOcsp(OcesCertificate certificate)
            var engine = new OcspCertificateRevocationChecker();

 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieves the full CRL for the given certificate
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="certificate">to retrieve full CRL for</param>
 /// <returns>full CRL for the given certificate</returns>
 public static Crl RetrieveFullCrl(OcesCertificate certificate)
 public TrustCouldNotBeVerifiedException(OcesCertificate ocesCertificate,
                                         IEnumerable <OcesEnvironment> environments) : base("Could not verify trust")
     OcesCertificate     = ocesCertificate;
     TrustedEnvironments = environments;
        private static void CheckBasicOcspResp(CertID id, BasicOcspResp basicResp, OcesCertificate ocspCertificate, Ca ca)
            DateTime nowInGmt = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();

            /* check condition:
             *   The certificate identified in a received response corresponds to
             *   that which was identified in the corresponding request;
            SingleResp[] responses = basicResp.Responses;
            if (responses.Length != 1)
                throw new OcspException("unexpected number of responses received");

            if (!id.SerialNumber.Value.Equals(responses[0].GetCertID().SerialNumber))
                throw new OcspException("Serial number mismatch problem");

            /* check condition
             * The signature on the response is valid;
                ChainVerifier.VerifyTrust(ocspCertificate.ExportCertificate(), ca);
            catch (ChainVerificationException e)
                throw new OcspException("OCSP response certificate chain is invalid", e);

            /* check the signature on the ocsp response */
            var ocspBcCertificate =
                new X509CertificateParser().ReadCertificate(ocspCertificate.ExportCertificate().RawData);

            if (!basicResp.Verify(ocspBcCertificate.GetPublicKey()))
                throw new OcspException("signature validation failed for ocsp response");

            if (!CanSignOcspResponses(ocspBcCertificate))
                throw new OcspException("ocsp signing certificate has not been cleared for ocsp response signing");

            /* check expiry of the signing certificate */
            if (ocspCertificate.ValidityStatus() != CertificateStatus.Valid)
                throw new OcspException("OCSP certificate expired or not yet valid");

            /* check condition
             * The time at which the status being indicated is known to be
             * correct (thisUpdate) is sufficiently recent.
            SingleResp response = responses[0];

            var diff = response.ThisUpdate - nowInGmt;

            if (diff > new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0))
                throw new OcspException("OCSP response signature is from the future. Timestamp of thisUpdate field: "
                                        + response.ThisUpdate);

            if (response.NextUpdate != null && response.NextUpdate.Value < nowInGmt)
                throw new OcspException("OCSP response is no longer valid");