private void InitializeComponent() { Width = 550; Height = 600; //Location = WindowLocation.CenterScreen; vbox2 = new VBox(); vbox2.Visible = true; vbox2.Spacing = 3; notebook1 = new Notebook(); notebook1.Visible = true; notebook1.CanGetFocus = true; image1 = new ImageView(); string file = FileHelper.FindSupportFile("bygfoot_splash.png", false); image1.Image = Image.FromFile(file); treeview_splash_contributors = new TreeView(); scrolledwindow2 = new ScrollView(); scrolledwindow2.Content = treeview_splash_contributors; notebook1.Add(image1, ""); notebook1.Add(scrolledwindow2, ""); vbox2.PackStart(notebook1); Content = vbox2; }
public ChangesetView(Driver driver, int stopAfter) { this.driver = driver; this.stopAfter = stopAfter; InitializeChangesetList(); ScrolledWindow scrolledWindow1 = new ScrolledWindow(); scrolledWindow1.Add(changesetList); Add1(scrolledWindow1); viewChildren = new Notebook (); viewChildren.TabPos = PositionType.Bottom; Add2(viewChildren); changesetDetailView = new ChangesetDetailView(driver); viewChildren.AppendPage (changesetDetailView, new Label ("Details")); changesetDiffView = new ChangesetDiffView(driver); viewChildren.AppendPage (changesetDiffView, new Label ("Unified Diff")); int x, y, width, height, depth; RootWindow.GetGeometry (out x, out y, out width, out height, out depth); Position = Convert.ToInt32((height - 40) * 0.4); viewChildren.SwitchPage += OnSwitchPage; }
public PreferencesDialog(ItemShelf itemShelf) : base() { this.itemShelf = itemShelf; this.Title = Mono.Posix.Catalog.GetString ("Preferences"); this.HasSeparator = false; this.SetDefaultSize (300, 200); Notebook notebook = new Notebook (); Glade.XML gxml = new Glade.XML (null, "", "hbox1", null); HBox hBox = (HBox)gxml["hbox1"]; ScrolledWindow scrolledwindow = (ScrolledWindow)gxml["scrolledwindow1"]; TreeView themeTreeview = CreateThemeTreeView (); themeTreeview.Selection.Changed += OnThemeTreeViewSelectionChanged; scrolledwindow.Add (themeTreeview); notebook.AppendPage (hBox, new Label (Mono.Posix.Catalog.GetString ("Theme"))); this.VBox.Add (notebook); Button closeButton = (Button)this.AddButton (Gtk.Stock.Close, 1); closeButton.Clicked += OnCloseButtonClicked; this.ShowAll(); }
public NotebookSample() { Notebook nb = new Notebook (); nb.Add (new Label ("First tab content"), "First Tab"); nb.Add (new MyWidget (), "Second Tab"); PackStart (nb, BoxMode.FillAndExpand); }
public void Criar_notebook_Apple() { _fabricante = new Apple(); _notebook = _fabricante.Notebook; Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(MacBookAirMd71), _notebook); }
public void Criar_notebook_Sony() { _fabricante = new Sony(); _notebook = _fabricante.Notebook; Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(SonyVaioFit15Svf), _notebook); }
public void Criar_notebook_Dell() { _fabricante = new Dell(); _notebook = _fabricante.Notebook; Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(Inspiron15R5437), _notebook); }
public NotebookSample() { Notebook nb = new Notebook (); nb.Add (new Label ("First tab content"), "First Tab"); nb.Add (new MyWidget (), "Second Tab"); nb.TabOrientation = NotebookTabOrientation.Bottom; PackStart (nb, true); }
public NotebookSample() { Notebook nb = new Notebook(); nb.Add(new ListView2(), "Browser Settings"); nb.Add(new Tables(), "Locators"); nb.Add(new TreeViews(), "Page Objects"); nb.Add(new RadioButtonSample(), "Locators"); nb.Add(new MyTestWidget(), "Source Code"); nb.Add(new Frames(), "HTML Source"); nb.Add(new ScrollWindowSample(), "ScrollWindow"); nb.Add(new TextEntries (), "Playground"); nb.TabOrientation = NotebookTabOrientation.Top; PackStart(nb, true); }
public MainWindow() : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) { Build (); box = new VBox (false, 2); Add (box); UnitEditor.MainMenu mb = new UnitEditor.MainMenu (); this.AddAccelGroup (mb.uim.AccelGroup); box.PackStart(mb.instance, false, false, 0); nb = new Notebook (); box.PackStart (nb, false, false, 0); ShowAll (); }
public ExploreView(Driver driver, int stopAfter) : base("Explore") { int x, y, width, height, depth; RootWindow.GetGeometry (out x, out y, out width, out height, out depth); SetDefaultSize (width - 50, height - 40); VBox vBox = new VBox(false, 1); Add(vBox); HPaned hPaned = new HPaned(); vBox.Add(hPaned); ScrolledWindow scrolledWindow = new ScrolledWindow(); //scrolledWindow.SetDefaultSize (Convert.ToInt32((width - 50) * 0.4), height -40); hPaned.Add1(scrolledWindow); repositoryView = new RepositoryView(driver); scrolledWindow.Add(repositoryView); viewChildren = new Notebook (); changesetView = new ChangesetView(driver, stopAfter); viewChildren.AppendPage (changesetView, new Label ("Changeset View")); directoryView = new DirectoryView(driver); viewChildren.AppendPage (directoryView, new Label ("Directory View")); fileView = new FileView(driver); viewChildren.AppendPage (fileView, new Label ("File View")); hPaned.Add2(viewChildren); hPaned.Position = (width - 50) / 3; // add status bar Statusbar sb = new Statusbar (); sb.HasResizeGrip = false; vBox.PackEnd(sb, false, false, 1); ShowAll(); repositoryView.Selection.Changed += OnPathSelectionChanged; viewChildren.SwitchPage += OnSwitchPage; }
public static Sizer NotebookFunc( Window parent, bool call_fit, bool set_sizer ) { BoxSizer item0 = new BoxSizer( Orientation.wxVERTICAL ); Notebook item2 = new Notebook( parent, ID_NOTEBOOK, Window.wxDefaultPosition, new Size(200,160), 0 ); NotebookSizer item1 = new NotebookSizer( item2 ); Panel item3 = new Panel( item2, -1 ); PageOneFunc( item3, false ); item2.AddPage( item3, "Page 1" ); Panel item4 = new Panel( item2, -1 ); PageTwoFunc( item4, false ); item2.AddPage( item4, "Page 2" ); Panel item5 = new Panel( item2, -1 ); item2.AddPage( item5, "Page 3" ); item0.Add( item1, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER|Direction.wxALL, 5 ); StaticLine item6 = new StaticLine( parent, ID_LINE, Window.wxDefaultPosition, new Size(20,-1), StaticLine.wxLI_HORIZONTAL ); item0.Add( item6, 0, Stretch.wxGROW|Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|Direction.wxALL, 5 ); BoxSizer item7 = new BoxSizer( Orientation.wxHORIZONTAL ); Button item8 = new Button( parent, Window.wxID_OK, "OK", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0 ); item8.SetDefault(); item7.Add( item8, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER|Direction.wxALL, 5 ); Button item9 = new Button( parent, Window.wxID_CANCEL, "Cancel", Window.wxDefaultPosition, Window.wxDefaultSize, 0 ); item7.Add( item9, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER|Direction.wxALL, 5 ); item0.Add( item7, 0, Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER|Direction.wxLEFT|Direction.wxRIGHT|Direction.wxBOTTOM, 5 ); if (set_sizer) { parent.SetSizer( item0 ); if (call_fit) item0.SetSizeHints( parent ); } return item0; }
public void HiddenTree () { var f = new DataField<string> (); TreeStore ts = new TreeStore (f); var node = ts.AddNode ().SetValue (f, "1").AddChild ().SetValue (f, "2").AddChild ().SetValue (f, "3"); var tree = new TreeView (ts); Window w = new Window (); Notebook nb = new Notebook (); nb.Add (new Label ("Hi"), "One"); nb.Add (tree, "Two"); w.Content = nb; ShowWindow (w); tree.ScrollToRow (node.CurrentPosition); tree.Columns.Add ("Hi", f); tree.ScrollToRow (node.CurrentPosition); }
public MainWindow() : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) { Build (); Notebook notebook = new Notebook(); LampManager.ApachePanel apachepanel = new LampManager.ApachePanel(); notebook.AppendPage(apachepanel, new Label("Apache")); LampManager.PHPPanel phppanel = new LampManager.PHPPanel(); notebook.AppendPage(phppanel, new Label("PHP")); LampManager.SettingsPanel settingsPanel = new LampManager.SettingsPanel(); notebook.AppendPage(settingsPanel, new Label("Settings")); hbox1.Add(notebook); notebook.Show(); apachepanel.Show(); phppanel.Show(); settingsPanel.Show(); }
