private static ToolResult DeleteUnusedMaterialsObj(string objFile, string objOutput) { bool success = false; string message = ""; ObjData objData = ObjParser.TryParseObj(objFile); if (objData != null) { objData.UpdateMtlData(); MtlData mtlData = objData.Mtl; if (mtlData != null) { ObjModifier.DeleteUnusedMaterials(objData, mtlData); success = ObjExporter.WriteObj(objData, mtlData, objOutput, makeMtl: true, useExistingMtl: true); message = MessageBoxConstants.GetMessageExecutionCreation(success, objOutput); } else { message = MessageBoxConstants.MessageErrorDeleteUnusedMaterials + MessageBoxConstants.MessageMtlNotFound; } } else { message = MessageBoxConstants.GetMessageExecutionErrorParse(objFile); } return(new ToolResult(message, success)); }
void Awake() { // save the parent GO-s pos+rot Vector3 position = transform.position; Quaternion rotation = transform.rotation; // move to the origin for combining transform.position =; transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; MeshFilter[] filters = GetComponentsInChildren <MeshFilter>(); List <CombineInstance> combine = new List <CombineInstance>(); for (int i = 0; i < filters.Length; i++) { // skip the empty parent GO if (filters[i].sharedMesh == null) { continue; } // combine submeshes for (int j = 0; j < filters[i].sharedMesh.subMeshCount; j++) { CombineInstance ci = new CombineInstance(); ci.mesh = filters[i].sharedMesh; ci.subMeshIndex = j; ci.transform = filters[i].transform.localToWorldMatrix; combine.Add(ci); } // disable child mesh GO-s filters[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); } MeshFilter filter = GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); filter.mesh = new Mesh(); filter.mesh.CombineMeshes(combine.ToArray(), true, true); // restore the parent GO-s pos+rot transform.position = position; transform.rotation = rotation; ObjExporter.MeshToFile(filter, Application.persistentDataPath + "testobj.obj"); Mesh holderMesh = new Mesh(); ObjImporter newMesh = new ObjImporter(); holderMesh = newMesh.ImportFile(Application.persistentDataPath + "testobj.obj"); MeshRenderer renderer = g1.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); MeshFilter filter1 = g1.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); filter1.mesh = holderMesh; }
private static ToolResult MergeObjFiles(List <string> fileList, string objOutput) { bool success = false; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (fileList != null) { List <ObjData> objDatas = ObjParser.ParseObjs(fileList); ObjData objData = ObjModifier.MergeObjFiles(objDatas); if (objData != null) { success = ObjExporter.WriteObj(objData, objData.Mtl, objOutput, makeMtl: true, useExistingMtl: true); sb.AppendLine($"Merged {objDatas.Count} obj files into one"); sb.Append(MessageBoxConstants.GetMessageExecutionCreation(success, objOutput)); } else { sb.Append(MessageBoxConstants.MessageErrorMergeObj + MessageBoxConstants.MessageErrorExecution); } } else { sb.Append(MessageBoxConstants.MessageErrorMergeObj + MessageBoxConstants.MessageNoFilesMerge); } return(new ToolResult(sb.ToString(), success)); }
public void Export() { GameObject generator = this.gameObject; Combiner.CombineMeshes(generator); ObjExporter.MeshesToFile(generator.GetComponents <MeshFilter>(), Application.dataPath, "Planet"); }
public void Export() { if (m_bIsExportMesh) { if (m_strMeshName == null) { m_strMeshName = "meshedit_exportmesh"; } else if (m_strMeshName.Length == 0) { m_strMeshName = "meshedit_exportmesh"; } = m_strMeshName; // if (m_strMeshPath == null) // { Mesh mesh = GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh; GetComponent <MeshFilter> ().mesh = m_meshOutput; ObjExporter.MeshToFile(GetComponent <MeshFilter>(), m_strMeshName); GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh; Debug.Log(name + ".Meshedit.Export(): Exported mesh to Assets", this.gameObject); // } // else if (m_strMeshPath.Length == 0) // UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.CreateAsset (m_meshOutput, "Assets/" + m_strMeshPath + "/" + m_strMeshName + ".obj"); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { percent = .25f; _mRenderer = GetComponent <MeshRenderer> (); mf = GetComponent <MeshFilter> (); if (_createMesh) { br.RegenerateMesh(); meshFromBorder = br.CloneBorderMesh; mf.mesh = meshFromBorder; ObjExporter.MeshToFile(mf, "MyTallerMesh.obj"); Debug.Log("Created a mesh Object in root directory"); var savePath = "Assets/" + "BorderMesh" + ".asset"; Debug.Log("Saved Mesh to:" + savePath); #if UNITY_EDITOR AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mf.mesh, savePath); //This to be commented out when building #endif } else { mf.mesh = _meshes [(int)meshSize]; } _mRenderer.material.color = _firstColor; // _thirdColor = _firstColor; }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { myTargets = targets; string filePath = EditorGUILayout.TextField("file path:", (Application.dataPath + "/RoadEditor/Exports/")); string multiText = ""; if (myTargets.Length > 1) { multiText += "(multiSelected)"; } worldMatrix = GUILayout.Toggle(worldMatrix, "Use World Space Positions"); correctedXAxisExport = GUILayout.Toggle(correctedXAxisExport, "export with inverted x-axis "); // export if (GUILayout.Button("Export OBJ" + multiText)) { for (int i = 0; i < myTargets.Length; i++) { tempTrack = (Track)myTargets[i]; MeshFilter combineMeshFilter = tempTrack.getCombimedMeshFilter(); ObjExporter.MeshToFile(combineMeshFilter, filePath, (tempTrack.getName + ".obj"), correctedXAxisExport, worldMatrix); DestroyImmediate(combineMeshFilter.gameObject); } } EditorApplication.update += (EditorApplication.CallbackFunction)EditortUpdate; DrawDefaultInspector(); }
public void Export_SimpleModel_ValidOutput() { string path = "temp.obj"; string mtlPath = Path.ChangeExtension(path, ".mtl"); try { var e = new ObjExporter { MaterialsFile = mtlPath }; using (var stream = File.Create(path)) { this.ExportSimpleModel(e, stream); } } finally { if (File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); } if (File.Exists(mtlPath)) { File.Delete(mtlPath); } } }
public void Export_BoxWithGradientTexture_TextureExportedAsPng() { var path = "box_gradient_png.obj"; var mtlPath = Path.ChangeExtension(path, ".mtl"); try { var e = new ObjExporter { MaterialsFile = mtlPath }; using (var stream = File.Create(path)) { this.ExportModel(e, stream, () => new BoxVisual3D { Material = Materials.Rainbow }); } } finally { if (File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); } if (File.Exists(mtlPath)) { File.Delete(mtlPath); } if (File.Exists("mat1.png")) { File.Delete("mat1.png"); } } }
public static void SerializedValues_AreCultureInvariant() { var cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); var model = new Model("Cube", cube.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh, cube.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial); var current = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; try { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("de-DE"); string obj, mtl; List <string> textures; if (ObjExporter.Export("Cube Test", new Model[] { model }, out obj, out mtl, out textures)) { Assert.IsFalse(obj.Any(x => x.Equals(','))); Assert.IsFalse(mtl.Any(x => x.Equals(','))); } } finally { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = current; UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(cube); } }
public static void ExportSingleCube_CreatesUnityReadableMeshFile() { var cube = ShapeGenerator.CreateShape(ShapeType.Cube); string obj; string mtl; List <string> textures; var res = ObjExporter.Export("Single cube", new Model[] { new Model("Single Cube Mesh", cube, true) }, out obj, out mtl, out textures); Assume.That(res, Is.True); Assume.That(string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj), Is.False); Assume.That(string.IsNullOrEmpty(mtl), Is.False); string exportedPath = TestUtility.temporarySavedAssetsDirectory + "SingleCube.obj"; File.WriteAllText(exportedPath, obj); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(exportedPath); var imported = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(exportedPath, typeof(Mesh)) as Mesh; Assume.That(imported, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(imported.vertexCount, Is.GreaterThan(0)); }
