/// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the lbAddNote control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void lbAddNote_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            var service = new NoteService( rockContext );

            var note = new Note();
            note.IsSystem = false;
            note.IsAlert = false;
            note.NoteTypeId = noteType.Id;
            note.EntityId = contextEntity.Id;
            note.Text = tbNewNote.Text;

            if ( noteType.Sources != null )
                var source = noteType.Sources.DefinedValues.FirstOrDefault();
                if ( source != null )
                    note.SourceTypeValueId = source.Id;

            service.Add( note );

        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the specified writer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="badge">The badge.</param>
        /// <param name="writer">The writer.</param>
        public override void Render( PersonBadgeCache badge, System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter writer )
            List<Guid> noteTypes = new List<Guid>();

            if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( GetAttributeValue( badge, "NoteTypes" ) ) )
                noteTypes = Array.ConvertAll( GetAttributeValue( badge, "NoteTypes" ).Split( ',' ), s => new Guid( s ) ).ToList();

            var currentUser = UserLoginService.GetCurrentUser();
            int? currentPersonId = currentUser != null ? currentUser.PersonId : null;

            // check for alert note
            var alertNotesExist = new NoteService( new RockContext() ).Queryable().AsNoTracking()
                                .Where( n => noteTypes.Contains( n.NoteType.Guid )
                                        && n.EntityId.Value == Person.Id
                                        && n.IsAlert == true
                                        && ( !n.IsPrivateNote || n.CreatedByPersonAlias.PersonId == currentPersonId )

            if ( alertNotesExist )
                writer.Write( GetAttributeValue( badge, "BadgeContent" ) );
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the detail.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="restUserId">The rest user identifier.</param>
        public void ShowDetail( int restUserId )
            var rockContext = new RockContext();

            Person restUser = null;

            if ( !restUserId.Equals( 0 ) )
                restUser = new PersonService( rockContext ).Get( restUserId );

            if ( restUser == null )
                restUser = new Person { Id = 0 };

            bool editAllowed = restUser.IsAuthorized( Authorization.EDIT, CurrentPerson );

            hfRestUserId.Value = restUser.Id.ToString();
            lTitle.Text = ActionTitle.Edit( "REST Key" ).FormatAsHtmlTitle();
            if ( restUser.Id > 0 )
                tbName.Text = restUser.LastName;
                cbActive.Checked = false;
                var activeStatusId = DefinedValueCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSON_RECORD_STATUS_ACTIVE.AsGuid() ).Id;
                if ( restUser.RecordStatusValueId == activeStatusId )
                    cbActive.Checked = true;

                var noteService = new NoteService( rockContext );
                var description = noteService.Queryable().Where( a => a.EntityId == restUser.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                if ( description != null )
                    tbDescription.Text = description.Text;

                var userLoginService = new UserLoginService( rockContext );
                var userLogin = userLoginService.Queryable().Where( a => a.PersonId == restUser.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                if ( userLogin != null )
                    tbKey.Text = userLogin.ApiKey;
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="action">The action.</param>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity.</param>
        /// <param name="errorMessages">The error messages.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool Execute( RockContext rockContext, WorkflowAction action, Object entity, out List<string> errorMessages )
            errorMessages = new List<string>();

            var person = GetPersonAliasFromActionAttribute("Person", rockContext, action, errorMessages);
            if (person != null)
                var mergeFields = GetMergeFields(action);

                NoteService noteService = new NoteService(rockContext);

                Note note = new Note();
                note.EntityId = person.Id;
                note.Caption = GetAttributeValue( action, "Caption" ).ResolveMergeFields(mergeFields);
                note.IsAlert = GetAttributeValue(action, "Alert").AsBoolean();
                note.IsPrivateNote = false;
                note.Text = GetAttributeValue(action, "Text").ResolveMergeFields(mergeFields); ;

                var noteType = NoteTypeCache.Read( GetAttributeValue( action, "NoteType" ).AsGuid() );
                if ( noteType != null )
                    note.NoteTypeId = noteType.Id;

