        void CalculateNozzleCurveParameters()
            double sqrtArea = Math.Sqrt(areaRatio);

            E.y = sqrtArea;
            E.x = relLength * (sqrtArea - 1) / NozzleUtils.GetConical15DegConstant();

            N.x = 0.382 * Math.Cos(inflectionAngle - Math.PI / 180.0);
            N.y = 0.382 * Math.Sin(inflectionAngle - Math.PI / 180.0) + 1.382;

            if (shapeType == NozzleShapeType.CONICAL)
                Q = 0.5 * (N + E);
            double slope1, slope2;

            slope1 = Math.Tan(inflectionAngle);
            slope2 = Math.Tan(exitAngle);

            double intercept1, intercept2;

            intercept1 = N.y - slope1 * N.x;
            intercept2 = E.y - slope2 * E.x;

            Q.x = (intercept2 - intercept1) / (slope1 - slope2);
            Q.y = (intercept2 * slope1 - intercept1 * slope1) / (slope1 - slope2) + intercept1;
        void CalcTurbineExhaustThrust()
            double nozzleInletTemp = turbopump.GetTurbineExitTemp();

            if (turbineExhaustType == TurbineExhaustEnum.DIRECT)
                //Calc exit area, which is the throat area since this is a choked converging nozzle
                exhaustArea  = (gasGenPrefab.nozzleGamma + 1.0) / (gasGenPrefab.nozzleGamma - 1.0);
                exhaustArea  = Math.Pow(2.0 / (gasGenPrefab.nozzleGamma + 1.0), exhaustArea);
                exhaustArea *= gasGenPrefab.nozzleGamma * enginePrefab.nozzleMWgMol;
                exhaustArea /= (GAS_CONSTANT * nozzleInletTemp);
                exhaustArea  = Math.Sqrt(exhaustArea);
                exhaustArea *= turbineBackPresMPa;
                exhaustArea  = turbineMassFlow / exhaustArea;
                exhaustArea *= 0.001;

                double exhaustExitTemp = nozzleInletTemp / (1.0 + (gasGenPrefab.nozzleGamma - 1.0) * 0.5);

                double exhaustExitVel = Math.Sqrt(gasGenPrefab.nozzleGamma * exhaustExitTemp * GAS_CONSTANT / gasGenPrefab.nozzleMWgMol);

                double exhaustThrustMomentum = exhaustExitVel * turbineMassFlow;
                thrustVacAux += exhaustThrustMomentum;
                thrustSLAux  += exhaustThrustMomentum;

                double exhaustExitPres = turbineBackPresMPa / Math.Pow((1.0 + (gasGenPrefab.nozzleGamma - 1.0) * 0.5), gasGenPrefab.nozzleGamma / (gasGenPrefab.nozzleGamma - 1.0));

                thrustVacAux += exhaustExitPres * exhaustArea * 1000.0;
                thrustSLAux  += (exhaustExitPres - 0.1013) * exhaustArea * 1000.0;
            else if (turbineExhaustType == TurbineExhaustEnum.INTO_NOZZLE)
                double exhaustExpansionRatio = areaRatio / nozzleExhaustArea;

                double machThroughExpansion = exhaustExpansionRatio <= 1.0 ? 1.0 : NozzleUtils.MachFromAreaRatio(exhaustExpansionRatio, gasGenPrefab.nozzleGamma);

                double exhaustExitTemp = nozzleInletTemp / (1.0 + (gasGenPrefab.nozzleGamma - 1.0) * 0.5 * machThroughExpansion * machThroughExpansion);

                double exhaustExitVel = Math.Sqrt(gasGenPrefab.nozzleGamma * exhaustExitTemp * GAS_CONSTANT / gasGenPrefab.nozzleMWgMol) * machThroughExpansion;

                double exhaustThrustMomentum = exhaustExitVel * turbineMassFlow;

                exhaustThrustMomentum *= nozzleDivEfficiency;

