// Client Name drop down list protected void ddlClientName_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Get client id int id = Convert.ToInt32(this.ddlClientName.SelectedValue); // Get clients with specific id var query = from client in db.CLIENTs where client.ID == id select client; // Add client to controls foreach (var c in query) { txtClientContact.Text = c.cliConFName + " " + c.cliConLName; txtClientAddress.Text = c.cliAddress; txtClientPhone.Text = c.cliPhone; } } catch (DataException dx) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, dx.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } catch (Exception ex) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } }
protected void btnClientCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Gather data to create new client CLIENT c = new CLIENT(); c.cliName = txtClientName.Text; c.cliAddress = txtClientAddress.Text; c.cityID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlClientCity.SelectedValue); c.cliProvince = ddlClientProv.SelectedItem.Text; c.cliPCode = txtClientPCode.Text; c.cliPhone = txtClientPhone.Text; c.cliConFName = txtClientConFName.Text; c.cliConLName = txtClientConLName.Text; c.cliConPosition = txtClientConPosition.Text; db.CLIENTs.Add(c); try { db.SaveChanges(); // Repopulate drop down lists DropDownList ddlClientList = (DropDownList)Body.FindControl("ddlClientList"); DropDownHelper.PopulateClientList(ddlClientList); NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, c.cliName + " successfully created.", "success"); ClearClientModal(); } catch (DataException ex) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } }
protected void ddlLaborType_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Get id of worker int id = Convert.ToInt32(ddlLaborType.SelectedValue); // Get the selected cost for the type of worker var costs = (from cost in db.WORKER_TYPE where cost.ID == id orderby cost.wrkTypeDesc ascending select cost).SingleOrDefault(); if (ddlLaborType.SelectedValue == "-1") { txtLaborUnitPrice.Text = "0.00"; txtLaborHours.Text = "0"; txtLaborExtendedPrice.Text = "0.00"; } else { txtLaborUnitPrice.Text = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(costs.wrkTypePrice), 2).ToString(); txtLaborExtendedPrice.Text = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(txtLaborUnitPrice.Text) * Convert.ToDecimal(txtLaborHours.Text), 2).ToString(); } } catch (DataException dx) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, dx.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } catch (Exception ex) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { // Build the intiail table for daily work summary BuildInitialDailyWorkReportTable(); DropDownHelper.PopulateEmployeeList(ddlEmployeeList); DropDownHelper.PopulateClientList(ddlClientList); } if (deleteClientFlag) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, deletedClient + " was successfully deleted.", "success"); deleteClientFlag = false; } //check is user is logged in if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { // Find the control on the master page and assign the username to the label Label userNameLabel = (Label)Page.Master.FindControl("lblUserLoggedIn"); userNameLabel.Text = User.Identity.Name; //Fill projects table from DB PopulateProjectsTable(); // Set the date for the create daily work report modal to today by default txtCreateDailyWorkReportDateInPanel.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } else { Response.Redirect("~/Default.aspx"); } }
protected void btnSaveBid_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Get project id from session int projectID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ProjectID"]); // Find the project PROJECT proj = db.PROJECTs.Find(projectID); // Modify data proj.projName = mdlTxtProjectName.Text; proj.projSite = mdlTxtProjectSite.Text; proj.projEstStart = mdlTxtProjectBeginDate.Text; proj.projEstEnd = mdlTxtProjectEndDate.Text; // Change entry state db.Entry(proj).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; try { db.SaveChanges(); Response.Redirect("EditDesignBid.aspx", false); } catch (DataException ex) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } }
