/// <summary> /// 是否存在该记录 /// </summary> public string Exists(OM.Model.Ven_Inv_Price model) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("select * from @u8.Ven_Inv_Price"); strSql.Append(" where cvencode = '" + model.cVenCode + "' and cInvCode = '" + model.cInvCode + "' and isupplytype = " + model.iSupplyType.ToString() + " and ilowerlimit = " + model.iLowerLimit.ToString()); return(strSql.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// 增加一条数据 /// </summary> public string Add(OM.Model.Ven_Inv_Price model) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder strSql1 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder strSql2 = new StringBuilder(); if (model.cVenCode != null) { strSql1.Append("cVenCode,"); strSql2.Append("'" + model.cVenCode + "',"); } if (model.cInvCode != null) { strSql1.Append("cInvCode,"); strSql2.Append("'" + model.cInvCode + "',"); } if (model.dEnableDate != null) { strSql1.Append("dEnableDate,"); strSql2.Append("'" + model.dEnableDate + "',"); } if (model.dDisableDate != null) { strSql1.Append("dDisableDate,"); strSql2.Append("'" + model.dDisableDate + "',"); } if (model.cExch_Name != null) { strSql1.Append("cExch_Name,"); strSql2.Append("'" + model.cExch_Name + "',"); } if (model.bPromotion != null) { strSql1.Append("bPromotion,"); strSql2.Append("" + model.bPromotion + ","); } if (model.cMemo != null) { strSql1.Append("cMemo,"); strSql2.Append("'" + model.cMemo + "',"); } if (model.iSupplyType != null) { strSql1.Append("iSupplyType,"); strSql2.Append("" + model.iSupplyType + ","); } if (model.btaxcost != null) { strSql1.Append("btaxcost,"); strSql2.Append("" + model.btaxcost + ","); } if (model.cTermCode != null) { strSql1.Append("cTermCode,"); strSql2.Append("'" + model.cTermCode + "',"); } if (model.iLowerLimit != null) { strSql1.Append("iLowerLimit,"); strSql2.Append("" + model.iLowerLimit + ","); } if (model.iUpperLimit != null) { strSql1.Append("iUpperLimit,"); strSql2.Append("" + model.iUpperLimit + ","); } if (model.iUnitPrice != null) { strSql1.Append("iUnitPrice,"); strSql2.Append("" + model.iUnitPrice + ","); } if (model.iTaxRate != null) { strSql1.Append("iTaxRate,"); strSql2.Append("" + model.iTaxRate + ","); } if (model.iTaxUnitPrice != null) { strSql1.Append("iTaxUnitPrice,"); strSql2.Append("" + model.iTaxUnitPrice + ","); } if (model.ipriceautoid != null) { strSql1.Append("ipriceautoid,"); strSql2.Append("" + model.ipriceautoid + ","); } if (model.cfree1 != null) { strSql1.Append("cfree1,"); strSql2.Append("'" + model.cfree1 + "',"); } if (model.cfree2 != null) { strSql1.Append("cfree2,"); strSql2.Append("'" + model.cfree2 + "',"); } if (model.cfree3 != null) { strSql1.Append("cfree3,"); strSql2.Append("'" + model.cfree3 + "',"); } if (model.cfree4 != null) { strSql1.Append("cfree4,"); strSql2.Append("'" + model.cfree4 + "',"); } if (model.cfree5 != null) { strSql1.Append("cfree5,"); strSql2.Append("'" + model.cfree5 + "',"); } if (model.cfree6 != null) { strSql1.Append("cfree6,"); strSql2.Append("'" + model.cfree6 + "',"); } if (model.cfree7 != null) { strSql1.Append("cfree7,"); strSql2.Append("'" + model.cfree7 + "',"); } if (model.cfree8 != null) { strSql1.Append("cfree8,"); strSql2.Append("'" + model.cfree8 + "',"); } if (model.cfree9 != null) { strSql1.Append("cfree9,"); strSql2.Append("'" + model.cfree9 + "',"); } if (model.cfree10 != null) { strSql1.Append("cfree10,"); strSql2.Append("'" + model.cfree10 + "',"); } if (model.cSource != null) { strSql1.Append("cSource,"); strSql2.Append("'" + model.cSource + "',"); } if (model.cSourceCode != null) { strSql1.Append("cSourceCode,"); strSql2.Append("'" + model.cSourceCode + "',"); } if (model.cSourceAutoid != null) { strSql1.Append("cSourceAutoid,"); strSql2.Append("'" + model.cSourceAutoid + "',"); } strSql.Append("insert into @u8.Ven_Inv_Price("); strSql.Append(strSql1.ToString().Remove(strSql1.Length - 1)); strSql.Append(")"); strSql.Append(" values ("); strSql.Append(strSql2.ToString().Remove(strSql2.Length - 1)); strSql.Append(")"); strSql.Append(";select @@IDENTITY"); return(strSql.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// 更新一条数据 /// </summary> public string Update(OM.Model.Ven_Inv_Price model) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("update @u8.Ven_Inv_Price set "); if (model.cVenCode != null) { strSql.Append("cVenCode='" + model.cVenCode + "',"); } if (model.cInvCode != null) { strSql.Append("cInvCode='" + model.cInvCode + "',"); } if (model.dEnableDate != null) { strSql.Append("dEnableDate='" + model.dEnableDate + "',"); } if (model.dDisableDate != null) { strSql.Append("dDisableDate='" + model.dDisableDate + "',"); } else { strSql.Append("dDisableDate= null ,"); } if (model.cExch_Name != null) { strSql.Append("cExch_Name='" + model.cExch_Name + "',"); } else { strSql.Append("cExch_Name= null ,"); } if (model.bPromotion != null) { strSql.Append("bPromotion=" + model.bPromotion + ","); } if (model.cMemo != null) { strSql.Append("cMemo='" + model.cMemo + "',"); } else { strSql.Append("cMemo= null ,"); } if (model.iSupplyType != null) { strSql.Append("iSupplyType=" + model.iSupplyType + ","); } if (model.btaxcost != null) { strSql.Append("btaxcost=" + model.btaxcost + ","); } if (model.cTermCode != null) { strSql.Append("cTermCode='" + model.cTermCode + "',"); } else { strSql.Append("cTermCode= null ,"); } if (model.iLowerLimit != null) { strSql.Append("iLowerLimit=" + model.iLowerLimit + ","); } if (model.iUpperLimit != null) { strSql.Append("iUpperLimit=" + model.iUpperLimit + ","); } else { strSql.Append("iUpperLimit= null ,"); } if (model.iUnitPrice != null) { strSql.Append("iUnitPrice=" + model.iUnitPrice + ","); } if (model.iTaxRate != null) { strSql.Append("iTaxRate=" + model.iTaxRate + ","); } if (model.iTaxUnitPrice != null) { strSql.Append("iTaxUnitPrice=" + model.iTaxUnitPrice + ","); } if (model.ipriceautoid != null) { strSql.Append("ipriceautoid=" + model.ipriceautoid + ","); } else { strSql.Append("ipriceautoid= null ,"); } if (model.cfree1 != null) { strSql.Append("cfree1='" + model.cfree1 + "',"); } else { strSql.Append("cfree1= null ,"); } if (model.cfree2 != null) { strSql.Append("cfree2='" + model.cfree2 + "',"); } else { strSql.Append("cfree2= null ,"); } if (model.cfree3 != null) { strSql.Append("cfree3='" + model.cfree3 + "',"); } else { strSql.Append("cfree3= null ,"); } if (model.cfree4 != null) { strSql.Append("cfree4='" + model.cfree4 + "',"); } else { strSql.Append("cfree4= null ,"); } if (model.cfree5 != null) { strSql.Append("cfree5='" + model.cfree5 + "',"); } else { strSql.Append("cfree5= null ,"); } if (model.cfree6 != null) { strSql.Append("cfree6='" + model.cfree6 + "',"); } else { strSql.Append("cfree6= null ,"); } if (model.cfree7 != null) { strSql.Append("cfree7='" + model.cfree7 + "',"); } else { strSql.Append("cfree7= null ,"); } if (model.cfree8 != null) { strSql.Append("cfree8='" + model.cfree8 + "',"); } else { strSql.Append("cfree8= null ,"); } if (model.cfree9 != null) { strSql.Append("cfree9='" + model.cfree9 + "',"); } else { strSql.Append("cfree9= null ,"); } if (model.cfree10 != null) { strSql.Append("cfree10='" + model.cfree10 + "',"); } else { strSql.Append("cfree10= null ,"); } if (model.cSource != null) { strSql.Append("cSource='" + model.cSource + "',"); } else { strSql.Append("cSource= null ,"); } if (model.cSourceCode != null) { strSql.Append("cSourceCode='" + model.cSourceCode + "',"); } else { strSql.Append("cSourceCode= null ,"); } if (model.cSourceAutoid != null) { strSql.Append("cSourceAutoid='" + model.cSourceAutoid + "',"); } else { strSql.Append("cSourceAutoid= null ,"); } int n = strSql.ToString().LastIndexOf(","); strSql.Remove(n, 1); strSql.Append(" where Autoid=" + model.Autoid + ""); return(strSql.ToString()); }
private void btnSave() { try { try { gridView1.FocusedRowHandle -= 1; gridView1.FocusedRowHandle += 1; } catch { } string sErr = ""; string sSQL = ""; for (int i = 0; i < gridView1.RowCount; i++) { string sInvName = gridView1.GetRowCellDisplayText(i, gridColcInvName).ToString().Trim(); if (sInvName == "") { sErr = sErr + "行" + (i + 1).ToString() + " 存货不正确\n"; } string sVenName = gridView1.GetRowCellDisplayText(i, gridColcVenName).ToString().Trim(); if (sVenName == "") { sErr = sErr + "行" + (i + 1).ToString() + " 供应商不正确\n"; } decimal d含税单价 = ReturnObjectToDecimal(gridView1.GetRowCellDisplayText(i, gridCol含税单价), 6); if (d含税单价 <= 0) { sErr = sErr + "行" + (i + 1).ToString() + " 含税单价不正确\n"; } if (gridView1.GetRowCellDisplayText(i, gridCol税率).ToString().Trim() == "") { sErr = sErr + "行" + (i + 1).ToString() + " 税率不正确\n"; } decimal d税率 = ReturnObjectToDecimal(gridView1.GetRowCellDisplayText(i, gridCol税率), 6); if (d税率 < 0 || d税率 > 100) { sErr = sErr + "行" + (i + 1).ToString() + " 税率不正确\n"; } sSQL = "select isnull(bProxyForeign,0) as bProxyForeign from @u8.Inventory where cInvCode = 'aaaaaaaaaa'"; sSQL = sSQL.Replace("aaaaaaaaaa", gridView1.GetRowCellDisplayText(i, gridColcinvcode).ToString().Trim()); int iReturn = BaseFunction.ReturnInt(clsSQLCommond.ExecGetScalar(sSQL)); if (iReturn == 0) { sErr = sErr + "行" + (i + 1).ToString() + " 存货【" + gridView1.GetRowCellDisplayText(i, gridColcinvcode).ToString().Trim() + "】" + sInvName + " 不是委外件\n"; } } if (sErr.Length > 0) { throw new Exception(sErr); } ArrayList aList = new ArrayList(); sSQL = @" declare @p5 int set @p5=1000003974 declare @p6 int set @p6=1000042663 exec @u8.sp_getID N'00',N'200',N'puprice',1,@p5 output,@p6 output select @p5, @p6 "; DataTable dt = clsSQLCommond.ExecQuery(sSQL); long lID = ReturnObjectToLong(dt.Rows[0][0]); long lIDs = ReturnObjectToLong(dt.Rows[0][1]); sSQL = @" select cNumber as Maxnumber From @u8.VoucherHistory with (NOLOCK) Where CardNumber='PU03' and cContent is NULL "; dt = clsSQLCommond.ExecQuery(sSQL); long lCode = ReturnObjectToLong(dt.Rows[0][0]) + 1; string sCode = lCode.ToString(); while (sCode.Length < 10) { sCode = "0" + sCode; } Model.PU_PriceJustMain mod = new OM.Model.PU_PriceJustMain(); mod.id = lID; mod.ddate = BaseFunction.ReturnDate(FrameBaseFunction.ClsBaseDataInfo.sLogDate); mod.ccode = sCode; mod.cmaker = FrameBaseFunction.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUserName; mod.ivtid = 31338; mod.bTaxCost = 1; mod.iSupplyType = 2; mod.cMakeTime = DateTime.Now; mod.iPrintCount = 0; //mod.iverifystate = 0; mod.cverifier = FrameBaseFunction.