public void WithoutTargetCultureAndWithoutCulture_FallbackToEnglishCulture()
            var recognizer  = new NumberWithUnitRecognizer();
            var testedModel = recognizer.GetCurrencyModel();

            TestNumberWithUnit(testedModel, controlModel, TestInput);
        public void WithInvalidCulture_AlwaysUseEnglish()
            var recognizer  = new NumberWithUnitRecognizer();
            var testedModel = recognizer.GetCurrencyModel(InvalidCulture);

            TestNumberWithUnit(testedModel, controlModel, TestInput);
        public void WithLazyInitialization_CacheEmpty()
            var recognizer    = new NumberWithUnitRecognizer(lazyInitialization: true);
            var internalCache = recognizer.GetInternalCache();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, internalCache.Count);
        public void WithoutLazyInitialization_CacheFull()
            var recognizer    = new NumberWithUnitRecognizer(lazyInitialization: false);
            var internalCache = recognizer.GetInternalCache();

            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, internalCache.Count);
        public void WithoutLazyInitializationAndCulture_CacheWithCulture()
            var recognizer    = new NumberWithUnitRecognizer(Culture.English, lazyInitialization: false);
            var internalCache = recognizer.GetInternalCache();

            Assert.IsTrue(internalCache.All(kv => kv.Key.culture == Culture.English));
        public void WithOtherCulture_NotUseTargetCulture()
            var recognizer  = new NumberWithUnitRecognizer(SpanishCulture);
            var testedModel = recognizer.GetCurrencyModel(EnglishCulture);

            TestNumberWithUnit(testedModel, controlModel, TestInput);
        public async Task <object> AnswerAsync(Question question)
            var results = NumberWithUnitRecognizer
                          .RecognizeCurrency(question.ToString(), Culture.English)
                          .Where(r => r.TypeName == "currency" && r.AttributesStrings().ContainsKey("isoCurrency"))

            if (!results.Any())
                throw new ArgumentException("Unknown currency: " + question);

            // currency conversion
            if (results.Count == 2 &&
                results[0].TypeName == "currency" &&
                results[1].TypeName == "currency")
                var from = results[0].AttributesStrings();
                var to   = results[1].AttributesStrings()["isoCurrency"];
                var rate = await GetCurrencyRateAsync(from["isoCurrency"], to);

                return(from.ContainsKey("value") && from["value"] is string value // present and not a null value
                    ? new Currency(decimal.Parse(value) * rate, to, symbolsByCode[to])
                    : rate as object);

            var parsed = string.Join(
                .Select(d => d.AttributesStrings())
                .Select(d => symbolsByCode[d["isoCurrency"]] + " " + d["unit"] + " (" + d["isoCurrency"] + ")")

        public string RecognizeAge(string query)
            var result = NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeAge(query, _culture);

            var values = result[0].Resolution.Values.ToList();

            return($"{values[1]} {values[0]}");
        protected override Task <PromptRecognizerResult <NumberWithUnitResult> > OnRecognizeAsync(ITurnContext turnContext, IDictionary <string, object> state, PromptOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            if (turnContext == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(turnContext));

            var result = new PromptRecognizerResult <NumberWithUnitResult>();

            if (turnContext.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                var message = turnContext.Activity.AsMessageActivity();
                var culture = turnContext.Activity.Locale ?? DefaultLocale ?? English;

                List <Microsoft.Recognizers.Text.ModelResult> results = null;

                switch (PromptType)
                case NumberWithUnitPromptType.Currency:
                    results = NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeCurrency(message.Text, culture);

                case NumberWithUnitPromptType.Dimension:
                    results = NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeDimension(message.Text, culture);

                case NumberWithUnitPromptType.Age:
                    results = NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeAge(message.Text, culture);

                case NumberWithUnitPromptType.Temperature:
                    results = NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeTemperature(message.Text, culture);

                if (results?.Count > 0)
                    var resolvedUnit  = results[0].Resolution["unit"].ToString();
                    var resolvedValue = results[0].Resolution["value"].ToString();

                    if (double.TryParse(resolvedValue, out var value))
                        result.Succeeded = true;

                        var numberWithUnitResult = new NumberWithUnitResult
                            Unit  = resolvedUnit,
                            Value = value

                        result.Value = numberWithUnitResult;

        public void TestCurrency()
            var model = NumberWithUnitRecognizer.GetCurrencyModel(Culture.Chinese);

                      "江苏彩民15元中大乐透1600万 奖池36.57亿",
                      "15 Chinese yuan");

                      "10000000 Chinese yuan");

                      "3657000000 Chinese yuan");

                      "1 Euro");

                      "1.0753 United States dollar");

                      "1.0092 Swiss franc");

                      "120000000000 United States dollar");

                      "1.95 Hong Kong dollar");

                      "530600000000 New Taiwan dollar");

                      "东芝重组另需1万亿日元 已向交易银行申请贷款",
                      "1000000000000 Japanese yen");

                      "445 Nigerian naira");

                      "15 United States dollar");

                      "10 United States dollar");
        public void RecognizeCurrency()
            var input  = "montgomery county , md . - - $ 75 million of general obligation , series b , consolidated public improvement bonds of 1989 , through a manufacturers hanover trust co . group .";
            var actual = NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeCurrency(input, Culture.English);

