    //when the player leaves
    void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D collision)
        //base on trigger exit
        if (ObjectsInRange.Contains(collision.gameObject))
        //end base on trigger exit

        if (CanOnlyActivateOnce == false || (CanOnlyActivateOnce == true && DidDeActivateOnce == false))
            DidDeActivateOnce = true;
    public override bool DetectRadius()
        // Clear the objects in range
        if (ObjectsInRange.Count > 0)

        // If it detects any objects in it's radius
        if (base.DetectRadius())
            // if both are in the list at the same time
            // check if they are both within range to chase the cat
            if (ObjectsInRange.Contains(playerObject) && ObjectsInRange.Contains(kittenObject))
                DIRECTIONS playerDirection = GetTargetDirection(playerObject.transform.position);
                DIRECTIONS kittenDirection = GetTargetDirection(kittenObject.transform.position);

                // if both are clear
                //  then both can chase the cat
                if (CheckIfClear(playerDirection, playerObject.transform.position) && CheckIfClear(kittenDirection, kittenObject.transform.position))
                    // set the kitten object as the target
                    // it should prioritise the kitten
                    targetObject = kittenObject;
                    targetDir    = GetTargetDirection();

                    // is shocked should only trigger once
                    // to stop it from repeating multiple times
                    if (isTrapped == false)
                        isShocked           = true;
                        TrappedTilePosition = MapManager.Instance.GetWorldToTilePos(transform.position);

                    if (m_ShockUI != null)

                    isTrapped = true;
                    isTrapped = false;
                isTrapped = false;

            // if it is trapped, it shouldnt be able to do anything else
            if (isTrapped)

            //// If it already has a target that it is running from
            //if (targetObject != null)
            //    return false;

            // Loop through the detected objects
            string successfulTag = "";
            foreach (GameObject detectedObj in ObjectsInRange)
                // It will only look for these two objects
                if (detectedObj.tag == "Player" || detectedObj.tag == "Kitten")
                    // Only detect when its idle
                    if (characterState == STATE.IDLE)
                        //THIS IS A HACK, STORE PREV DATA
                        GameObject PREVtargetObject = targetObject;
                        DIRECTIONS prevTargetDir    = targetDir;

                        // Get the target object
                        targetObject = detectedObj;
                        // Check for the target direction
                        targetDir = GetTargetDirection();

                        // Check if the path to the detected object is clear
                        if (CheckIfClear(targetDir, targetObject.transform.position) == false)
                            // that target isnt available a danger to the mouse
                            if (successfulTag == "") //if theres nothing just reset

                            //reset the data
                            targetObject = PREVtargetObject;
                            targetDir    = prevTargetDir;

                            // check the next if there is

                        isShocked = true;

                        if (detectedObj.tag == "Kitten")
                            if (m_ShockUI != null)
                            elapsedTime = 0.0f;

                        ////HACK PRIROTIZE KITTEN
                        //if (successfulTag == "Kitten" && detectedObj.tag == "Player")
                        //    targetObject = PREVtargetObject;
                        //    targetDir = prevTargetDir;
                        //    // reset it if it tracks the player
                        //    if (detectedObj.tag == "Player")
                        //        elapsedTime = 0.0f;

                        // Debug.Log("Mouse IsShocked Changed in line 197" + isShocked);
                        successfulTag = detectedObj.tag;
                    // if it is a running state when it detects a enemy
                    else if (characterState == STATE.RUNNING)
                        // if it detects a new enemy while running from the player
                        if (detectedObj != targetObject && targetObject.tag == "Player")
                            DIRECTIONS detectedObjDir = GetTargetDirection(detectedObj.transform.position);

                            // if the object detected is behind a wall
                            // skip this object because it's not a threat
                            if (CheckIfClear(detectedObjDir, detectedObj.transform.position) == false)

                            // it has to be shocked
                            isShocked = true;
                            // Debug.Log("Mouse IsShocked Changed in line 219" + isShocked);


                // If it spots the player or kitten
                // it will try to run away
                //if (detectedObj.tag == "Player" || detectedObj.tag == "Kitten" )
                //    // if it already has a target
                //    if (targetObject != null)
                //    {
                //        // If it detects the kitten while being chased by the player
                //        if (targetObject != detectedObj && targetObject.tag == "Player")
                //        {
                //            // Make it shocked
                //            isShocked = true;

                //            // stop both the movement
                //            StopMovement();
                //            mouseMovement.StopMovement();
                //            mouseMovement.ResetMovementList();
                //        }
                //    }

                //    // Set the player object as it's current target
                //    targetObject = detectedObj;

                //    targetDir = GetTargetDirection();

                //    // Check the direction if its clear
                //    // if it isn't then they detected an enemy through the wall
                //    //if (CheckIfClear(targetDir) == false && targetObject.tag != "Player")
                //    //{
                //    //    if (characterState == STATE.RUNNING)
                //    //    {
                //    //        mouseMovement.ResetMovementList();
                //    //        mouseMovement.StopMovement();
                //    //    }

                //    //    StopMovement();

                //    //    continue;
                //    //}

                //    // shocked
                //    if (characterState != STATE.RUNNING)
                //        isShocked = true;


            //if (isShocked && characterState == STATE.IDLE)
            //    if (targetObject.tag == "Player")
            //        StartCoroutine(PlayerShockUITime());
            isShocked = false;
        //    characterState = STATE.IDLE;
        //    targetObject = null;
        //    targetDir = DIRECTIONS.NONE;