protected void btnAddLabor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Get info from add textbox int projectID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ProjectID"]); int workerTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlLaborType.SelectedValue); int taskDescriptionID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlLaborTask.SelectedValue); short hours = Convert.ToInt16(txtLaborHours.Text); // Get production team id var labour = db.LABOUR_REQUIREMENT .Where(p => p.ID == projectID) .SingleOrDefault(); // Add new labour requirement LABOUR_REQUIREMENT lr = new LABOUR_REQUIREMENT(); lr.lreqEstHours = hours; lr.workerTypeID = workerTypeID; lr.taskID = taskDescriptionID; lr.projectID = projectID; lr.prodTeamID = Convert.ToInt32(labour.prodTeamID); db.LABOUR_REQUIREMENT.Add(lr); try { db.SaveChanges(); Response.Redirect("EditDesignBid.aspx", false); } catch (DataException ex) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } }
protected void btnLaborAddNew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Add new row AddNewRowToLaborTable(); // Set the summary label visibility lblLaborSummary.Visible = false; // Assign values to string array for prep in the database string[] row = { ddlLaborType.SelectedItem.Text, txtLaborHours.Text, ddlLaborTask.SelectedValue, txtLaborUnitPrice.Text, txtLaborExtendedPrice.Text, ddlLaborType.SelectedValue }; // Add to labor rows for use with db laborRows.Add(row); // Increase labor total laborTotal += Convert.ToDecimal(txtLaborExtendedPrice.Text); // Adjust the bid amount bidAmount = laborTotal + materialTotal; // Display bid amount in textbox txtBidAmount.Text = bidAmount.ToString(); // Set focus on hidden label to avoid page jump lblFocusHAX.Focus(); // Add id to delete control drop down ddlDeleteLaborFromTable.Items.Add(laborIDCounter.ToString()); // Increment labor ID counter laborIDCounter++; //Shows that a row has been added to the table labourTableFlag = true; } catch (DataException dx) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, dx.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } catch (Exception ex) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } }
protected void btnMaterialAddNew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Add new row AddNewRowToMaterialsTable(); // Set visibility on summary label lblMaterialsSummary.Visible = false; // Assign values to string array and add to materialsRow list string[] row = { ddlMaterialType.SelectedItem.Text, txtMaterialQuantity.Text, ddlMaterialDescription.SelectedValue, ddlMaterialSize.SelectedItem.Text, txtMaterialUnitPrice.Text, txtMaterialExtendedPrice.Text }; // Add data for use with db materialRows.Add(row); // Increase materials totral materialTotal += Convert.ToDecimal(txtMaterialExtendedPrice.Text); // Update bidamount bidAmount = materialTotal + laborTotal; // Apply bid amount to control txtBidAmount.Text = bidAmount.ToString(); // Set focus on hidden label to avoid page jump lblFocusHAX.Focus(); // Add id to delete drop down ddlDeleteMaterialFromTable.Items.Add(materialIDCounter.ToString()); // Incrememnt material ID count materialIDCounter++; //Shows that a row has been added to the table materialsTableFlag = true; } catch (DataException dx) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, dx.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } catch (Exception ex) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } }
protected void ddlMaterialDescription_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Clear the drop down list and append initial value ddlMaterialSize.Items.Clear(); if (ddlMaterialDescription.SelectedValue == "-1") { ListItem item = new ListItem(); item.Text = "Item not selected."; item.Value = "-1"; ddlMaterialSize.Items.Add(item); } // Clear the textboxes txtMaterialExtendedPrice.Text = "0.00"; txtMaterialQuantity.Text = "0"; // Get id of material int id = Convert.ToInt32(ddlMaterialDescription.SelectedValue); // Get the selected inventory item var materials = from material in db.MATERIALs join inventory in db.INVENTORies on material.ID equals inventory.materialID where inventory.materialID == id select inventory; foreach (var m in materials) { ListItem li = new ListItem(); li.Text = m.invSizeAmnt + " " + m.invSizeUnit; li.Value = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(m.invList), 2).ToString(); ddlMaterialSize.Items.Add(li); txtMaterialUnitPrice.Text = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(m.invList), 2).ToString(); } // Select the last item in the list ddlMaterialSize.SelectedIndex = ddlMaterialSize.Items.Count - 1; } catch (DataException dx) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, dx.