        /// <summary>Convert a given number to a format string</summary>
        public override string NumberToFormat(double?value, string format, NumeralOptions options)
            string space = format.Contains(" %") ? " " : "";
            string output;

            if (options.ScalePercentBy100)
                value = value * 100;

            // check for space before %
            format = new Regex(@"\s?\%").Replace(format, "");

            output = base.NumberToFormat(value, format, options);

            if (output.Contains(")"))
                output = string.Format("{0}{1})", output.Substring(0, output.Length - 1), space + "%");
                output = output + space + '%';
        /// <summary>Convert a given number to a format string</summary>
        public override string NumberToFormat(double?value, string format, NumeralOptions options)
            var    locale = new Locale();
            string before = new Regex(@"^([\+|\-|\(|\s|\$]*)").Match(format).Value;
            string after  = new Regex(@"([\+|\-|\)|\s|\$]*)$").Match(format).Value;
            string output = null;
            string symbol = null;
            int    i;

            // strip format of spaces and $
            Regex rgx = new Regex(@"\s?\$\s?");

            format = rgx.Replace(format, "");

            // format the number
            output = base.NumberToFormat(value, format, options);

            // update the before and after based on value
            if (value >= 0)
                before = new Regex(@"[\-\(]").Replace(before, "");
                after  = new Regex(@"[\-\)]").Replace(after, "");
            else if (value < 0 && (!before.Contains("-") && !before.Contains("(")))
                before = '-' + before;

            // loop through each before symbol
            for (i = 0; i < before.Length; i++)
                symbol = before.Substring(i, 1);

                switch (symbol)
                case "$":
                    output = output.Insert(i, locale.Currency.Symbol);

                case " ":
                    output = output.Insert(i + locale.Currency.Symbol.Length - 1, " ");

            // loop through each after symbol
            for (i = after.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                symbol = after.Substring(i, 1);

                switch (symbol)
                case "$":
                    output = i == after.Length - 1 ? output + locale.Currency.Symbol : output.Insert(-(after.Length - (1 + i)), locale.Currency.Symbol);

                case " ":
                    output = i == after.Length - 1 ? output + " " : output.Insert(-(after.Length - (1 + i) + locale.Currency.Symbol.Length - 1), " ");