                double relDistanceDownNozzle = nozzle.GetFracLengthAtArea(nozzleExhaustArea);

                exhaustThrustMomentum *= (1.0 * relDistanceDownNozzle + nozzleFrictionEfficiency * (1.0 - relDistanceDownNozzle));

                thrustVacAux += exhaustThrustMomentum;
                thrustSLAux  += exhaustThrustMomentum;
        void CalculateExitInflectionAngles()
            switch (shapeType)
            case NozzleShapeType.CONICAL:
                exitAngle       = NozzleUtils.GetConicalExitAngle(relLength);
                inflectionAngle = exitAngle;

            case NozzleShapeType.BELL:
                Vector2d angles = NozzleUtils.GetBellExitInflectionAngles(relLength, areaRatio);
                exitAngle       = angles.x;
                inflectionAngle = angles.y;

            exitAngleString = (exitAngle * 180.0 / Math.PI).ToString("F1");
        void CalcTurbineExhaustBackPressure()
            double exhaustPresMPa = 0.1013 * 1.5;      //1.5 atm

            if (turbineExhaustType == TurbineExhaustEnum.INTO_NOZZLE)
                double machAtArea = NozzleUtils.MachFromAreaRatio(nozzleExhaustArea, modGamma);

                double isentropicRatio = 0.5 * (modGamma - 1.0);
                isentropicRatio = (1.0 + isentropicRatio * enginePrefab.nozzleMach * enginePrefab.nozzleMach) / (1.0 + isentropicRatio * machAtArea * machAtArea);

                exhaustPresMPa = Math.Max(Math.Pow(isentropicRatio, modGamma / (modGamma - 1.0)) * enginePrefab.nozzlePresMPa * 1.05, exhaustPresMPa);       //gets the pressure in the nozzle at this area ratio, but only if it's higher than this

            turbineBackPresMPa  = (gasGenPrefab.nozzleGamma - 1.0) * 0.5 + 1.0;
            turbineBackPresMPa  = Math.Pow(turbineBackPresMPa, gasGenPrefab.nozzleGamma / (gasGenPrefab.nozzleGamma - 1.0));
            turbineBackPresMPa *= exhaustPresMPa;

            turbineBackPresMPa = Math.Max(turbineBackPresMPa, gasGenPrefab.chamberPresMPa / 24.0);
        protected void CalculateEngineAndNozzlePerformanceProperties()
            effectiveFrozenAreaRatio = NozzleUtils.AreaRatioFromMach(enginePrefab.nozzleMach, enginePrefab.nozzleGamma);
            effectiveExitAreaRatio   = areaRatio * enginePrefab.frozenAreaRatio / effectiveFrozenAreaRatio;

            modGamma = CalculateGammaModified(effectiveExitAreaRatio);       //avg gamma, modified for expansion ratio

            double exitMach = NozzleUtils.MachFromAreaRatio(effectiveExitAreaRatio, modGamma);

            double isentropicRatio = 0.5 * (modGamma - 1.0);

            isentropicRatio = (1.0 + isentropicRatio * enginePrefab.nozzleMach * enginePrefab.nozzleMach) / (1.0 + isentropicRatio * exitMach * exitMach);

            double exitTemp = isentropicRatio * enginePrefab.nozzleTempK;

            double exitSonicVelocity = Math.Sqrt(modGamma * GAS_CONSTANT / enginePrefab.nozzleMWgMol * exitTemp);

            exhaustVelocityOpt = exitSonicVelocity * exitMach;

            exitPressureMPa = Math.Pow(isentropicRatio, modGamma / (modGamma - 1.0)) * enginePrefab.nozzlePresMPa;


            nozzleDivEfficiency      = nozzle.GetDivergenceEff();
            nozzleFrictionEfficiency = nozzle.GetFrictionEff(exhaustVelocityOpt, massFlowChamber, chamberPresMPa, enginePrefab.chamberTempK, enginePrefab.nozzleMWgMol, modGamma, throatDiameter * 0.5);

