public double calcActionErrorMetric() { ObjectSystem newState = this.getCurrentObjectSystem(); int numActionsToReachGoal = newState.findGeneralShortestPathAStar(this.end); return((double)numActionsToReachGoal); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (!args.Any()) { ShowHelp(); } var settings = GetMasterWorkerSlaveSettings(args); Debug.WriteLine( $"Starting computation [{settings.ComputationLowerLimit}, {settings.ComputationUpperLimit}]" + $" with + {(settings.AsyncBus ? "async" : "sync")} bus" + $" and {settings.SlaveObjectsCount} slave worker(s)" ); //Create system var os = new ObjectSystem("/testSystem", new InMemoryBus(async: settings.AsyncBus)); //Create master os.Create(() => new MasterWorkerObject(settings.SlaveObjectsCount)); //Create subscriber to catch results sent from master var sub = os.Create(() => new ActionSubscriberObject<LogMessage>(msg => Console.WriteLine( $"{settings.ComputationLowerLimit},"+ $"{settings.ComputationUpperLimit}," + $"{settings.AsyncBus}," + $"{settings.SlaveObjectsCount}," + $"{msg.Message}," ) )); //Create generic obj and send some work parameters to the master var genericPub = os.Create(() => new GenericPublisherObject()); var work = Enumerable.Range((int)settings.ComputationLowerLimit, (int)settings.ComputationUpperLimit).ToArray(); genericPub.Publish(new PrimeOnPositionsToSumRequest(work)); Console.ReadLine(); }
public int LayerOnExit; // BallOnTable void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (ObjectSystem.IsObjectHittable(other.gameObject.tag) != -1) { other.gameObject.layer = LayerOnEnter; } }
// This function computes different reward function based on chosen value. public float calcRewardManager(ObjectSystem current, ObjectSystem newState, int actionTaken, MessageHeader header, bool stopAction, int numActions) { switch (this.rewardFunctionType) { case 0: // Cosine distance return(this.calcCosineDistanceReward(current, newState, header, stopAction)); case 1: // Sparse signal return(this.calcSparseSignalReward(current, newState, header, stopAction, numActions)); case 2: // Sparse signal with distance potential return(this.calcPotentialBasedRewardReduceDistance(current, newState, header, stopAction, numActions)); case 3: // Sparse signal with oracle potential return(this.calcPotentialBasedRewardFollowOracle(current, newState, actionTaken, header, stopAction, numActions)); case 4: // Sparse signal with oracle potential return(this.calcPotentialBasedRewardFollowOracleReduceDistance(current, newState, actionTaken, header, stopAction, numActions)); case 5: // Sparse signal with oracle addition return(this.calcPotentialBasedRewardFollowOracleReduceDistanceV2(current, newState, actionTaken, header, stopAction, numActions)); case 6: // Sparse signal with oracle addition return(this.calcPotentialBasedRewardReduceDistanceV2(current, newState, header, stopAction, numActions)); case 7: // Reward is negative of distance to the goal return(this.calcNegDistanceReward(current, newState, header, stopAction, numActions)); default: throw new ApplicationException("Unknown reward type"); } }
// Calculate difference between two block states by squared public double calcUnnormalizedSumOfEuclidean(ObjectSystem state1, ObjectSystem state2) { List <Point3D> objLoc1 = state1.getObjectLocations(); List <Point3D> objLoc2 = state2.getObjectLocations(); if (objLoc1.Count != objLoc2.Count) { throw new ApplicationException("MDP Manager expects same number of objects." + " Either environments are different" + " or an object fell off the board and was removed. Found " + objLoc1.Count + " and " + objLoc2.Count); } double blockSize1 = state1.getSizeOfBlock(); double blockSize2 = state2.getSizeOfBlock(); if (Math.Abs(blockSize1 - blockSize2) > 0.001) { throw new ApplicationException("Block size differ. Found " + blockSize1 + " and " + blockSize2); } double sumOfEuclidean = 0; for (int i = 0; i < objLoc1.Count; i++) { Point3D p1 = objLoc1 [i]; Point3D p2 = objLoc2 [i]; double dist = p1.calc2DL2Distance(p2); sumOfEuclidean = sumOfEuclidean + dist; } return(sumOfEuclidean); }
