private void Awake() { main = this; DontDestroyOnLoad(this.gameObject); OvrScreenFade = transform.Find("TrackingSpace/CenterEyeAnchor").GetComponent <OVRScreenFade>(); }
//bool isTeleporting = false; // Use this for initialization void Start() { CheckSingeltonInstance(); if (player == null) { player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(PLAYER_TAG); if (player == null) { throw new Exception("No player has been set in the Game Manager or could be found!"); } } if (mainCamera == null) { mainCamera = Camera.main; sF = mainCamera.transform.GetComponent <OVRScreenFade>(); } InitializeTeleportation(); if (spawnPoint != null && spawnPoint.GetComponent <RoomInformation>() != null) { TeleportPlayer(spawnPoint); } gameState = GameState.Load; }
private void Start() { cont = ovrCamera.GetComponent <CharacterController>(); fader = ovrEye.GetComponent <OVRScreenFade>(); stat = staticCameras.GetComponent <StaticCamera>(); offset = new Vector3(0, 0.05f, 0); lastTeleport = Time.time; }
private void Start() { screenFader = GameObject.Find(cameraName).GetComponent <OVRScreenFade>(); if (autoLoad) { StartCoroutine(AutoLoad()); } }
void Start() { EventBus.Instance.AddListener <BubbleEvent> (OnBubbleEvent); EventBus.Instance.AddListener <DataProxyEvent> (OnDataProxyEvent); _fader = Camera.main.GetComponent <OVRScreenFade> (); _originalFadeTime = _fader.fadeTime; ChangeEnvironment(defaultEnvironmentIndex, null); }
void Start() { fadeEffect = cameraVR.GetComponent <OVRScreenFade>(); if (fadeEffect == null) { Debug.Log("asd"); } fadeTime = 0.4f; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { rowNumber = 0; manager = codeManager.GetComponent <Manager>(); lastCorrectPosition = manager.initialSpawn.transform.position; row1FirstTime = true; row2FirstTime = true; row3FirstTime = true; Playr.transform.position = lastCorrectPosition; fader = GetComponent <OVRScreenFade>(); }
protected override void Awake() { //Establecer variables por defecto e inicializar componentes base.Awake(); _visionFade = GetComponentInChildren <OVRScreenFade>(); controller = GetComponent <CharacterController>(); noiseMaker = GetComponent <SphereCollider>(); _allWeapons = GetComponentsInChildren <Weapon>(); _IAmDead = false; _busyRightHand = false; _foundFirstWeapon = false; }
void Start() { // Get the gameobject references var rig = GameObject.Find("OurOVRrig"); PauseMenu = rig.transform.Find("PauseCanvas").gameObject; Eyetracker = rig.transform.Find("TrackingSpace/CenterEyeAnchor").gameObject; HUD = Eyetracker.transform.Find("HudCanvas").gameObject; screenfade = Eyetracker.GetComponent <OVRScreenFade>(); singleton = this; Paused = false; }
private IEnumerator TeleportToStart() { yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(2.0f)); OVRCameraRig rig = FindObjectOfType <OVRCameraRig>(); OVRScreenFade _screenFadeScript = rig.GetComponent <OVRScreenFade>(); if (_screenFadeScript != null) { _screenFadeScript.OnLevelFinishedLoading(0); } Debug.Log($"[OneCellClass] Teleport player back at start. Time = {Time.fixedTime - TheCellGameMgr.instance.GetGameStartTime()}"); TheCellGameMgr.instance.TeleportToStart(); }
bool TriggerAction() { // Do whatever you need to do when trap is opening Debug.Log($"Exit trap is open now = {transform.position} at {Time.fixedTime}"); OVRCameraRig rig = FindObjectOfType <OVRCameraRig>(); OVRScreenFade _screenFadeScript = rig.GetComponent <OVRScreenFade>(); if (_screenFadeScript != null) { //_screenFadeScript.SetFadeLevel(fadeLevel * MaxFade); _screenFadeScript.FadeOut(); } return(true); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { if (character == null) { character = FindObjectOfType <CharacterController>(); } prePosition = character.transform.position; gameState = GameState.WAIT_TO_START; if (character != null) { initialPosition = character.transform.position; initialOrientation = character.transform.rotation; screenFade = character.GetComponentInChildren <OVRScreenFade>(); Debug.Log(initialPosition); } // Spwan barriers spwanPoints = new Transform[spwanPointGroup.childCount]; for (int i = 0; i < spwanPointGroup.childCount; i++) { // spwanPoints[i] = spwanPointGroup.GetChild(i); int difficultyRandomNum = Random.Range(0, 100); Vector3 spwanPosition = spwanPointGroup.GetChild(i).position; var spwanRotation = spwanPointGroup.GetChild(i).rotation; if (randomPosition) { spwanPosition.x = Random.Range(spwanPosition.x - randomPositionRange, spwanPosition.x + randomPositionRange); spwanPosition.z = Random.Range(spwanPosition.z - randomPositionRange, spwanPosition.z + randomPositionRange); spwanRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, Random.Range(0, 360), 0); } if (difficultyRandomNum < difficulty) { Instantiate(barriers[Random.Range(0, barriers.Length)], spwanPosition, spwanRotation); } } }