private void Build() { if(Toolkit.CurrentEngine.Type == ToolkitType.Wpf) this.BackgroundColor = (new Button()).BackgroundColor; vbox1 = new VBox(); label1 = new Label("Select Font:"); label1.MarginTop = 4; label1.MarginRight = 4; label1.MarginLeft = 4; vbox1.PackStart(label1); table1 = new Table(); table1.MarginRight = 4; table1.MarginLeft = 4; radioButton1 = new RadioButton("From System: "); table1.Add(radioButton1, 0, 0); combo_font = new ComboBox(); List<string> fonts = new List<string>(); foreach (System.Drawing.FontFamily font in System.Drawing.FontFamily.Families) fonts.Add(font.Name); fonts.Sort(); foreach (string font in fonts) combo_font.Items.Add(font); if(combo_font.Items.Contains("Arial")) combo_font.SelectedText = "Arial"; else if(combo_font.Items.Count > 0) combo_font.SelectedIndex = 0; combo_font.Font = Xwt.Drawing.Font.FromName(combo_font.SelectedText).WithSize(combo_font.Font.Size); table1.Add(combo_font, 1, 0, 1, 1, true); radioButton2 = new RadioButton(); radioButton2.Label = "From File: "; radioButton2.Sensitive = true; radioButton2.Group = radioButton1.Group; table1.Add(radioButton2, 0, 1); hbox1 = new HBox(); entry_font = new TextEntry(); entry_font.Sensitive = false; hbox1.PackStart(entry_font, true); button_font = new Button("Browse"); button_font.Sensitive = false; hbox1.PackStart(button_font); table1.Add(hbox1, 1, 1); vbox1.PackStart(table1); notebook1 = new Notebook(); notebook1.ExpandHorizontal = true; notebook1.ExpandVertical = true; table2 = new Table(); table2.Margin = 4; label4 = new Label("Style:"); table2.Add(label4, 0, 0); hbox2 = new HBox(); check_bold = new CheckBox("Bold "); check_bold.BackgroundColor = Color.FromBytes(0, 0, 0, 0); hbox2.PackStart(check_bold); check_italic = new CheckBox("Italic "); check_italic.BackgroundColor = Color.FromBytes(0, 0, 0, 0); hbox2.PackStart(check_italic); check_kerning = new CheckBox("Kerning "); check_kerning.BackgroundColor = Color.FromBytes(0, 0, 0, 0); hbox2.PackStart(check_kerning); table2.Add(hbox2, 0, 1, 1, 1); label2 = new Label("Size:"); table2.Add(label2, 0, 2); entry_size = new NumericEntry("0", "WARNING: Size needs to be a number"); table2.Add(entry_size, 0, 3, 1, 1, true); label3 = new Label("Spacing:"); table2.Add(label3, 0, 4); entry_spacing = new NumericEntry("0", "WARNING: Spacing needs to be a number"); table2.Add(entry_spacing, 0, 5, 1, 1, true); check_defchar = new CheckBox("Default Character:"); check_defchar.BackgroundColor = Color.FromBytes(0, 0, 0, 0); table2.Add(check_defchar, 0, 6); entry_defchar = new TextEntry(); entry_defchar.Sensitive = false; entry_defchar.TextAlignment = Alignment.Center; table2.Add(entry_defchar, 0, 7, 1, 1, true); notebook1.Add(table2, "Global"); hbox3 = new HBox(); listView1 = new ListView(); hbox3.PackStart(listView1, true); vbox2 = new VBox(); vbox2.MarginRight = 5; vbox2.MarginTop = 5; label8 = new Label(" Main:"); vbox2.PackStart(label8); button_plus = new Button("Add"); vbox2.PackStart(button_plus); button_minus = new Button("Remove"); button_minus.Sensitive = false; vbox2.PackStart(button_minus); button_edit = new Button("Edit"); button_edit.Sensitive = false; vbox2.PackStart(button_edit); vbox2.PackStart(new HSeparator()); label9 = new Label(" Move:"); vbox2.PackStart(label9); button_up = new Button("Up"); button_up.Sensitive = false; vbox2.PackStart(button_up); button_down = new Button("Down"); button_down.Sensitive = false; vbox2.PackStart(button_down); hbox3.PackStart(vbox2); notebook1.Add(hbox3, "Characters"); var pa = new VBox(); textEditor1 = new TextEditor(); textEditor1.Document.MimeType = "application/xml"; pa.PackStart(textEditor1, true); notebook1.Add(pa, "Xml"); vbox3 = new VBox(); hbox4 = new HBox(); hbox4.Margin = 5; label5 = new Label("Font Color: "); hbox4.PackStart(label5); color_font = new ColorPicker(); color_font.Color = Color.FromBytes(0, 0, 0); color_font.SupportsAlpha = false; hbox4.PackStart(color_font); label6 = new Label("Background Color: "); hbox4.PackStart(label6); color_back = new ColorPicker(); color_back.Color = Color.FromBytes(224, 224, 209); color_back.SupportsAlpha = false; hbox4.PackStart(color_back); vbox3.PackStart(hbox4); hbox5 = new HBox(); hbox5.MarginLeft = 5; hbox5.MarginRight = 5; label7 = new Label("Text: "); hbox5.PackStart(label7); entry_text = new TextEntry(); entry_text.Text = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"; hbox5.PackStart(entry_text, true); button_preview = new Button("Preview"); hbox5.PackStart(button_preview); vbox3.PackStart(hbox5); web1 = new WebView(); scrollView2 = new ScrollView(); scrollView2.HorizontalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.Automatic; scrollView2.VerticalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.Automatic; if (Toolkit.CurrentEngine.Type != ToolkitType.Gtk) scrollView2.Content = web1; vbox3.PackStart(scrollView2, true); notebook1.Add(vbox3, "Preview"); vbox1.PackStart(notebook1, true); this.Content = vbox1; }
void CreatePageWidget(SectionPage page) { List <PanelInstance> boxPanels = new List <PanelInstance> (); List <PanelInstance> tabPanels = new List <PanelInstance> (); foreach (PanelInstance pi in page.Panels) { if (pi.Widget == null) { pi.Widget = pi.Panel.CreatePanelWidget(); //HACK: work around bug 469427 - broken themes match on widget names if (pi.Widget.Name.IndexOf("Panel") > 0) { pi.Widget.Name = pi.Widget.Name.Replace("Panel", "_"); } } else if (pi.Widget.Parent != null) { ((Gtk.Container)pi.Widget.Parent).Remove(pi.Widget); } if (pi.Node.Grouping == PanelGrouping.Tab) { tabPanels.Add(pi); } else { boxPanels.Add(pi); } } // Try to fit panels with grouping=box or auto in the main page. // If they don't fit. Move auto panels to its own tab page. int mainPageSize; bool fits; do { PanelInstance lastAuto = null; mainPageSize = 0; foreach (PanelInstance pi in boxPanels) { if (pi.Node.Grouping == PanelGrouping.Auto) { lastAuto = pi; } // HACK: This we are parenting/unparenting the widget here as a workaround // for a layout issue. To properly calculate the size of the widget, the widget // needs to have the style that it will have when added to the window. pi.Widget.Parent = this; mainPageSize += pi.Widget.SizeRequest().Height + 6; pi.Widget.Unparent(); } fits = mainPageSize <= pageFrame.Allocation.Height; if (!fits) { if (lastAuto != null && boxPanels.Count > 1) { boxPanels.Remove(lastAuto); tabPanels.Insert(0, lastAuto); } else { fits = true; } } } while (!fits); Gtk.VBox box = new VBox(false, 12); box.Show(); for (int n = 0; n < boxPanels.Count; n++) { if (n != 0) { HSeparator sep = new HSeparator(); sep.Show(); box.PackStart(sep, false, false, 0); } PanelInstance pi = boxPanels [n]; box.PackStart(pi.Widget, pi.Node.Fill, pi.Node.Fill, 0); pi.Widget.Show(); } box.BorderWidth = 12; if (tabPanels.Count > 0) { /* SquaredNotebook nb = new SquaredNotebook (); * nb.Show (); * nb.AddTab (box, GettextCatalog.GetString ("General")); * foreach (PanelInstance pi in tabPanels) { * Gtk.Alignment a = new Alignment (0, 0, 1, 1); * a.BorderWidth = 9; * a.Show (); * a.Add (pi.Widget); * nb.AddTab (a, GettextCatalog.GetString (pi.Node.Label)); * pi.Widget.Show (); * }*/ Gtk.Notebook nb = new Notebook(); nb.Show(); Gtk.Label blab = new Gtk.Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("General")); blab.Show(); box.BorderWidth = 9; nb.InsertPage(box, blab, -1); foreach (PanelInstance pi in tabPanels) { Gtk.Label lab = new Gtk.Label(GettextCatalog.GetString(pi.Node.Label)); lab.Show(); Gtk.Alignment a = new Alignment(0, 0, 1, 1); a.BorderWidth = 9; a.Show(); a.Add(pi.Widget); nb.InsertPage(a, lab, -1); pi.Widget.Show(); } page.Widget = nb; nb.BorderWidth = 12; } else { page.Widget = box; } }
// Constructor for a Business notebook internal ENNotebook(Notebook notebook, SharedNotebook sharedNotebook, LinkedNotebook linkedNotebook) { Notebook = notebook; SharedNotebook = sharedNotebook; LinkedNotebook = linkedNotebook; }
public ListBookNavigator(Notebook owner) { this.owner = owner; this.DrawMode = DrawMode.OwnerDrawVariable; }
public Notebook Add(Notebook notebook) { return(_notebookRepos.Add(notebook)); }
/****************************************** THIS IS AUTO GENERATED CODE BY GLADEBUILDER DO NOT EDIT USE THE IMPLEMENTATION CLASS INSTEAD *******************************************/ namespace GladeBuilder
// must be run from the SQLite thread public static void Run(Notebook notebook, ScriptEnv env, ScriptRunner runner, Ast.ExportTxtStmt stmt) { var exporter = new ExportTxtStmtRunner(notebook, env, runner, stmt); exporter.Export(); }