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUserName; mod.dverifydate = BaseFunction.ReturnDate(FrameBaseFunction.ClsBaseDataInfo.sLogDate); mod.iverifystate = 2; mod.cAuditTime = mod.cMakeTime; mod.cmainmemo = gridView1.GetRowCellDisplayText(0, gridCol表头备注).ToString().Trim(); mod.csysbarcode = @"||putj|" + mod.ccode; DAL.PU_PriceJustMain dal = new OM.DAL.PU_PriceJustMain(); sSQL = dal.Add(mod); aList.Add(sSQL); int iRow = 0; bool bHas = false; for (int i = 0; i < gridView1.RowCount; i++) { if (!ReturnObjectToBool(gridView1.GetRowCellValue(i, gridCol选择))) { continue; } iRow += 1; lIDs += 1; Model.PU_PriceJustDetail mods = new OM.Model.PU_PriceJustDetail(); mods.autoid = lIDs; mods.id = lID; mods.operationtype = "0"; mods.cvencode = gridView1.GetRowCellDisplayText(i, gridColcVenCode).ToString().Trim(); mods.cinvcode = gridView1.GetRowCellDisplayText(i, gridColcinvcode).ToString().Trim(); mods.bsales = 0; mods.fminquantity = 0; decimal dTaxRate = ReturnObjectToDecimal(gridView1.GetRowCellDisplayText(i, gridCol税率), 6); if (dTaxRate == 0) { dTaxRate = 16; } mods.iTaxRate = dTaxRate; mods.iTaxUnitPrice = ReturnObjectToDecimal(gridView1.GetRowCellDisplayText(i, gridCol含税单价), 6); mods.iUnitPrice = ReturnObjectToDecimal(mods.iTaxUnitPrice / (1 + mods.iTaxRate / 100), 6); mods.cexch_name = "人民币"; mods.ivouchrowno = iRow; mods.cbodymemo = gridView1.GetRowCellDisplayText(i, gridCol表体备注).ToString().Trim(); mods.cbsysbarcode = @"||putj|" + mod.ccode + @"|" + mods.ivouchrowno.ToString(); mods.dstartdate = BaseFunction.ReturnDate(DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); DAL.PU_PriceJustDetail dals = new OM.DAL.PU_PriceJustDetail(); sSQL = dals.Add(mods); aList.Add(sSQL); Model.Ven_Inv_Price modInv = new OM.Model.Ven_Inv_Price(); modInv.cVenCode = mods.cvencode; modInv.cInvCode = mods.cinvcode; modInv.dEnableDate = ReturnObjectToDatetime(mods.dstartdate); modInv.cExch_Name = mods.cexch_name; modInv.bPromotion = 0; modInv.iSupplyType = ReturnObjectToInt(mod.iSupplyType); modInv.btaxcost = 1; modInv.iLowerLimit = 0; modInv.iUnitPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(mods.iUnitPrice); modInv.iTaxRate = Convert.ToDecimal(mods.iTaxRate); modInv.iTaxUnitPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(mods.iTaxUnitPrice); sSQL = "select max(ipriceautoid) from @u8.ven_inv_price"; long l = ReturnObjectToLong(clsSQLCommond.ExecGetScalar(sSQL)); DAL.Ven_Inv_Price dalInv = new OM.DAL.Ven_Inv_Price(); sSQL = dalInv.Exists(modInv); DataTable dtInvPrice = clsSQLCommond.ExecQuery(sSQL); if (ReturnObjectToInt(dtInvPrice.Rows.Count) == 0) { l += 1; modInv.ipriceautoid = l; sSQL = dalInv.Add(modInv); aList.Add(sSQL); } else { modInv.Autoid = ReturnObjectToInt(dtInvPrice.Rows[0]["autoid"]); sSQL = dalInv.Update(modInv); aList.Add(sSQL); } bHas = true; } if (!bHas) { throw new Exception("没有需要保存的行"); } sSQL = @" update @u8.VoucherHistory set cNumber='aaaaaa' Where CardNumber='PU03' and cContent is NULL "; sSQL = sSQL.Replace("aaaaaa", lCode.ToString()); aList.Add(sSQL); if (lID > 1000000000) { lID = lID - 1000000000; } if (lIDs > 1000000000) { lIDs = lIDs - 1000000000; } sSQL = "update UFSystem..UA_Identity set iFatherId = " + lID.ToString() + ",iChildId = " + lIDs + " where cAcc_Id = '" + FrameBaseFunction.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUFDataBaseName.Substring(7, 3) + "' and cVouchType = 'puprice'"; aList.Add(sSQL); if (aList.Count > 0) { clsSQLCommond.ExecSqlTran(aList); MessageBox.Show("保存成功!\n" + mod.ccode); ((DataTable)gridControl1.DataSource).Rows.Clear(); } } catch (Exception ee) { throw new Exception(ee.Message); } }