        private static void ModDivCore(ref BigIntegerBuilder regNum, ref BigIntegerBuilder regDen, bool fQuo, ref BigIntegerBuilder regQuo)
            if (regNum._iuLast < regDen._iuLast)
            var num1 = regDen._iuLast + 1;
            var num2 = regNum._iuLast - regDen._iuLast;
            var num3 = num2;
            var num4 = regNum._iuLast;

            while (true)
                if (num4 < num2)
                if (regDen._bits[num4 - num2] == regNum._bits[num4])
                    if (regDen._bits[num4 - num2] < regNum._bits[num4])
            if (num3 == 0)
            if (fQuo)
            var num5 = regDen._bits[num1 - 1];
            var num6 = regDen._bits[num1 - 2];
            var num7 = NumericHelper.CbitHighZero(num5);
            var num8 = 32 - num7;

            if (num7 > 0)
                num5 = num5 << (num7 & 31) | num6 >> (num8 & 31);
                num6 = num6 << (num7 & 31);
                if (num1 > 2)
                    num6 = num6 | regDen._bits[num1 - 3] >> (num8 & 31);
            var num9 = num3;

            while (true)
                var num10 = num9 - 1;
                num9 = num10;
                if (num10 < 0)
                var num   = num9 + num1 > regNum._iuLast ? 0 : regNum._bits[num9 + num1];
                var num11 = num;
                var num12 = NumericHelper.BuildUInt64(num11, regNum._bits[num9 + num1 - 1]);
                var num13 = regNum._bits[num9 + num1 - 2];
                if (num7 > 0)
                    num12 = num12 << (num7 & 63) | num13 >> (num8 & 31);
                    num13 = num13 << (num7 & 31);
                    if (num9 + num1 >= 3)
                        num13 = num13 | regNum._bits[num9 + num1 - 3] >> (num8 & 31);
                var num14 = num12 / num5;
                var num15 = (ulong)(uint)(num12 % num5);
                if (num14 > uint.MaxValue)
                    num15 += num5 * (num14 - uint.MaxValue);
                    num14  = uint.MaxValue;
                while (num15 <= uint.MaxValue && num14 * num6 > NumericHelper.BuildUInt64((uint)num15, num13))
                    num15 += num5;
                if (num14 > 0)
                    var num16 = (ulong)0;
                    for (var i = 0; i < num1; i++)
                        num16 = num16 + regDen._bits[i] * num14;
                        var num17 = (uint)num16;
                        num16 = num16 >> 32;
                        if (regNum._bits[num9 + i] < num17)
                            num16 = num16 + 1;
                        regNum._bits[num9 + i] = regNum._bits[num9 + i] - num17;
                    if (num11 < num16)
                        uint num18 = 0;
                        for (var j = 0; j < num1; j++)
                            num18 = AddCarry(ref regNum._bits[num9 + j], regDen._bits[j], num18);
                        num14 = num14 - 1;
                    regNum._iuLast = num9 + num1 - 1;
                if (fQuo)
                    if (num3 != 1)
                        regQuo._bits[num9] = (uint)num14;
                        regQuo._uSmall = (uint)num14;
            regNum._iuLast = num1 - 1;
        private static void LehmerGcd(ref BigIntegerBuilder reg1, ref BigIntegerBuilder reg2)
            var num = 1;