public static void ExportSingleCube_CreatesUnityReadableMeshFile( [ValueSource("k_Handedness")] ObjOptions.Handedness handedness, [ValueSource("k_CopyTextures")] bool copyTextures, [ValueSource("k_ApplyTransforms")] bool applyTransforms, [ValueSource("k_VertexColors")] bool vertexColors, [ValueSource("k_TextureOffsetScale")] bool textureOffsetScale ) { var cube = ShapeGenerator.CreateShape(ShapeType.Cube); string obj; string mtl; List <string> textures; var res = ObjExporter.Export("Single cube", new Model[] { new Model("Single Cube Mesh", cube, true) }, out obj, out mtl, out textures); Assume.That(res, Is.True); Assume.That(string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj), Is.False); Assume.That(string.IsNullOrEmpty(mtl), Is.False); string exportedPath = TestUtility.temporarySavedAssetsDirectory + "SingleCube.obj"; File.WriteAllText(exportedPath, obj); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(exportedPath); var imported = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(exportedPath, typeof(Mesh)) as Mesh; Assume.That(imported, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(imported.vertexCount, Is.GreaterThan(0)); }
// // Static Methods // public static void MeshToFile(MeshFilter mf, string filename, float scale) { using (StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(filename)) { streamWriter.Write(ObjExporter.MeshToString(mf, scale)); } }
void ControlButtons() { Color defaultColor = GUI.backgroundColor; GUI.backgroundColor =; generateButton.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; generateButton = "button"; if (GUILayout.Button("Generate Building", generateButton, GUILayout.Width(130), GUILayout.Height(40))) { generatorController.Generate(); } GUI.backgroundColor = defaultColor; generateButton = "button"; GUILayout.Space(5); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Export", GUILayout.Width(130), GUILayout.Height(30))) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(generatorController.path)) { ObjExporter.DoExport(false, generatorController.parentObj, generatorController.path); } } if (GUILayout.Button("Merge Mesh", GUILayout.Width(130), GUILayout.Height(30))) { generatorController.Merge(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }
public override void OnPress() { // re-initialize export number so user can re-export solids if they wish to exportNumber = initialExportNumber; foreach (Solid solid in DCGBase.solids) { string filePath = "Assets/Resources/Exports/Meshes/"; string fileName = "export" + exportNumber; filePath += fileName + ".obj"; /* create empty game object, add mesh filter and mesh renderer to it * initialize mesh filter with meshs from dcgbase >> solids */ GameObject go = new GameObject(); MeshFilter meshFilter = go.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); meshFilter.sharedMesh = solid.getMesh(); MeshRenderer meshRenderer = go.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); meshRenderer.material = exportMaterial; Debug.Log("Exporting solid to " + filePath); ObjExporter.MeshToFile(meshFilter, filePath); exportNumber++; } StartCoroutine(displayExportedText()); base.OnPress(); }
void WriteModelFiles(ThreeSceneRoot root, SceneFormat fmt) { // three.js는 단일 파일로 출력하는게 목적이라서 model 파일을 생성하지 않는다 var pathHelper = ExportPathHelper.Instance; if (fmt == SceneFormat.AFrame) { foreach (var el in root.SharedNodeTable.GetEnumerable <MeshElem>()) { var bufferGeom = el.Geometry as BufferGeometryElem; if (bufferGeom != null) { string filepath = pathHelper.ToModelPath(bufferGeom.CreateMeshFileName(".obj")); ObjExporter.MeshToFile(bufferGeom.Mesh, filepath); } var mtl = MaterialFacade.Instance.CreateMaterial(el.Material); if (bufferGeom != null) { string filepath = pathHelper.ToModelPath(bufferGeom.CreateMeshFileName(".mtl")); MtlExporter.ToFile(mtl, bufferGeom.SafeName, filepath); } } } }
private void OnUserRequestExportMeshes() { var sfd = new CommonSaveFileDialog(); sfd.Title = "Save File..."; sfd.AddToMostRecentlyUsedList = false; //sfd.EnsureFileExists = true; //sfd.EnsurePathExists = true; sfd.EnsureReadOnly = false; sfd.EnsureValidNames = true; sfd.ShowPlacesList = true; sfd.Filters.Add(new CommonFileDialogFilter("Obj Files", "*.obj")); sfd.Filters.Add(new CommonFileDialogFilter("All Files", "*.*")); if (sfd.ShowDialog() == CommonFileDialogResult.Ok) { string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(sfd.FileName); Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryName); for (int i = 0; i < m_loadedModels.Count; i++) { string exportName = Path.GetFileName(sfd.FileName); // If they have more than one model currently loaded, export each obj if (m_loadedModels.Count > 1) { exportName += string.Format("_{0}.obj", i.ToString("00")); } string exportPath = Path.Combine(directoryName, exportName); ObjExporter.Export(m_loadedModels[i], exportPath); } } }
