protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["Islogged"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/VisitorPages/HomeVisitor.aspx"); } if (Session["IsLogged"].ToString() != "LoggingCorrectly") // more protect than Session["IsLogged] != null. { Response.Redirect("~/VisitorPages/HomeVisitor.aspx"); } if (IsPostBack) { if (DocDList.Items.Count == 0) { return; } DataClassesDataContext dc = new DataClassesDataContext(); var countOfStep = from step in dc.WorkflowDocuments join doc in dc.Documents on step.IdDoc equals doc.IdDoc where doc.IdDoc == int.Parse(DocDList.SelectedValue) group step by step.IdDoc into NumSteps select new { countOfWorkflow = NumSteps.Count() }; int count = 0; if (countOfStep.Count() > 0) { foreach (var v in countOfStep) { count = v.countOfWorkflow; // get the number of workflow. } } StepLabel.Text = (count + 1).ToString(); ViewState["Count"] = count; } }
public override string ToString() => $"{NumSteps.ToString("e")},{FullTime},{HalfwayDiff.ToString("e")},{FullDiff.ToString("e")}," + $"{EnergyFluctuation.ToString("e")},{RadiusFluctuation.ToString("e")}";
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (BatchSize != 0) { hash ^= BatchSize.GetHashCode(); } hash ^= dataAugmentationOptions_.GetHashCode(); if (SyncReplicas != false) { hash ^= SyncReplicas.GetHashCode(); } if (KeepCheckpointEveryNHours != 0F) { hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseSingleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(KeepCheckpointEveryNHours); } if (optimizer_ != null) { hash ^= Optimizer.GetHashCode(); } if (GradientClippingByNorm != 0F) { hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseSingleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(GradientClippingByNorm); } if (FineTuneCheckpoint.Length != 0) { hash ^= FineTuneCheckpoint.GetHashCode(); } if (FineTuneCheckpointType.Length != 0) { hash ^= FineTuneCheckpointType.GetHashCode(); } if (FromDetectionCheckpoint != false) { hash ^= FromDetectionCheckpoint.GetHashCode(); } if (LoadAllDetectionCheckpointVars != false) { hash ^= LoadAllDetectionCheckpointVars.GetHashCode(); } if (NumSteps != 0) { hash ^= NumSteps.GetHashCode(); } if (StartupDelaySteps != 0F) { hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseSingleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(StartupDelaySteps); } if (BiasGradMultiplier != 0F) { hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseSingleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(BiasGradMultiplier); } hash ^= updateTrainableVariables_.GetHashCode(); hash ^= freezeVariables_.GetHashCode(); if (ReplicasToAggregate != 0) { hash ^= ReplicasToAggregate.GetHashCode(); } if (BatchQueueCapacity != 0) { hash ^= BatchQueueCapacity.GetHashCode(); } if (NumBatchQueueThreads != 0) { hash ^= NumBatchQueueThreads.GetHashCode(); } if (PrefetchQueueCapacity != 0) { hash ^= PrefetchQueueCapacity.GetHashCode(); } if (MergeMultipleLabelBoxes != false) { hash ^= MergeMultipleLabelBoxes.GetHashCode(); } if (UseMulticlassScores != false) { hash ^= UseMulticlassScores.GetHashCode(); } if (AddRegularizationLoss != false) { hash ^= AddRegularizationLoss.GetHashCode(); } if (MaxNumberOfBoxes != 0) { hash ^= MaxNumberOfBoxes.GetHashCode(); } if (UnpadGroundtruthTensors != false) { hash ^= UnpadGroundtruthTensors.GetHashCode(); } if (RetainOriginalImages != false) { hash ^= RetainOriginalImages.GetHashCode(); } if (UseBfloat16 != false) { hash ^= UseBfloat16.GetHashCode(); } if (SummarizeGradients != false) { hash ^= SummarizeGradients.GetHashCode(); } if (_unknownFields != null) { hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
public override string SolutionTwo() { var positions = new Dictionary <Utils.CoOrd, NumSteps>(); var pathnum = 1; foreach (var input in Input) { var steps = 0; var path = input.Split(','); var pos = new Utils.CoOrd(0, 0); foreach (var pathsect in path) { var direction = pathsect.Substring(0, 1); var length = int.Parse(pathsect.Substring(1)); int newy; int newx; switch (direction) { case "U": newy = pos.y + length; for (var y = pos.y + 1; y <= newy; y++) { steps++; var newpos = new Utils.CoOrd(pos.x, y); if (!positions.ContainsKey(newpos)) { positions.Add(newpos, new NumSteps(pathnum, steps)); } else { if (positions[newpos].pathnum < pathnum) { positions[newpos] = new NumSteps(positions[newpos].pathnum + pathnum, positions[newpos].steps + steps); } } pos.y++; } break; case "D": newy = pos.y - length; for (var y = pos.y - 1; y >= newy; y--) { steps++; var newpos = new Utils.CoOrd(pos.x, y); if (!positions.ContainsKey(newpos)) { positions.Add(newpos, new NumSteps(pathnum, steps)); } else { if (positions[newpos].pathnum < pathnum) { positions[newpos] = new NumSteps(positions[newpos].pathnum + pathnum, positions[newpos].steps + steps); } } pos.y--; } break; case "R": newx = pos.x + length; for (var x = pos.x + 1; x <= newx; x++) { steps++; var newpos = new Utils.CoOrd(x, pos.y); if (!positions.ContainsKey(newpos)) { positions.Add(newpos, new NumSteps(pathnum, steps)); } else { if (positions[newpos].pathnum < pathnum) { positions[newpos] = new NumSteps(positions[newpos].pathnum + pathnum, positions[newpos].steps + steps); } } pos.x++; } break; case "L": newx = pos.x - length; for (var x = pos.x - 1; x >= newx; x--) { steps++; var newpos = new Utils.CoOrd(x, pos.y); if (!positions.ContainsKey(newpos)) { positions.Add(newpos, new NumSteps(pathnum, steps)); } else { if (positions[newpos].pathnum < pathnum) { positions[newpos] = new NumSteps(positions[newpos].pathnum + pathnum, positions[newpos].steps + steps); } } pos.x--; } break; } } pathnum++; } var crosses = positions.Where(p => p.Value.pathnum == 3).ToList(); crosses = crosses.OrderBy(p => p.Value.steps).ToList(); return((crosses[0].Value.steps).ToString()); }