                // get author
                var author = GetPersonAliasFromActionAttribute("Author", rockContext, action, errorMessages);
                if (author != null)
                    note.CreatedByPersonAliasId = author.PrimaryAlias.Id;


                return true;
                errorMessages.Add("No person was provided for the note.");

            errorMessages.ForEach( m => action.AddLogEntry( m, true ) );

            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the RowDataBound event of the gRestKeyList control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="GridViewRowEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void gRestKeyList_RowDataBound( object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e )
            if ( e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow )
                var rockContext = new RockContext();
                var restUser = e.Row.DataItem as Person;
                var noteService = new NoteService( rockContext );
                var description = noteService.Queryable().Where( a => a.EntityId == restUser.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                Label lblDescription = e.Row.FindControl( "lblDescription" ) as Label;
                if ( description != null )
                    lblDescription.Text = description.Text;

                var userLoginService = new UserLoginService( rockContext );
                var userLogin = userLoginService.Queryable().Where( a => a.PersonId == restUser.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                Label lblKey = e.Row.FindControl( "lblKey" ) as Label;
                if ( userLogin != null )
                    lblKey.Text = userLogin.ApiKey;
        private void SaveScheduledTransaction( FinancialGateway financialGateway, GatewayComponent gateway, Person person, PaymentInfo paymentInfo, PaymentSchedule schedule, FinancialScheduledTransaction scheduledTransaction, RockContext rockContext )
            scheduledTransaction.TransactionFrequencyValueId = schedule.TransactionFrequencyValue.Id;
            scheduledTransaction.StartDate = schedule.StartDate;
            scheduledTransaction.AuthorizedPersonAliasId = person.PrimaryAliasId.Value;
            scheduledTransaction.FinancialGatewayId = financialGateway.Id;

            if ( scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail == null )
                scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail = new FinancialPaymentDetail();
            scheduledTransaction.FinancialPaymentDetail.SetFromPaymentInfo( paymentInfo, gateway, rockContext );

            Guid sourceGuid = Guid.Empty;
            if ( Guid.TryParse( GetAttributeValue( "Source" ), out sourceGuid ) )
                var source = DefinedValueCache.Read( sourceGuid );
                if ( source != null )
                    scheduledTransaction.SourceTypeValueId = source.Id;

            var changeSummary = new StringBuilder();
            changeSummary.AppendFormat( "{0} starting {1}", schedule.TransactionFrequencyValue.Value, schedule.StartDate.ToShortDateString() );
            changeSummary.Append( paymentInfo.CurrencyTypeValue.Value );
            if ( paymentInfo.CreditCardTypeValue != null )
                changeSummary.AppendFormat( " - {0}", paymentInfo.CreditCardTypeValue.Value );
            changeSummary.AppendFormat( " {0}", paymentInfo.MaskedNumber );

            foreach ( var account in SelectedAccounts.Where( a => a.Amount > 0 ) )
                var transactionDetail = new FinancialScheduledTransactionDetail();
                transactionDetail.Amount = account.Amount;
                transactionDetail.AccountId = account.Id;
                scheduledTransaction.ScheduledTransactionDetails.Add( transactionDetail );
                changeSummary.AppendFormat( "{0}: {1}", account.Name, account.Amount.FormatAsCurrency() );

            if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( paymentInfo.Comment1 ) )
                changeSummary.Append( paymentInfo.Comment1 );

            var transactionService = new FinancialScheduledTransactionService( rockContext );
            transactionService.Add( scheduledTransaction );

            // If this is a transfer, now we can delete the old transaction
            if ( _scheduledTransactionToBeTransferred != null )
                DeleteOldTransaction( _scheduledTransactionToBeTransferred.Id );

            // Add a note about the change
            var noteType = NoteTypeCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.NoteType.SCHEDULED_TRANSACTION_NOTE.AsGuid() );
            if ( noteType != null )
                var noteService = new NoteService( rockContext );
                var note = new Note();
                note.NoteTypeId = noteType.Id;
                note.EntityId = scheduledTransaction.Id;
                note.Caption = "Created Transaction";
                note.Text = changeSummary.ToString();
                noteService.Add( note );

