//Is this side overlapping?
    private static bool IsOverlapping(Vector3 normal, ObjectBoundingBoxHull2D other, ObjectBoundingBoxHull2D self)
        bool isOverlapping = false;

        //Project the corners of rectangle 1 onto the normal
        float dot1 = Vector3.Dot(normal, other.topLeftAxis);
        float dot2 = Vector3.Dot(normal, other.topRightAxis);
        float dot3 = Vector3.Dot(normal, other.botLeftAxis);
        float dot4 = Vector3.Dot(normal, other.botRightAxis);

        //Find the range
        float min1 = Mathf.Min(dot1, Mathf.Min(dot2, Mathf.Min(dot3, dot4)));
        float max1 = Mathf.Max(dot1, Mathf.Max(dot2, Mathf.Max(dot3, dot4)));

        //Project the corners of rectangle 2 onto the normal
        float dot5 = Vector3.Dot(normal, self.topLeftAxis);
        float dot6 = Vector3.Dot(normal, self.topLeftAxis);
        float dot7 = Vector3.Dot(normal, self.botLeftAxis);
        float dot8 = Vector3.Dot(normal, self.botRightAxis);

        //Find the range
        float min2 = Mathf.Min(dot5, Mathf.Min(dot6, Mathf.Min(dot7, dot8)));
        float max2 = Mathf.Max(dot5, Mathf.Max(dot6, Mathf.Max(dot7, dot8)));

        //Are the ranges overlapping?
        if (min1 <= max2 && min2 <= max1)
            isOverlapping = true;

    public override bool TestCollisionVSOBB(ObjectBoundingBoxHull2D other, ref Collision c)
        // Same as above, but first...
        // transform circle position by multiplying by box world matrix inverse
        // Find four points on circle, pos.x + cos(a), pos.x - cos(a), pos.y + sin(a), pos.y - sin(a)
        // Project four points on box normal, project box maxes and mins on circle normal
        // Run AABB test

        return(other.TestCollisionVSCircle(this, ref c));
    public override bool TestCollisionVsOBB(ObjectBoundingBoxHull2D box, ref Collision c)
        //AABB-OBB part 2 twice:

        //Second: transform this into OBB space, find max extents, repat AABB
        //1) transform into OBB space:

        //2) find max and min of [??]

        //3) Call testaabb again
    public override bool TestCollisionVSOBB(ObjectBoundingBoxHull2D other, ref Collision c)
        // Same as above twive
        // first, test AABB vs max extents of OBB
        // then, multiply by OBB inverse matrix, do test again

        // Same as OBB vs OBB, but only project to ABB up and right normal
        // check the points

        return(other.TestCollisionVSAABB(this, ref c));
    public override bool TestCollisionVSOBB(ObjectBoundingBoxHull2D other, ref Collision c)
        // AABB-OBB part 2 twice
        // Call projection function four times, if even one fails, the collision fails

        // take each corner multiply by the non axis aligned box and

        bool isIntersecting = false;

        //We have just 4 normals because the other 4 normals are the same but in another direction
        //So we only need a maximum of 4 tests if we have rectangles
        //It is enough if one side is not overlapping, if so we know the rectangles are not intersecting

        //Test 1
        Vector2 normal1 = GetNormal(other.botLeftAxis, other.topLeftAxis);

        if (!IsOverlapping(normal1, other, this))
            //No intersection is possible!

        //Test 2
        Vector2 normal2 = GetNormal(other.topLeftAxis, other.topRightAxis);

        if (!IsOverlapping(normal2, other, this))

        //Test 3
        Vector2 normal3 = GetNormal(this.botLeftAxis, this.topLeftAxis);

        if (!IsOverlapping(normal3, other, this))

        //Test 4
        Vector2 normal4 = GetNormal(this.topLeftAxis, this.topRightAxis);

        if (!IsOverlapping(normal4, other, this))

        //If we have come this far, then we know all sides are overlapping
        //So the rectangles are intersecting!
        isIntersecting = true;

    public override bool TestCollisionVsOBB(ObjectBoundingBoxHull2D box, ref Collision c)
        //same as above twice:
        //first: find max extents of OBB, do AABB vs this
        //call test aabb

        //Finding corners/Max-Min of box
        //bottom left
        float   box_X          = box.transform.position.x - box.length * 0.5f;
        float   box_Y          = box.transform.position.y - box.height * 0.5f;
        Vector2 box_bottomLeft = new Vector2(box_X, box_Y);

        //top right
        box_X = box.transform.position.x + box.length * 0.5f;
        box_Y = box.transform.position.y + box.height * 0.5f;
        Vector2 box_topRight = new Vector2(box_X, box_Y);

        //Finding corners of this
        //bottom left
        float   this_X          = transform.position.x - length * 0.5f;
        float   this_Y          = transform.position.y - height * 0.5f;
        Vector2 this_bottomLeft = new Vector2(this_X, this_Y);

        //top right
        this_X = transform.position.x + length * 0.5f;
        this_Y = transform.position.y + height * 0.5f;
        Vector2 this_topRight = new Vector2(this_X, this_Y);


        //Second: transform this into OBB space, find max extents, repat AABB
        //1) transform into OBB space:

        //2) find max and min of [??]

