public DeployAssemblyDialog(IDialogController dialogController, IVisualStudioService visualStudioService, XrmRecordService xrmRecordService, XrmPackageSettings packageSettings)
            : base(dialogController)
            VisualStudioService = visualStudioService;
            PackageSettings     = packageSettings;
            Service             = xrmRecordService;

            var configEntryDialog = new ObjectGetEntryDialog(() => PluginAssembly, this, ApplicationController, Service);

            SubDialogs = new DialogViewModel[] { configEntryDialog };
        public ManagePluginTriggersDialog(IDialogController dialogController, IVisualStudioService visualStudioService, XrmRecordService xrmRecordService, XrmPackageSettings packageSettings)
            : base(dialogController)
            PackageSettings     = packageSettings;
            VisualStudioService = visualStudioService;
            XrmRecordService    = xrmRecordService;

            var configEntryDialog = new ObjectGetEntryDialog(() => EntryObject, this, ApplicationController, XrmRecordService);

            SubDialogs = new DialogViewModel[] { configEntryDialog };
        protected override void LoadDialogExtention()
            var objectTypeMaps = new Dictionary <string, Type>()
                { "SavedRequests", RequestType }

            //okay for these saved requests
            //we dont want to validate them in this dialog as an incomplete request should be allowed to save
            //it should only be required/validate when the actual process is run
            //here we only want to validate the name is populated (property in the base request class)
            var onlyValidate = new Dictionary <string, IEnumerable <string> >()
                { RequestType.AssemblyQualifiedName, typeof(ServiceRequestBase).GetProperties().Select(p => p.Name).ToArray() }
            var configEntryDialog = new ObjectGetEntryDialog(() => SettingsObject, this, ApplicationController, saveMethod: null, objectTypeMaps: objectTypeMaps, onlyValidate: onlyValidate);

            SubDialogs = new DialogViewModel[] { configEntryDialog };