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } catch (Exception ex) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //check is user is logged in if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { // Find the control on the master page and assign the username to the label Label userNameLabel = (Label)Page.Master.FindControl("lblUserLoggedIn"); userNameLabel.Text = User.Identity.Name; } else { Response.Redirect("~/Default.aspx"); } try { if (!IsPostBack) { // Populate 5 drop down lists PopulateDropDownLists(); // Build initial materials table BuildInitialMaterialsTable(); BuildInitialLaborTable(); // Clear the data in the grid views and lists if not post back gvMaterialsSummary.DataSource = new DataTable(); gvMaterialsSummary.DataBind(); gvLaborSummary.DataSource = new DataTable(); gvLaborSummary.DataBind(); materialRows.Clear(); laborRows.Clear(); // Hide the grid view show the label gvLaborSummary.Visible = false; lblLaborSummary.Visible = true; gvMaterialsSummary.Visible = false; lblMaterialsSummary.Visible = true; } } catch (DataException dx) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, dx.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } catch (Exception ex) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } }
protected void btnEmployeeRemove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(btnEmployeeRemove.Attributes["data-id"]); try { //delete an existing record WORKER w = db.WORKERs.Find(id); db.WORKERs.Remove(w); db.SaveChanges(); // Reset the employeelist DropDownHelper.PopulateEmployeeList(ddlEmployeeList); NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, w.wrkFName + " " + w.wrkLName + " was successfully deleted.", "success"); } catch (DataException dx) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, dx.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } }
protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Default UserStore constructor uses the default connection string named: DefaultConnection var userStore = new UserStore <IdentityUser>(); var manager = new UserManager <IdentityUser>(userStore); IdentityUser user = manager.Find(txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text); if (user == null) { // This line of code calls a javascript helper function to display notifications // See Project.js DisplayNotification() for details NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, "Username or password incorrect.", "error"); } else { var authenticationManager = HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().Authentication; var userIdentity = manager.CreateIdentity(user, DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie); authenticationManager.SignIn(userIdentity); Response.Redirect("~/Main.aspx"); } }
protected void btnSaveClientChanges_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Find button on body content tag LinkButton btnClientRemove = (LinkButton)Body.FindControl("btnClientRemove"); // Get id from button int id = Convert.ToInt32(btnClientRemove.Attributes["data-id"]); // Find client data CLIENT c = db.CLIENTs.Find(id); c.cliName = txtClientName.Text; c.cliAddress = txtClientAddress.Text; c.cityID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlClientCity.SelectedValue); c.cliProvince = ddlClientProv.SelectedItem.Text; c.cliPCode = txtClientPCode.Text; c.cliPhone = txtClientPhone.Text; c.cliConFName = txtClientConFName.Text; c.cliConLName = txtClientConLName.Text; c.cliConPosition = txtClientConPosition.Text; // Set state to modified db.Entry(c).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; try { db.SaveChanges(); // Repopulate drop down lists DropDownList ddlClientList = (DropDownList)Body.FindControl("ddlClientList"); DropDownHelper.PopulateClientList(ddlClientList); NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, c.cliName + " successfully modified.", "success"); ClearClientModal(); ReverseClientMode(true); } catch (DataException ex) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } }
protected void btnRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtRegisterPassword.Text != txtRegisterConfirmPassword.Text) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, "Passwords do not match", "error"); } else { // Default UserStore constructor uses the default connection string named: DefaultConnection var userStore = new UserStore <IdentityUser>(); var manager = new UserManager <IdentityUser>(userStore); var user = new IdentityUser() { UserName = txtRegisterUsername.Text }; try { IdentityResult result = manager.Create(user, txtRegisterPassword.Text); if (result.Succeeded) { // This line of code calls a javascript helper function to display notifications // See HelperClasses.NotifyJS for documentation on how to use it NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, user.UserName + " was created successfully!", "success"); } else { // This line of code calls a javascript helper function to display notifications // See Project.js DisplayNotification() for details NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, result.Errors.FirstOrDefault(), "error"); } } catch (DataException dx) { lblDBERROR.Text = dx.InnerException.InnerException.Message; } } }