        //3) Call testaabb again

 public abstract bool TestCollisionVsOBB(ObjectBoundingBoxHull2D box, ref Collision c);
 public AxisAlignedBoundingBoxHull2D(ObjectBoundingBoxHull2D temp) : base(CollisionHullType2D.Hull_AABB)
     length = temp.length;
     height = temp.height;
     this.transform.position = temp.transform.position;
    public override bool TestCollisionVsOBB(ObjectBoundingBoxHull2D box, ref Collision col)
        //Same as above, but first:
        //move circle center into box space by * -world transform
        //1) this.position is now * -box.position
        //2) call testAABB with box

        Debug.Log("OBB v Circ Start");

        //Vector2 circCenter = -box.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyVector(this.transform.position);
        //Vector2 circCenter = this.transform.position;

        //get the norms of the box
        float RotZOBB = box.transform.eulerAngles.z;
        //Vector2 xNormOBB = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(RotZOBB), Mathf.Sin(RotZOBB));
        //Vector2 yNormOBB = new Vector2(-Mathf.Sin(RotZOBB), Mathf.Cos(RotZOBB));

        //just rotate the circle around the centerpoint of the box using the norm (or angle) of the box then call AABB
        //      this is a copy over for AABB test (dont change these values, we just need to change the circle)
        //      the box is rotated by the -RotZOBB in a way to get back to axis aligned, so we need to do the same for the circle

        //AxisAlignedBoundingBoxHull2D newBox = this.gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(AxisAlignedBoundingBoxHull2D)) as AxisAlignedBoundingBoxHull2D;
        //AxisAlignedBoundingBoxHull2D newBox = gameObject.AddComponent<AxisAlignedBoundingBoxHull2D>();
        //CollisionHull2D newBox = null;

        //GameObject temp = new GameObject();
        //AxisAlignedBoundingBoxHull2D newBox = temp.AddComponent<AxisAlignedBoundingBoxHull2D>();

        //AxisAlignedBoundingBoxHull2D newBox = new AxisAlignedBoundingBoxHull2D(box);

         * AxisAlignedBoundingBoxHull2D newBox = new AxisAlignedBoundingBoxHull2D();
         * newBox.length = box.length;
         * newBox.height = box.height;
         * newBox.transform.position = box.transform.position;
         * //create a new circle to edit
         * CircleHull2D newCirc = new CircleHull2D();
         * newCirc.radius = this.radius;
         * //Rotate centerpoint of circ around the box pos point by the angle of the box
         * float subPosX = circCenter.x - box.transform.position.x;
         * float subPosY = circCenter.y - box.transform.position.y;
         * Vector2 newPos = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(-RotZOBB) * (subPosX) - Mathf.Sin(-RotZOBB) * (subPosY) + box.transform.position.x,
         *                                  Mathf.Sin(-RotZOBB) * (subPosX) + Mathf.Cos(-RotZOBB) * (subPosY) + box.transform.position.y);
         * newCirc.transform.position = newPos;
         * //a possible problem is that now that we have a new
         * //return newCirc.TestCollisionVsAABB(newBox, ref c);

        Vector2 circCenter = this.transform.position;
        Vector2 boxCenter  = box.transform.position;

        float   subPosX = circCenter.x - box.transform.position.x;
        float   subPosY = circCenter.y - box.transform.position.y;
        Vector2 newPos  = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(-RotZOBB) * (subPosX) - Mathf.Sin(-RotZOBB) * (subPosY) + box.transform.position.x,
                                      Mathf.Sin(-RotZOBB) * (subPosX) + Mathf.Cos(-RotZOBB) * (subPosY) + box.transform.position.y);

        circCenter = newPos;

        float boxXMin = box.transform.position.x - (box.length * 0.5f);
        float boxYMin = box.transform.position.y - (box.height * 0.5f);

        float boxXMax = box.transform.position.x + (box.length * 0.5f);
        float boxYMax = box.transform.position.y + (box.height * 0.5f);

        float clampedX = Mathf.Clamp(circCenter.x, boxXMin, boxXMax);
        float clampedY = Mathf.Clamp(circCenter.y, boxYMin, boxYMax);