            ScheduleId = scheduledTransaction.GatewayScheduleId;
            TransactionCode = scheduledTransaction.TransactionCode;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the CheckChanged event of the grid's IsApproved field.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="RowEventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void gPrayerComments_CheckChanged( object sender, RowEventArgs e )
            bool failure = true;

            if ( e.RowKeyValues != null )
                var rockContext = new RockContext();
                NoteService noteService = new NoteService( rockContext );
                Note prayerComment = noteService.Get( (int)e.RowKeyValues["id"] );

                if ( prayerComment != null )
                    failure = false;


            if ( failure )
                maGridWarning.Show( "Unable to approve that prayer comment", ModalAlertType.Warning );
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the lbSave control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void lbSave_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            var userLoginService = new UserLoginService( rockContext );

            var userLogin = userLoginService.Queryable().Where( a => a.ApiKey == tbKey.Text ).FirstOrDefault();
            if ( userLogin != null && userLogin.PersonId != int.Parse( hfRestUserId.Value ) )
                // this key already exists in the database. Show the error and get out of here.
                nbWarningMessage.Text = "This API Key already exists. Please enter a different one, or generate one by clicking the 'Generate Key' button below. ";
                nbWarningMessage.Visible = true;

            rockContext.WrapTransaction( () =>
                var personService = new PersonService( rockContext );
                var changes = new List<string>();
                var restUser = new Person();
                if ( int.Parse( hfRestUserId.Value ) != 0 )
                    restUser = personService.Get( int.Parse( hfRestUserId.Value ) );
                    personService.Add( restUser );
                    restUser.Aliases.Add( new PersonAlias { AliasPersonId = restUser.Id, AliasPersonGuid = restUser.Guid } );

                // the rest user name gets saved as the last name on a person
                History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Last Name", restUser.LastName, tbName.Text );
                restUser.LastName = tbName.Text;
                restUser.RecordTypeValueId = DefinedValueCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSON_RECORD_TYPE_RESTUSER.AsGuid() ).Id;
                if ( cbActive.Checked )
                    restUser.RecordStatusValueId = DefinedValueCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSON_RECORD_STATUS_ACTIVE.AsGuid() ).Id;
                    restUser.RecordStatusValueId = DefinedValueCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSON_RECORD_STATUS_INACTIVE.AsGuid() ).Id;

                if ( restUser.IsValid )
                    if ( rockContext.SaveChanges() > 0 )
                        if ( changes.Any() )
                                typeof( Person ),
                                changes );

                // the description gets saved as a system note for the person
                var noteType = new NoteTypeService( rockContext )
                    .Get( Rock.SystemGuid.NoteType.PERSON_TIMELINE.AsGuid() );
                var noteService = new NoteService( rockContext );
                var note = noteService.Get( noteType.Id, restUser.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                if ( note == null )
                    note = new Note();
                    noteService.Add( note );

                note.NoteTypeId = noteType.Id;
                note.EntityId = restUser.Id;
                note.Text = tbDescription.Text;

                // the key gets saved in the api key field of a user login (which you have to create if needed)
                var entityType = new EntityTypeService( rockContext )
                    .Get( "Rock.Security.Authentication.Database" );
                userLogin = userLoginService.GetByPersonId( restUser.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                if ( userLogin == null )
                    userLogin = new UserLogin();
                    userLoginService.Add( userLogin );

                if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( userLogin.UserName ) )
                    userLogin.UserName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                userLogin.IsConfirmed = true;
                userLogin.ApiKey = tbKey.Text;
                userLogin.PersonId = restUser.Id;
                userLogin.EntityTypeId = entityType.Id;
            } );
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the comments grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindCommentsGrid()
            var rockContext = new RockContext();

            var noteTypeService = new NoteTypeService(rockContext);
            var noteType        = noteTypeService.Get(Rock.SystemGuid.NoteType.PRAYER_COMMENT.AsGuid());
            var noteService     = new NoteService(rockContext);
            var prayerComments  = noteService.GetByNoteTypeId(noteType.Id);