static string DoExport(string path, IEnumerable <Model> models, ObjOptions options) { string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path); string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); List <string> textures = null; string obj, mat; if (ObjExporter.Export(name, models, out obj, out mat, out textures, options)) { try { FileUtility.WriteAllText(string.Format("{0}/{1}.obj", directory, name), obj); FileUtility.WriteAllText(string.Format("{0}/{1}.mtl", directory, name.Replace(" ", "_")), mat); CopyTextures(textures, directory); } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("Failed writing obj to path: {0}\n{1}", string.Format("{0}/{1}.obj", path, name), e.ToString())); return(null); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("No meshes selected."); return(null); } return(path); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { targetObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Fractal"); if (combine) { MeshFilter[] meshFilters = targetObject.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshFilter>(); CombineInstance[] combines = new CombineInstance[meshFilters.Length]; int i = 0; while (i < meshFilters.Length) { combines[i].mesh = meshFilters[i].sharedMesh; combines[i].transform = meshFilters[i].transform.localToWorldMatrix; i++; //meshFilters[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); } transform.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh = new Mesh(); transform.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.CombineMeshes(combines); transform.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = (Material)Resources.Load("combined"); combine = false; } if (saveObj) { if (transform.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh != null) { ObjExporter.MeshToFile(transform.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(), + ".obj"); } saveObj = false; } if (saveObjNoCombine) { ObjExporter.MeshToFile(targetObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(), "testsetset.obj"); saveObjNoCombine = false; } }
private void Start() { if (meshWrapper == null) { return; } var menu = new Settings.Menu(Tools.ToolType.Standard); if (sculptors != null) { foreach (var sculptor in sculptors) { sculptor.Init(meshWrapper.SculptMesh, menu); } } menu.ExportAction.OnDone += () => { ObjExporter.Export( meshWrapper.SculptMesh.Mesh, meshWrapper.MeshTransform ); }; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (save) { ObjExporter.MeshToFile(targetObject, + ".obj"); save = false; } }
public void ShouldThrowExceptionIfMaterialsFileIsNotSpecified() { string path = "temp.obj"; var e = new ObjExporter(); using (var stream = File.Create(path)) { Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => this.ExportSimpleModel(e, stream)); } }
public void Export_SimpleModel_ValidOutput() { string path = "temp.obj"; using (var e = new ObjExporter(path)) { ExportSimpleModel(e); } }
public void Save() { foreach (Body body in bodiesToExport) { string name = "Bakes/" + exportName + "/_" +; body.Bake(); ObjExporter.Save(name, body.mesh); } }
public void Export_BoxWithGradientTexture_TextureExportedAsPng() { var path = "box_gradient_png.obj"; var e = new ObjExporter { MaterialsFile = Path.ChangeExtension(path, ".mtl") }; using (var stream = File.Create(path)) { this.ExportModel(e, stream, () => new BoxVisual3D { Material = Materials.Rainbow }); } }
public void Export_SimpleModel_ValidOutput() { string path = "temp.obj"; var e = new ObjExporter { MaterialsFile = Path.ChangeExtension(path, ".mtl") }; using (var stream = File.Create(path)) { this.ExportSimpleModel(e, stream); } }
private void SaveMeshes(string outputFolder) { for (int i = 0; i < displays.Length; i++) { GameObject obj = displays[i].gameObject; string outputPath = outputFolder + i + ".obj"; ObjExporter.GameObjectToFile(obj, i, outputPath); } }
private void SaveStrokeData(string baseFilename) { if (saveOBJ) { // save as OBJ ObjExporter.SaveMeshes(strokeContainer, baseFilename); } strokeList.SaveStrokeData(baseFilename); }