            Assert.AreEqual("currency", actual[0].TypeName);
            Assert.AreEqual("$ 75 million", actual[0].Text);
            Assert.AreEqual("75000000", actual[0].Resolution["value"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("Dollar", actual[0].Resolution["unit"]);
        public void RecognizeAge()
            var input = "When she was five years old, she learned to ride a bike.";

            var actual = NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeAge(input, Culture.English);

            Assert.AreEqual("age", actual[0].TypeName);
            Assert.AreEqual("five years old", actual[0].Text);
            Assert.AreEqual("5", actual[0].Resolution["value"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("Year", actual[0].Resolution["unit"]);
        public void RecognizeDimension()
            var input = "75ml";

            var actual = NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeDimension(input, Culture.English);

            Assert.AreEqual("dimension", actual[0].TypeName);
            Assert.AreEqual("75ml", actual[0].Text);
            Assert.AreEqual("75", actual[0].Resolution["value"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("Milliliter", actual[0].Resolution["unit"]);
        public void RecognizeTemperature()
            var input = "the temperature outside is 40 deg celsius";

            var actual = NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeTemperature(input, Culture.English);

            Assert.AreEqual("temperature", actual[0].TypeName);
            Assert.AreEqual("40 deg celsius", actual[0].Text);
            Assert.AreEqual("40", actual[0].Resolution["value"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("C", actual[0].Resolution["unit"]);
        private Tuple <string, string> ExtractNumberCurrency(string ammount)
            var res = NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeCurrency(ammount, Culture.French).Where(x => x.TypeName == "currency").FirstOrDefault();

            if (res != null)
                var amm = (string)res.Resolution["value"];
                var cur = (string)res.Resolution["unit"];
                return(new Tuple <string, string>(amm, cur));
            return(new Tuple <string, string>(null, null));
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse query with all recognizers
        /// </summary>
        private static IEnumerable <ModelResult> ParseAll(string query, string culture)
                       // Number recognizer will find any number from the input
                       // E.g "I have two apples" will return "2".
                       NumberRecognizer.RecognizeNumber(query, culture),

                       // Ordinal number recognizer will find any ordinal number
                       // E.g "eleventh" will return "11".
                       NumberRecognizer.RecognizeOrdinal(query, culture),

                       // Percentage recognizer will find any number presented as percentage
                       // E.g "one hundred percents" will return "100%"
                       NumberRecognizer.RecognizePercentage(query, culture),

                       // Number Range recognizer will find any cardinal or ordinal number range
                       // E.g. "between 2 and 5" will return "(2,5)"
                       NumberRecognizer.RecognizeNumberRange(query, culture),

                       // Age recognizer will find any age number presented
                       // E.g "After ninety five years of age, perspectives change" will return "95 Year"
                       NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeAge(query, culture),

                       // Currency recognizer will find any currency presented
                       // E.g "Interest expense in the 1988 third quarter was $ 75.3 million" will return "75300000 Dollar"
                       NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeCurrency(query, culture),

                       // Dimension recognizer will find any dimension presented
                       // E.g "The six-mile trip to my airport hotel that had taken 20 minutes earlier in the day took more than three hours." will return "6 Mile"
                       NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeDimension(query, culture),

                       // Temperature recognizer will find any temperature presented
                       // E.g "Set the temperature to 30 degrees celsius" will return "30 C"
                       NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeTemperature(query, culture),

                       // Datetime recognizer This model will find any Date even if its write in coloquial language
                       // E.g "I'll go back 8pm today" will return "2017-10-04 20:00:00"
                       DateTimeRecognizer.RecognizeDateTime(query, culture),

                       // PhoneNumber recognizer will find any phone number presented
                       // E.g "My phone number is ( 19 ) 38294427."
                       SequenceRecognizer.RecognizePhoneNumber(query, culture),

                       // Add IP recognizer - This recognizer will find any Ipv4/Ipv6 presented
                       // E.g "My Ip is"
                       SequenceRecognizer.RecognizeIpAddress(query, culture),

                       // Add Boolean recognizer - This model will find yes/no like responses, including emoji -
                       // E.g "yup, I need that" will return "True"
                       ChoiceRecognizer.RecognizeBoolean(query, culture)
        public void TestDimension()
            var model = NumberWithUnitRecognizer.GetDimensionModel(Culture.Chinese);

                      "3870000 Mu");

                      "200000 Kilogram");

                      "168 Cntimeter");

                      "澳联邦警察与维州警方在墨尔本缴获近一吨冰毒,为澳洲史上最大冰毒走私案。(澳洲联邦警察局 ...",
                      "1 Ton");
        private static bool IsValidNumberCurrency(string ammount, string currency)
            if ((String.IsNullOrEmpty(currency)) || (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ammount)))
            if (NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeCurrency(ammount, Culture.French).Where(x => x.TypeName == "currency").FirstOrDefault() != null)
                // var ret = res.Resolution["value"];
                if (NumberRecognizer.RecognizeNumber(ammount, Culture.French).Where(x => x.TypeName == "number").FirstOrDefault() != null)

        private static List <ModelResult> RecognizeNumberWithUnit(string utterance, string culture)
            var number = NumberRecognizer.RecognizeNumber(utterance, culture);

            if (number.Any())
                // Result when it matches with a number recognizer
                // Analyze every option for numberWithUnit
                var results = new List <List <ModelResult> >();
                results.Add(NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeCurrency(utterance, culture));
                results.Add(NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeAge(utterance, culture));
                results.Add(NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeTemperature(utterance, culture));
                results.Add(NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeDimension(utterance, culture));