protected void btnAddNewEmployee_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Gather data to create new employee WORKER w = new WORKER(); w.wrkFName = txtEmployeeFName.Text; w.wrkLName = txtEmployeeLName.Text; w.wrkTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlEmployeePosition.SelectedValue); db.WORKERs.Add(w); try { db.SaveChanges(); // Repopulate drop down lists DropDownList ddlEmployeeList = (DropDownList)Body.FindControl("ddlEmployeeList"); DropDownHelper.PopulateEmployeeList(ddlEmployeeList); NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, w.wrkFName + " " + w.wrkLName + " successfully created.", "success"); } catch (DataException ex) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } }
protected void DeleteMaterialRequirement(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Get button that was clicked LinkButton lb = (LinkButton)sender; // Get id from button int id = Convert.ToInt32(lb.Attributes["data-id"]); // Find material MATERIAL_REQ mr = db.MATERIAL_REQ.Find(id); // Remove db.MATERIAL_REQ.Remove(mr); try { db.SaveChanges(); Response.Redirect("EditDesignBid.aspx", false); } catch (DataException dx) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, dx.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } }
protected void btnMaterialAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Get material id from drop down int matID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlMaterialDescription.SelectedValue); // Search inventory table var invQuery = (from inventory in db.INVENTORies where inventory.materialID == matID select inventory).SingleOrDefault(); // Get id from query int invID = invQuery.ID; // get quantity from text box short matQty = Convert.ToInt16(txtMaterialQuantity.Text); // Add new material MATERIAL_REQ insertNew = new MATERIAL_REQ(); insertNew.inventoryID = invID; insertNew.projectID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ProjectID"]); insertNew.mreqEstQty = matQty; db.MATERIAL_REQ.Add(insertNew); // Reset textbox txtMaterialQuantity.Text = ""; try { db.SaveChanges(); Response.Redirect("EditDesignBid.aspx", false); } catch (DataException ex) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } }
protected void btnDailyWorkReportAddNewTask_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Show save button btnSaveDailyWorkReport.Visible = true; AddNewRowToDailyWorkReportTable(); // Assign values to string array for prep in the database string[] row = { ddlDailyWorkReportProjectInPanel.SelectedValue, txtHoursWorked.Text, ddlDailyWorkReportTaskstInPanel.SelectedValue, }; // Add to rows for use with db dailyWorkReportRows.Add(row); // Set focus on hidden label to avoid page jump lblFocusHAX.Focus(); // Add row numbers to drop down ddlDeleteDailyWorkReportFromTable.Items.Add(dailyWorkReportIDCounter.ToString()); // Increment row counter dailyWorkReportIDCounter++; } catch (DataException dx) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, dx.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } catch (Exception ex) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } }
protected void DeleteLaborRequirement(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Get button that was clicked LinkButton lb = (LinkButton)sender; // Get the ID of the labour requirement from the button int id = Convert.ToInt32(lb.Attributes["data-id"]); // Find the requirement LABOUR_REQUIREMENT lr = db.LABOUR_REQUIREMENT.Find(id); // Remove db.LABOUR_REQUIREMENT.Remove(lr); try { db.SaveChanges(); Response.Redirect("EditDesignBid.aspx", false); } catch (DataException dx) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, dx.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } }
protected void ddlMaterialType_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Clear textboxes txtMaterialExtendedPrice.Text = "0.00"; txtMaterialQuantity.Text = "0"; txtMaterialUnitPrice.Text = "0.00"; // Clear the drop down and add back the first item for the postback ddlMaterialDescription.Items.Clear(); ListItem initial = new ListItem(); initial.Text = "Select an Item..."; initial.Value = "-1"; ddlMaterialDescription.Items.Add(initial); // Clear the item drop down list ddlMaterialSize.Items.Clear(); ListItem item = new ListItem(); item.Text = "Item not selected."; item.Value = "-1"; ddlMaterialSize.Items.Add(item); // Preload all materials so visual studio doesnt fight me var materials = from material in db.MATERIALs select material; if (ddlMaterialType.SelectedValue == "Materials") { materials = from material in db.MATERIALs where material.matType == "Materials" select material; } else if (ddlMaterialType.SelectedValue == "Plant") { materials = from material in db.MATERIALs where material.matType == "Plant" select material; } else if (ddlMaterialType.SelectedValue == "Pottery") { materials = from material in db.MATERIALs where material.matType == "Pottery" select material; } // Add to materials drop down list foreach (var m in materials) { ListItem li = new ListItem(); li.Text = m.matDesc; li.Value = m.ID.ToString(); ddlMaterialDescription.Items.Add(li); } } catch (DataException dx) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, dx.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } catch (Exception ex) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } }
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------ GRID VIEW CODE FOR LABOR TABLE ----------------------------- */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ protected void btnDesignBidCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (labourTableFlag == false || materialsTableFlag == false) { if (materialsTableFlag == false) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, "You cannot create a Design Bid with no Materials added.", "danger"); } if (labourTableFlag == false) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, "You cannot create a Design Bid with no Labor Requirements.", "danger"); } } else { try { // Get the last ID from the projects table var projId = db.PROJECTs.Max(x => x.ID) + 1; // Store project information into project variable PROJECT p = new PROJECT(); p.ID = projId; p.projName = txtProjectName.Text; p.projSite = txtProjectSite.Text; p.projBidDate = DateTime.Now; p.projEstStart = txtProjectBeginDate.Text; p.projEstEnd = txtProjectEndDate.Text; p.projActStart = "TBA"; p.projActEnd = "TBA"; p.projEstCost = (txtBidAmount.Text == string.Empty) ? "0.00" : txtBidAmount.Text; p.projActCost = "0"; p.projBidCustAccept = false; p.projBidMgmtAccept = false; p.projCurrentPhase = "D"; p.projIsFlagged = false; p.clientID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlClientName.SelectedValue); p.designerID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlNBDDesigner.SelectedValue); // Add to projects table db.PROJECTs.Add(p); // MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS for (int i = 0; i < materialRows.Count; i++) { // Get the appropriate inventory ID for the material int matID = Convert.ToInt32(materialRows[i][2]); var invID = db.INVENTORies.Where(x => x.ID == matID).SingleOrDefault(); // Create material requirements object to hold material data MATERIAL_REQ m = new MATERIAL_REQ(); m.inventoryID = invID.ID; m.projectID = projId; m.mreqDeliver = null; m.mreqInstall = null; m.mreqEstQty = Convert.ToInt16(materialRows[i][1]); m.mreqActQty = null; // Add to material requirements table db.MATERIAL_REQ.Add(m); } // PRODUCTION TEAM PROD_TEAM team = new PROD_TEAM(); team.projectID = projId; team.teamName = "TEST TEAM BRA"; team.teamPhaseIn = "B"; db.PROD_TEAM.Add(team); // Save changes in order to get the new max prod team id db.SaveChanges(); // Get the last production team ID int teamID = db.PROD_TEAM.Max(m => m.ID); //Add Designer TEAM_MEMBER designer = new TEAM_MEMBER(); designer.workerID = p.designerID; designer.teamID = teamID; db.TEAM_MEMBER.Add(designer); //Add Sales Associate TEAM_MEMBER sales = new TEAM_MEMBER(); sales.workerID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlNBDSales.SelectedValue); sales.teamID = teamID; db.TEAM_MEMBER.Add(sales); // LABOR SUMMARY LABOUR_SUMMARY ls = new LABOUR_SUMMARY(); ls.projectID = projId; ls.workerTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlLaborType.SelectedValue); // Total up labor hours and add to object short labourHours = 0; for (int i = 0; i < laborRows.Count; i++) { labourHours += Convert.ToInt16(laborRows[i][1]); } ls.lsHours = labourHours; db.LABOUR_SUMMARY.Add(ls); for (int i = 0; i < laborRows.Count; i++) { LABOUR_REQUIREMENT l = new LABOUR_REQUIREMENT(); l.prodTeamID = teamID; l.taskID = Convert.ToInt32(laborRows[i][2]); l.lreqEstDate = null; l.lreqEstHours = Convert.ToInt16(laborRows[i][1]); l.lreqActDate = null; l.lreqActHours = null; l.lreqComments = null; l.projectID = projId; l.workerTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(laborRows[i][5]); db.LABOUR_REQUIREMENT.Add(l); } // Save db.SaveChanges(); // Display notification Response.Redirect("~/Main.aspx", false); NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, "Design bid " + p.projName + " for " + p.CLIENT.cliName + " successfully added.", "success"); } catch (DataException dx) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, dx.