            while (true)
                var num1 = reg1._iuLast + 1;
                var num2 = reg2._iuLast + 1;
                if (num1 < num2)
                    NumericHelper.Swap(ref reg1, ref reg2);
                    NumericHelper.Swap(ref num1, ref num2);
                if (num2 == 1)
                    if (num1 == 1)
                        reg1._uSmall = NumericHelper.GCD(reg1._uSmall, reg2._uSmall);
                    else if (reg2._uSmall != 0)
                        reg1.Set(NumericHelper.GCD(Mod(ref reg1, reg2._uSmall), reg2._uSmall));
                if (num1 == 2)
                if (num2 > num1 - 2)
                    var high2  = reg1.GetHigh2(num1);
                    var high21 = reg2.GetHigh2(num1);
                    var num3   = NumericHelper.CbitHighZero(high2 | high21);
                    if (num3 > 0)
                        high2  = high2 << (num3 & 63) | reg1._bits[num1 - 3] >> (32 - num3 & 31);
                        high21 = high21 << (num3 & 63) | reg2._bits[num1 - 3] >> (32 - num3 & 31);
                    if (high2 < high21)
                        NumericHelper.Swap(ref high2, ref high21);
                        NumericHelper.Swap(ref reg1, ref reg2);
                    if (high2 == ulong.MaxValue || high21 == ulong.MaxValue)
                        high2  = high2 >> 1;
                        high21 = high21 >> 1;
                    if (high2 == high21)
                        reg1.Sub(ref num, ref reg2);
                    else if (NumericHelper.GetHi(high21) != 0)
                        uint num4 = 1;
                        uint num5 = 0;
                        uint num6 = 0;
                        uint num7 = 1;
                        while (true)
                            uint num8 = 1;
                            var  num9 = high2 - high21;
                            while (num9 >= high21 && num8 < 32)
                                num9 = num9 - high21;
                            if (num9 >= high21)
                                var num10 = high2 / high21;
                                if (num10 <= uint.MaxValue)
                                    num8 = (uint)num10;
                                    num9 = high2 - num8 * high21;
                            var num11 = num4 + num8 * (ulong)num6;
                            var num12 = num5 + num8 * (ulong)num7;
                            if (num11 > 2147483647 || num12 > 2147483647)
                            if (num9 < num12 || num9 + num11 > high21 - num6)
                            num4  = (uint)num11;
                            num5  = (uint)num12;
                            high2 = num9;
                            if (high2 > num5)
                                num8 = 1;
                                num9 = high21 - high2;
                                while (num9 >= high2 && num8 < 32)
                                    num9 = num9 - high2;
                                if (num9 >= high2)
                                    var num13 = high21 / high2;
                                    if (num13 <= uint.MaxValue)
                                        num8 = (uint)num13;
                                        num9 = high21 - num8 * high2;
                                num11 = num7 + num8 * (ulong)num5;
                                num12 = num6 + num8 * (ulong)num4;
                                if (num11 > 2147483647 || num12 > 2147483647)
                                if (num9 < num12 || num9 + num11 > high2 - num5)
                                num7   = (uint)num11;
                                num6   = (uint)num12;
                                high21 = num9;
                                if (high21 <= num6)
                        if (num5 != 0)
                            reg1.SetSizeKeep(num2, 0);
                            reg2.SetSizeKeep(num2, 0);
                            var num14 = 0;
                            var num15 = 0;
                            for (var i = 0; i < num2; i++)
                                var num16 = reg1._bits[i];
                                var num17 = reg2._bits[i];
                                var num18 = (long)num16 * num4 - (long)num17 * num5 + num14;
                                var num19 = (long)num17 * num7 - (long)num16 * num6 + num15;
                                num14         = (int)(num18 >> 32);
                                num15         = (int)(num19 >> 32);
                                reg1._bits[i] = (uint)num18;
                                reg2._bits[i] = (uint)num19;
                        else if (high2 / 2 < high21)
                            reg1.Sub(ref num, ref reg2);
                            reg1.Mod(ref reg2);
                        reg1.Mod(ref reg2);
                    reg1.Mod(ref reg2);
            reg1.Set(NumericHelper.GCD(reg1.GetHigh2(2), reg2.GetHigh2(2)));
 private static int Log2SoftwareFallback(uint value)
     return(value == 0 ? 0 : NumericHelper.Log2(value));
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a data instance from the raw ProcessLineOfSight output
 /// </summary>
 public SightLineData(Tuple <bool, float, float, float, MtaElement, float, float, Tuple <float, int, float, int, int, float, float, Tuple <float, float, float, float, int> > > d)
     DidHit = d.Item1;
     if (DidHit)
         CollisionPosition = new Vector3(d.Item2, d.Item3, d.Item4);
         if (d.Item5 != null)
             HitElement = ElementManager.Instance.GetElement <PhysicalElement>(d.Item5);
         Normal           = new Vector3(d.Item6, d.Item7, d.Rest.Item1);
         SurfaceMaterial  = (SurfaceMaterialType)d.Rest.Item2;
         Lighting         = d.Rest.Item3;
         piece            = d.Rest.Item4;
         WorldModelID     = d.Rest.Item5;
         WorldModelMatrix = Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(d.Rest.Item6, d.Rest.Item7, d.Rest.Rest.Item1) + Matrix4x4.CreateFromQuaternion(NumericHelper.EulerToQuaternion(new Vector3(d.Rest.Rest.Item2, d.Rest.Rest.Item3, d.Rest.Rest.Item4)));
         WorldLODModelID  = d.Rest.Item5;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to parse DataIndex objects.
        /// </summary>
        public DataIndex ParseDataIndex(ref DataIndex dataIndex, XmlNode xmlNode)
            // if the dataIndex object exists and the xmlNode exists
            if ((dataIndex != null) && (xmlNode != null))
                // get the full name of this node
                string fullName = xmlNode.GetFullName();

                // Check the name of this node to see if it is mapped to a property
                switch (fullName)
                case "Database.Tables.DataTable.Indexes.DataIndex.AllowPageLocks":

                    // Set the value for dataIndex.AllowPageLocks
                    dataIndex.AllowPageLocks = BooleanHelper.ParseBoolean(xmlNode.FormattedNodeValue, false, false);

                    // required

                case "Database.Tables.DataTable.Indexes.DataIndex.AllowRowLocks":

                    // Set the value for dataIndex.AllowRowLocks
                    dataIndex.AllowRowLocks = BooleanHelper.ParseBoolean(xmlNode.FormattedNodeValue, false, false);

                    // required

                case "Database.Tables.DataTable.Indexes.DataIndex.Clustered":

                    // Set the value for dataIndex.Clustered
                    dataIndex.Clustered = BooleanHelper.ParseBoolean(xmlNode.FormattedNodeValue, false, false);