                // Filter the options that returned nothing and return the one that matched
                return(results.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Any()) ?? new List <ModelResult>());
        private static IEnumerable <ModelResult> ParseAll(string query, string culture)
                       // Number recognizer will find any number from the input
                       NumberRecognizer.RecognizeNumber(query, culture),

                       // Ordinal number recognizer will find any ordinal number
                       NumberRecognizer.RecognizeOrdinal(query, culture),

                       // Percentage recognizer will find any number presented as percentage
                       NumberRecognizer.RecognizePercentage(query, culture),

                       // Number Range recognizer will find any cardinal or ordinal number range
                       NumberRecognizer.RecognizeNumberRange(query, culture),

                       // Age recognizer will find any age number presented
                       NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeAge(query, culture),

                       // Currency recognizer will find any currency presented
                       NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeCurrency(query, culture),

                       // Dimension recognizer will find any dimension presented
                       NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeDimension(query, culture),

                       // Temperature recognizer will find any temperature presented
                       NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeTemperature(query, culture),

                       // Datetime recognizer This model will find any Date even if its write in coloquial language
                       DateTimeRecognizer.RecognizeDateTime(query, culture),

                       // PhoneNumber recognizer will find any phone number presented
                       SequenceRecognizer.RecognizePhoneNumber(query, culture),

                       // Add IP recognizer - This recognizer will find any Ipv4/Ipv6 presented
                       SequenceRecognizer.RecognizeIpAddress(query, culture)
        [NotNull] public static Extraction CurrencyAndAmount(string input, string culture = Culture.EnglishOthers)
            Extraction Extract()
                var results = NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeCurrency(input, culture);

                //Try to get the result
                var cur = results.FirstOrDefault(d => d.TypeName.StartsWith("currency"));

                if (cur == null)

                var values = cur.Resolution;

                if (!values.TryGetValue("unit", out var unitObj) || !(unitObj is string unit))
                    return(new Extraction("unit"));

                if (!values.TryGetValue("value", out var valueObj) || !(valueObj is string value))
                    return(new Extraction("value"));

                if (!decimal.TryParse(value, out var deci))
                    return(new Extraction("value"));

                return(new Extraction(unit, deci));

            return(Extract() ?? new Extraction("value,unit"));
        public Task <object> AnswerAsync(Question question)
            var questionText = question.ToString();
            var results      = NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeDimension(questionText, Culture.English)
                               .Union(NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeTemperature(questionText, Culture.English))

            // unit conversion - using microsoft recognizers for extraction
            if (results.Count == 2)
                var from = results[0].AttributesStrings();
                var to   = results[1].AttributesStrings();

                if (TryConvert(double.Parse(from["value"]), from["unit"], to["unit"], out var result))
                    return(Task.FromResult <object>(Math.Round(result, 10)));

            // unit conversion - using regex for extraction
            var match = Regex.Match(questionText, @"(?<number>[-\.\d]+) (?<fromUnit>[\w ]*) (?:to|in|as) (?<toUnit>[\w ]*)"); // match "<Number> meters to miles"

            if (match.Success)
                var number   = double.Parse(match.Groups["number"].Value);
                var fromUnit = match.Groups["fromUnit"].Value;
                var toUnit   = match.Groups["toUnit"].Value;

                if (TryConvert(number, fromUnit, toUnit, out var result))
                    return(Task.FromResult <object>(Math.Round(result, 10)));

            throw new Exception("Not matched");
 /// <summary>
 /// Age recognizing implementation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="text">Text to recognize.</param>
 /// <param name="culture"><see cref="Culture"/> to use.</param>
 /// <returns>The recognized <see cref="ModelResult"/> list.</returns>
 protected override List <ModelResult> Recognize(string text, string culture)
     return(NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeAge(text, culture));
 public void RecognizeDimension(string text, string culture, string scale, string typeName)
     NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeDimension(text, culture);
 public void RecognizeTemperature(string text, string culture, string scale, string typeName)
     NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeTemperature(text, culture);
 public void RecognizeCurrency(string text, string culture, string scale, string typeName)
     NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeCurrency(text, culture);
        public void TestCurrency()
            var model = NumberWithUnitRecognizer.GetCurrencyModel(Culture.English);

                      "montgomery county , md . - - $ 75 million of general obligation , series b , consolidated public improvement bonds of 1989 , through a manufacturers hanover trust co . group .",
                      "75000000 Dollar");

                      "finnish conglomerate nokia oy ab said it reached an agreement to buy dutch cable company nkf kabel b . v . for 420 million finnish markka .",
                      "420000000 Finnish markka");

                      "national paid siegel and shuster $94,000 to drop all claims .",
                      "94000 Dollar");