// Use this for initialization public void init(List <GameObject> cubes, float blockSize, float stepSize, int horizon) { //Add translation action controller GameObject robot = GameObject.Find("Robot"); if (robot == null) { Debug.LogError("There must be a robotic agent called 'Robot'"); } this.queue = new Queue <Job> (); this.numberOfJobsFinished = new SynchronizedInt(); // Add actions that the robot can perform e.g., translation, picking etc. this.translation = robot.AddComponent <LinearTranslation> (); this.translation.init(10.00f); // Snapshot ID this.snapshotID = 1; // Maximum number of epsiodes this.maxNumActions = horizon; this.numActions = 0; this.blockSize = blockSize; this.minimumApproachDistance = Mathf.Infinity; this.cubes = cubes; this.stepSize = stepSize; this.current = this.getCurrentObjectSystem(); this.rewardStr = "$NONE$"; }
public CountryManager(ushort teamNum, ushort countryId) { this.countryTeamNum = teamNum; this.countryID = countryId; mObjectSystem = new ObjectSystem(countryID); mBuildSystem = new BuildSystem(countryID); }
public void updateClosestApproachMetric() { ObjectSystem newState = this.getCurrentObjectSystem(); double biskMetric = this.mdpManager.calcBiskMetric(newState); this.minimumApproachDistance = (double)Mathf.Min((float)this.minimumApproachDistance, (float)biskMetric); }
public double calcBiskMetric() { ObjectSystem newState = this.getCurrentObjectSystem(); double biskMetric = this.mdpManager.calcBiskMetric(newState); return(biskMetric); }
public void changeEpisode(List <GameObject> cubes, ObjectSystem start, ObjectSystem end, List <int> trajectory, List <Point3D> trajectoryPoints, int numObjects, float blockSize) { this.cubes = cubes; this.mdpManager.changeScenario(start, end, trajectory, trajectoryPoints); this.blockSize = blockSize; this.end = end; this.minimumApproachDistance = this.mdpManager.calcBiskMetric(start); }
private List <GameObject> createDigitCubes(ObjectSystem system, GameObject sampleCube, GameObject sampleDigits) { this.colors = this.getUniqueColors(); this.digitText = new List <GameObject> (); List <GameObject> cubes = new List <GameObject> (); // Make the cube inactive sampleCube.SetActive(false); int ix = 0; float blockSize = (float)system.getSizeOfBlock(); Material[] newMaterial = new Material[1]; newMaterial [0] = sampleCube.GetComponent <Renderer> ().materials [0]; sampleCube.GetComponent <Renderer> ().materials = newMaterial; foreach (string brand in brandsList) { Debug.Log("Creating cube for digit: " + (ix + 1)); // Create the game object GameObject newObj = (GameObject)Object .Instantiate(sampleCube, sampleCube.transform.position, Quaternion.identity); if (!this.simplifiedProblem) { // Create digit and write the letter GameObject newDigits = (GameObject)Object .Instantiate(sampleDigits, sampleDigits.transform.position, sampleDigits.transform.rotation); = "Digits_" + ix; Vector3 oldScale = newDigits.transform.localScale; newDigits.GetComponent <TextMesh> ().text = (ix + 1).ToString(); newDigits.SetActive(false); this.digitText.Add(newDigits); newDigits.transform.parent = newObj.transform; } newObj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) * (float)blockSize; = "Cube_Digit_" + ix; // Simplified problem adds a unique color to every block if (this.simplifiedProblem) { Material[] materials = newObj.GetComponent <Renderer> ().materials; materials [0].EnableKeyword("_EMISSION"); materials [0].SetColor("_EmissionColor", this.colors [ix]); } ix++; newObj.SetActive(false); cubes.Add(newObj); } sampleDigits.SetActive(false); return(cubes); }