                    // required

                case "Database.Tables.DataTable.Indexes.DataIndex.DataSpaceId":

                    // Set the value for dataIndex.DataSpaceId
                    dataIndex.DataSpaceId = NumericHelper.ParseInteger(xmlNode.FormattedNodeValue, 0, -1);

                    // required

                case "Database.Tables.DataTable.Indexes.DataIndex.FillFactor":

                    // Set the value for dataIndex.FillFactor
                    dataIndex.FillFactor = NumericHelper.ParseInteger(xmlNode.FormattedNodeValue, 0, -1);

                    // required

                case "Database.Tables.DataTable.Indexes.DataIndex.FilterDefinition":

                    // Set the value for dataIndex.FilterDefinition
                    dataIndex.FilterDefinition = xmlNode.FormattedNodeValue;

                    // required

                case "Database.Tables.DataTable.Indexes.DataIndex.HasFilter":

                    // Set the value for dataIndex.HasFilter
                    dataIndex.HasFilter = BooleanHelper.ParseBoolean(xmlNode.FormattedNodeValue, false, false);

                    // required

                case "Database.Tables.DataTable.Indexes.DataIndex.IgnoreDuplicateKey":

                    // Set the value for dataIndex.IgnoreDuplicateKey
                    dataIndex.IgnoreDuplicateKey = BooleanHelper.ParseBoolean(xmlNode.FormattedNodeValue, false, false);

                    // required

                case "Database.Tables.DataTable.Indexes.DataIndex.IndexId":

                    // Set the value for dataIndex.IndexId
                    dataIndex.IndexId = NumericHelper.ParseInteger(xmlNode.FormattedNodeValue, 0, -1);

                    // required

                case "Database.Tables.DataTable.Indexes.DataIndex.IndexType":

                    // Set the value for dataIndex.IndexType
                    dataIndex.IndexType = EnumHelper.GetEnumValue <DataJuggler.Net5.Enumerations.IndexTypeEnum>(xmlNode.FormattedNodeValue, DataJuggler.Net5.Enumerations.IndexTypeEnum.Unknown);

                    // required

                case "Database.Tables.DataTable.Indexes.DataIndex.IsDisabled":

                    // Set the value for dataIndex.IsDisabled
                    dataIndex.IsDisabled = BooleanHelper.ParseBoolean(xmlNode.FormattedNodeValue, false, false);

                    // required

                case "Database.Tables.DataTable.Indexes.DataIndex.IsHypothetical":

                    // Set the value for dataIndex.IsHypothetical
                    dataIndex.IsHypothetical = BooleanHelper.ParseBoolean(xmlNode.FormattedNodeValue, false, false);

                    // required

                case "Database.Tables.DataTable.Indexes.DataIndex.IsPadded":

                    // Set the value for dataIndex.IsPadded
                    dataIndex.IsPadded = BooleanHelper.ParseBoolean(xmlNode.FormattedNodeValue, false, false);

                    // required

                case "Database.Tables.DataTable.Indexes.DataIndex.IsPrimary":

                    // Set the value for dataIndex.IsPrimary
                    dataIndex.IsPrimary = BooleanHelper.ParseBoolean(xmlNode.FormattedNodeValue, false, false);

                    // required

                case "Database.Tables.DataTable.Indexes.DataIndex.IsUnique":

                    // Set the value for dataIndex.IsUnique
                    dataIndex.IsUnique = BooleanHelper.ParseBoolean(xmlNode.FormattedNodeValue, false, false);

                    // required

                case "Database.Tables.DataTable.Indexes.DataIndex.IsUniqueConstraint":

                    // Set the value for dataIndex.IsUniqueConstraint
                    dataIndex.IsUniqueConstraint = BooleanHelper.ParseBoolean(xmlNode.FormattedNodeValue, false, false);

                    // required

                case "Database.Tables.DataTable.Indexes.DataIndex.Name":

                    // Set the value for dataIndex.Name
                    dataIndex.Name = xmlNode.FormattedNodeValue;

                    // required

                case "Database.Tables.DataTable.Indexes.DataIndex.ObjectId":

                    // Set the value for dataIndex.ObjectId
                    dataIndex.ObjectId = NumericHelper.ParseInteger(xmlNode.FormattedNodeValue, 0, -1);

                    // required

                case "Database.Tables.DataTable.Indexes.DataIndex.TypeDescription":

                    // Set the value for dataIndex.TypeDescription
                    dataIndex.TypeDescription = xmlNode.FormattedNodeValue;

                    // required

                // if there are ChildNodes
                if (xmlNode.HasChildNodes)
                    // iterate the child nodes
                    foreach (XmlNode childNode in xmlNode.ChildNodes)
                        // append to this DataIndex
                        dataIndex = ParseDataIndex(ref dataIndex, childNode);

            // return value
 /// <summary>
 /// Make this element face another element
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="target">The element to face</param>
 public virtual void FaceElement(PhysicalElement target)
     Rotation = NumericHelper.RotationBetweenPositions(Position, target.Position);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method Check For Updated Version
        /// </summary>
        private void CheckForUpdatedVersion()
            // locals
            double latestVersion = 0;
            string url           = "";