private void ExportModel(string fileName = "model.obj") { using (var exporter = new ObjExporter(fileName)) { exporter.Export(this.Model); } Process.Start("explorer.exe", "/select,\"" + fileName + "\""); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { base.OnInspectorGUI(); if (GUILayout.Button("Button")) { RotModel obj = (RotModel)target; ObjExporter.MeshToFile(obj.Gc <MeshFilter>(), "Assets/" + + ".obj"); } }
public void Export_SimpleModel_ValidOutput() { string path = "temp.obj"; var e = new ObjExporter(); using (var stream = File.Create(path)) { this.ExportSimpleModel(e, stream); } }
public void ShouldThrowExceptionIfMaterialsFileIsNotSpecified() { string path = "temp.obj"; var e = new ObjExporter(); using (var stream = File.Create(path)) { Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => this.ExportSimpleModel(e, stream)); } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { DrawDefaultInspector(); if (GUILayout.Button("Dump Mesh")) { MeshFilter mf = (MeshFilter)target; ObjExporter.MeshToFile(mf, Application.dataPath + "/" + + "-" + + ".obj"); } }
public override IEnumerator Build(Way w, MapChunkLoader mcl) { //CreateBuilding(Way w) Mesh roofm = new Mesh(); Mesh wallsm = new Mesh(); GameObject build = new GameObject(); = "Building - " +; build.transform.parent = mcl.transform; GameObject roof = new GameObject(); //roof.transform.position = new Vector3(0,baseHeight,0); = "Roof - " +(2 *; mcl.mapManager.mapHash.Add(2 *; mcl.wayList.Add(2 *; GameObject walls = new GameObject(); = "Walls - " + (3 *; //walls.transform.position = new Vector3(0,baseHeight,0); mcl.mapManager.mapHash.Add(3 *; mcl.wayList.Add(3 *; walls.AddComponent<MeshCollider>(); walls.AddComponent(typeof(MeshRenderer)); MeshFilter filter = walls.AddComponent(typeof(MeshFilter)) as MeshFilter; roof.AddComponent<MeshCollider>(); roof.AddComponent(typeof(MeshRenderer)); MeshFilter filter2 = roof.AddComponent(typeof(MeshFilter)) as MeshFilter; string buildPath = Application.persistentDataPath + "Assets/Resources/Objs/" + + ".obj"; string roofPath = Application.persistentDataPath+"Assets/Resources/Objs/" + + ".obj"; if (!File.Exists(buildPath) && !File.Exists(roofPath)) // If the file isn't cached we calculate everything and then we cache it { Vector3[] nodes = new Vector3[w.nodes.Count]; Vector2[] xz = new Vector2[w.nodes.Count]; float height = (float)w.nodes[0].northing % referenceVariationHeight + referenceBaseHeight; if (w.height != 0) { height = w.height; referenceVariationHeight = Mathf.Abs(referenceVariationHeight - height); referenceBaseHeight = (referenceBaseHeight + height) / 2; } Vector3 centroid = new Vector3(); Vector3 position; RaycastHit hit; for (int a = 0; a < w.nodes.Count; a++) { yield return null; Node n = w.nodes[a]; position = new Vector3((float)((n.easthing - mcl.offsetPositionX) / MapChunkLoader.precision), 5000, (float)((n.northing - mcl.offsetPositionZ) / MapChunkLoader.precision)); float castH = 0; if (Physics.Raycast(position, -Vector3.up, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, mcl.layerMask)) { castH = hit.point.y; } nodes[a] = new Vector3(position.x, castH + height, position.z); xz[a] = new Vector2(position.x, position.z); centroid += nodes[a]; } centroid /= w.nodes.Count; centroid.y += 1; Vector2[] xzRoof = new Vector2[w.nodes.Count -1]; for (int a = 0; a < xzRoof.Length; a++) { xzRoof[a] = xz[a]; } int[] indices; Vector3[] roofNodes; if (nodes.Length != 5 && nodes.Length != 6 && nodes.Length != 7 && nodes.Length != 8) { Triangulator tr = new Triangulator(xzRoof); int[] tempIndices = tr.Triangulate(); indices = tempIndices; roofNodes = nodes; } else { int[] tempIndices = new int[(nodes.Length-1)*3]; Vector3 midpoint = new Vector3(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length-1; i++) { midpoint.x += nodes[i].x; midpoint.y += nodes[i].y; midpoint.z += nodes[i].z; } roofNodes = new Vector3[nodes.Length]; midpoint.x = midpoint.x / (nodes.Length-1); midpoint.y = midpoint.y / (nodes.Length - 1) + height/5; midpoint.z = midpoint.z / (nodes.Length - 1); for (int i = 0; i < roofNodes.Length - 1; i++) { roofNodes[i] = nodes[i]; } roofNodes[roofNodes.Length - 1] = midpoint; Triangle test = new Triangle(); test.a = roofNodes[0]; test.b = roofNodes[1]; test.c = roofNodes[4]; Vector3 testVector = test.Normal; int u = 0; for (int i = 0; i < roofNodes.Length - 2; i += 1) { if (testVector.y > 0) { tempIndices[u] = i; tempIndices[u + 1] = i + 1; tempIndices[u + 2] = roofNodes.Length - 1; } else { tempIndices[u + 1] = i; tempIndices[u] = i + 1; tempIndices[u + 2] = roofNodes.Length - 1; } u += 3; if (u >= tempIndices.Length - 3) { i += 1; if (testVector.y > 0) { tempIndices[u] = i; tempIndices[u + 1] = 0; tempIndices[u + 2] = roofNodes.Length - 1; } else { tempIndices[u + 1] = i; tempIndices[u] = 0; tempIndices[u + 2] = roofNodes.Length - 1; } } } indices = tempIndices; } // Create the mesh Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[roofNodes.Length]; for (int a = 0; a < roofNodes.Length; a++) { if (a < roofNodes.Length - 1) { uvs[a] = new Vector2(a,0); } else { uvs[a] = new Vector2(a/2, 1); } } roofm.vertices = roofNodes; roofm.triangles = indices; roofm.uv = uvs; roofm.RecalculateNormals(); roofm.RecalculateBounds(); // Set up game object with mesh; centroid = new Vector3(centroid.x, centroid.y, centroid.z); wallsm = BuildingCountourMesh(nodes, wallsm, height); if ( != null) { GameObject label = new GameObject(); FloatingLabel lb = label.AddComponent<FloatingLabel>(); lb.transform.parent = roof.transform; lb.text =; = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform; lb.transform.position = centroid; } build.transform.parent = mcl.transform; walls.transform.parent = build.transform; roof.transform.parent = build.transform; //Wall filter.sharedMesh = wallsm; // wallmc.sharedMesh = wallsm; //Roof filter2.sharedMesh = roofm; //roofmc.sharedMesh = roofm; if (mcl.exportObjs) { ObjExporter oe1 = new ObjExporter(); ObjExporter oe2 = new ObjExporter(); oe1.MeshToFile(filter, buildPath); oe2.MeshToFile(filter2, roofPath); } } else { ObjImporter oi = new ObjImporter(); mcl.StartCoroutine(oi.FileToMesh("file://" + buildPath)); while (oi._myMesh == null) { yield return null; } filter.sharedMesh = oi._myMesh; Debug.LogWarning("Loaded Walls from cache " + buildPath); ObjImporter oi2 = new ObjImporter(); mcl.StartCoroutine(oi2.FileToMesh("file://" + roofPath)); while (oi2._myMesh == null) { yield return null; } filter2.sharedMesh = oi2._myMesh; Debug.LogWarning("Loaded Roof from cache " + roofPath); } /*if (w.height != 0) { walls.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = Resources.Load("Materials/Real Height Material") as Material; } else*/ { int textureIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1,4); walls.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = Resources.Load("Materials/BuildingMaterial" + textureIndex) as Material; } /*if (w.height != 0) { roof.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = Resources.Load("Materials/Real Height Material") as Material; } else*/ { int textureIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 3); roof.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = Resources.Load("Materials/Roof" + textureIndex) as Material; } }
public override IEnumerator Build(Way w, MapChunkLoader mcl) { //GameObject go = new GameObject(); // = "Road"; GameObject road = new GameObject(); = "Road - " +; road.isStatic = true; road.transform.parent = mcl.transform; string roadPath = Application.persistentDataPath + "Assets/Resources/Objs/" + + ".obj"; if (!File.Exists(roadPath)) // If the file isn't cached we calculate everything and then we cache it { Debug.Log("STARTED CREATING ROAD"); PolyLine pl = new PolyLine(; pl.SetOffset(mcl.offsetPositionX, mcl.offsetPositionZ); pl.heigth = w.height; if (w.type == WayType.Footway) { pl.material = Resources.Load("Materials/Footway Material") as Material; pl.width = 1; } if (w.type == WayType.Motorway) { pl.material = Resources.Load("Materials/Road Material") as Material; pl.width = 4; pl.lanes = 2; } if (w.type == WayType.Residential) { pl.material = Resources.Load("Materials/Road Material") as Material; pl.width = 2; } if (w.type == WayType.River) { pl.material = Resources.Load("Materials/River Material") as Material; pl.width = 8; } for (int a = 0; a < w.nodes.Count; a++) { Node n = w.nodes[a]; Vector3 position = new Vector3((float)(n.easthing - mcl.offsetPositionX), 5000, (float)(n.northing - mcl.offsetPositionZ)); float baseHeight = 0; RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(position, -Vector3.up, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, mcl.layerMask)) { baseHeight = hit.point.y; } n.height = baseHeight; pl.Add(n); } //Closed road; mcl.StartCoroutine(pl.Close(road)); if (mcl.exportObjs) { while (road.GetComponent<MeshFilter>() == null) { yield return null; } MeshFilter mf = road.GetComponent<MeshFilter>(); ObjExporter oe = new ObjExporter(); oe.MeshToFile(mf, roadPath); } } else { ObjImporter oi = new ObjImporter(); mcl.StartCoroutine(oi.FileToMesh("file://" + roadPath)); while (oi._myMesh == null) { yield return null; } MeshFilter mf = road.AddComponent<MeshFilter>(); MeshRenderer mr = road.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>(); mf.sharedMesh = oi._myMesh; Debug.LogWarning("Loaded Road from cache " + roadPath); if (w.type == WayType.Footway) { mr.material = Resources.Load("Materials/Footway Material") as Material; } if (w.type == WayType.Motorway) { mr.material = Resources.Load("Materials/Road Material") as Material; } if (w.type == WayType.Residential) { mr.material = Resources.Load("Materials/Road Material") as Material; } if (w.type == WayType.River) { mr.material = Resources.Load("Materials/River Material") as Material; } } }
public Result Execute( ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements ) { UIApplication uiapp = commandData.Application; UIDocument uidoc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument; Application app = uiapp.Application; Document doc = uidoc.Document; // Determine elements to export FilteredElementCollector collector = null; // Access current selection SelElementSet set = uidoc.Selection.Elements; int n = set.Size; if( 0 < n ) { // If any elements were preselected, // export those to OBJ ICollection<ElementId> ids = set .Cast<Element>() .Select<Element, ElementId>( e => e.Id ) .ToArray<ElementId>(); collector = new FilteredElementCollector( doc, ids ); } else { // If nothing was preselected, export // all model elements to OBJ collector = new FilteredElementCollector( doc ); } collector.WhereElementIsNotElementType() .WhereElementIsViewIndependent(); if( null == _export_folder_name ) { _export_folder_name = Path.GetTempPath(); } string filename = null; if( !FileSelect( _export_folder_name, out filename ) ) { return Result.Cancelled; } _export_folder_name = Path.GetDirectoryName( filename ); ObjExporter exporter = new ObjExporter(); Options opt = app.Create.NewGeometryOptions(); ExportElements( exporter, collector, opt ); exporter.ExportTo( filename ); return Result.Succeeded; }
// Use this for initialization IEnumerator Start() { Loom.Current.GetComponent<Loom>(); layerMask = 1 << 8; wayList = new List<long>(); //StartCoroutine(LoadChunk(-8.6f,41.1767f,-8.55f,41.1923f)); MapChunkLoader.precision = GeoUTMConverter.Precision; GeoUTMConverter latlon2Utm = new GeoUTMConverter(); latlon2Utm.ToUTM((minimumLat+maximumLat)/2f,(minimumLon+maximumLon)/2f); transform.position = new Vector3(((float)latlon2Utm.X - offsetPositionX), -0.1f, ((float)latlon2Utm.Y - offsetPositionZ)); GameObject floor = new GameObject(); = "Ground"; floor.isStatic = true; CreateGround cg = new CreateGround(); cg.maxLat = maximumLat + 0.01f * (maximumLat - minimumLat); //0.0001f; cg.maxLon = maximumLon + 0.01f * (maximumLat - minimumLat); cg.minLat = minimumLat - 0.01f * (maximumLat - minimumLat); cg.minLon = minimumLon - 0.01f * (maximumLat - minimumLat); cg.numberOfDivisions = numberOfDivisions; MeshFilter mf = floor.AddComponent<MeshFilter>(); MeshRenderer mr = floor.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>(); mr.material = groundMaterial; floor.transform.position = transform.position; floor.transform.parent = transform; floor.