public DataResult Create(Notebook notebook) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void SendSelectedNotebook(Notebook notebook) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void bookCreated(Notebook book) { this.onBookCreated(this, book); }
public void bookDeleted(Notebook book) { this.onBookDeleted(this, book); }
public void setNoteBook(Notebook book) { }
public void updateNotebook(Notebook book) { }
public void selectNotebook(Notebook book) { this.onBookSelected(this, book); }
public MainWindow() : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) { m_scrapeViewModel = new ScrapeViewModel(); VBox vbox = new VBox(); { HBox hbox = new HBox(); { m_urlEntry = new Entry(""); { m_urlEntry.Changed += OnUrlEntryChanged; hbox.PackStart(m_urlEntry, true, true, 4); } m_startButton = new Button(c_startButtonText); { m_startButton.SetSizeRequest(60, 16); m_startButton.TooltipText = "Start crawling the site."; m_startButton.Clicked += OnStartButtonClicked; hbox.PackEnd(m_startButton, false, true, 4); } vbox.PackStart(hbox, false, true, 8); } Notebook notebook = new Notebook(); { ScrolledWindow scrolledWindow = new ScrolledWindow(); { TreeView treeview = new TreeView(); { treeview.SetSizeRequest(200, 200); treeview.HeadersVisible = false; TreeViewColumn colOne = new TreeViewColumn(); { CellRendererText cellRendererText = new CellRendererText(); { colOne.PackStart(cellRendererText, true); colOne.AddAttribute(cellRendererText, "text", 0); } treeview.AppendColumn(colOne); } treeview.Model = m_scrapeViewModel.ExploredLinks; scrolledWindow.Add(treeview); } notebook.AppendPage(scrolledWindow, new Label("Explored Link")); } vbox.Add(notebook); } this.Add(vbox); } this.DeleteEvent += OnDeleteEvent; this.ShowAll(); }
internal GtkNotebookResult(Widget notebookWidget) : base(notebookWidget) { noteBook = notebookWidget as Notebook; }
private void AllowStaticAccess() { _tvShareBrowser = this.tvShareBrowser; _tvPlaylist = this.tvPlaylist; _cbShareType = this.cbShareType; _hsVolume = this.hsVolume; _hsProgress = this.hsProgress; _tbMute = this.tbMute; _bPrevious = this.bPrevious; _tbPlay = this.tbPlay; _tbStop = this.tbStop; _bNext = this.bNext; _imgNowPlaying = this.imgNowPlaying; _imgLoading = this.imgLoading; _fixedNowPlaying= this.fixedNowPlaying; _lArtist = this.lArtist; _lSong = this.lSong; _lAlbum = this.lAlbum; _lGenre = this.lGenre; _lProgress = this.lProgress; _lDuration = this.lDuration; _lYear = this.lYear; _nbDataContainer= this.nbDataContainer; }
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { noteBook = null; base.Dispose(disposing); }
public override System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult Create(Notebook.Models.Note.CreateNoteVM note, string hiddenTags) { var callInfo = new T4MVC_System_Web_Mvc_ActionResult(Area, Name, ActionNames.Create); ModelUnbinderHelpers.AddRouteValues(callInfo.RouteValueDictionary, "note", note); ModelUnbinderHelpers.AddRouteValues(callInfo.RouteValueDictionary, "hiddenTags", hiddenTags); CreateOverride(callInfo, note, hiddenTags); return callInfo; }
public void InitializeGui() { m_MainPanel = new Fixed(); m_OutConnectionStatus = new Label("Jaco is not connected."); m_GeneralPanel = new Fixed(); m_TxtSerial = new Label("Jaco serial # :"); m_TxtModel = new Label("Jaco model :"); m_TxtSoftwareVersion = new Label("Software version :"); m_TxtClientID = new Label("Client ID :"); m_TxtClientName = new Label("Client name :"); m_TxtClientOrganization = new Label("Client organization :"); m_OutSerial = new Label("????"); m_OutModel = new Label("????"); m_OutSoftwareVersion = new Label("????"); m_InClientID = new Entry(""); m_InClientName = new Entry(""); m_InClientOrganization = new Entry(""); m_BTNUpdateGeneral = new Button("Update Jaco"); m_BTNUpdateGeneral.Clicked += new EventHandler(BTN_UpdateClick); m_BTNReadGeneral = new Button("Read from Jaco"); m_BTNReadGeneral.Clicked += new EventHandler (BTN_ReadClick); m_ConfigurationPanel = new Fixed(); m_TxtSensitivity = new Label("Control's sensitivity :"); m_TxtMaxSpeed = new Label("Permitted max speed :"); m_TxtDrinkingHeight = new Label("Drinking height :"); m_TxtDrinkingDistance = new Label("Drinking distance :"); m_TxtLaterality = new Label("Laterality :"); m_TxtFingersInverted = new Label("Fingers inverted :"); m_TxtRetractAngle = new Label("Retracted position angle :"); m_InSensitivity = new Entry(""); m_InMaxSpeed = new Entry(""); m_InDrinkingHeight = new Entry(""); m_InDrinkingDistance = new Entry(""); m_RadioRightHanded = new RadioButton("Righthanded"); m_RadioLeftHanded = new RadioButton("Lefthanded"); m_RadioLeftHanded.Group = m_RadioRightHanded.Group; m_CheckFingersInverted = new CheckButton("Invert fingers"); m_InRetractAngle = new Entry(""); m_BTNUpdateConfig = new Button("Update Jaco"); m_BTNUpdateConfig.Clicked += new EventHandler(BTN_UpdateClick); m_BTNReadConfig = new Button("Read from Jaco"); m_BTNReadConfig.Clicked += new EventHandler(BTN_ReadClick); m_DiagnosisPanel = new Fixed(); m_TxtAxis1Version = new Label("Axis 1 version :"); m_TxtAxis2Version = new Label("Axis 2 version :"); m_TxtAxis3Version = new Label("Axis 3 version :"); m_TxtAxis4Version = new Label("Axis 4 version :"); m_TxtAxis5Version = new Label("Axis 5 version :"); m_TxtAxis6Version = new Label("Axis 6 version :"); m_TxtFinger1Version = new Label("Finger 1 version :"); m_TxtFinger2Version = new Label("Finger 2 version :"); m_TxtFinger3Version = new Label("Finger 3 version :"); m_TxtMainCANVersion = new Label("Main CAN version :"); m_TxtExtCANVersion = new Label("Ext CAN Version :"); m_OutAxis1Version = new Label("????"); m_OutAxis2Version = new Label("????"); m_OutAxis3Version = new Label("????"); m_OutAxis4Version = new Label("????"); m_OutAxis5Version = new Label("????"); m_OutAxis6Version = new Label("????"); m_OutFinger1Version = new Label("????"); m_OutFinger2Version = new Label("????"); m_OutFinger3Version = new Label("????"); m_OutMainCANVersion = new Label("????"); m_OutExtCANVersion = new Label("????"); m_TxtInfo = new Label(""); m_InFileReprogram = new FileChooserButton("Select a file", FileChooserAction.Open); m_InFileReprogram.WidthRequest = 440; m_BTNReprogram = new Button("Reprogram Jaco"); m_BTNReprogram.Clicked += new EventHandler(BTN_ReprogramClick); m_BTNReadDiagnosis = new Button("Read from Jaco"); m_BTNReadDiagnosis.Clicked += new EventHandler(BTN_ReadClick); m_MainTitle = new Label("Kinova software example"); Pango.FontDescription fontMaintTile = Pango.FontDescription.FromString("Garamond 30"); m_MainTitle.ModifyFont(fontMaintTile); m_TabGeneral = new Label("General"); m_TabConfiguration = new Label("Configuration"); m_TabDiagnosis = new Label("Diagnosis"); m_MainTab = new Notebook(); m_MainTab.WidthRequest = 500; m_MainTab.HeightRequest = 500; m_MainTab.AppendPage(m_GeneralPanel, m_TabGeneral); m_MainTab.AppendPage(m_ConfigurationPanel, m_TabConfiguration); m_MainTab.AppendPage(m_DiagnosisPanel, m_TabDiagnosis); }
public void Execute(object parameter) { Notebook notebook = parameter as Notebook; VM.RenameNotebook(notebook); }
public async Task <IActionResult> CreateNoteBook(string token, string noteRepositoryId, string notebookTitle, string parentNotebookId, string dataSignJson) { var re = new ApiRe(); var user = tokenSerivce.GetUserByToken(token); long?parentId = null; bool verify = false; long?repositoryId = null; //验证签名 if (this.config.SecurityConfig.ForceDigitalSignature) { var dataSign = DataSignDTO.FromJSON(dataSignJson); verify = await this.ePassService.VerifyDataSign(dataSign); if (!verify) { return(LeanoteJson(re)); } verify = dataSign.SignData.Operate.Equals("/api/Notebook/CreateNoteBook"); if (!verify) { re.Msg = "Operate is not Equals "; return(LeanoteJson(re)); } //签名存证 this.dataSignService.AddDataSign(dataSign, "CreateNoteBook"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(noteRepositoryId)) { return(LeanoteJson(re)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentNotebookId)) { verify = noteRepositoryService.Verify(noteRepositoryId.ToLongByHex(), user.UserId, RepositoryAuthorityEnum.Write); repositoryId = noteRepositoryId.ToLongByHex(); } else { var parentNotebook = notebookService.GetNotebookById(parentNotebookId.ToLongByHex()); if (user == null || parentNotebook == null) { return(LeanoteJson(re)); } repositoryId = parentNotebook.NotesRepositoryId; if (repositoryId != noteRepositoryId.ToLongByHex()) { return(LeanoteJson(re)); } verify = noteRepositoryService.Verify(repositoryId, user.UserId, RepositoryAuthorityEnum.Write); parentId = parentNotebook.NotebookId; } if (!verify) { return(LeanoteJson(re)); } var notebook = new Notebook() { NotebookId = idGenerator.NextId(), NotesRepositoryId = repositoryId, Seq = 0, UserId = user.UserId, CreatedTime = DateTime.Now, Title = notebookTitle, ParentNotebookId = parentId, }; notebookService.AddNotebook(notebook); re.Ok = true; re.Data = notebook; return(LeanoteJson(re)); }