                // get the url for the Xml info
                url = "http://www.datajuggler.com/Regionizer/CommentDictionaryInfo.xml";

                // create an xml reader
                XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(url);

                // read the xml line per line
                while (reader.Read())
                    // determine what to do by the text
                    string nodeName = reader.Name;

                    // determine the action by the nodeName
                    switch (nodeName)
                    case "LatestVersion":

                        // set the latestVersion
                        latestVersion = NumericHelper.ParseDouble(reader.ReadInnerXml(), 0, -1);

                        // required

                    case "Url":

                        // set the latestVersion
                        url = reader.ReadInnerXml();

                        // required

                // close the reader

                // if the latestVersion is set
                if ((latestVersion > 0) && (TextHelper.Exists(url)))
                    // set the content
                    this.AvailableVersionValueLabel.Content    = latestVersion.ToString();
                    this.AvailableVersionValueLabel.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
                    this.CheckForUpdateButton.Visibility       = System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden;
                    this.DownloadUrl = url;

                    // enable the Download button if a newer version is available
            catch (Exception error)
                // for debugging only
                string err = error.ToString();
		   private void Search_B_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			DV.Columns.Add("row", "ردیف");
			DV.Columns.Add("Cost_Id_Total", "کد و نام دستگاه");
			DV.Columns.Add("Cost_Num_Failure", "مجموع تعداد خرابی");
			DV.Columns.Add("Cost_Time_Stop_Repair", "مجموع ساعت تعمیرات ");
			DV.Columns.Add("Cost_Time_Befor_Work", "مجموع کارکرد دستگاه");
			DV.Columns.Add("Cost_MTTR", "MTTR شاخص");
			DV.Columns.Add("Cost_MTBF", "MTBF شاخص");
			DV.Columns["row"].Width = 50;
			DV.Columns["Cost_Id_Total"].Width = 300;
			DV.Columns["Cost_Num_Failure"].Width = 120;
			DV.Columns["Cost_Time_Stop_Repair"].Width = 120;
			DV.Columns["Cost_Time_Befor_Work"].Width = 120;
			DV.Columns["Cost_MTTR"].Width = 100;
			DV.Columns["Cost_MTBF"].Width = 100;
			DV.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
			DV.EditMode = DataGridViewEditMode.EditProgrammatically;
			f_serch = "";
			if (Cost_Id_Total.Text.Length != 0)
				f_serch += "and Cost_Id_Total LIKE N'" + data.Is_Number(Cost_Id_Total.Text) + "'";
			if (Cost_Id_Request.Text.Length != 0)
				f_serch += "and Cost_Id_Request LIKE N'" + data.Is_Number(Cost_Id_Request.Text) + "'";
			if (Cost_Num_Request.Text.Length != 0)
				f_serch += "and Cost_Num_Request LIKE N'" + Cost_Num_Request.Text + "'";
			if (data.Is_date(Az_Cost_Date_Request.T_D))
				f_serch += "and Cost_Date_Request >= '" + NumericHelper.Val((Az_Cost_Date_Request.T_D).Replace("/", "")) + "'";
			if (data.Is_date(Ta_Cost_Date_Request.T_D))
				f_serch += "and Cost_Date_Request <= '" + NumericHelper.Val((Ta_Cost_Date_Request.T_D).Replace("/", "")) + "'";
			if (data.Is_date(Az_Cost_Date_Sabt.T_D))
				f_serch += "and Cost_Date_Sabt >= '" + NumericHelper.Val((Az_Cost_Date_Sabt.T_D).Replace("/", "")) + "'";
			if (data.Is_date(Ta_Cost_Date_Sabt.T_D))
				f_serch += "and Cost_Date_Sabt <= '" + NumericHelper.Val((Ta_Cost_Date_Sabt.T_D).Replace("/", "")) + "'";
			if (Cost_Repair_description.Text.Length != 0)
				f_serch += "and Cost_Repair_description LIKE N'%" + Cost_Repair_description.Text + "%'";
			if (Cost_Work_description.Text.Length != 0)
				f_serch += "and Cost_Work_description LIKE N'%" + Cost_Work_description.Text + "%'";
			if (Cost_Stop_Defect.Text.Length != 0)
				f_serch += "and Cost_Stop_Defect LIKE N'" + data.Is_Number(Cost_Stop_Defect.Text) + "'";
			if (MDIParent1.DefaultInstance.N_Admin.Text == "False")
				f_serch += "and Repair_Area = " + MDIParent1.DefaultInstance.N_Id_Area.Text + "";
			f_serch = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Replace(f_serch, "and", "", 1, 1);