private IEnumerator DelayedDeath() { AudioSource snd = TheCellGameMgr.instance.Audio_DeathScream[0]; snd.Play(); yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(3.0f)); Debug.Log($"[OneCellClass] Kill the player sub {cellSubType}, go back at start. DeathTime = {Time.fixedTime - TheCellGameMgr.instance.GetGameStartTime()}"); OVRCameraRig rig = FindObjectOfType <OVRCameraRig>(); OVRScreenFade _screenFadeScript = rig.GetComponent <OVRScreenFade>(); if (_screenFadeScript != null) { _screenFadeScript.fadeColor = new Color(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f); _screenFadeScript.FadeOut(); } StartCoroutine(TeleportToStart()); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { logger = GetComponent <Logger>(); Time.timeScale = 1.0f; testPass = new TestPass(); creator = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <RunTimeTestCreator>(); //SetUpTests(); SetUpTutorialTests(); logger.Log("tutorialActive: " + tutorialActive); logger.Log("tutorials count: " + tutorialTests.Count); DisableAllTests(GetAllTestsInScene()); screenFade = FindObjectOfType <OVRScreenFade>(); selectionHandler = gameObject.GetComponent <SelectionHandler>(); cameraRig = FindObjectOfType <OVRCameraRig>(); playerController = GameObject.Find("OVRPlayerController"); A_Button_Tooltip = GameObject.Find("A_Button_Tooltip"); X_Button_Tooltip = GameObject.Find("X_Button_Tooltip"); R2_Button_Tooltip = GameObject.Find("R2_Button_Tooltip"); DisableTooltips(R2: false, A: false); UpdateInfoText(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { scenefade = FindObjectOfType <OVRScreenFade>(); scenefade.fade(Color.white, 1, 0, 2.0f); }
void Start() { fade = FindObjectOfType <OVRScreenFade>(); Debug.Log(fade); }
void Start() { fader = Camera.main.transform.GetComponent <OVRScreenFade>(); }
private void Start() { fader = webvrEye.GetComponent <OVRScreenFade>(); stat = staticCameras.GetComponent <StaticCamera>(); offset = new Vector3(0, 0.05f, 0); }
private void Awake() { mainSkybox = FindObjectOfType <Skybox>(); screenFade = FindObjectOfType <OVRScreenFade>(); }
public IEnumerator UpdateView(string msg) { //don't allow another action while this is running transition = true; //reset teleported teleported = false; SetLabel(msg); GameObject textObj = viewLabel; textObj.SetActive(true); //set text properties TextMeshPro text = textObj.GetComponent <TextMeshPro>(); Color32 clr = text.faceColor; Color32 otln = text.outlineColor; Color32 underlay = text.fontSharedMaterial.GetColor("_UnderlayColor"); OVRScreenFade Fader = null; if (isLocalPlayer && trackingSpace.transform.Find("CenterEyeAnchor").gameObject.activeSelf) { Fader = trackingSpace.transform.Find("CenterEyeAnchor").gameObject.GetComponent <OVRScreenFade>(); } if (Fader) { //fade out Fader.fadeTime = 1f; Fader.FadeOut(); } //invoke action and short pause Invoke("SetView", 1.0f); //wait before text fade out yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f)); if (Fader) { //fade in Fader.fadeTime = 2f; Fader.FadeIn(); } //wait before text fade out yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f)); //fade text out float aTime = 0.5f; for (float t = 0.0f; t < 1.0f; t += Time.deltaTime / aTime) { clr.a = (byte)Mathf.Lerp(255, 0, t); text.faceColor = clr; otln.a = (byte)Mathf.Lerp(255, 0, t); text.outlineColor = otln; underlay.a = (byte)Mathf.Lerp(255, 0, t); text.fontSharedMaterial.SetColor("_UnderlayColor", underlay); yield return(null); } textObj.SetActive(false); //reset text color clr.a = 255; text.faceColor = clr; otln.a = 255; text.outlineColor = otln; underlay.a = 255; text.fontSharedMaterial.SetColor("_UnderlayColor", underlay); //allow another action transition = false; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { nextTransform = transform; screenFade = GetComponentInChildren <OVRScreenFade>(); fadeTimer = screenFade.fadeTime; }