            thrustVac = exhaustVelocityOpt * massFlowChamber * nozzleDivEfficiency * nozzleFrictionEfficiency * reactionEfficiency;
            thrustSL  = thrustVac;

            thrustVac += exitPressureMPa * nozzleDivEfficiency * nozzleArea * 1000.0;
            thrustSL  += (exitPressureMPa * nozzleDivEfficiency - 0.1013) * nozzleArea * 1000.0;

            minThrustVac = thrustVac * minThrottle;

            thrustVac += thrustVacAux;
            thrustSL  += thrustSLAux;

            specImpulseVac = thrustVac / (massFlowTotal * G0);
            specImpulseSL  = thrustSL / (massFlowTotal * G0);
        double CalcExhaustVelChangeFromFriction(double massFlow, double chamberPresMPa, double chamberTempK, double molWeightGMol, double gamma, double throatRadius)
            double delV = 0;

            double gammaFactor = gamma - 1.0;

            gammaFactor *= 0.5;

            double gammaExp = -gamma / (gamma - 1.0);

            double cumulativeDistance = throatRadius * 0.001;

            Vector2d point1   = nozzlePoints[0];
            double   areaRat1 = point1.y * point1.y;
            double   mach1    = NozzleUtils.MachFromAreaRatioSubsonic(areaRat1, gamma); //should be Mach 1 here
            double   drag1    = mach1 * mach1 * gammaFactor + 1.0;

            drag1 = Math.Pow(drag1, gammaExp);

            double temp1 = chamberTempK / CalcStagTempFactor(mach1, gamma);
            double visc1 = CalcApproxDynVisc(molWeightGMol, temp1);
            double reynoldsScalingFactor1 = ReynoldsCalcScalingFactor(chamberPresMPa, chamberTempK, molWeightGMol, gamma);
            double reynolds1 = CalcReynoldsNumber(mach1, gamma, cumulativeDistance, visc1, reynoldsScalingFactor1);

            drag1 *= mach1 * mach1 * CalcCompressFriction(reynolds1);
            drag1 *= point1.y;

            for (int i = 1; i < nozzlePoints.Length; ++i)
                Vector2d point2   = nozzlePoints[i];
                double   areaRat2 = point2.y * point2.y;
                double   mach2;

                if (i > POINTS_CONVERGING_ARC)
                    mach2 = NozzleUtils.MachFromAreaRatio(areaRat2, gamma);
                else if (i < POINTS_CONVERGING_ARC)
                    mach2 = NozzleUtils.MachFromAreaRatioSubsonic(areaRat2, gamma);
                    mach2 = 1.0;

                double distanceX = point2.x - point1.x;
                double distanceY = point2.y - point1.y;
                double distance  = Math.Sqrt(distanceX * distanceX + distanceY * distanceY);
                cumulativeDistance += distance * throatRadius;

                double drag2 = mach2 * mach2 * gammaFactor + 1.0;
                drag2 = Math.Pow(drag2, gammaExp);

                double temp2 = chamberTempK / CalcStagTempFactor(mach2, gamma);
                double visc2 = CalcApproxDynVisc(molWeightGMol, temp2);
                double reynoldsScalingFactor2 = ReynoldsCalcScalingFactor(chamberPresMPa, chamberTempK, molWeightGMol, gamma);
                double reynolds2 = CalcReynoldsNumber(mach2, gamma, cumulativeDistance, visc2, reynoldsScalingFactor2);

                drag2 *= mach2 * mach2 * CalcCompressFriction(reynolds2);
                drag2 *= point2.y;

                delV += (drag2 + drag1) * 0.5 * distance;       //trapezoid method

                point1 = point2;
                drag1  = drag2;

            delV *= chamberPresMPa;
            delV *= gamma;
            delV /= massFlow;
            delV *= 1000.0;

            delV *= throatRadius * Math.PI;