        Vector2 distance = new Vector2(circCenter.x - clampedX, circCenter.y - clampedY);

        float dSq = (distance.x * distance.x) + (distance.y * distance.y);

        if (dSq < (this.radius * this.radius))
            Debug.Log("OBB v C pass");
            hitExplode = true;

            //Assign objects
            col.a = this;
            col.b = box;

            Vector2 clamped = new Vector2(clampedX, clampedY);

            //get the clamped combinded vector as the point to have norm from
            Vector2 Point = (clamped + (distance.normalized * this.radius)) * 0.5f;

            //take the centerpoint of the circle, subtract the point to get the norm (it may be point - circ)
            //Vector2 norm = (circCenter - Point).normalized; //(same as distance)

            //col.contacts[0].normal = norm;
            col.contacts[0].normal = distance.normalized;
            col.contacts[0].point  = Point;

            //radius of the circle minus the distance to the original point of entry
            col.interpenDepth = (this.radius * this.radius) - dSq;
            //col.interpenDepth = ((this.radius + clamped.magnitude) * (this.radius + clamped.magnitude)) - dSq;
            //col.interpenDepth = (this.radius + clamped.magnitude) - distance.magnitude;

            Debug.Log("OBB v C fail");


         * //bottom left
         * float x = box.transform.position.x - box.length * 0.5f;
         * float y = box.transform.position.y - box.height * 0.5f;
         * Vector2 bottomLeft = new Vector2(x, y);
         * //bottom right
         * x = box.transform.position.x + box.length * 0.5f;
         * y = box.transform.position.y - box.height * 0.5f;
         * Vector2 bottomRight = new Vector2(x, y);
         * //top left
         * x = box.transform.position.x + box.length * 0.5f;
         * y = box.transform.position.y - box.height * 0.5f;
         * Vector2 topLeft = new Vector2(x, y);
         * //top right
         * x = box.transform.position.x + box.length * 0.5f;
         * y = box.transform.position.y + box.height * 0.5f;
         * Vector2 topRight = new Vector2(x, y);
         * //project all x valued (one for each corner, 4) vertices onto normal for x
         * //Vector2 xNormProjectedVertices = Vector3.Project( , xNormOBB);
         * Vector2 pointX1 = (bottomLeft * xNormOBB) * xNormOBB;
         * Vector2 pointX2 = (bottomRight * xNormOBB) * xNormOBB;
         * Vector2 pointX3 = (topLeft * xNormOBB) * xNormOBB;
         * Vector2 pointX4 = (topRight * xNormOBB) * xNormOBB;
         * //project all y valued (one for each corner, 4) vertices onto normal for y
         * Vector2 pointY1 = (bottomLeft * yNormOBB) * yNormOBB;
         * Vector2 pointY2 = (bottomRight * yNormOBB) * yNormOBB;
         * Vector2 pointY3 = (topLeft * yNormOBB) * yNormOBB;
         * Vector2 pointY4 = (topRight * yNormOBB) * yNormOBB;

         * //bottom left
         * float x1 = box.transform.position.x - box.length * 0.5f;
         * float x2 = box.transform.position.x + box.length * 0.5f;
         * Vector2 bottomLeft = new Vector2(x1, x2);
         * //top right
         * float y1 = box.transform.position.y - box.height * 0.5f;
         * float y2 = box.transform.position.y + box.height * 0.5f;
         * Vector2 topRight = new Vector2(y1, y2);
         * //go to world space
         * Vector2 localToWorldX = box.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyVector(bottomLeft);
         * Vector2 localToWorldY = box.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyVector(topRight);
         * //AxisAlignedBoundingBoxHull2D newBox = new AxisAlignedBoundingBoxHull2D();
         * //AABB, finding corners(sides) in if()
         * bool colOnX = false;
         * bool colOnY = false;
         * Debug.Log("circPos: " + circCenter + "    localToWorldX: " + localToWorldX + "    localToWorldY: " + localToWorldY);
         * if (circCenter.x + radius >= localToWorldX.x && localToWorldX.y >= circCenter.x - radius)
         * {
         *  colOnX = true;
         * }
         * if (circCenter.y + radius >= localToWorldY.x && localToWorldY.y >= circCenter.y - radius)
         * {
         *  colOnY = true;
         * }
         * if (colOnY && colOnX)
         * {
         *  updateCollision(ref c);
         *  return true;
         * }
         * else
         * {
         *  return false;
         * }

        //Assign objects
        //col.a = this;
        //col.b = box;


        //return false;

        //return this.TestCollisionVsAABB(box, ref c);
 public abstract bool TestCollisionVSOBB(ObjectBoundingBoxHull2D other, ref Collision c);