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("RayCast"); string floorPath = Application.persistentDataPath + "Assets/Resources/Objs/" + cg.maxLat + "I" + cg.maxLon + ".obj"; if (!File.Exists(floorPath)) // If the file isn't cached we calculate everything and then we cache it { mf.sharedMesh = cg.GetGroundMesh(); if (exportObjs) { ObjExporter oe = new ObjExporter(); oe.MeshToFile(mf, floorPath); } } else { ObjImporter oi = new ObjImporter(); StartCoroutine(oi.FileToMesh("file://" + floorPath)); while (oi._myMesh == null) { yield return null; } mf.sharedMesh = oi._myMesh; Debug.LogWarning("Loaded Ground Chunk from cache"); } //Texture2D t = new Texture2D(1024, 1024); MapTexture mt = new MapTexture(); mt.getTexture(cg.minLon.ToString(), cg.minLat.ToString(), cg.maxLon.ToString(), cg.maxLat.ToString(),Application.persistentDataPath,mr.material); while (mt.texture == null) { yield return null; } //t.LoadImage(mt.ReadFully(mt.mq_dataStream)); //mr.material.SetTexture("_MainTex", t); MeshCollider m = floor.AddComponent<MeshCollider>(); Loom l = Loom.Current; LoadChunk(minimumLon, minimumLat, maximumLon, maximumLat); //StartCoroutine(); }
public override IEnumerator Build(Way w, MapChunkLoader mcl) { Vector3[] nodes = new Vector3[w.nodes.Count]; Vector2[] xz = new Vector2[w.nodes.Count]; float height = 0; mcl.mapManager.mapHash.Add(; mcl.wayList.Add(; GameObject roof = new GameObject(); // roof.transform.position = new Vector3(0, centroid.y, 0); = "Area - " + (2 *; mcl.mapManager.mapHash.Add(2 *; mcl.wayList.Add(2 *; roof.isStatic = true; if ( != null) { GameObject label = new GameObject(); FloatingLabel lb = label.AddComponent<FloatingLabel>(); lb.text =; //lb.transform.position = centroid; = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform; label.transform.parent = roof.transform; } roof.transform.parent = mcl.transform; Mesh roofm = new Mesh(); roof.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>(); MeshFilter filter2 = roof.AddComponent<MeshFilter>(); roof.AddComponent<MeshCollider>(); string areaPath = Application.persistentDataPath + "Assets/Resources/Objs/" + + ".obj"; if (!File.Exists(areaPath)) // If the file isn't cached we calculate everything and then we cache it { if (w.height != 0) height = w.height; Vector3 centroid = new Vector3(); for (int a = 0; a < w.nodes.Count; a++) { yield return null; RaycastHit hit; Node n = w.nodes[a]; nodes[a] = new Vector3((float)((n.easthing - mcl.offsetPositionX) / MapChunkLoader.precision), 5000, (float)((n.northing - mcl.offsetPositionZ) / MapChunkLoader.precision)); if (Physics.Raycast(nodes[a], -Vector3.up, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, mcl.layerMask)) { nodes[a].y = hit.point.y + height + 0.5f; } else { nodes[a].y = 1; } xz[a] = new Vector2((float)((n.easthing - mcl.offsetPositionX) / MapChunkLoader.precision), (float)((n.northing - mcl.offsetPositionZ) / MapChunkLoader.precision)); centroid += nodes[a]; } centroid /= w.nodes.Count; centroid.y += 1; // Vector3 position = new Vector3(centroid.x, 5000, centroid.z); float baseHeight = 0; /*RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(position, -Vector3.up, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, layerMask)) { baseHeight = hit.point.y; }*/ //centroid = new Vector3(centroid.x, centroid.y + baseHeight, centroid.z); Vector2[] xzRoof = new Vector2[w.nodes.Count - 1]; for (int a = 0; a < xzRoof.Length; a++) { xzRoof[a] = xz[a]; } Triangulator tr = new Triangulator(xzRoof); int[] indices = tr.Triangulate(); // Create the mesh roofm.vertices = nodes; roofm.triangles = indices; Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[nodes.Length]; for (int a = 0; a < nodes.Length; a++) { if (a < nodes.Length - 1) { uvs[a] = new Vector2(Mathf.Abs(nodes[a].x) / nodes[nodes.Length - 1].x, Mathf.Abs(nodes[a].z) / nodes[nodes.Length - 1].x); } else { uvs[a] = new Vector2(1, 1); } } roofm.uv = uvs; roofm.RecalculateNormals(); roofm.RecalculateBounds(); filter2.sharedMesh = roofm; if (mcl.exportObjs) { ObjExporter oe = new ObjExporter(); oe.MeshToFile(filter2, areaPath); } } else { ObjImporter oi = new ObjImporter(); mcl.StartCoroutine(oi.FileToMesh("file://" + areaPath)); while (oi._myMesh == null) { yield return null; } filter2.sharedMesh = oi._myMesh; Debug.LogWarning("Loaded Area from cache " + areaPath); } if (w.type == WayType.Parking) roof.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = Resources.Load("Materials/Parking Material") as Material; if (w.type == WayType.Park) roof.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = Resources.Load("Materials/Park Material") as Material; if (w.type == WayType.RiverBank) roof.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = Resources.Load("Materials/River Material") as Material; }