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } catch (Exception ex) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } } }
public void DeleteClientOrProject(IQueryable <PROJECT> project, string type, int id) { // Delete all projects and child records associated with passed paramater project foreach (var p in project) { var labourSummary = db.LABOUR_SUMMARY .Where(labID => labID.projectID == p.ID); foreach (var l in labourSummary) { int lsID = l.ID; LABOUR_SUMMARY ls = db.LABOUR_SUMMARY.Find(lsID); db.LABOUR_SUMMARY.Remove(ls); } var materialRequirement = db.MATERIAL_REQ .Where(matID => matID.projectID == p.ID); foreach (var m in materialRequirement) { int mID = m.ID; MATERIAL_REQ mr = db.MATERIAL_REQ.Find(mID); db.MATERIAL_REQ.Remove(mr); } var labourRequirement = db.LABOUR_REQUIREMENT .Where(lrID => lrID.projectID == p.ID); foreach (var l in labourRequirement) { int lID = l.ID; LABOUR_REQUIREMENT lr = db.LABOUR_REQUIREMENT.Find(lID); db.LABOUR_REQUIREMENT.Remove(lr); } var prodTeam = db.PROD_TEAM .Where(ptID => ptID.projectID == p.ID); foreach (var pts in prodTeam) { int pteamID = pts.ID; PROD_TEAM pt = db.PROD_TEAM.Find(pteamID); db.PROD_TEAM.Remove(pt); var teamMember = db.TEAM_MEMBER .Where(tmID => tmID.teamID == pts.ID); foreach (var ptm in teamMember) { int teamMemberID = ptm.Id; TEAM_MEMBER tm = db.TEAM_MEMBER.Find(teamMemberID); db.TEAM_MEMBER.Remove(tm); } } db.PROJECTs.Remove(p); } if (type == "Client") { try { //delete an existing record CLIENT c = db.CLIENTs.Find(id); db.CLIENTs.Remove(c); db.SaveChanges(); DropDownHelper.PopulateClientList(ddlClientList); deletedClient = c.cliName; deleteClientFlag = true; Response.Redirect("~/Main.aspx", false); } catch (DataException dx) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, dx.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } } else { try { db.SaveChanges(); Response.Redirect("~/Main.aspx", false); } catch (DataException dx) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, dx.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } } }
protected void PopulateDropDownLists() { try { // Get distinct values from material types var materials = (from material in db.MATERIALs select material.matType).Distinct(); // Add to materials drop down list foreach (var m in materials) { ListItem li = new ListItem(); li.Text = m; li.Value = m; ddlMaterialType.Items.Add(li); } // Get sales associates var sales = from workers in db.WORKERs join workerType in db.WORKER_TYPE on workers.wrkTypeID equals workerType.ID where workerType.ID == 7 select workers; // Add to sales drop down list foreach (var s in sales) { ListItem li = new ListItem(); li.Text = s.wrkFName + " " + s.wrkLName; li.Value = s.ID.ToString(); ddlNBDSales.Items.Add(li); } // Get designers var designers = from workers in db.WORKERs join workerType in db.WORKER_TYPE on workers.wrkTypeID equals workerType.ID where workerType.ID == 2 || workerType.ID == 5 select workers; // Add to designers drop down list foreach (var d in designers) { ListItem li = new ListItem(); li.Text = d.wrkFName + " " + d.wrkLName; li.Value = d.ID.ToString(); ddlNBDDesigner.Items.Add(li); } // Add employees to create labor type modal var workerTypes = from workers in db.WORKER_TYPE orderby workers.wrkTypeDesc ascending select workers; foreach (var w in workerTypes) { ListItem li = new ListItem(); li.Text = w.wrkTypeDesc; li.Value = w.ID.ToString(); ddlLaborType.Items.Add(li); } // Get the list of tasks from the database var tasks = from task in db.TASKs orderby task.taskDesc ascending select task; foreach (var t in tasks) { ListItem li = new ListItem(); li.Text = t.taskDesc; li.Value = t.ID.ToString(); ddlLaborTask.Items.Add(li); } } catch (DataException dx) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, dx.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } catch (Exception ex) { NotifyJS.DisplayNotification(this.Page, ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message, "danger"); } }