private float calcPotentialBasedRewardFollowOracleReduceDistance(ObjectSystem current, ObjectSystem newState, int action, MessageHeader header, bool stopAction, int numActions) { if (header == MessageHeader.FailureACK || header == MessageHeader.FailureAndResetACK) { return(-1.0f); } ObjectSystem toReach = this.end; // The system went from current to newState and it has to reach toReach List <Point3D> objLoc1 = current.getObjectLocations(); // Compute distance d13 is pre-transition distance and d23 is post transition action. double d13 = this.calcUnnormalizedSumOfEuclidean(current, toReach); double d23 = this.calcUnnormalizedSumOfEuclidean(newState, toReach); double blockSize = newState.getSizeOfBlock(); double rawReward = -0.02f; if (stopAction) // || numActions == this.horizon) { { if (d23 < blockSize) //1.0 if within 1 block distance { rawReward = 1.0f; } else { rawReward = this.stopActionReward; } } else { rawReward = -0.02f; //verbosity penalty } double potentialOld = -d13 / blockSize; double potentialNew = -d23 / blockSize; //when stopping the new and old potential will be same. double reshapedReward = rawReward + potentialNew - potentialOld; Point3D preTransitionState = objLoc1 [this.indexObjMoved]; double oraclePotential = this.potentialFromTrajectory(preTransitionState, action, this.trajectoryPoints, this.trajectory); reshapedReward = reshapedReward + oraclePotential - this.potentialOld; if (this.overridePotential) { // Hack that override potential. Hack was added to return rewards for all CB this.potentialOld = oraclePotential; } return((float)reshapedReward); }
private SystemMediator() { #region 系统实例化 DelegateSystem = new DelegateSystem(this); ObjectSystem = new ObjectSystem(this); #endregion }
public void changeScenario(ObjectSystem start, ObjectSystem end, List <int> trajectory, List <Point3D> trajectoryPoints) { this.start = start; this.end = end; this.potentialOld = -0.02f; //0.0; this.trajectory = trajectory; this.trajectoryPoints = trajectoryPoints; // Compute the objected moved List <Point3D> objLoc1 = this.start.getObjectLocations(); List <Point3D> objLoc2 = this.end.getObjectLocations(); double blockSize1 = this.start.getSizeOfBlock(); double blockSize2 = this.end.getSizeOfBlock(); if (objLoc1.Count != objLoc2.Count) { throw new ApplicationException("MDP Manager expects same number of objects." + " Either environments are different" + " or an object fell off the board and was removed"); } if (Math.Abs(blockSize1 - blockSize2) > 0.001) { throw new ApplicationException("Block size differ. Found " + blockSize1 + " and " + blockSize2); } int mainBlock = -1; int changedBlock = 0; for (int i = 0; i < objLoc1.Count; i++) { Point3D p1 = objLoc1 [i]; Point3D p2 = objLoc2 [i]; if (p1.calc2DL2Distance(p2) > 0.001) { mainBlock = i; changedBlock++; if (changedBlock > 1) { mainBlock = -1; break; } } } if (mainBlock == -1) { Debug.LogError("Needed exactly one block to move. Found " + changedBlock + " many blocks moved."); } this.indexObjMoved = mainBlock; }
public SystemView(ObjectSystem sys) { this.sys = sys; order = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < sys.Count; i++) { order.Add(i); } Redraw(); }
// This reward is negative of distance from the new state to the goal state private float calcNegDistanceReward(ObjectSystem current, ObjectSystem newState, MessageHeader header, bool stopAction, int numActions) { // Compute distance d13 is pre-transition distance and d23 is post transition action. double distance = this.calcUnnormalizedSumOfEuclidean(newState, this.end); double blockSize = newState.getSizeOfBlock(); double reward = -distance / blockSize; return((float)reward); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { _system = new ObjectSystem(); CurTime = DelayTime; setTimer = DelayTime / 4; if (gameObject.GetComponent <GizmoSelection>()) { ActiveLayer = gameObject.GetComponent <GizmoSelection>().DynamicLayer; } }
public SystemWindow(String s, ObjectSystem sys) : base(s) { sys_view = new SystemView(sys); this.Add(sys_view); this.Events |= EventMask.PointerMotionMask | EventMask.ScrollMask; this.DeleteEvent += delegate { Application.Quit(); }; this.KeyPressEvent += Program.Input.KeyPress; this.MotionNotifyEvent += Program.Input.MouseMovement; this.ScrollEvent += Program.Input.Scroll; this.ShowAll(); }
public string reset() { InitScript init = GameObject.Find("Ground").GetComponent <InitScript> (); string instruction = init.reset(); string fileName = "deprecated"; this.snapshotID++; this.current = this.getCurrentObjectSystem(); return(fileName + "#" + instruction); }
