 /// <summary>
 /// Calculates vehicle's rectangular center due to separation requirements and back axel position
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="svs">Vehicle</param>
 /// <param name="extraForwardSpace">Extra space needed in the front</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Coordinates recalculateCenter(ObservedVehicle svs, double extraForwardSpace)
     //double addedLength = (2 * svs.Length + extraForwardSpace + 1) / 2 - svs.PositionOffsetFromRear - 1;
     //return (svs.AbsolutePosition + new Coordinates(addedLength * Math.Cos(svs.Heading.ToDegrees() * Math.PI / 180),
     //                                       addedLength * Math.Sin(svs.Heading.ToDegrees() * Math.PI / 180)));
     return(new Coordinates());
        public ObservedVehicleDisplay(ObservedVehicle observedVehicle, Color c)
            // set the vehicle
            this.observedVehicle = observedVehicle;

            color = c;

            bodyRect   = new RectangleF(-Width / 2, -RearOffset, Width, Length);
            wheelRectL = RectangleF.FromLTRB(-tireWidth, -tireDiameter / 2, 0, tireDiameter / 2);
            wheelRectR = RectangleF.FromLTRB(0, -tireDiameter / 2, tireWidth, tireDiameter / 2);
        /// <summary>
        /// Full Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Position"></param>
        /// <param name="velocity"></param>
        public ObservedVehicleDisplay(ObservedVehicle observedVehicle)
            // set the vehicle
            this.observedVehicle = observedVehicle;

            // set the vehicle's color
            if (observedVehicle.ObservationState == ObservedVehicleState.Normal)
                color = Color.Green;
            else if (observedVehicle.ObservationState == ObservedVehicleState.Occluded)
                color = Color.Red;
                color = Color.Black;

            bodyRect   = new RectangleF(-Width / 2, -RearOffset, Width, Length);
            wheelRectL = RectangleF.FromLTRB(-tireWidth, -tireDiameter / 2, 0, tireDiameter / 2);
            wheelRectR = RectangleF.FromLTRB(0, -tireDiameter / 2, tireWidth, tireDiameter / 2);
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="observed"></param>
 /// <param name="vehicleLocation"></param>
 public VehicleInformation(ObservedVehicle observed, RndfLocation vehicleLocation)
     this.Observed        = observed;
     this.VehicleLocation = vehicleLocation;
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if a specific vehicle is within generous vehicle-like area of an exit
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="observedVehicle"></param>
 /// <param name="stop"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool CheckVehicleAtExit(ObservedVehicle observedVehicle, RndfWayPoint exit)
     throw new Exception("This method is not yet implemented");
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if a specific vehicle is within the intersection itself
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="stops"></param>
 /// <param name="intersectionPolygon"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool CheckVehicleWithinIntersection(ObservedVehicle observedVehicle, List <BoundaryLine> intersectionPolygon)
     return(CheckVehicleInPolygon(observedVehicle, 1, intersectionPolygon, 0));
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines if a vehicle is contained inside a polygon
 /// With a distance epsilon allowed for error in our polygon bounds (i.e. shrink polygon by epsilon)
 /// With a factor portion of the vehicle's total area needed to be inside bounds to return true
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vehicle">Vehicle in question</param>
 /// <param name="polygon">Polygon to check the vehicle against</param>
 /// <param name="portion">Portion of the area (greater than 0 less than or equal to 1) that needs to be inside polygon to return true</param>
 /// <param name="epsilon">Epsilon in meters to shrink the polygon by</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 /// <remarks>Careful of vehicle with 0 width of length. Just use position in that case</remarks>
 /// <remarks>Assuming that a given boundary line shares one coordinate with the next boundary line in the list</remarks>
 public static bool CheckVehicleInPolygon(ObservedVehicle vehicle, double portion, List <BoundaryLine> polygon, double epsilon)
     /*//resize polygon
      * //find center
      * Coordinates center = new Coordinates(0f, 0f);
      * foreach (BoundaryLine bl in polygon)
      * {
      *  center += bl.p1 + bl.p2;
      * }
      * //since each point is present exactly twice in the boundary line representation
      * center.X = center.X / 2 * polygon.Count;
      * center.Y = center.Y / 2 * polygon.Count;
      * //adjust polygon and check for line segment intersections with the vehicle, maintaining a list for such intersections
      * Coordinates vehicleCenter = recalculateCenter(vehicle, 0);
      * Rectangle vehicleRect = calculateRectangle(vehicleCenter, vehicle.Width, vehicle.Length, vehicle.Heading.ToDegrees() * Math.PI / 180);
      * List<Coordinates> vehicleHits = new List<Coordinates>();
      * foreach (BoundaryLine bl in polygon)
      * {
      *  bl.p1 = resizeCoordinate(center, bl.p1, epsilon);
      *  bl.p2 = resizeCoordinate(center, bl.p2, epsilon);
      *  Coordinates? up = LineIntersectsLine(vehicleRect.upperLeft, vehicleRect.upperRight, bl.p1, bl.p2);
      *  Coordinates? down = LineIntersectsLine(vehicleRect.lowerLeft, vehicleRect.lowerRight, bl.p1, bl.p2);
      *  Coordinates? left = LineIntersectsLine(vehicleRect.upperLeft, vehicleRect.lowerLeft, bl.p1, bl.p2);
      *  Coordinates? right = LineIntersectsLine(vehicleRect.upperRight, vehicleRect.lowerRight, bl.p1, bl.p2);
      *  if (up != null) vehicleHits.Add((Coordinates)up);
      *  if (down != null) vehicleHits.Add((Coordinates)down);
      *  if (left != null) vehicleHits.Add((Coordinates)left);
      *  if (right != null) vehicleHits.Add((Coordinates)right);
      * }
      * if (vehicleHits.Count == 0)
      * {
      *  //vehicle is either entirely inside or entirely outside the polygon
      *  foreach (BoundaryLine bl in polygon)
      *  {
      *      if (LineIntersectsLine(center, vehicleRect.lowerLeft, bl.p1, bl.p2) != null) return false;
      *  }
      *  return true;
      * }
      * bool bUpperLeft = false; bool bUpperRight = false; bool bLowerLeft = false; bool bLowerRight = false;
      * foreach (BoundaryLine bl in polygon)
      * {
      *  if (LineIntersectsLine(center, vehicleRect.lowerLeft, bl.p1, bl.p2) != null) bLowerLeft = true;
      *  if (LineIntersectsLine(center, vehicleRect.lowerRight, bl.p1, bl.p2) != null) bLowerRight = true;
      *  if (LineIntersectsLine(center, vehicleRect.upperLeft, bl.p1, bl.p2) != null) bUpperLeft = true;
      *  if (LineIntersectsLine(center, vehicleRect.upperRight, bl.p1, bl.p2) != null) bUpperRight = true;
      * }
      * if (bLowerLeft) vehicleHits.Add(vehicleRect.lowerLeft);
      * if (bLowerRight) vehicleHits.Add(vehicleRect.lowerRight);
      * if (bUpperLeft) vehicleHits.Add(vehicleRect.upperLeft);
      * if (bUpperRight) vehicleHits.Add(vehicleRect.upperRight);
      * List<BoundaryLine> vehiclePolygon = JarvisMarch(vehicleHits);
      * //need to calculate the area of the vehicle inside the polygon
      * double area = 0;
      * foreach (BoundaryLine bl in vehiclePolygon)
      * {
      *  area += TriangleArea(vehicleCenter, bl.p1, bl.p2);
      * }
      * if ((area / (vehicle.Length * vehicle.Width)) > portion) return true;
      * return false;*/