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(f_serch))
				modMessage.ShowMessage("کاربر محترم" + " :" + MDIParent1.DefaultInstance.I_N.Text, " موردی برای جستجو مشخص نشده آیا کلیه اقلام جستجو شوند ؟", frmMessage.mIcon.mserch, frmMessage.mButtons.myes_No);
				if (modMessage.MessageValue == 5)
					f_serch = "SELECT repair_code,Repair_Name,Count(Cost_Id_Total)as C_Count ," + "sum(CAST(SUBSTRING([Cost_Time_Stop_Repair],1,2) AS int)) AS Hrs_Stop ," + "sum(CAST(SUBSTRING([Cost_Time_Stop_Repair],4,5) AS int)) AS Min_Stop ," + "sum(CAST(SUBSTRING([Cost_Time_Befor_Work],1,2) AS int)) AS Hrs_Befor ," + "sum(CAST(SUBSTRING([Cost_Time_Befor_Work],4,5) AS int)) AS Min_Befor " + "FROM Repair_Cost A LEFT JOIN Repair_Total B on a.Cost_Id_Total=b.Repair_Id GROUP BY repair_code,Repair_Name";
				f_serch = "SELECT repair_code,Repair_Name,Count(Cost_Id_Total)as C_Count ," + "sum(CAST(SUBSTRING([Cost_Time_Stop_Repair],1,2) AS int)) AS Hrs_Stop ," + "sum(CAST(SUBSTRING([Cost_Time_Stop_Repair],4,5) AS int)) AS Min_Stop ," + "sum(CAST(SUBSTRING([Cost_Time_Befor_Work],1,2) AS int)) AS Hrs_Befor ," + "sum(CAST(SUBSTRING([Cost_Time_Befor_Work],4,5) AS int)) AS Min_Befor " + "FROM Repair_Cost A LEFT JOIN Repair_Total B on a.Cost_Id_Total=b.Repair_Id where " + f_serch + " GROUP BY repair_code,Repair_Name";
			DataSet serch = data.PDataset("" + f_serch + "");
			if (serch.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
				modMessage.ShowMessage("کاربر محترم" + " :" + MDIParent1.DefaultInstance.I_N.Text, " اطلاعات مورد نظر شما در سیستم وجود ندارد", frmMessage.mIcon.mserch, frmMessage.mButtons.mAccept);
				foreach (DataRow Dr in serch.Tables[0].Rows)
					System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRow tempVar = DV.Rows[DV.Rows.Count - 1];
					tempVar.Cells["row"].Value = DV.Rows.Count;
					tempVar.Cells["Cost_Id_Total"].Value = Dr["repair_code"].ToString() + "-" + Dr["Repair_Name"].ToString();
					tempVar.Cells["Cost_Num_Failure"].Value = Dr["C_Count"];
					int hh_Stop = 0;
					int mm_Stop = 0;
					int hh_Befor = 0;
					int mm_Befor = 0;
					if (Convert.ToInt32(Dr["Min_Stop"]) > 59)
						hh_Stop = ((Dr["Hrs_Stop"] * 60) + Dr["Min_Stop"]) / 60;
						mm_Stop = Convert.ToInt32(((Dr["Hrs_Stop"] * 60) + Dr["Min_Stop"]) - (hh_Stop * 60));
						hh_Stop = Convert.ToInt32(Dr["Hrs_Stop"]);
						mm_Stop = Convert.ToInt32(Dr["Min_Stop"]);
					tempVar.Cells["Cost_Time_Stop_Repair"].Value = hh_Stop + ":" + mm_Stop;
					if (Convert.ToInt32(Dr["Min_Befor"]) > 59)
						hh_Befor = ((Dr["Hrs_Befor"] * 60) + Dr["Min_Befor"]) / 60;
						mm_Befor = Convert.ToInt32(((Dr["Hrs_Befor"] * 60) + Dr["Min_Befor"]) - (hh_Befor * 60));
						hh_Befor = Convert.ToInt32(Dr["Hrs_Befor"]);
						mm_Befor = Convert.ToInt32(Dr["Min_Befor"]);
					if (Check.Checked == true)
						tempVar.Cells["Cost_Time_Befor_Work"].Value = Cost_Time_Befor_Work.Text;
						tempVar.Cells["Cost_MTTR"].Value = Math.Round(((NumericHelper.Val(hh_Stop) * 60) + NumericHelper.Val(mm_Stop)) / Dr["C_Count"], 2);
						tempVar.Cells["Cost_MTBF"].Value = Math.Round(Dr["C_Count"] / ((NumericHelper.Val(Cost_Time_Befor_Work.Text.Substring(0, 2)) * 60) + NumericHelper.Val(Cost_Time_Befor_Work.Text.Substring(3, 5))), 2);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method returns the GameManager. It first attempts to load the values from the settings
        /// and if not found the default GameManager.Options and GameManager.Players are created.
        /// </summary>
        private GameManager LoadGameManager()
            // initial value
            GameManager gameManager = null;

            // local so the Settings file only has to be loaded once
            SecureUserData security = new SecureUserData();

            // this is used during development so everything default is restored, this has to be taken out or commented out
            // security.LastSavedDate = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);

            // save (this needs to be taken out or commented out also)
            // security.Save();

            // We must load our five PlayerControls
            List <BlackJackPlayerControl> playerControls = GetPlayerControls();