public void resetEnd() { DataPoint current = this.dataset [this.datapointIndex]; int start = current.getStartFrame(); int end = current.getEndFrame(); Episode episode = current.getEpisode(); ObjectSystem system = episode.getEnvironmentByIndex(start); ObjectSystem toReach = episode.getEnvironmentByIndex(end); Decoration pointDecoration = current.getDecoration(); this.render(toReach, pointDecoration); this.highlightMainBlockAndGoal(system, toReach); }
public static void PITest() { ObjectSystem sys = new ObjectSystem(new List <SimObject>() { new Block() { position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0), velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0), mass = 1e300, dimensions = new Vector3(2, 8, 8), color = new Vector3(1, 0, 0), orientation = new Vector3(0, 0, 0), }, new Ball() { position = new Vector3(2.5, 0, 0), velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0), mass = 1, color = new Vector3(0, 1, 0), }, new Ball() { position = new Vector3(5, 0, 0), velocity = new Vector3(-1, 0, 0), mass = Math.Pow(100, DIGITS), color = new Vector3(0, 0, 1), }, }); int j = 0; int last = -1; Application.Init(); var sysWindow = new Graphics.SystemWindow("Mechanics Simulation", sys); sysWindow.PlayAsync(interval: 0); active_syswindow = sysWindow; Console.WriteLine("hi"); Task.Run(() => { while (true) { sys.TimeStep(Math.Pow(10, PRECISION)); // Don't output every frame, and only if the number of collisions has changed if (j++ % 1e4 == 0 && last != collision_counter) { Console.WriteLine($"{collision_counter} collisions"); last = collision_counter; } } }); Application.Run(); }
void OnTriggerStay(Collider col) { int tmp = ObjectSystem.IsObjectHittable(col.gameObject.tag); if (tmp == 5) { for (int i = 0; i < ashCount; i++) { Vector3 pos = col.transform.position + new Vector3(1, 1, 1) * Random.Range(0.5f, 0.9f); Instantiate(ashParent, pos, col.transform.rotation, col.transform.parent); } Destroy(col.gameObject); } }
private float calcPotentialBasedRewardFollowOracleReduceDistanceV2(ObjectSystem current, ObjectSystem newState, int action, MessageHeader header, bool stopAction, int numActions) { ObjectSystem toReach = this.end; // The system went from current to newState and it has to reach toReach List <Point3D> objLoc1 = current.getObjectLocations(); List <Point3D> objLoc2 = newState.getObjectLocations(); List <Point3D> objLoc3 = toReach.getObjectLocations(); // Compute distance d13 is pre-transition distance and d23 is post transition action. double d13 = objLoc1 [this.indexObjMoved].calc2DL2Distance(objLoc3 [this.indexObjMoved]); double d23 = objLoc2 [this.indexObjMoved].calc2DL2Distance(objLoc3 [this.indexObjMoved]); double blockSize = newState.getSizeOfBlock(); double rawReward = -0.02f; if (stopAction /*|| numActions == this.horizon*/) { if (d23 < blockSize) //1.0 if within 1 block distance { rawReward = 1.0f; } else { rawReward = this.stopActionReward; } } else { rawReward = -0.02f; //verbosity penalty } double potentialOld = -d13 / blockSize; double potentialNew = -d23 / blockSize; //when stopping the new and old potential will be same. double reshapedReward = rawReward + (potentialNew - potentialOld) / (10.0); Point3D preTransitionState = objLoc1 [this.indexObjMoved]; double oraclePotential = this.potentialFromTrajectoryV2(preTransitionState, action, this.trajectoryPoints, this.trajectory); reshapedReward = reshapedReward + oraclePotential; return((float)reshapedReward); }