public ICSGameObserverWidget(ICSClient client) : base() { split = new HPaned (); this.client = client; currentGames = new Hashtable (); gamesBook = new Notebook (); gamesBook.ShowTabs = false; gamesList = new TreeView (); gamesStore = new ListStore (typeof (string), typeof (string)); gamesList.Model = gamesStore; gamesList.AppendColumn ("Games", new CellRendererText (), "markup", 0); ScrolledWindow scroll = new ScrolledWindow (); scroll.HscrollbarPolicy = scroll.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; scroll.Add (gamesList); gamesList.CursorChanged += OnGamesListCursorChanged; split.Add1 (scroll); split.Add2 (gamesBook); split.ShowAll (); PackStart (split, true, true, 2); client.GameMessageEvent += OnGameMessage; }
public SelectReferenceDialog() { Build(); combinedBox = new CombinedBox(); combinedBox.Show(); mainBook = new Notebook(); combinedBox.Add(mainBook); alignment1.Add(combinedBox); mainBook.ShowAll(); filterEntry = combinedBox.FilterEntry; boxRefs.WidthRequest = 200; refTreeStore = new ListStore(typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(ProjectReference), typeof(Xwt.Drawing.Image)); ReferencesTreeView.Model = refTreeStore; TreeViewColumn col = new TreeViewColumn(); col.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString("Reference"); CellRendererImage crp = new CellRendererImage(); crp.Yalign = 0f; col.PackStart(crp, false); col.AddAttribute(crp, "image", IconColumn); CellRendererText text_render = new CellRendererText(); col.PackStart(text_render, true); col.AddAttribute(text_render, "markup", NameColumn); text_render.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.End; ReferencesTreeView.AppendColumn(col); // ReferencesTreeView.AppendColumn (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Type"), new CellRendererText (), "text", TypeNameColumn); // ReferencesTreeView.AppendColumn (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Location"), new CellRendererText (), "text", LocationColumn); projectRefPanel = new ProjectReferencePanel(this); packageRefPanel = new PackageReferencePanel(this, false); allRefPanel = new PackageReferencePanel(this, true); assemblyRefPanel = new AssemblyReferencePanel(this); panels.Add(allRefPanel); panels.Add(packageRefPanel); panels.Add(projectRefPanel); panels.Add(assemblyRefPanel); //mainBook.RemovePage (mainBook.CurrentPage); HBox tab = new HBox(false, 3); // tab.PackStart (new Image (ImageService.GetPixbuf (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.Reference, IconSize.Menu)), false, false, 0); tab.PackStart(new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("_All")), true, true, 0); tab.BorderWidth = 3; tab.ShowAll(); mainBook.AppendPage(allRefPanel, tab); tab = new HBox(false, 3); // tab.PackStart (new Image (ImageService.GetPixbuf (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.Package, IconSize.Menu)), false, false, 0); tab.PackStart(new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("_Packages")), true, true, 0); tab.BorderWidth = 3; tab.ShowAll(); mainBook.AppendPage(packageRefPanel, tab); tab = new HBox(false, 3); // tab.PackStart (new Image (ImageService.GetPixbuf (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.Project, IconSize.Menu)), false, false, 0); tab.PackStart(new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Pro_jects")), true, true, 0); tab.BorderWidth = 3; tab.ShowAll(); mainBook.AppendPage(projectRefPanel, tab); tab = new HBox(false, 3); // tab.PackStart (new Image (ImageService.GetPixbuf (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.OpenFolder, IconSize.Menu)), false, false, 0); tab.PackStart(new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString(".Net A_ssembly")), true, true, 0); tab.BorderWidth = 3; tab.ShowAll(); mainBook.AppendPage(assemblyRefPanel, tab); mainBook.Page = 0; var w = selectedHeader.Child; selectedHeader.Remove(w); HeaderBox header = new HeaderBox(1, 0, 1, 1); header.SetPadding(6, 6, 6, 6); header.GradientBackround = true; header.Add(w); selectedHeader.Add(header); RemoveReferenceButton.CanFocus = false; ReferencesTreeView.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler(OnChanged); Child.ShowAll(); OnChanged(null, null); InsertFilterEntry(); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the user chooses "Export Notebook" /// (Even when "All Notes or "Unfiled Notes" are /// selected.) /// </summary> void ExportNotebookButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs args) { string output_folder = null; ExportMultipleDialog dialog = null; Logger.Info("Activated export notebook to " + export_file_suffix); Notebook notebook = NoteRecentChanges.GetInstance(Tomboy.DefaultNoteManager).GetSelectedNotebook(); try { //Handling the two special notebooks string notebook_name = notebook.NormalizedName; if (notebook_name == "___NotebookManager___AllNotes__Notebook___") { Logger.Info("This notebook includes all notes, activating Export All"); ExportAllNotesViaGUI(); return; } else if (notebook_name == "___NotebookManager___UnfiledNotes__Notebook___") { dialog = new ExportMultipleDialog(Catalog.GetString("Unfiled Notes"), export_type_pretty_name); int response = dialog.Run(); output_folder = SanitizePath(dialog.Filename); if (response != (int)Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) { Logger.Debug("User clicked cancel."); dialog.Destroy(); return; } exporting_single_notebook = true; Logger.Debug("Creating an export folder in: " + output_folder); System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(output_folder); ExportNotesInList(ListUnfiledNotes(), output_folder); } else { //Ordinary notebooks dialog = new ExportMultipleDialog(notebook_name, export_type_pretty_name); int response = dialog.Run(); output_folder = SanitizePath(dialog.Filename); if (response != (int)Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) { Logger.Debug("User clicked cancel."); dialog.Destroy(); return; } exporting_single_notebook = true; Logger.Debug("Creating an export folder in: " + output_folder); System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(output_folder); ExportNotesInList(notebook.Tag.Notes, output_folder); } //Successful export: clean up and inform. dialog.SavePreferences(); ShowSuccessDialog(output_folder); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { Logger.Error(Catalog.GetString("Could not export, access denied.")); ShowErrorDialog(output_folder, dialog, Catalog.GetString("Access denied.")); return; } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) { Logger.Error(Catalog.GetString("Could not export, folder does not exist.")); ShowErrorDialog(output_folder, dialog, Catalog.GetString("Folder does not exist.")); return; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(Catalog.GetString("Could not export: {0}"), ex); ShowErrorDialog(output_folder, dialog, Catalog.GetString("Unknown error.")); return; } finally { if (dialog != null) { dialog.Destroy(); dialog = null; } } }
public int CheckFinder(string searchParameter, string searchInfo) { var x = Notebook.FindNote(searchParameter, searchInfo).Count; return(x); }