            // if the security object has a LastSavedDate we can load a GameManager from it
            if (security.HasLastSavedDate)
                // convert the settings to a gameManager object
                gameManager = SecureUserDataFactory.Export(security, playerControls, this);
                // Create a new instance of a 'GameManager' object.
                gameManager = new GameManager(NumericHelper.ParseInteger(Properties.Resources.TimesToShuffle, 0, -1), this);

                // Now we must load the Options and Players from the Settings
                gameManager.HouseRules = Options.CreateDefault();

                // Load the players from the Settings or create them
                gameManager.Players = CreateDefaultPlayers(gameManager.HouseRules);

            //// Create a new instance of an 'OptionsForm' object.
            OptionsForm optionsForm = new OptionsForm(this);

            // Setup the form

            //// Show the dialog

            // if the user did not cancel
            if (!optionsForm.UserCancelled)
                // set the return value
                this.GameManager = optionsForm.GameManager;
                // if the GameManager does not exist
                if (!this.HasGameManager)
                    // Close this app

            // return value
 /// <summary>
 /// Make this ped face a specific physical element
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="target">The element to face</param>
 public override void FaceElement(PhysicalElement target)
     Rotation = NumericHelper.RotationBetweenPositions(target.Position, Position);
		private void Seasonal_Gross_Price_TextChanged(dynamic sender, System.EventArgs e)
			sender.Text = NumericHelper.Val(sender.Text.Trim().Replace(",", "")).ToString("#,0"); //& aa
			sender.SelectionStart = sender.TextLength;
			double _Value = Convert.ToInt64(sender.Text.Replace(",", ""));
        /// <summary>
        /// This method Set Update Parameters
        /// </summary>
        public static void SetUpdateParameters(string updateText, ref PixelQuery pixelQuery)
            // if the updateText exists and the pixelQuery object exists
            if ((TextHelper.Exists(updateText)) && (NullHelper.Exists(pixelQuery)))
                // if the updateText starts with the word set (else this is not a proper BQL Update query).
                if (updateText.StartsWith("set"))
                    // only use a space as a delimiter character
                    char[] delimiterChars = { ' ' };

                    // Get a list of words from this text
                    List <Word> words = WordParser.GetWords(updateText);

                    // If the words collection exists and has one or more items
                    if (ListHelper.HasOneOrMoreItems(words))
                        // if there are six words.
                        // Example: Set Color 100 150 200 40 - (Red = 100, Green = 150, Blue = 200, Alpha = 40)
                        if (words.Count == 6)
                            // Set to red
                            pixelQuery.Red   = NumericHelper.ParseInteger(words[2].Text, -1, -2);
                            pixelQuery.Green = NumericHelper.ParseInteger(words[3].Text, -1, -2);
                            pixelQuery.Blue  = NumericHelper.ParseInteger(words[4].Text, -1, -2);
                            pixelQuery.Alpha = NumericHelper.ParseInteger(words[5].Text, -1, -2);

                            // verify everything is valid
                            if ((pixelQuery.Red >= 0) && (pixelQuery.Green >= 0) && (pixelQuery.Red >= 0) && (pixelQuery.Alpha >= 0))
                                // Set the Color
                                pixelQuery.Color = Color.FromArgb(pixelQuery.Alpha, pixelQuery.Red, pixelQuery.Green, pixelQuery.Blue);
                        // if there are 5 words
                        // Example: Set Color 100 150 200 - (Red = 100, Green = 150, Blue = 200, Alpha = 255 default value)
                        else if (words.Count == 5)
                            // Set to red
                            pixelQuery.Red   = NumericHelper.ParseInteger(words[2].Text, -1, -2);
                            pixelQuery.Green = NumericHelper.ParseInteger(words[3].Text, -1, -2);
                            pixelQuery.Blue  = NumericHelper.ParseInteger(words[4].Text, -1, -2);
                            pixelQuery.Alpha = 255;

                            // verify everything is valid
                            if ((pixelQuery.Red >= 0) && (pixelQuery.Green >= 0) && (pixelQuery.Red >= 0) && (pixelQuery.Alpha >= 0))
                                // Set the Color
                                pixelQuery.Color = Color.FromArgb(pixelQuery.Alpha, pixelQuery.Red, pixelQuery.Green, pixelQuery.Blue);

                            // Set the Color
                            pixelQuery.Color = Color.FromArgb(pixelQuery.Alpha, pixelQuery.Red, pixelQuery.Green, pixelQuery.Blue);
                        // if there are 3 words
                        // Example: Set Color Orchid (the color must be a named color)
                        else if (words.Count == 3)
                            // Set the Color
                            pixelQuery.Color = Color.FromName(words[2].Text);
                            pixelQuery.Alpha = 255;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method returns the Pixel Criteria
        /// </summary>
        public static PixelCriteria CreatePixelCriteria(string text, ActionTypeEnum actionType, int lineNumber, PixelCriteria existingCriteria = null)
            // initial value
            PixelCriteria pixelCriteria = null;