                      "general dynamics services co . , a unit of general dynamics corp . , won a $48.2 million army contract to establish maintenance facilities for tracked vehicles in pakistan .",
                      "48200000 Dollar");

                      "the price of the second simulator ranges between c $ 16.4 million",
                      "16400000 Canadian dollar");

                      "golar gas holding co . , a subsidiary of gotaas - larsen shipping corp . , offering of $ 280 million first preferred ship mortgage notes , via merrill lynch capital markets .",
                      "280000000 Dollar");

                      "bard / ems had 1988 sales of about $ 14 million , birtcher said .",
                      "14000000 Dollar");

                      "accord prices start at $ 12,345 .",
                      "12345 Dollar");

                      "` ` batman ' ' alone has racked up more than $ 247 million in box - office receipts to date , making it warner bros . ' largest grossing film ever .",
                      "247000000 Dollar");

                      "coyle ' s net worth was estimated at £ 8.10 million in october 2014 .",
                      "8100000 Pound");

                      "net interest income sank 27 % in the quarter to $ 254 million.",
                      "254000000 Dollar");

                      "a federal appeals court struck down a natural - gas regulation that had prevented pipeline companies from passing to customers part of $ 1 billion in costs from controversial ` ` take - or - pay ' ' contracts .",
                      "1000000000 Dollar");

                      "the 1988 quarter also included one - time gains totaling about $ 35 million .",
                      "35000000 Dollar");

                      "y . j . park and her family scrimped for four years to buy a tiny apartment here , but found that the closer they got to saving the $ 40,000 they originally needed , the more the price rose .",
                      "40000 Dollar");

                      "e . robert wallach was sentenced by a u . s . judge in new york to six years in prison and fined $ 250,000 for his racketeering conviction in the wedtech scandal .",
                      "250000 Dollar");

                      "an article in the middle east economic survey ( mees ) published today wednesday reveals that iraq has asked its clients to pay 50 cents more per barrel of oil over the official oil price as of december 1 into an account not under united nations supervision .",
                      "50 Cent");

                      "general motors corp . ' s chevrolet division , reacting to slow sales , said it will offer $ 800 rebates on its 1990 beretta , the two - door version of its core compact - car line .",
                      "800 Dollar");

                      "( storer also took $ 125 million of junior sci tv bonds as partial payment for the tv assets . )",
                      "125000000 Dollar");

                      "in national over - the - counter trading friday , scimed shares tumbled $ 2.75 .",
                      "2.75 Dollar");

                      "at the same time , investors estimate the restructuring would cut the company ' s annual cash interest bill from about $ 90 million.",
                      "90000000 Dollar");

                      "capital expenditure in 1990 will rise slightly , mr . marous said , from an estimated $ 470 million this year .",
                      "470000000 Dollar");

                      "shearson ` ` really only has $ 300 million of capital , ' ' says mr . bowman of s & p .",
                      "300000000 Dollar");

                      "it may be straightforward - - he wants money for food - - or incredibly convoluted ; his sister is at this very moment near death in hoboken , he has lost his wallet and has only $ 1.22 in change to put toward a bus ticket costing , and wo n ' t you give him the difference ?",
                      "1.22 Dollar");

                      "the december contract rose 1.20 cents ",
                      "1.2 Cent");

                      "walter kirchberger , an analyst with painewebber inc . , said that offering holders a higher , $ 70 - a - share price is ` ` a fairly effective method of blocking ' ' the stena - tiphook bid .",
                      "70 Dollar");

                      "net sales for this year ' s third quarter were $ 14 million  last year .",
                      "14000000 Dollar");

                      "the parent company of first national bank of chicago , with $ 48 billion in assets , said it set aside to absorb losses on loans and investments in financially troubled countries .",
                      "48000000000 Dollar");

                      "fluor corp . said it was awarded a $ 300 million contract to provide engineering and construction - management services at a copper mine in irian jaya , indonesia , for a unit of freeport - mcmoran copper co .",
                      "300000000 Dollar");

                      "the american stock exchange said a seat was sold for down $ 5,000 from the previous sale last friday .",
                      "5000 Dollar");

                      "warner communications inc . , which is being acquired by time warner , has filed a $ 1 billion breach - of - contract suit against sony and the two producers .",
                      "1000000000 Dollar");

                      "in august , asarco , through its lac d ' amiante du quebec subsidiary , sold its remaining one - third interest in an asbestos mining limited partnership in canada for $ 11.7 million .",
                      "11700000 Dollar");

                      "in 1988 , exports of domestically produced toys and games fell 19 % from 1987 , to hk $ 10.05 billion .",
                      "10050000000 Hong Kong dollar");

                      "fiscal fourth - quarter sales grew about 18 % to from $ 1.17 billion a year earlier .",
                      "1170000000 Dollar");

                      "during the first hour of trading yesterday , prices fell as much as 1 / 4 point , or down about $ 2.50 for each face amount .",
                      "2.5 Dollar");

                      "new jersey , for example , was asked to accept $ 300,000 , but refused .",
                      "300000 Dollar");

                      "sales rose 6 . 2 % to $ 1.45 billion .",
                      "1450000000 Dollar");

                      "as of yesterday afternoon , the redemptions represented less than 15 % of the total cash position of about $ 2 billion of fidelity ' s stock funds .",
                      "2000000000 Dollar");