private List <GameObject> createLogoCubes(ObjectSystem system, GameObject sampleCube) { this.colors = this.getUniqueColors(); List <GameObject> cubes = new List <GameObject> (); // Make the cube inactive sampleCube.SetActive(false); int ix = 0; float blockSize = (float)system.getSizeOfBlock(); foreach (string brand in brandsList) { Debug.Log("Creating cube for brand: " + brand); Texture texture = (Texture2D)Resources.Load(brand); if (texture == null) { throw new System.Exception("texture is null"); } // Create the game object GameObject newObj = (GameObject)Object .Instantiate(sampleCube, sampleCube.transform.position, Quaternion.identity); if (!this.simplifiedProblem) { newObj.GetComponent <Renderer> ().materials [1].mainTexture = texture; } newObj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) * (float)blockSize; = "Cube_Logo_" + ix; // Simplified problem adds a unique color to every block if (this.simplifiedProblem) { Material[] materials = newObj.GetComponent <Renderer> ().materials; materials [0].EnableKeyword("_EMISSION"); materials [0].SetColor("_EmissionColor", this.colors [ix]); } newObj.SetActive(false); cubes.Add(newObj); ix++; } return(cubes); }
// TEMPORARY: changes color of the block to be moved and moves the GoalState plane // to where the block has to be. private void highlightMainBlockAndGoal(ObjectSystem system, ObjectSystem toReach) { /*if (!this.simplifiedProblem) { * return; * }*/ // Find the changed object List <Point3D> system1 = system.getObjectLocations(); List <Point3D> system2 = toReach.getObjectLocations(); int i = 0; for (int k = 0; k < system1.Count; k++) { Point3D o1 = system1 [k]; Point3D o2 = system2 [k]; if (o1.calc2DL2Distance(o2) > 0.1f) { i = k; break; } } // Change all cube to their default color /*for(int j = 0; j < this.cubes.Count; j++) { * GameObject cubeObj = this.cubes[j]; * Material[] materials = cubeObj.GetComponent<Renderer> ().materials; * materials[0].SetColor ("_EmissionColor", this.colors[j]); * } * * // Change the select cube to BLACK color * GameObject selectedCubeObj = this.cubes [i]; * Material[] selectedCubeMaterials = selectedCubeObj.GetComponent<Renderer> ().materials; * selectedCubeMaterials[0].SetColor ("_EmissionColor",; * Vector3 blackPos = selectedCubeObj.transform.position; * Debug.Log ("Black cube at " + blackPos.x + ", " + blackPos.y + ", " + blackPos.z);*/ // Move plate to where the cubeObj has to be moved GameObject goalStatePlane = GameObject.Find("GoalState"); Point3D finalPoint = system2 [i]; goalStatePlane.transform.position = new Vector3((float)finalPoint.getX(), (float)finalPoint.getY(), (float)finalPoint.getZ()); }
// This reward is based on potential. This reward is given based on // following oracle. private float calcPotentialBasedRewardFollowOracle(ObjectSystem current, ObjectSystem newState, int action, MessageHeader header, bool stopAction, int numActions) { if (header == MessageHeader.FailureACK || header == MessageHeader.FailureAndResetACK) { return(-1.0f); } ObjectSystem toReach = this.end; // The system went from current to newState and it has to reach toReach List <Point3D> objLoc1 = current.getObjectLocations(); // Compute distance d13 is pre-transition distance and d23 is post transition action. // double d23 = objLoc2 [this.indexObjMoved].calc2DL2Distance (objLoc3 [this.indexObjMoved]); double d23 = this.calcUnnormalizedSumOfEuclidean(newState, toReach); double blockSize = newState.getSizeOfBlock(); double rawReward = -0.02f; if (stopAction /*|| numActions == this.horizon*/) { if (d23 < blockSize) //1.0 if within 1 block distance { rawReward = 1.0f; } else { rawReward = this.stopActionReward; } } else { rawReward = -0.02f; //verbosity penalty } Point3D preTransitionState = objLoc1 [this.indexObjMoved]; double potentialNew = this.potentialFromTrajectory(preTransitionState, action, this.trajectoryPoints, this.trajectory); double reshapedReward = rawReward + potentialNew - this.potentialOld; this.potentialOld = potentialNew; return((float)reshapedReward); }
private void render(ObjectSystem system, Decoration pointDecoration) { List <Point3D> objectLocations = system.getObjectLocations(); for (int i = 0; i < brandsList.Count; i++) { this.logoCubes [i].SetActive(false); this.digitCubes [i].SetActive(false); if (this.decoration == Decoration.Digits || this.decoration == Decoration.Both) { this.digitText [i].SetActive(false); } } int ix = 0; foreach (Point3D objectLocation in objectLocations) { Vector3 spawnPoint = new Vector3((float)objectLocation.getX(), (float)objectLocation.getY(), (float)objectLocation.getZ()); GameObject cubeObj = null; if (pointDecoration == Decoration.Logos) { cubeObj = this.logoCubes [ix]; } else if (pointDecoration == Decoration.Digits) { cubeObj = this.digitCubes [ix]; } cubeObj.transform.position = spawnPoint; cubeObj.transform.rotation = new Quaternion(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); cubeObj.SetActive(true); if (pointDecoration == Decoration.Digits) { GameObject digitTex = this.digitText [ix]; digitTex.transform.position = new Vector3(spawnPoint.x, spawnPoint.y, spawnPoint.z); digitTex.SetActive(true); } ix++; } }