            // only use a space as a delimiter character
            char[] delimiterChars = { ' ' };

            // If the text string exists
            if (TextHelper.Exists(text))
                // Set the BackColor
                if (actionType == ActionTypeEnum.SetBackColor)
                    // Create a new instance of a 'PixelCriteria' object.
                    pixelCriteria = new PixelCriteria();

                    // Get the words
                    List <Word> words = WordParser.GetWords(text, delimiterChars);

                    // If the words collection exists and has one or more items
                    if (ListHelper.HasOneOrMoreItems(words))
                        // if there are 3 words
                        if (words.Count == 3)
                            // if the third word is null
                            if (words[2].Text.ToLower() == "null")
                                // Set the value for the property 'RemoveBackColor' to true
                                pixelCriteria.RemoveBackColor = true;
                                // Set the BackColor
                                pixelCriteria.BackColor = Color.FromName(words[2].Text);
                        else if (words.Count == 5)
                            // set the value for Red, Green & Blue
                            int red   = NumericHelper.ParseInteger(words[2].Text, -1, -1);
                            int green = NumericHelper.ParseInteger(words[3].Text, -1, -1);
                            int blue  = NumericHelper.ParseInteger(words[4].Text, -1, -1);

                            // if all the RGB values are set
                            if ((red >= 0) && (green >= 0) && (blue >= 0))
                                // Set the BackColor
                                pixelCriteria.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(red, green, blue);
                // if this is a draw line
                else if (actionType == ActionTypeEnum.DrawLine)
                    // if the existingCriteria
                    if (NullHelper.IsNull(existingCriteria))
                        // Create a new instance of a 'PixelCriteria' object.
                        pixelCriteria = new PixelCriteria();
                        // use the existing criteria so more properties can be set on it
                        pixelCriteria = existingCriteria;

                    // Set to DrawLine
                    pixelCriteria.PixelType = PixelTypeEnum.DrawLine;

                    // if this is the first line
                    if (lineNumber == 1)
                        // Get the words
                        List <Word> words = WordParser.GetWords(text, delimiterChars);

                        // If the words collection exists and has one or more items
                        if (ListHelper.HasOneOrMoreItems(words))
                            // Get the lastWord
                            Word lastWord = words[words.Count - 1];

                            // Set the thickness
                            pixelCriteria.Thickness = NumericHelper.ParseInteger(lastWord.Text, -1000, -1001);
                    else if (lineNumber == 3)
                        // Set the RepeatType and the repeating attributes
                        pixelCriteria.RepeatType = SetRepeatType(text);

                        // if the repeat type was found
                        if (pixelCriteria.RepeatType != RepeatTypeEnum.NoRepeat)
                            // get the text after the repeat
                            string repeatText = GetRepeatText(text, pixelCriteria.RepeatType);

                            // get the words
                            List <Word> words = WordParser.GetWords(repeatText);

                            // if there are exactly two words
                            if ((ListHelper.HasOneOrMoreItems(words)) && (words.Count == 2))
                                // set the repititions
                                pixelCriteria.Repititions = NumericHelper.ParseInteger(words[0].Text, 0, -1);

                                // set the Distance
                                pixelCriteria.Distance = NumericHelper.ParseInteger(words[1].Text, 0, -1);
                else if (lineNumber > 1)
                    // Create a new instance of a 'PixelCriteria' object.
                    pixelCriteria = new PixelCriteria();

                    // if this text contains bluegreen
                    if (text.Contains("x"))
                        // Set the PixelType
                        pixelCriteria.PixelType = PixelTypeEnum.X;
                    else if (text.Contains("y"))
                        // Set the PixelType
                        pixelCriteria.PixelType = PixelTypeEnum.Y;
                    else if (text.Contains("bluegreen"))
                        // Set the PixelType
                        pixelCriteria.PixelType = PixelTypeEnum.BlueGreen;
                    // if this text contains bluegreen
                    else if (text.Contains("bluered"))
                        // Set the PixelType
                        pixelCriteria.PixelType = PixelTypeEnum.BlueRed;
                    // if this text contains bluegreen
                    else if (text.Contains("greenred"))
                        // Set the PixelType
                        pixelCriteria.PixelType = PixelTypeEnum.GreenRed;
                    else if (text.Contains("red"))
                        // Set the PixelType
                        pixelCriteria.PixelType = PixelTypeEnum.Red;
                    else if (text.Contains("green"))
                        // Set the PixelType
                        pixelCriteria.PixelType = PixelTypeEnum.Green;
                    else if (text.Contains("blue"))
                        // Set the PixelType
                        pixelCriteria.PixelType = PixelTypeEnum.Blue;
                    else if (text.Contains("total"))
                        // Set the PixelType
                        pixelCriteria.PixelType = PixelTypeEnum.Total;