                      "onvia . com inc . , down 34 cents",
                      "34 Cent");

                      "the tw prospectus says that if the acquisition had been completed earlier , pretax earnings ` ` would have been insufficient to cover its fixed charges , including interest on debt securities , ' ' by approximately $ 62.7 million in the first six months of 1989 .",
                      "62700000 Dollar");

                      "filenet noted that it had cash and marketable securities totaling $ 22.5 million on sept . 30 , and stockholders.",
                      "22500000 Dollar");

                      "for the 20 most expensive restaurants in the city , the price of a dinner rose from $ 63.45 , also an 8 percent increase .",
                      "63.45 Dollar");

                      "trans world airlines inc . , offering of $ 150 million senior notes , via drexel burnham .",
                      "150000000 Dollar");

                      "the fettuccine with portobello mushrooms costs $ 8.50 .",
                      "8.5 Dollar");

                      "the march delivery ended with an advance of  to 14.27 cents .",
                      "14.27 Cent");

                      "interest expense in the 1988 third quarter was $ 75.3 million .",
                      "75300000 Dollar");

                      "the $ 2.38 billion dalkon shield claimants trust was established as part of a . h . robins ' bankruptcy - reorganization plan to resolve injury claims arising from use of the shield .",
                      "2380000000 Dollar");

                      "the terms of the offer put a value of 528 million francs on the 32 . 99 % shareholding .",
                      "528000000 Franc");

                      "russia has accepted a us $ 150 million world bank loan to combat the spread of aids and tuberculosis , ending a negotiating process that lasted four years , world bank officials said friday .",
                      "150000000 United States dollar");

                      "the previous bellsouth pact was valued at about $ 98 a share .",
                      "98 Dollar");

                      "one dealer said the talk was that the firm sold about $ 500 million of bellwether 30 - year bonds .",
                      "500000000 Dollar");

                      "for the third quarter , sears said its total revenue rose 4 . 8 % to $ 13.18 billion a year earlier .",
                      "13180000000 Dollar");

                      "for the nine months , ethyl said net fell 2 % or $ 1.40 a share",
                      "1.4 Dollar");

                      "analysts ' expectations suggest a september current account deficit of 1 . 6 billion ( $ 2.54 billion ) , compared with august ' s 2 . 0 billion deficit .",
                      "2540000000 Dollar");

                      "125 million australian dollars of zero - coupon eurobonds due dec . 12 , 1994 , priced at 50 . 9375 to yield 15 . 06 % less fees via hambros bank ltd .",
                      "125000000 Australian dollar");

                      "on friday , the chief cabinet secretary announced that eight cabinet ministers had received five million yen from the industry",
                      "5000000 Japanese yen");

                      " including 450,000 yen by prime minister toshiki kaifu .",
                      "450000 Japanese yen");

                      "orkem s . a . , a french state - controlled chemical manufacturer , is making a friendly bid of 470 pence a share for the 59 . 2 % of u . k . specialty chemical group coates brothers plc which it does n ' t already own , the two sides said .",
                      "470 Pence");

                      "august adjusted spending by wage - earning families was down 0 . 6 % to 309,381 yen from a year earlier .",
                      "309381 Japanese yen");

                      "national income realty trust said it will resume dividend payments with a 12-cent-a-share dividend to be paid nov . 6 to shares of record oct . 25 .",
                      "12 Cent");

                      "mr . bowder said the c $ 300 million charge to earnings",
                      "300000000 Canadian dollar");

                      "would amount to about c $ 1.34 a share .",
                      "1.34 Canadian dollar");

                      "egg prices averaged 64.2 cents a dozen .",
                      "64.2 Cent");

                      "still , it said it expects sales for all of 1989 to be on the order of 20 billion francs , reflecting anticipated billings for two large contracts in the second half of the year .",
                      "20000000000 Franc");

                      "the transaction called for mr . murdoch ' s news international plc , a unit of australia - based news corp . , to subscribe to a rights issue by zeta valued at 6.65 billion pesetas .",
                      "6650000000 Peseta");

                      "fujitsu ltd . said it wants to withdraw its controversial one-yen bid to design a waterworks computer system for the city of hiroshima .",
                      "1 Japanese yen");

                      "250 million dutch guilders of 7 3 / 4 % bonds due nov . 15 , 1999 , priced at 101 1 / 4 to yield 7 . 57 % at issue price and 7 . 86 % less full fees , via amro bank .",
                      "250000000 Netherlands guilder");

                      "in addition , the bank has an option to buy a 30 . 84 % stake in bip from societe generale after jan . 1 , 1990 at 1,015 francs a share .",
                      "1015 Franc");

                      "its shares slid in late dealings to close one penny",
                      "1 Penny");

                      "per share lower at 197 pence.",
                      "197 Pence");

                      "its quarterly operating profit improved to 361 million pounds ",
                      "361000000 Pound");

                      "last year , the gross output value of township enterprises of the whole city broke through 100 billion yuan for the first time , ranking first in the entire province .",
                      "100000000000 Chinese yuan");

                      "rangers got to keep an estimated £ 50 million saved by baxendale - walker ' s advice .",
                      "50000000 Pound");

