        public void TestIsIndividualProperty()
            string[] trueCases = new string[]
                //  EntityType

                // Open EntityType

                // EntityType With Multi keys

                // Singleton

                // Containment

                // Complex Type

            string[] falseCases = new string[]
                //  EntityType

                // Open EntityType

                // EntityType With Multi keys

                // Singleton

                // Containment

            foreach (var testCase in trueCases)
                ODataPath path   = new ODataUriParser(HardCodedTestModel.TestModel, this.testBaseUri, new Uri(this.testBaseUri, testCase)).ParsePath();
                bool      result = path.IsIndividualProperty();
                result.Should().BeTrue("Resource path \"{0}\" should target at individual property", testCase);

            foreach (var testCase in falseCases)
                ODataPath path   = new ODataUriParser(HardCodedTestModel.TestModel, this.testBaseUri, new Uri(this.testBaseUri, testCase)).ParsePath();
                bool      result = path.IsIndividualProperty();
                result.Should().BeFalse("Resource path \"{0}\" should not target at individual property", testCase);