            SortProperty sortProperty = gPrayerComments.SortProperty;

            // Filter by Category.  First see if there is a Block Setting, otherwise use the Grid Filter
            CategoryCache categoryFilter    = null;
            var           blockCategoryGuid = GetAttributeValue("PrayerRequestCategory").AsGuidOrNull();

            if (blockCategoryGuid.HasValue)
                categoryFilter = CategoryCache.Get(blockCategoryGuid.Value);

            if (categoryFilter == null && catpPrayerCategoryFilter.Visible)
                int?filterCategoryId = catpPrayerCategoryFilter.SelectedValue.AsIntegerOrNull();
                if (filterCategoryId.HasValue)
                    categoryFilter = CategoryCache.Get(filterCategoryId.Value);

            if (categoryFilter != null)
                // if filtered by category, only show comments for prayer requests in that category or any of its decendent categories
                var categoryService = new CategoryService(rockContext);
                var categories      = new CategoryService(rockContext).GetAllDescendents(categoryFilter.Guid).Select(a => a.Id).ToList();

                var prayerRequestQry = new PrayerRequestService(rockContext).Queryable().Where(a => a.CategoryId.HasValue &&
                                                                                               (a.Category.Guid == categoryFilter.Guid || categories.Contains(a.CategoryId.Value)))
                                       .Select(a => a.Id);

                prayerComments = prayerComments.Where(a => a.EntityId.HasValue && prayerRequestQry.Contains(a.EntityId.Value));

            // Filter by Date Range
            if (drpDateRange.LowerValue.HasValue)
                DateTime startDate = drpDateRange.LowerValue.Value.Date;
                prayerComments = prayerComments.Where(a => a.CreatedDateTime.HasValue && a.CreatedDateTime.Value >= startDate);

            if (drpDateRange.UpperValue.HasValue)
                // Add one day in order to include everything up to the end of the selected datetime.
                var endDate = drpDateRange.UpperValue.Value.AddDays(1);
                prayerComments = prayerComments.Where(a => a.CreatedDateTime.HasValue && a.CreatedDateTime.Value < endDate);

            // Sort by the given property otherwise sort by the EnteredDate
            if (sortProperty != null)
                gPrayerComments.DataSource = prayerComments.Sort(sortProperty).ToList();
                gPrayerComments.DataSource = prayerComments.OrderByDescending(n => n.CreatedDateTime).ToList();

        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes all related notes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prayerRequest">The prayer request.</param>
        private void DeleteAllRelatedNotes( PrayerRequest prayerRequest, RockContext rockContext )
            var noteTypeService = new NoteTypeService( rockContext );
            var noteType = noteTypeService.Get( Rock.SystemGuid.NoteType.PRAYER_COMMENT.AsGuid() );
            var noteService = new NoteService( rockContext );
            var prayerComments = noteService.Get( noteType.Id, prayerRequest.Id );
            foreach ( Note prayerComment in prayerComments )
                noteService.Delete( prayerComment );

        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the btnConfirm control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void btnConfirm_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            if ( Page.IsValid )
                var rockContext = new RockContext();
                var personService = new PersonService( rockContext );
                var ids = Individuals.Select( i => i.PersonId ).ToList();

                #region Individual Details Updates

                int? newTitleId = ddlTitle.SelectedValueAsInt();
                int? newSuffixId = ddlSuffix.SelectedValueAsInt();
                int? newConnectionStatusId = ddlStatus.SelectedValueAsInt();
                int? newRecordStatusId = ddlRecordStatus.SelectedValueAsInt();
                int? newInactiveReasonId = ddlInactiveReason.SelectedValueAsInt();
                string newInactiveReasonNote = tbInactiveReasonNote.Text;
                Gender newGender = ddlGender.SelectedValue.ConvertToEnum<Gender>();
                int? newMaritalStatusId = ddlMaritalStatus.SelectedValueAsInt();

                int? newGraduationYear = null;
                if ( ypGraduation.SelectedYear.HasValue )
                    newGraduationYear = ypGraduation.SelectedYear.Value;

                int? newCampusId = cpCampus.SelectedCampusId;

                bool? newEmailActive = null;
                if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( ddlIsEmailActive.SelectedValue ) )
                    newEmailActive = ddlIsEmailActive.SelectedValue == "Active";

