        public void SetAndAccessMultiStrings()
            ITsStrFactory tsf = TsStrFactoryClass.Create();

            int kflid   = XMLViewsDataCache.ktagEditColumnBase;
            int hvoRoot = 10578;
            int wsEng   = Cache.WritingSystemFactory.GetWsFromStr("en");
            XMLViewsDataCache xmlCache = new XMLViewsDataCache(Cache.MainCacheAccessor as ISilDataAccessManaged, true, new Dictionary <int, int>());
            Notifiee          recorder = new Notifiee();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, xmlCache.get_MultiStringAlt(hvoRoot, kflid, wsEng).Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, recorder.Changes.Count);
            ITsString test1 = tsf.MakeString("test1", wsEng);

            xmlCache.CacheMultiString(hvoRoot, kflid, wsEng, test1);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, recorder.Changes.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(test1, xmlCache.get_MultiStringAlt(hvoRoot, kflid, wsEng));
            ITsString test2 = tsf.MakeString("blah", wsEng);

            xmlCache.SetMultiStringAlt(hvoRoot, kflid, wsEng, test2);
            Assert.AreEqual(test2, xmlCache.get_MultiStringAlt(hvoRoot, kflid, wsEng));

            recorder.CheckChanges(new ChangeInformationTest[] { new ChangeInformationTest(hvoRoot, kflid, wsEng, 0, 0) },
                                  "expected PropChanged from setting string");

            // Enhance JohnT: a better test would verify that it doesn't intefere with other multistrings,
            // and that it can store stuff independently for different HVOs, tags, and WSs.
        public void SetAndAccessDummyList()
            ILexDb      lexDb  = Cache.LangProject.LexDbOA;
            ILexEntry   entry1 = null;
            ICmResource res1   = null;

            NonUndoableUnitOfWorkHelper.Do(m_actionHandler, () =>
                var leFactory    = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <ILexEntryFactory>();
                entry1           = leFactory.Create();
                ILexEntry entry2 = leFactory.Create();
                res1             = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <ICmResourceFactory>().Create();

            int hvoRoot = 10578;
            ObjectListPublisher publisher = new ObjectListPublisher(Cache.MainCacheAccessor as ISilDataAccessManaged, ObjectListFlid);
            var      values   = new int[] { 23, 56, 2048 };
            Notifiee recorder = new Notifiee();

            publisher.CacheVecProp(hvoRoot, values);
            Assert.AreEqual(values.Length, publisher.get_VecSize(hvoRoot, ObjectListFlid), "override of vec size");
            //Assert.AreEqual(Cache.LangProject.Texts.Count, publisher.get_VecSize(Cache.LangProject.Hvo, LangProjectTags.kflidTexts), "base vec size");

            Assert.AreEqual(23, publisher.get_VecItem(hvoRoot, ObjectListFlid, 0), "override of vec item");
            Assert.AreEqual(res1.Hvo, publisher.get_VecItem(lexDb.Hvo, LexDbTags.kflidResources, 0), "base vec item");
            Assert.AreEqual(56, publisher.get_VecItem(hvoRoot, ObjectListFlid, 1), "override of vec item, non-zero index");

            VerifyCurrentValue(hvoRoot, publisher, values, "original value");
            Assert.AreEqual(lexDb.ResourcesOC.Count(), publisher.VecProp(lexDb.Hvo, LexDbTags.kflidResources).Length, "base VecProp");

            recorder.CheckChanges(new ChangeInformationTest[] { new ChangeInformationTest(hvoRoot, ObjectListFlid, 0, values.Length, 0) },
                                  "expected PropChanged from caching HVOs");

            recorder = new Notifiee();
            publisher.Replace(hvoRoot, 1, new int[] { 97, 98 }, 0);
            VerifyCurrentValue(hvoRoot, publisher, new int[] { 23, 97, 98, 56, 2048 }, "after inserting 97, 98");
            recorder.CheckChanges(new ChangeInformationTest[] { new ChangeInformationTest(hvoRoot, ObjectListFlid, 1, 2, 0) },
                                  "expected PropChanged from caching HVOs");

            recorder = new Notifiee();
            publisher.Replace(hvoRoot, 1, new int[0], 2);
            VerifyCurrentValue(hvoRoot, publisher, new int[] { 23, 56, 2048 }, "after deleting 97, 98");
            recorder.CheckChanges(new ChangeInformationTest[] { new ChangeInformationTest(hvoRoot, ObjectListFlid, 1, 0, 2) },
                                  "expected PropChanged from caching HVOs");