                      "in turn , francis leung pak - to has agreed to sell an 8 % stake in pccw to telefónica for 323 million euros .",
                      "323000000 Euro");

                      "uefa charged ferguson for bringing the game into disrepute with his comments , and on 1 may that year he was fined 10,000 swiss francs  .",
                      "10000 Swiss franc");

                      "the ipl signed up kingfisher airlines as the official umpire partner for the series in a ( approximately £ 15 million ) deal .",
                      "15000000 Pound");

                      "the revenue of adelaide ' s electronics industry has grown at about 15 % per annum since 1990 , and in 2011 exceeds a $ 4 billion .",
                      "4000000000 Dollar");

                      "abel and associates bid $ 4 million for doing the film ' s effects and paramount accepted .",
                      "4000000 Dollar");

                      "uefa charged ferguson for bringing the game into disrepute with his comments , and on 1 may that year he was fined 10,000 swiss francs  .",
                      "10000 Swiss franc");

                      "malone sued 20th century - fox for $ 1.6 million for breach of contract ;",
                      "1600000 Dollar");

                      "in 2003 , bayern munich loaned € 2 million to dortmund for a couple of months to pay their payroll .",
                      "2000000 Euro");

                      "lockheed martin and the united states government intensively lobbied for india ' s us $ 10 billion contract for 126 fighter jets .",
                      "10000000000 United States dollar");

                      "according to research firm npd , the average selling price of all windows portable pcs has fallen from $ 659 in october 2008 to",
                      "659 Dollar");

                      "one . tel floated on the australian stock exchange at $ 2 per share in november 1997 .",
                      "2 Dollar");

                      "the east stand ( worcester avenue ) stand was finished in 1934 and this increased capacity to around 80 , 000 spectators but cost £ 60,000 .",
                      "60000 Pound");

                      "his fulham teammate johnny haynes became the first £ 100 player .",
                      "100 Pound");

                      "for the nine months , amr ' s net rose 15 % to $ 415.9 million",
                      "415900000 Dollar");

                      "the airline ' s share price already is far below the 210 pence  level seen after the company announced the rights issue in late september .",
                      "210 Pence");

                      "rolling stone noted , ` ` harpercollins acquired the book project for $ 3 million in 2008 .",
                      "3000000 Dollar");

                      "their conclusion was a terse pronouncement that $ 48 \" is not adequate . \"",
                      "48 Dollar");

                      "2013 , edition of forbes magazine features keith on the cover with the caption ` ` country music ' s $ 500 million man ' ' .",
                      "500000000 Dollar");

                      "harry ferguson sued us ford for illegal use of his patents asking for compensation of £ 90 million , settled out of court in 1952 .",
                      "90000000 Pound");

                      "aerosmith signed with columbia in mid - 1972 for a reported $ 125,000 and issued their debut album , aerosmith .",
                      "125000 Dollar");

                      "it was one of coke ' s largest acquisitions since it bought odwalla inc . for $ 186 million in 2001 .",
                      "186000000 Dollar");

                      "subsequently , apple and creative reached a settlement , with apple paying $ 100 million to creative , and creative joining the ` ` made for ipod ' ' accessory program .",
                      "100000000 Dollar");

                      "in turn , francis leung pak - to has agreed to sell an 8 % stake in pccw to telefónica for 323 million euros .",
                      "323000000 Euro");

                      "malone sued 20th century - fox for $ 1.6 million for breach of contract ;",
                      "1600000 Dollar");

                      "in 2003 , bayern munich loaned € 2 million to dortmund for a couple of months to pay their payroll .",
                      "2000000 Euro");

                      "lockheed martin and the united states government intensively lobbied for india ' s us $ 10 billion contract for 126 fighter jets .",
                      "10000000000 United States dollar");

                      "the hart - scott filing is then reviewed and any antitrust concerns usually met . typically , hart - scott is used now to give managers of target firms early news of a bid and a chance to use regulatory review as a delaying tactic . the $ 20,000 tax would be a small cost in a multibillion - dollar deal , but a serious drag on thousands of small , friendly deals .",
                      new string[] { "20000 Dollar", "Dollar" });

                      "dollar : 143.80 yen , up 0 . 95 ; 1 . 8500 marks , up 0 . 0085 .",
                      new string[] { "143.8 Japanese yen", "Dollar" });
        public void TestDimension()
            var model = NumberWithUnitRecognizer.GetDimensionModel(Culture.English);

                      "75 Milliliter");

                      "its greatest drawback may be its 3-inch thickness , big enough for one consultant to describe it as ` ` clunky . ' '",
                      "3 Inch");

                      "a twister roared through an area about ten miles long there , killing at least fourteen people and turning dozens of homes into rubble .",
                      "10 Mile");

                      "it takes more than 10 1/2 miles of cable and wire to hook it all up , and 23 computers .",
                      "10.5 Mile");

                      "the six-mile trip to my airport hotel that had taken 20 minutes earlier in the day took more than three hours .",
                      "6 Mile");

                      "industrywide , oil production in this country fell by 500,000 barrels a day to barrels in the first eight months of this year .",
                      "500000 Barrel");