/// <summary> /// Initialize other components. /// </summary> public override void _initializeComponents() { ExpandVertical = false; ExpandHorizontal = false; // Frame Request Name Frame RequestNameFrame = new Frame() { Label = Director.Properties.Resources.RequestSettings, Padding = 10 }; VBox RequestNameBox = new VBox(); RequestNameBox.PackStart(new Label(Director.Properties.Resources.RequestName)); RequestName = new TextEntry() { ExpandHorizontal = true }; RequestName.Changed += RequestName_Changed; RequestNameBox.PackStart(RequestName); RequestNameBox.PackStart(InvalidRequestName); RequestNameFrame.Content = RequestNameBox; PackStart(RequestNameFrame); // Init notebook RequestDetails = new Notebook() { ExpandHorizontal = true, ExpandVertical = true, TabOrientation = NotebookTabOrientation.Top }; // Prepare tabs PackStart(RequestDetails, true, true); // Request overview RequestOverview = new VBox(); ScrollView RequestOverviewSV = new ScrollView() { Content = RequestOverview, Margin = (Config.Windows()) ? 0 : 10 }; RequestDetails.Add(RequestOverviewSV, Director.Properties.Resources.RequestRequest); // Response overview RequestStatus = new VBox(); ScrollView RequestStatusSV = new ScrollView() { Content = RequestStatus, Margin = (Config.Windows()) ? 0 : 10 }; RequestDetails.Add(RequestStatusSV, Director.Properties.Resources.RequestResponse); // Add edit button Button EditBtn = new Button(Image.FromResource(DirectorImages.EDIT_ICON), Director.Properties.Resources.MenuEditRequest) { WidthRequest = 150, ExpandHorizontal = false, ExpandVertical = false }; EditBtn.Clicked += delegate { CurrentMainWindow.OpenEditRequest(ActiveRequest); }; PackStart(EditBtn, expand: false, hpos: WidgetPlacement.End); }
public int CheckGetNoteToEdit(int id) { var x = Notebook.GetNoteToEdit(id).Id; return(x); }
public IControl this[string id] { get { if (CreatedControlsByName.ContainsKey(id)) return CreatedControlsByName[id]; Control ret = null; VirindiViewService.Controls.HudControl iret = myView[id]; if (iret.GetType() == typeof(VirindiViewService.Controls.HudButton)) ret = new Button(); if (iret.GetType() == typeof(VirindiViewService.Controls.HudCheckBox)) ret = new CheckBox(); if (iret.GetType() == typeof(VirindiViewService.Controls.HudTextBox)) ret = new TextBox(); if (iret.GetType() == typeof(VirindiViewService.Controls.HudCombo)) ret = new Combo(); if (iret.GetType() == typeof(VirindiViewService.Controls.HudHSlider)) ret = new Slider(); if (iret.GetType() == typeof(VirindiViewService.Controls.HudList)) ret = new List(); if (iret.GetType() == typeof(VirindiViewService.Controls.HudStaticText)) ret = new StaticText(); if (iret.GetType() == typeof(VirindiViewService.Controls.HudTabView)) ret = new Notebook(); if (iret.GetType() == typeof(VirindiViewService.Controls.HudProgressBar)) ret = new ProgressBar(); if (iret.GetType() == typeof(VirindiViewService.Controls.HudImageButton)) ret = new ImageButton(); if (ret == null) return null; ret.myControl = iret; ret.myName = id; ret.Initialize(); allocatedcontrols.Add(ret); CreatedControlsByName[id] = ret; return ret; } }
public HomeMDPMaster() { InitializeComponent(); ListView = lst_notebooks; object version = ""; App.Current.Resources.TryGetValue("version", out version); lbl_version.Text = version.ToString(); mst_lock_unlock.Clicked += new EventHandler((o, e) => { LocknoteMgr.GetInstance().SecureErase(); ((App)Application.Current).ResumeApp(); }); mst_settings.Clicked += new EventHandler((o, e) => { ((NavigationPage)((HomeMDP)Application.Current.MainPage).Detail).PushAsync(new SettingsPage()); ((HomeMDP)Application.Current.MainPage).IsPresented = false; }); mst_new_notebook.Clicked += new EventHandler((o, e) => { TextEntryPrompt p = new TextEntryPrompt() { IsNavPage = true, PositiveButtonText = "Create", NegativeButtonText = "Cancel", PromptTitle = "New Notebook", Hint = "A Notebook" }; p.OnPromptSaved += new Prompt.PromptClosedEventListener(() => { LocknoteMgr.GetInstance().NoteManager.NewNotebook(p.Text); LocknoteMgr.GetInstance().SaveNotebooks(true); ((HomeMDP)Application.Current.MainPage).IsPresented = true; }); p.Show(((HomeMDP)Application.Current.MainPage).Detail); ((HomeMDP)Application.Current.MainPage).IsPresented = false; }); lst_notebooks.ItemTapped += new EventHandler((o, e) => { Notebook nb = (Notebook)o; SectionsPage sp = new SectionsPage(nb); sp.Title = nb.Title + " | Sections"; sp.ListView.ItemsSource = nb.Sections; ((HomeMDP)Application.Current.MainPage).Detail = new NavigationPage(sp); ((HomeMDP)Application.Current.MainPage).IsPresented = false; }); lst_notebooks.ItemLongTapped += new LNListView.ItemLongTappedHandler((o, e) => { Notebook nb = (Notebook)o; EditNotebookPrompt p = new EditNotebookPrompt() { Title = nb.Title, IsNavPage = true }; Xamarin.Forms.Page pg = ((NavigationPage)((HomeMDP)Application.Current.MainPage).Detail).CurrentPage; p.OnPromptSaved += new Prompt.PromptClosedEventListener(() => { nb.Title = p.Title; if (pg.GetType() == typeof(SectionsPage)) { pg.Title = p.Title + " | Sections"; } LocknoteMgr.GetInstance().SaveNotebooks(true); lst_notebooks.ItemsSource = LocknoteMgr.GetInstance().NoteManager.Notebooks; }); p.DeleteClicked += new EventHandler((o2, e2) => { Prompt p2 = new Prompt() { PromptTitle = "Are you sure?", PositiveButtonText = "Yes", NegativeButtonText = "No", IsNavPage = true }; p2.OnPromptSaved += new Prompt.PromptClosedEventListener(() => { LocknoteMgr.GetInstance().NoteManager.DeleteNotebook(nb); p.Dismiss(); }); p2.Show(((HomeMDP)Application.Current.MainPage).Detail); }); p.Show(((HomeMDP)Application.Current.MainPage).Detail); ((HomeMDP)Application.Current.MainPage).IsPresented = false; }); }
protected void AddPlatformTab(string friendlyName, string msfPayloadFilter, Notebook parent, string negativeFilter = null, Widget payloadDetails = null) { HBox split = new HBox (); TreeView payloads = new TreeView (); payloads.RowActivated += (object o, RowActivatedArgs args) => { TreeModel model = _treeViews [_parentNotebook.CurrentPage].Model; TreeIter iter; model.GetIterFromString (out iter, args.Path.ToString ()); string str = model.GetValue (iter, 1) as string; VBox deeets = RedrawOptions (_newPayloads [str], true); HBox updateButton = new HBox (); Button update = new Button ("Update payload"); update.Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { Dictionary<string, object> newopts = new Dictionary<string, object> (); foreach (Widget child in _dynamicOptions[_parentNotebook.CurrentPage].Children) { if (child is CheckButton) { newopts.Add ((child as CheckButton).Label, (child as CheckButton).Active.ToString ()); } else if (child is HBox) { foreach (Widget c in (child as HBox).Children) { if (c is Entry) { newopts.Add ((c as Entry).TooltipText, (c as Entry).Text); } } } } _newPayloads [str] = newopts; }; updateButton.PackStart (update, false, false, 0); deeets.PackStart (updateButton, false, false, 0); deeets.ShowAll (); }; TreeViewColumn no = new TreeViewColumn (); no.Title = "#"; CellRendererText noText = new CellRendererText (); no.PackStart (noText, true); no.AddAttribute (noText, "text", 0); TreeViewColumn treedeets = new TreeViewColumn (); payloads.AppendColumn (no); CellRendererText treeDeetsText = new CellRendererText (); treedeets.Title = "Details"; treedeets.PackStart (treeDeetsText, true); treedeets.AddAttribute (treeDeetsText, "text", 1); payloads.AppendColumn (treedeets); ListStore payloadListStore = new ListStore (typeof(string), typeof(string)); payloads.Model = payloadListStore; payloads.WidthRequest = 250; payloads.HeightRequest = 500; _treeViews.Add (payloads); split.PackStart (payloads, false, false, 10); VBox deetsAndButtons = new VBox (); VBox deets = new VBox (); HBox payloadComboContainer = new HBox (); ComboBox payloadCombo = ComboBox.NewText (); payloadCombo.Changed += OnPayloadChanged; payloadCombo.WidthRequest = 250; var ps = ((List<object>)_payloads ["modules"]).Where (s => ((string)s).StartsWith (msfPayloadFilter)); if (negativeFilter != null) ps = ps.Where (s => !((string)s).Contains (negativeFilter)); foreach (var payload in ps.OrderBy(s => s)) payloadCombo.AppendText (payload.ToString ()); payloadComboContainer.PackStart (payloadCombo, false, false, 0); deetsAndButtons.PackStart (payloadComboContainer, false, false, 0); deetsAndButtons.PackStart (deets, false, false, 0); if (payloadDetails != null) deets.PackStart (payloadDetails, false, false, 0); _dynamicOptions.Add (deets); split.PackEnd (deetsAndButtons, true, true, 0); parent.AppendPage (split, new Label (friendlyName)); }
public override System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult Search(Notebook.Models.Note.SearchNoteVM filter) { var callInfo = new T4MVC_System_Web_Mvc_ActionResult(Area, Name, ActionNames.Search); ModelUnbinderHelpers.AddRouteValues(callInfo.RouteValueDictionary, "filter", filter); SearchOverride(callInfo, filter); return callInfo; }
