public override async Task <Tuple <bool, INuGetResource> > TryCreate(
            SourceRepository source,
            CancellationToken token)
            ListResource resource = null;

            var serviceIndex = await source.GetResourceAsync <ServiceIndexResourceV3>(token);

            if (serviceIndex != null)
                var baseUrl = serviceIndex.GetServiceEntryUri(ServiceTypes.LegacyGallery);
                if (baseUrl != null)
                    var httpSource = await source.GetResourceAsync <HttpSourceResource>(token);

                    var serviceDocument =
                        await ODataServiceDocumentUtils.CreateODataServiceDocumentResourceV2(
                            baseUrl.AbsoluteUri, httpSource.HttpSource, DateTime.UtcNow, NullLogger.Instance, token);

                    var parser = new V2FeedParser(httpSource.HttpSource, serviceDocument.BaseAddress, source.PackageSource.Source);
                    var feedCapabilityResource = new LegacyFeedCapabilityResourceV2Feed(parser, serviceDocument.BaseAddress);
                    resource = new V2FeedListResource(parser, feedCapabilityResource, serviceDocument.BaseAddress);

            var result = new Tuple <bool, INuGetResource>(resource != null, resource);

        public override async Task <Tuple <bool, INuGetResource> > TryCreate(SourceRepository source, CancellationToken token)
            ODataServiceDocumentResourceV2 serviceDocument = null;
            ODataServiceDocumentCacheInfo  cacheInfo       = null;
            var url = source.PackageSource.Source;

            var utcNow           = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var entryValidCutoff = utcNow.Subtract(MaxCacheDuration);

            // check the cache before downloading the file
            if (!_cache.TryGetValue(url, out cacheInfo) || entryValidCutoff > cacheInfo.CachedTime)
                // Track if the semaphore needs to be released
                var release = false;
                    await _semaphore.WaitAsync(token);

                    release = true;


                    // check the cache again, another thread may have finished this one waited for the lock
                    if (!_cache.TryGetValue(url, out cacheInfo) || entryValidCutoff > cacheInfo.CachedTime)
                        var client = (await source.GetResourceAsync <HttpSourceResource>(token)).HttpSource;
                        serviceDocument = await ODataServiceDocumentUtils.CreateODataServiceDocumentResourceV2(url, client, utcNow, NullLogger.Instance, token);

                        // cache the value even if it is null to avoid checking it again later
                        var cacheEntry = new ODataServiceDocumentCacheInfo
                            CachedTime      = utcNow,
                            ServiceDocument = serviceDocument

                        // If the cache entry has expired it will already exist
                        _cache.AddOrUpdate(url, cacheEntry, (key, value) => cacheEntry);
                    if (release)

            if (serviceDocument == null && cacheInfo != null)
                serviceDocument = cacheInfo.ServiceDocument;

            return(new Tuple <bool, INuGetResource>(serviceDocument != null, serviceDocument));