                      "it ' s what 1 ) explains why we are like , well , ourselves rather than bo jackson ; 2 ) cautions that it ' s possible to drown in a lake that averages two feet deep ; and 3 ) predicts that 10 , 000 monkeys placed before 10 , 000 pianos would produce 1 , 118 publishable rock ' n ' roll tunes .",
                      "2 Foot");

                      "on may 19 , the fda began detaining chinese mushrooms in 68-ounce cans after more than 100 people in mississippi , new york and pennsylvania became ill from eating tainted mushrooms .",
                      "68 Ounce");

                      "mr . hulings gloats that he sold all his stocks a week before the market plummeted 190 points on oct . 13 , and he is using the money to help buy a 45-acre horse farm .",
                      "45 Square meter");

                      "then , to make these gardenettes quite literally rooms , ms . bartlett had thrown up windowless walls ( brick , lattice , hedge ) eight to 10 feet tall , casting her interiors into day - long stygian shade .",
                      "10 Foot");

                      "` ` management does n ' t want surprises , ' ' notes jack zaves , who , as fuel - services director at american airlines , buys some 2.4 billion gallons of jet fuel a year .",
                      "2400000000 Gallon");

                      "a 10-gallon water cooler had toppled onto the floor , soaking the red carpeting .",
                      "10 Gallon");

                      "nearby , six dolphins will frolic in a 1.5 million gallon saltwater aquarium .",
                      "1500000 Gallon");

                      "and this baby is over two pounds .",
                      "2 Pound");

                      "` ` i do n ' t trust people who do n ' t eat , ' ' said ms . volokh , though she herself stopped eating lunch a few years ago to drop 25 pounds .",
                      "25 Pound");

                      "shell , a subsidiary of royal dutch / shell group , will be allowed to export 0.9 trillion cubic feet , and gulf , a unit of olympia & york developments ltd . will be allowed to export",
                      "900000000000 Cubic feet");

                      "highlights of the bills , as currently framed , are : - - a restriction on the amount of real estate one family can own , to 660 square meters in the nation ' s six largest cities , but more in smaller cities and rural areas .",
                      "660 Square meter");

                      "tigrean armies are now 200 miles north of addis ababa , threatening the town of dese , which would cut off mr . mengistu ' s capital from the port of assab , through which all fuel and other supplies reach addis ababa .",
                      "200 Mile");

                      "he said that one of the computers took a three-foot trip sliding across the floor .",
                      "3 Foot");

                      "the core of its holdings is 190,000 square meters of incredibly expensive property in the marunouchi district , the business and financial center of tokyo , often jokingly called ` ` mitsubishi village . ' '",
                      "190000 Square meter");

                      "the satellite , built by hughes for the international telecommunications satellite organization , is part of a $ 700 million contract awarded to hughes in 1982 to develop five of the three-ton satellites .",
                      "3 Ton");

                      "in a 1996 report on biological weapons , the center for strategic and international studies , a public policy research institution in washington , warned that it was easy for would - be terrorists to assemble biological weapons _ using commercial equipment with a capacity of 130 gallons .",
                      "130 Gallon");

                      "the trade group ' s compilation of commerce department data showed that august imports , the second largest monthly total of the year , were up 5 % from july ' s 1,458,000 tons but below last year ' s high of in june 1988 .",
                      "1458000 Ton");

                      "at no . 1 , singh hit a 9 - iron approach shot to within six feet of the cup .",
                      "6 Foot");

                      "so when next year ' s psyllium crop is harvested in march , it may be smaller than the 16,000 metric tons of the past few years - - right at the crest of the psyllium boom .",
                      "16000 Metric ton");

                      "the 486 is the descendant of a long series of intel chips that began dominating the market ever since ibm picked the 16-bit 8088 chip for its first personal computer .",
                      "16 Bit");

                      "the ` ` jiotto caspita ' ' can run at over 188 miles an hour , a company spokesman said .",
                      "188 Mile per hour");

                      "the navy has set up a helicopter landing zone just a 100 meters from a mobile operating room , just on the outskirts of baghdad .",
                      "100 Meter");

                      "caltrans plans to add a second deck for buses and car pools above the median of a 2.5-mile stretch of the harbor freeway just south of los angeles , near the memorial coliseum .",
                      "2.5 Mile");

                      "on my four-mile drive to farm headquarters each morning , i drive by another four empty houses .",
                      "4 Mile");

                      "we are insulted , \" said langa from the greek catholic headquarters , some 325 kilometer northwest of bucharest .",
                      "325 Kilometer");

                      "rotich is a tiny ( 5 feet",
                      "5 Foot");

                      "4 inches) 28 - year - old who did not start running seriously until three years ago and had not competed indoors until this month .",
                      "4 Inch");

                      "raceway park ( minnesota ) in shakopee is a 1/4 mile paved oval .",
                      "0.25 Mile");

                      "castlecrag mountain is located south of moat lake , 1.6 km west of mount frink along the same ridge line .",
                      "1.6 Kilometer");

                      "the javadi hills are located about 17 km from ambur .",
                      "17 Kilometer");

                      "after circling lake michigan near the exposition for two hours , commander hugo eckener landed the 776-foot airship at the nearby curtiss - wright airport in glenview .",
                      "776 Foot");