public ICSDetailsWidget() : base() { menubar = new ICSMenuBar (); menubar.disconnectMenuItem.Activated += on_disconnect_activate; menubar.connectMenuItem.Activated += on_connect_activate; menubar.ShowAll (); Image img = new Image (); img.Stock = Stock.Network; toolbutton = new ToolButton (img, Catalog. GetString ("Chess Server")); toolbutton.ShowAll (); client = new ICSClient (); title = String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("ICS: {0}@{1}:{2}"), client.User, client.server, client.port); book = new Notebook (); book.Show (); Add (book); obManager = new GameObservationManager (client, this); observableGames = new ObservableGamesWidget (obManager); graph = new GameAdvertisementGraph (client); book.AppendPage (graph, new Label (Catalog. GetString ("Seek Graph"))); ads = new GameAdvertisements (client); book.AppendPage (ads, new Label (Catalog. GetString ("Game Seeks"))); book.AppendPage (observableGames, new Label (Catalog. GetString ("Watch Games"))); shell = new ICSShell (client); book.AppendPage (shell, new Label (Catalog. GetString ("Shell"))); client.ChallengeEvent += OnChallengeEvent; client.AuthEvent += OnAuth; client.ConnectionErrorEvent += OnConnectionError; ShowConfigWidget (); menubar.disconnectMenuItem.Sensitive = false; GLib.Idle.Add (delegate () { Authenticate (); return false;} ); accel = new AccelGroup (); menubar.quitMenuItem. AddAccelerator ("activate", accel, new AccelKey (Gdk.Key. q, Gdk. ModifierType. ControlMask, AccelFlags. Visible)); ShowAll (); CsBoardApp.Instance.QuitEvent += OnQuitEvent; }
public void Update(Notebook notebook) { _notebookRepos.Update(notebook); }
public IControl this[string id] { get { if (CreatedControlsByName.ContainsKey(id)) return CreatedControlsByName[id]; Control ret = null; Decal.Adapter.Wrappers.IControlWrapper iret = myView.Controls[id]; if (iret.GetType() == typeof(Decal.Adapter.Wrappers.PushButtonWrapper)) ret = new Button(); if (iret.GetType() == typeof(Decal.Adapter.Wrappers.CheckBoxWrapper)) ret = new CheckBox(); if (iret.GetType() == typeof(Decal.Adapter.Wrappers.TextBoxWrapper)) ret = new TextBox(); if (iret.GetType() == typeof(Decal.Adapter.Wrappers.ChoiceWrapper)) ret = new Combo(); if (iret.GetType() == typeof(Decal.Adapter.Wrappers.SliderWrapper)) ret = new Slider(); if (iret.GetType() == typeof(Decal.Adapter.Wrappers.ListWrapper)) ret = new List(); if (iret.GetType() == typeof(Decal.Adapter.Wrappers.StaticWrapper)) ret = new StaticText(); if (iret.GetType() == typeof(Decal.Adapter.Wrappers.NotebookWrapper)) ret = new Notebook(); if (iret.GetType() == typeof(Decal.Adapter.Wrappers.ProgressWrapper)) ret = new ProgressBar(); if (iret.GetType() == typeof(Decal.Adapter.Wrappers.ButtonWrapper)) ret = new ImageButton(); if (ret == null) return null; ret.myControl = iret; ret.myName = id; ret.Initialize(); allocatedcontrols.Add(ret); CreatedControlsByName[id] = ret; return ret; } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> public MainView(ViewBase owner = null) : base(owner) { MasterView = this; numberOfButtons = 0; Builder builder = BuilderFromResource(""); window1 = (Window)builder.GetObject("window1"); progressBar = (ProgressBar)builder.GetObject("progressBar"); lblStatus = (Label)builder.GetObject("lblStatus"); statusWindow = (TextView)builder.GetObject("StatusWindow"); stopButton = (Button)builder.GetObject("stopButton"); notebook1 = (Notebook)builder.GetObject("notebook1"); notebook2 = (Notebook)builder.GetObject("notebook2"); vbox1 = (VBox)builder.GetObject("vbox1"); vbox2 = (VBox)builder.GetObject("vbox2"); hpaned1 = (HPaned)builder.GetObject("hpaned1"); hbox1 = (Widget)builder.GetObject("vbox3"); mainWidget = window1; window1.Icon = new Gdk.Pixbuf(null, "ApsimNG.Resources.apsim logo32.png"); listButtonView1 = new ListButtonView(this); listButtonView1.ButtonsAreToolbar = true; vbox1.PackEnd(listButtonView1.MainWidget, true, true, 0); listButtonView2 = new ListButtonView(this); listButtonView2.ButtonsAreToolbar = true; vbox2.PackEnd(listButtonView2.MainWidget, true, true, 0); hpaned1.PositionSet = true; hpaned1.Child2.Hide(); hpaned1.Child2.NoShowAll = true; notebook1.SetMenuLabel(vbox1, LabelWithIcon(indexTabText, "go-home")); notebook2.SetMenuLabel(vbox2, LabelWithIcon(indexTabText, "go-home")); notebook1.SwitchPage += OnChangeTab; notebook2.SwitchPage += OnChangeTab; notebook1.GetTabLabel(notebook1.Children[0]).Name = "selected-tab"; hbox1.HeightRequest = 20; // Normally, one would specify the style class in the UI (.glade) file. // However, doing so breaks gtk2-compatibility, so for now, we will just // set the style class in code. progressBar.StyleContext.AddClass("fat-progress-bar"); TextTag tag = new TextTag("error"); // Make errors orange-ish in dark mode. if (Utility.Configuration.Settings.DarkTheme) { tag.ForegroundGdk = Utility.Colour.ToGdk(ColourUtilities.ChooseColour(1)); } else { tag.Foreground = "red"; } statusWindow.Buffer.TagTable.Add(tag); tag = new TextTag("warning"); // Make warnings yellow in dark mode. if (Utility.Configuration.Settings.DarkTheme) { tag.ForegroundGdk = Utility.Colour.ToGdk(ColourUtilities.ChooseColour(7)); } else { tag.Foreground = "brown"; } statusWindow.Buffer.TagTable.Add(tag); tag = new TextTag("normal"); tag.Foreground = "blue"; statusWindow.Visible = false; stopButton.Image = new Gtk.Image(new Gdk.Pixbuf(null, "ApsimNG.Resources.MenuImages.Delete.png", 12, 12)); stopButton.ImagePosition = PositionType.Right; stopButton.Image.Visible = true; stopButton.Clicked += OnStopClicked; window1.DeleteEvent += OnClosing; // If font is null, or font family is null, or font size is 0, fallback // to the default font (on windows only). Pango.FontDescription f = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Utility.Configuration.Settings.FontName)) { f = Pango.FontDescription.FromString(Utility.Configuration.Settings.FontName); } if (ProcessUtilities.CurrentOS.IsWindows && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Utility.Configuration.Settings.FontName) || f.Family == null || f.Size == 0)) { // Default font on Windows is Segoe UI. Will fallback to sans if unavailable. Utility.Configuration.Settings.FontName = Pango.FontDescription.FromString("Segoe UI 11").ToString(); } // Can't set font until widgets are initialised. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Utility.Configuration.Settings.FontName)) { try { Pango.FontDescription font = Pango.FontDescription.FromString(Utility.Configuration.Settings.FontName); ChangeFont(font); } catch (Exception err) { ShowError(err); } } //window1.ShowAll(); if (ProcessUtilities.CurrentOS.IsMac) { InitMac(); //Utility.Configuration.Settings.DarkTheme = Utility.MacUtilities.DarkThemeEnabled(); } if (!ProcessUtilities.CurrentOS.IsLinux) { RefreshTheme(); } LoadStylesheets(); }
partial void CreateOverride(T4MVC_System_Web_Mvc_ActionResult callInfo, Notebook.Models.Note.CreateNoteVM note, string hiddenTags);
public List <Database.Entities.Note> GetNotes(Notebook notebook, string searchString, ref int count, bool orderByLastChanged, string noteFilter) { string[] search = searchString.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); List <Database.Entities.Note> notes = null; using (var conn = this.factory.GetConnection()) { // First, get all the notes notes = conn.Table <Database.Entities.Note>().ToList(); switch (noteFilter) { case NoteFilters.Today: notes = notes.Where(n => DateUtils.CountDays(new DateTime(n.ModificationDate), DateTime.Now) == 0).ToList(); break; case NoteFilters.Yesterday: notes = notes.Where(n => DateUtils.CountDays(new DateTime(n.ModificationDate), DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)) == 0).ToList(); break; case NoteFilters.ThisWeek: notes = notes.Where(n => DateUtils.CountDays(new DateTime(n.ModificationDate), DateTime.Now) <= (int)DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek).ToList(); break; case NoteFilters.Flagged: notes = notes.Where(n => n.Flagged == 1).ToList(); break; case NoteFilters.All: break; // do not filter } // Then, add a WHERE clause if (notebook.Id.Equals("0")) { // Get all the notes notes = notes.Where(n => search.All(s => n.Title.ToLower().Contains(s.ToLower()) | n.Text.ToLower().Contains(s.ToLower()))).ToList(); } else if (notebook.Id.Equals("1")) { // Get only the notes without notebook id notes = notes.Where(n => n.NotebookId.Equals("") & (search.All(s => n.Title.ToLower().Contains(s.ToLower()) | n.Text.ToLower().Contains(s.ToLower())))).ToList(); } else { // Get only the notes for the selected notebook id notes = notes.Where(n => n.NotebookId.Equals(notebook.Id) & (search.All(s => n.Title.ToLower().Contains(s.ToLower()) | n.Text.ToLower().Contains(s.ToLower())))).ToList(); } // Finally, ORDER BY if (!orderByLastChanged) { // Order alpabetically notes = notes.OrderBy(n => n.Title).ToList(); } else { // Order by last changed notes = notes.OrderByDescending(n => n.ModificationDate).ToList(); } count = notes.Count(); } return(notes); }