public double calculateShortestPathMetric() { ObjectSystem newState = this.getCurrentObjectSystem(); //Compute distance between this newState and the old state TrajectoryResult result = newState.findShortestPathAStar(this.end); List <int> trajectory = result.getTrajectory(); int count = trajectory.Count; if (trajectory [trajectory.Count - 1] == 80) { count--; } double distance = this.stepSize * count + result.getMinDistanceAchieved(); double shortestPathDistance = distance / this.blockSize; return(shortestPathDistance); }
// Token: 0x0600004B RID: 75 RVA: 0x0000B0A0 File Offset: 0x000092A0 public static void StartupRetroEngine() { if (!EngineCallbacks.engineInit) { GlobalAppDefinitions.CalculateTrigAngles(); GraphicsSystem.GenerateBlendLookupTable(); if (FileIO.CheckRSDKFile()) { GlobalAppDefinitions.LoadGameConfig("Data/Game/GameConfig.bin".ToCharArray()); } AudioPlayback.InitAudioPlayback(); StageSystem.InitFirstStage(); ObjectSystem.ClearScriptData(); EngineCallbacks.engineInit = true; return; } RenderDevice.UpdateHardwareTextures(); }
// This reward is based on distance potential-based shaping term. private float calcPotentialBasedRewardReduceDistance(ObjectSystem current, ObjectSystem newState, MessageHeader header, bool stopAction, int numActions) { if (header == MessageHeader.FailureACK || header == MessageHeader.FailureAndResetACK) { return(-1.0f); } ObjectSystem toReach = this.end; // The system went from current to newState and it has to reach toReach // Compute distance d13 is pre-transition distance and d23 is post transition action. double d13 = this.calcUnnormalizedSumOfEuclidean(current, toReach); double d23 = this.calcUnnormalizedSumOfEuclidean(newState, toReach); double blockSize = newState.getSizeOfBlock(); double rawReward = -0.02f; if (stopAction /* || numActions == this.horizon*/) { if (d23 < blockSize) //1.0 if within 1 block distance { rawReward = 1.0f; } else { rawReward = this.stopActionReward; } } else { rawReward = -0.02f; //verbosity penalty } double potentialOld = -d13 / blockSize; double potentialNew = -d23 / blockSize; //when stopping the new and old potential will be same. double shapedReward = rawReward + potentialNew - potentialOld; return((float)shapedReward); }
public double calcReward(bool stopAction) { ObjectSystem newState = this.getCurrentObjectSystem(); if (stopAction) { this.actionID = 80; } float reward = this.mdpManager.calcRewardManager(this.current, newState, this.actionID, this.messageHeader, stopAction, this.numActions); this.current = newState; // Updated closest approach metric this.updateClosestApproachMetric(); return(reward); }
static void Main() { //Create system var os = new ObjectSystem("/testSystem", new InMemoryBus(async: true)); var log = os.Create(() => new LoggerObject(), "logger/1"); var echo = os.Create(() => new EchoObject(), "echo"); //send ping to echo actor from 50 different objects var taskArray = Enumerable .Range(0, 50) .Select(i => os.Create(() => new AskAnswerPingObject()).Ping("/testSystem/echo")) .ToArray(); Task.WaitAll(taskArray); var log2 = os.Create(() => new LoggerObject(), "logger/2"); var log3 = os.Create(() => new LoggerObject(), "logger/3"); var slbp = os.Create(() => new SendingLogByPathObject()); //send log messages to loggers, specify them with path slbp.SendLogByPath("/testSystem/logger/2"); slbp.SendLogByPath("/testSystem/logger/2"); slbp.SendLogByPath("/testSystem/logger/2"); slbp.SendLogByPath("/testSystem/logger/3"); slbp.SendLogByPath("/testSystem/logger/3"); slbp.SendLogByPath("/testSystem/logger/3"); }