                      "the interchange with highway 35 and highway 115 to lindsay and peterborough ( exit 436 ) lies 500 metres east of bennett road .",
                      "500 Meter");

                      "in 1995 canon introduced the first commercially available slr lens with internal image stabilization , ef 75 -300mm f / 4 - 5 . 6 is usm .",
                      "300 Micrometer");

                      "sterling armaments of dagenham , essex produced a conversion kit comprising a new 7.62mm barrel , magazine , extractor and ejector for commercial sale .",
                      "7.62 Micrometer");

                      "the project costs $ 46 . 8 million , and is intended to boost the company ' s production capacity by 25 % to 34,500 metric tons of copper cathode a year .",
                      "34500 Metric ton");

                      "canadian steel - ingot production totaled 291,890 metric tons in the week ended oct . 7 , up 14 . 8 % from the preceding week ' s total of , statistics canada , a federal agency , said .",
                      "291890 Metric ton");

                      "florida panthers live in home ranges between 190 km2 .",
                      "190 Square kilometer");

                      "a metric ton is equal to 2,204.62 pounds .",
                      new string[] { "2204.62 Pound", "Metric ton" });

            /* Unpassed
             * BasicTest(
             * "a mile wide asteroid hits us , on average , only once every three hundred thousand years .",
             * "1 Mile");
             * BasicTest(
             * "california ' s wholesale electricity prices , which had been capped at 250 dollars per megawatt hour in a regulated market , have peaked under deregulation at 1400 dollars per megawatt hour .",
             * "250 dollars per megawatt hour");
             * BasicTest(
             * "first flight in hawker horsley 21 december 1935 , 950 horsepower ( 708 kw ) at .",
             * "950 horsepower");
             * BasicTest(
             * "far above in the belfry , the huge bronze bells , mounted on wheels , swing madly through a full 360 degrees , starting and ending , surprisingly , in the inverted , or mouth - up position .",
             * "360 degrees");
             * BasicTest(
             * "one austro - hungarian b iii was experimentally fitted with a 119 kw ( 160 hp ) mercedes d . iii engine .",
             * " 119 kw");
             * BasicTest(
             * "however , premier incorporated the nissan a12 ( 1,171 cc and 52 bhp ) powertrain instead of the original fiat engine along with a nissan manual gearbox .",
             * "1171 cc");
 public void TestAge()
     var model = NumberWithUnitRecognizer.GetAgeModel(Culture.English);
        public void TestTemperature()
            var model = NumberWithUnitRecognizer.GetTemperatureModel(Culture.English);

            BasicTest(model, "the temperature outside is 40 deg celsius", "40 C");

            BasicTest(model, "its 90 fahrenheit in texas", "90 F");

            BasicTest(model, "-5 degree fahrenheit", "-5 F");

            BasicTest(model, "6 deg c", "6 C");

            BasicTest(model, "98.6 degrees f is normal temperature", "98.6 F");

            BasicTest(model, "set the temperature to 30 degrees celsius", "30 C");

            BasicTest(model, "normal temperature is 98.6 degrees fahrenheit", "98.6 F");

            BasicTest(model, "100 degrees f", "100 F");

            BasicTest(model, "20 degrees c", "20 C");

            BasicTest(model, "100.2 degrees farenheit is low", "100.2 F");

            BasicTest(model, "10.5 celcius", "10.5 C");

            BasicTest(model, "20 degrees celsius", "20 C");

            BasicTest(model, "20.3 celsius", "20.3 C");

            BasicTest(model, "34.5 celcius", "34.5 C");

            BasicTest(model, "the temperature outside is 98 degrees", "98 Degree");

            BasicTest(model, "set the thermostat to 85°", "85 Degree");

            BasicTest(model, "raise the temperature by 5 degrees", "5 Degree");

            BasicTest(model, "set the temperature to 70 degrees f", "70 F");

            BasicTest(model, "raise the temperature by 20 degrees", "20 Degree");

            BasicTest(model, "set the temperature to 100 degrees", "100 Degree");

            BasicTest(model, "keep the temperature at 75 degrees f", "75 F");

            BasicTest(model, "let the temperature be at 40 celsius", "40 C");

            BasicTest(model, "let the temperature be at 50 deg. ", "50 Degree");

            BasicTest(model, "convert 10 celsius to fahrenheit", new string[] { "10 C", "F" });

            BasicTest(model, "34.9 centigrate to farenheit", new string[] { "34.9 C", "F" });

            BasicTest(model, "convert 200 celsius celsius into fahrenheit", new string[] { "200 C", "C", "F" });

            BasicTest(model, "fahrenheit to celsius 101 fahrenheit is how much celsius", new string[] { "101 F", "F", "C", "C" });

            BasicTest(model, "50 degrees celsius celsius to fahrenheit", new string[] { "50 C", "C", "F" });

            BasicTest(model, "could you convert 51 fahrenheit to degrees celsius", new string[] { "51 F", "C" });

            BasicTest(model, "convert 106 degree fahrenheit to degrees celsius", new string[] { "106 F", "C" });

            BasicTest(model, "convert 45 degrees fahrenheit to celsius", new string[] { "45 F", "C" });

            BasicTest(model, "how to convert - 20 degrees fahrenheit to celsius", new string[] { "-20 F", "C" });