partial void SearchOverride(T4MVC_System_Web_Mvc_ActionResult callInfo, Notebook.Models.Note.SearchNoteVM filter);
public override Widget CreatePanelWidget() { HBox hbox = new HBox(false, 6); Label label = new Label(); label.MarkupWithMnemonic = GettextCatalog.GetString("_Policy:"); hbox.PackStart(label, false, false, 0); store = new ListStore(typeof(string), typeof(PolicySet)); policyCombo = new ComboBox(store); CellRenderer renderer = new CellRendererText(); policyCombo.PackStart(renderer, true); policyCombo.AddAttribute(renderer, "text", 0); label.MnemonicWidget = policyCombo; policyCombo.RowSeparatorFunc = (TreeModel model, TreeIter iter) => ((string)model.GetValue(iter, 0)) == "--"; hbox.PackStart(policyCombo, false, false, 0); VBox vbox = new VBox(false, 6); vbox.PackStart(hbox, false, false, 0); vbox.ShowAll(); // Warning message to be shown when the user modifies the default policy warningMessage = new HBox(); warningMessage.Spacing = 6; Image img = new Image(Stock.Warning, IconSize.Menu); warningMessage.PackStart(img, false, false, 0); Label wl = new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Changes done in this section will only be applied to new projects. " + "Settings for existing projects can be modified in the project (or solution) options dialog.")); wl.Xalign = 0; wl.Wrap = true; wl.WidthRequest = 450; warningMessage.PackStart(wl, true, true, 0); warningMessage.ShowAll(); warningMessage.Visible = false; vbox.PackEnd(warningMessage, false, false, 0); notebook = new Notebook(); // Get the panels for all mime types List <string> types = new List <string> (); types.AddRange(DesktopService.GetMimeTypeInheritanceChain(mimeType)); panelData.SectionLoaded = true; panels = panelData.Panels; foreach (IMimeTypePolicyOptionsPanel panel in panelData.Panels) { panel.SetParentSection(this); Widget child = panel.CreateMimePanelWidget(); Label tlabel = new Label(panel.Label); label.Show(); child.Show(); Alignment align = new Alignment(0.5f, 0.5f, 1f, 1f); align.BorderWidth = 6; align.Add(child); align.Show(); notebook.AppendPage(align, tlabel); panel.LoadCurrentPolicy(); } notebook.SwitchPage += delegate(object o, SwitchPageArgs args) { if (notebook.Page >= 0 && notebook.Page < this.panels.Count) { this.panels[notebook.Page].PanelSelected(); } }; notebook.Show(); vbox.PackEnd(notebook, true, true, 0); FillPolicies(); policyCombo.Active = 0; loading = false; if (!isRoot && panelData.UseParentPolicy) { //in this case "parent" is always first in the list policyCombo.Active = 0; notebook.Sensitive = false; } else { UpdateSelectedNamedPolicy(); } policyCombo.Changed += HandlePolicyComboChanged; return(vbox); }
public static void Main23 () { uint r; double theta; Application.Init (); Gtk.Window win = new Gtk.Window ("Polar Coordinate Container"); win.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (Window_Delete); Notebook notebook = new Notebook (); win.Add (notebook); // Clock PolarFixed pf = new PolarFixed (); notebook.AppendPage (pf, new Label ("Clock")); for (int hour = 1; hour <= 12; hour ++) { theta = (Math.PI / 2) - hour * (Math.PI / 6); if (theta < 0) theta += 2 * Math.PI; Label l = new Label ("<big><b>" + hour.ToString () + "</b></big>"); l.UseMarkup = true; pf.Put (l, theta, 200); } // Spiral pf = new PolarFixed (); notebook.AppendPage (pf, new Label ("Spiral")); r = 0; theta = 0.0; foreach (string id in Gtk.Stock.ListIds ()) { StockItem item = Gtk.Stock.Lookup (id); if (item.Label == null) continue; pf.Put (new Gtk.Button (id), theta, r); // Logarithmic spiral: r = a*e^(b*theta) r += 5; theta = 10 * Math.Log (10 * r); } win.ShowAll (); Application.Run (); }
public void Execute(object parameter) { Notebook selectedNotebook = parameter as Notebook; VM.CreateNote(selectedNotebook.Id); }
public StockView(ViewBase owner) : base(owner) { Builder builder = BuilderFromResource(""); notebook1 = (Notebook)builder.GetObject("notebook1"); notebook1.SwitchPage += TabControl1_SelectedIndexChanged; gbxGenotype = (Frame)builder.GetObject("gbxGenotype"); edtGenotypeName = (Entry)builder.GetObject("edtGenotypeName"); btnNewGeno = (Button)builder.GetObject("btnNewGeno"); btnDelGeno = (Button)builder.GetObject("btnDelGeno"); rbtnSheep = (Gtk.RadioButton)builder.GetObject("rbtnSheep"); rbtnCattle = (Gtk.RadioButton)builder.GetObject("rbtnCattle"); lblConception3 = (Label)builder.GetObject("lblConception3"); unitConception = (Label)builder.GetObject("unitConception"); lblBreedPFW_PeakMilk = (Label)builder.GetObject("lblBreedPFW_PeakMilk"); unitBreedPFW_PeakMilk = (Label)builder.GetObject("unitBreedPFW_PeakMilk"); untWoolYield = (Label)builder.GetObject("untWoolYield"); lblWoolYield = (Label)builder.GetObject("lblWoolYield"); lblDamBreed = (Label)builder.GetObject("lblDamBreed"); lblSireBreed = (Label)builder.GetObject("lblSireBreed"); lblBreedMaxMu = (Label)builder.GetObject("lblBreedMaxMu"); unitBreedMaxMu = (Label)builder.GetObject("unitBreedMaxMu"); cbxDamBreed = new Views.DropDownView(this, (ComboBox)builder.GetObject("cbxDamBreed")); cbxSireBreed = new Views.DropDownView(this, (ComboBox)builder.GetObject("cbxSireBreed")); cbxGeneration = new Views.DropDownView(this, (ComboBox)builder.GetObject("cbxGeneration")); cbxGroupGenotype = new Views.DropDownView(this, (ComboBox)builder.GetObject("cbxGroupGenotype")); // animals tab deWnrDeath = new DoubleEditView(this, (Entry)builder.GetObject("edtWnrDeathRate"), 100, 0, 1); deDeath = new DoubleEditView(this, (Entry)builder.GetObject("edtDeathRate"), 100, 0, 1); dePFW_Milk = new DoubleEditView(this, (Entry)builder.GetObject("edtBreedPFW_PeakMilk"), 100, 0, 2); deBreedSRW = new DoubleEditView(this, (Entry)builder.GetObject("edtBreedSRW")); deBreedSRW.DecPlaces = 1; deBreedMaxMu = new DoubleEditView(this, (Entry)builder.GetObject("edtBreedMaxMu"), 50, 5, 1); deWoolYield = new DoubleEditView(this, (Entry)builder.GetObject("edtWoolYield"), 100, 50, 1); deConception1 = new DoubleEditView(this, (Entry)builder.GetObject("edtConception1"), 100, 0, 0); deConception2 = new DoubleEditView(this, (Entry)builder.GetObject("edtConception2"), 100, 0, 0); deConception3 = new DoubleEditView(this, (Entry)builder.GetObject("edtConception3"), 100, 0, 0); cbxGeneration.Values = new string[] { "Purebred", "First cross", "Second cross", "Third cross", "Fourth cross", "Fifth cross", "Sixth cross" }; // configure the treeview of genotype names lbxGenotypeList = (Gtk.TreeView)builder.GetObject("tvGenotypes"); lbxGenotypeList.Model = genoList; CellRendererText textRender = new Gtk.CellRendererText(); TreeViewColumn column = new TreeViewColumn("Genotype Names", textRender, "text", 0); lbxGenotypeList.AppendColumn(column); lbxGenotypeList.HeadersVisible = false; lbxGenotypeList.CursorChanged += lbxGenotypeList_SelectedIndexChanged; btnNewGeno.Clicked += btnNewGeno_Clicked; btnDelGeno.Clicked += btnDelGeno_Clicked; edtGenotypeName.Changed += ChangeGenotypeName; rbtnSheep.Clicked += ClickAnimal; rbtnCattle.Clicked += ClickAnimal; cbxDamBreed.Changed += ChangeBreed; cbxGeneration.Changed += ChangeGeneration; _mainWidget = notebook1; _mainWidget.Destroyed += _mainWidget_Destroyed; }
public bool CanExecute(object parameter) { Notebook selectedNotebook = parameter as Notebook; return(selectedNotebook != null ? true : false); }