            // return value
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FixedSizeQueue{T}" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="capacity">The capacity.</param>
 public FixedSizeQueue(int capacity)
     _capacity     = NumericHelper.PopulationCount(capacity) == 1 ? capacity : NumericHelper.NextPowerOf2(capacity);
     _preCount     = 0;
     _indexEnqueue = 0;
     _indexDequeue = 0;
     _entries      = new FixedSizeBucket <T>(_capacity);
        /// <summary>
        /// This class is used to Shuffle a list of type 'T'.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="list"></param>
        public static List <T> Shuffle <T>(this IList <T> list)
            // List
            List <T> shuffledList = new List <T>();

            // locals
            int randomIndex = -1;
            int cycles      = 1;

            // Use the RNGCryptoServiceProvider to create random zeros or 1
            RNGCryptoServiceProvider crypto = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();

            // Create the byte array that serves asa
            byte[] container = new byte[1];

            // if the list exists
            if ((list != null) && (list.Count > 0))
                // we can't use the collection count it changes
                int listCount = list.Count;

                // set the cycles
                cycles = (listCount / 255) + 1;

                // now we have to 'Randomly' pull items and add them to the end results
                for (int x = 0; x < listCount; x++)
                    // reset
                    randomIndex = -1;

                    // Fill the topOrBottom byteArray

                    // iterate the cycles
                    for (int c = 0; c < cycles; c++)
                        // Get the value of topOrBottom
                        object randomByte = container.GetValue(0);

                        // if the randomByte exists
                        if (NullHelper.Exists(randomByte))
                            // get a randomValue
                            int randomValue = NumericHelper.ParseInteger(randomByte.ToString(), -1, -1);

                            // set the randomIndex to the modulas of the the listCount
                            randomIndex += randomValue;

                    // ensure in range
                    randomIndex = (randomIndex % list.Count);

                    // verify the index is in range
                    if ((randomIndex < list.Count) && (randomIndex >= 0))
                        // Add this integer

                        // if the index is in rage
                        if ((list.Count > 0) && (list.Count > randomIndex))
                            // Remove the item from the sourceList now that we have it

            // return value
 /// <summary>
 ///     Creates a dictionary-like object used for caches.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="capacity">The maximum number of elements to store will be this number aligned to next ^2.</param>
 public CacheDict(int capacity)
     _entries = new Entry[NumericHelper.PopulationCount(capacity) == 1 ? capacity : NumericHelper.NextPowerOf2(capacity)];
 /// <summary>
 /// Attach this attachable to a toAttachable with a vector describing the position offset and a quaternion describing the rotation offset
 /// </summary>
 public void AttachTo(PhysicalElement toElement, Vector3 positionOffset, Quaternion rotationOffset)
     AttachTo(toElement, positionOffset, NumericHelper.QuaternionToEuler(rotationOffset));
 public void IsNonNegativeTest(bool expected, double value)
 => Assert.Equal(expected, NumericHelper.IsNonNegative(value));
        public IEnumerable <SlipInvoiceViewModel> LoadInvoiceInfo(string invoiceNo)
            var model = new SlipInvoiceViewModel();

            using (var ctx = new VIPDCEntities())
                var invoice = ctx.Invoices.SingleOrDefault(inv => inv.InvoiceNo == invoiceNo);
                if (invoice != null)
                    var confirmationLetter = invoice.ConfirmationLetter;
                    var customer           = confirmationLetter.Customer;

                    model.InvoiceNo           = invoice.InvoiceNo;
                    model.InvoiceDate         = invoice.Date;
                    model.LetterNo            = confirmationLetter.LetterNo;
                    model.PaymentDueDate      = invoice.PaymentDueDate;
                    model.TrainingDatesString = String.Empty;

                    foreach (var date in confirmationLetter.ConfirmationLetterSchedules.Select(d => d.Date))
                        model.TrainingDatesString += @"<li>" + date.ToLongDateString() + "</li>";
                    model.TrainingDatesString = @"<ol>" + model.TrainingDatesString + @"</ol>";

                    model.AccountManagerName = confirmationLetter.Employee.Name;
                    model.CustomerName       = customer.Name;
                    model.InvoiceDate        = invoice.Date;
                    model.Price      = invoice.Price;
                    model.Discount   = invoice.Discount;
                    model.Tax        = invoice.Tax;
                    model.PPH        = invoice.PPH;
                    model.TotalPrice = invoice.TotalPrice;
                    model.Terbilang  = NumericHelper.Terbilang(model.TotalPrice);

                    var configuration = ctx.Configurations.SingleOrDefault(config => config.Key == "InvoicingSignName");
                    if (configuration != null)
                        model.SignName = configuration.Value;

                    configuration = ctx.Configurations.SingleOrDefault(config => config.Key == "InvoicingSignOccupation");
                    if (configuration != null)
                        model.SignOccupation = configuration.Value;

                    configuration = ctx.Configurations.SingleOrDefault(config => config.Key == "CompanyName");
                    if (configuration != null)
                        model.CompanyName = configuration.Value;

                    if (confirmationLetter.Bank != null)
                        model.BankName        = confirmationLetter.Bank.Name;
                        model.BankAccountNo   = confirmationLetter.Bank.AccountNumber;
                        model.BankAccountName = confirmationLetter.Bank.AccountName;
            yield return(model);