        public void interpolate(string interpolate_method)
            List <double>   rates     = jumps_;
            List <DateTime> jumpDates = jumpDates_;
            IInterpolation  target    = new KrugerCubicSpline();

            if (interpolate_method == "Linear")
                target = new Linear();
            rates.Insert(0, 0);
            double[] rate_old = rates.ToArray();
            OMLib.Conventions.DayCount.ActualActual dc = new OMLib.Conventions.DayCount.ActualActual(OMLib.Conventions.DayCount.ActualActual.Convention.ISDA);
            double[] x = new double[jumpDates.Count + 1];
            x[0] = 0;
            if (jumpDates != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < jumpDates.Count; i++)
                    x[i + 1] = dc.DayCount(latestReference_, jumpDates[i]);
            int n = dc.DayCount(latestReference_, jumpDates.Last());

            double[] x_New = new double[n + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                x_New[i] = (double)i;

            double[]        actual   = target.Int(x, rate_old, x_New);
            List <DateTime> jumpdate = new List <DateTime>();

            for (int i = 0; i < x_New.Count(); i++)
            List <double> rate = actual.ToList();

            rate[n]    = rate_old.Last();
            jumpDates_ = jumpdate;
            jumps_     = rate;
        /// <summary>
        /// This mimics JpmcdsDateListMakeRegular. Produces a set of ascending dates by following the rules:<para>
        /// If the stub is at the front end, we role backwards from the endDate at an integer multiple of the specified step size (e.g. 3M),
        /// adding these date until we pass the startDate(this date is not added). If the stub type is short, the startDate is added (as the first date), hence the first period
        /// will be less than (or equal to) the remaining periods. If the stub type is long, the startDate is also added, but the date immediately
        /// </para>
        /// after that is removed, so the first period is longer than the remaining.<para>
        /// If the stub is at the back end, we role forward from the startDate at an integer multiple of the specified step size (e.g. 3M),
        /// adding these date until we pass the endDate(this date is not added). If the stub type is short, the endDate is added (as the last date), hence the last period
        /// will be less than (or equal to) the other periods. If the stub type is long, the endDate is also added, but the date immediately
        /// before that is removed, so the last period is longer than the others.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startDate"> The start date - this will be the first entry in the list </param>
        /// <param name="endDate"> The end date - this will be the last entry in the list </param>
        /// <param name="step"> the step period (e.g. 3M - will produce dates every 3 months, with adjustments at the beginning or end based on stub type) </param>
        /// <param name="stubType"> the stub convention </param>
        /// <returns> an array of DateTime </returns>
        public static DateTime[] getUnadjustedDates(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int step, StubConvention stubType)
            if (DateTime.Compare(startDate, endDate) == 0)
            { // this can only happen if protectionStart == true
                DateTime[] tempDates = new DateTime[2];
                tempDates[0] = startDate;
                tempDates[1] = endDate;
            OMLib.Conventions.DayCount.ActualActual dc = new OMLib.Conventions.DayCount.ActualActual(OMLib.Conventions.DayCount.ActualActual.Convention.ISDA);

            double days    = (double)365.0 * (step / 12.0);
            int    nApprox = 3 + (int)(dc.DayCount(startDate, endDate) / days);

            IList <DateTime> dates = new List <DateTime>(nApprox);

            // stub at front end, so start at endDate and work backwards
            if (stubType == StubConvention.SHORT_FINAL || stubType == StubConvention.LONG_FINAL || stubType == StubConvention.NONE)
                int      intervals = 0;
                DateTime tDate     = endDate;
                while (DateTime.Compare(tDate, startDate) > 0)
                    int tStep = step * (++intervals); // this mimics ISDA c code, rather than true market convention
                    tDate = endDate.AddMonths(tStep);

                int n = dates.Count;
                if (tDate.Equals(startDate) || n == 1 || stubType == StubConvention.SHORT_INITIAL)
                    // long front stub - remove the last date entry in the list and replace it with startDate
                    dates.RemoveAt(n - 1);

                int        m   = dates.Count;
                DateTime[] res = new DateTime[m];
                // want to output in ascending chronological order, so need to reverse the list
                int j = m - 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < m; i++, j--)
                    res[j] = dates[i];

                // stub at back end, so start at startDate and work forward
                int      intervals = 0;
                DateTime tDate     = startDate;
                while (DateTime.Compare(tDate, endDate) < 0)
                    int tStep = step * (++intervals); // this mimics ISDA c code, rather than true market convention
                    tDate = startDate.AddMonths(tStep);

                int n = dates.Count;
                if (tDate.Equals(endDate) || n == 1 || stubType == StubConvention.SHORT_FINAL)
                    // long back stub - remove the last date entry in the list and replace it with endDate
                    dates.RemoveAt(n - 1);
                DateTime[] res = new DateTime[dates.Count];
                res = dates.ToArray();