private ImportDatabaseStmtRunner(Notebook notebook, ScriptEnv env, ScriptRunner runner, Ast.ImportDatabaseStmt stmt, CancellationToken cancel ) { _notebook = notebook; _env = env; _runner = runner; _stmt = stmt; _cancel = cancel; // vendor var vendorObj = _runner.EvaluateExpr(_stmt.VendorExpr, _env); if (vendorObj is not string) { throw new Exception("IMPORT DATABASE: The 'vendor' parameter must be a string."); } _vendor = ((string)vendorObj).ToLowerInvariant(); switch (_vendor) { case "mssql": case "pgsql": case "mysql": break; default: throw new Exception($"IMPORT DATABASE: The vendor \"{_vendor}\" is not recognized."); } // src-schema-name if (stmt.SrcSchemaNameExprOrNull != null) { _srcSchemaName = _runner.EvaluateIdentifierOrExpr(stmt.SrcSchemaNameExprOrNull, _env); } // src-table-name, sql if (stmt.SrcTableNameExprOrNull != null) { _srcTableName = _runner.EvaluateIdentifierOrExpr(stmt.SrcTableNameExprOrNull, _env); _sql = null; } else if (stmt.SqlExprOrNull != null) { var sqlObj = _runner.EvaluateExpr(stmt.SqlExprOrNull, _env); if (sqlObj is not string) { throw new Exception("IMPORT DATABASE: The 'sql' parameter must be a string."); } _sql = (string)sqlObj; _srcTableName = null; } else { throw new Exception("IMPORT DATABASE: Internal error. No source table and no query specified."); } // dst-table-name if (_stmt.DstTableNameExprOrNull != null) { _dstTableName = _runner.EvaluateIdentifierOrExpr(_stmt.DstTableNameExprOrNull, _env); } else if (_stmt.SrcTableNameExprOrNull != null) { _dstTableName = _runner.EvaluateIdentifierOrExpr(_stmt.SrcTableNameExprOrNull, _env); } else if (_stmt.SqlExprOrNull != null) { throw new Exception("IMPORT DATABASE: A target table name (with INTO) is required when the source is a query."); } else { throw new Exception("IMPORT DATABASE: Internal error. No destination table name."); } // connection-string var connectionStringObj = _runner.EvaluateExpr(_stmt.ConnectionStringExpr, _env); if (connectionStringObj is not string) { throw new Exception("IMPORT DATABASE: The 'connection-string' parameter must be a string."); } _connectionString = (string)connectionStringObj; // OPTIONS foreach (var option in _stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionKeys()) { switch (option) { case "LINK": _link = _stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionBool(option, _runner, _env, false); break; case "TRUNCATE_EXISTING_TABLE": _truncateExistingTable = _stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionBool(option, _runner, _env, false); break; case "TEMPORARY_TABLE": _temporaryTable = _stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionBool(option, _runner, _env, false); break; default: throw new Exception($"\"{option}\" is not a recognized option name."); } } // validate option LINK if (_link) { if (_sql != null) { throw new Exception("IMPORT DATABASE: When creating a live link, a source table name must be provided, not an SQL query."); } if (TableExists(_dstTableName)) { throw new Exception($"IMPORT DATABASE: The table \"{_dstTableName}\" already exists."); } if (_truncateExistingTable) { throw new Exception($"IMPORT DATABASE: When creating a live link, the TRUNCATE_EXISTING_TABLE option is not valid."); } if (_temporaryTable) { throw new Exception($"IMPORT DATABASE: When creating a live link, the TEMPORARY_TABLE option is not valid."); } } }
public async static Task <int> Initialize(Context context, UserManager <User> userManager, RoleManager <IdentityRole> roleManager) { try { IdentityResult result; context.Database.EnsureCreated(); if (context.Products.Any()) { return(0); // DB has been seeded } var Categories = new Category[] { new Category { CategoryName = "Видеокарты" }, new Category { CategoryName = "Процессоры" }, new Category { CategoryName = "Ноутбуки" }, }; foreach (var s in Categories) { context.Categories.Add(s); } context.SaveChanges(); var GPUS = new GraphicsCard[] { new GraphicsCard { memory = 1000, clock = 1600, Name = "MSI nVidia GeForce GT 710 , GT 710 1GD3H LP", quantity = 10, Price = 3190, PostDate = DateTime.Now, Category = Categories.First(), ImageThumbnail = Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(@"wwwroot\TestImages\1.jpg")), Images = context.Images.ToList() }, new GraphicsCard { memory = 4000, clock = 7000, Name = "PALIT nVidia GeForce GTX 1050TI , PA-GTX1050Ti StormX 4G", quantity = 10, Price = 21590, PostDate = DateTime.Now, Category = Categories.First(), ImageThumbnail = Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(@"wwwroot\TestImages\3.jpg")), Images = context.Images.ToList() }, new GraphicsCard { memory = 1000, clock = 5012, Name = "ASUS NVIDIA GeForce GT 710 , GT710-SL-1GD5", quantity = 10, Price = 3490, PostDate = DateTime.Now, Category = Categories.First(), ImageThumbnail = Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(@"wwwroot\TestImages\4.jpg")), Images = context.Images.ToList(), Discount = 10 }, new GraphicsCard { memory = 2000, clock = 2100, Name = "MSI nVidia GeForce GT 1030 , GT 1030 AERO ITX 2GD4 OC", quantity = 10, Price = 7390, PostDate = DateTime.Now, Category = Categories.First(), ImageThumbnail = Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(@"wwwroot\TestImages\5.jpg")), Images = context.Images.ToList() } }; foreach (GraphicsCard i in GPUS) { context.GraphicsCards.Add(i); } context.SaveChanges(); var prots = new CPU[] { new CPU { Name = "AMD Ryzen 5 2600, SocketAM4, OEM", quantity = 10, Price = 11590, PostDate = DateTime.Now, Category = Categories[1], cores = 6, clock = 3400, ImageThumbnail = Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(@"wwwroot\TestImages\2.jpg")), } }; Notebook a = new Notebook { Images = context.Images.ToList(), Category = Categories[2], Name = "DIGMA EVE 14 C411, 14.1 IPS", ImageThumbnail = Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(@"wwwroot\TestImages\222.jpg")) }; context.Notebooks.Add(a); foreach (var i in prots) { context.CPUs.Add(i); } context.SaveChanges(); var ImageContens = new ImageContent[] { new ImageContent { content = File.ReadAllBytes(@"wwwroot\TestImages\carousel\1s.jpg") }, new ImageContent { content = File.ReadAllBytes(@"wwwroot\TestImages\carousel\2b.jpg") } }; foreach (var ic in ImageContens) { context.ImageContents.Add(ic); } context.SaveChanges(); var Images = new Image[] { new Image { ImageContentID = context.ImageContents.ToList()[0].ImageContentID, ProductID = context.GraphicsCards.FirstOrDefault().ID }, new Image { ImageContentID = context.ImageContents.ToList()[1].ImageContentID, ProductID = context.GraphicsCards.FirstOrDefault().ID }, }; foreach (var I in Images) { context.Images.Add(I); } context.SaveChanges(); var Roles = new IdentityRole[] { new IdentityRole("admin"), new IdentityRole("user"), }; foreach (var r in Roles) { result = await roleManager.CreateAsync(r); } context.SaveChanges(); var Users = new User[] { new User { UserName = "******", Email = "*****@*****.**" }, new User { UserName = "******", Email = "*****@*****.**" } }; result = await userManager.CreateAsync(Users[0], "PasswodFromUser!1"); result = await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(userManager.FindByEmailAsync("*****@*****.**").Result, "user"); result = await userManager.CreateAsync(Users[1], "PasswodFromAdmin!1"); result = await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(userManager.FindByEmailAsync("*****@*****.**").Result, "admin"); context.SaveChanges(); // var people = new User[] //{ // new User { // UsLogin = "******", // UsPassword = "******", // FirstName = "Ivan", // RegDate = DateTime.Now, // Role = Role.user // }, // new User { // UsLogin = "******", // UsPassword = "******", // FirstName = "DIO", // RegDate = DateTime.Now, // Role = Role.admin // } //}; // foreach (var u in people) // { // context.Users.Add(u); // } var sells = new Order[] { new Order { shippingAdress = "tuda", phone = "88005553535", email = "*****@*****.**", status = OrderStatus.pending } }; foreach (var s in sells) { context.Orders.Add(s); } context.SaveChanges(); var ordered = new OrderedProduct[] { new OrderedProduct { OrderID = context.Orders.FirstOrDefault().ID, ProductID = context.Products.FirstOrDefault().ID, Quantity = 4 } }; foreach (var op in ordered) { context.OrderedProducts.Add(op); } context.SaveChanges(); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("a"); return(0); } }