                EmailPreference? newEmailPreference = ddlEmailPreference.SelectedValue.ConvertToEnumOrNull<EmailPreference>();

                string newEmailNote = tbEmailNote.Text;

                int? newReviewReason = ddlReviewReason.SelectedValueAsInt();
                string newSystemNote = tbSystemNote.Text;
                string newReviewReasonNote = tbReviewReasonNote.Text;

                int inactiveStatusId = DefinedValueCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.PERSON_RECORD_STATUS_INACTIVE ).Id;

                var allChanges = new Dictionary<int, List<string>>();

                var people = personService.Queryable().Where( p => ids.Contains( p.Id ) ).ToList();
                foreach ( var person in people )
                    var changes = new List<string>();
                    allChanges.Add( person.Id, changes );

                    if ( SelectedFields.Contains( ddlTitle.ClientID ) )
                        History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Title", DefinedValueCache.GetName( person.TitleValueId ), DefinedValueCache.GetName( newTitleId ) );
                        person.TitleValueId = newTitleId;

                    if ( SelectedFields.Contains( ddlSuffix.ClientID ) )
                        History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Suffix", DefinedValueCache.GetName( person.SuffixValueId ), DefinedValueCache.GetName( newSuffixId ) );
                        person.SuffixValueId = newSuffixId;

                    if ( SelectedFields.Contains( ddlStatus.ClientID ) )
                        History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Connection Status", DefinedValueCache.GetName( person.ConnectionStatusValueId ), DefinedValueCache.GetName( newConnectionStatusId ) );
                        person.ConnectionStatusValueId = newConnectionStatusId;

                    if ( SelectedFields.Contains( ddlRecordStatus.ClientID ) )
                        History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Record Status", DefinedValueCache.GetName( person.RecordStatusValueId ), DefinedValueCache.GetName( newRecordStatusId ) );
                        person.RecordStatusValueId = newRecordStatusId;

                        if ( newRecordStatusId.HasValue && newRecordStatusId.Value == inactiveStatusId )
                            History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Inactive Reason", DefinedValueCache.GetName( person.RecordStatusReasonValueId ), DefinedValueCache.GetName( newInactiveReasonId ) );
                            person.RecordStatusReasonValueId = newInactiveReasonId;

                            if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( newInactiveReasonNote ) )
                                History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Inactive Reason Note", person.InactiveReasonNote, newInactiveReasonNote );
                                person.InactiveReasonNote = newInactiveReasonNote;

                    if ( SelectedFields.Contains( ddlGender.ClientID ) )
                        History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Gender", person.Gender, newGender );
                        person.Gender = newGender;

                    if ( SelectedFields.Contains( ddlMaritalStatus.ClientID ) )
                        History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Marital Status", DefinedValueCache.GetName( person.MaritalStatusValueId ), DefinedValueCache.GetName( newMaritalStatusId ) );
                        person.MaritalStatusValueId = newMaritalStatusId;

                    if ( SelectedFields.Contains( ddlGradePicker.ClientID ) )
                        History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Graduation Year", person.GraduationYear, newGraduationYear );
                        person.GraduationYear = newGraduationYear;

                    if ( SelectedFields.Contains( ddlIsEmailActive.ClientID ) )
                        History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Email Is Active", person.IsEmailActive ?? true, newEmailActive.Value );
                        person.IsEmailActive = newEmailActive;

                    if ( SelectedFields.Contains( ddlEmailPreference.ClientID ) )
                        History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Email Preference", person.EmailPreference, newEmailPreference );
                        person.EmailPreference = newEmailPreference.Value;

                    if ( SelectedFields.Contains( tbEmailNote.ClientID ) )
                        History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Email Note", person.EmailNote, newEmailNote );
                        person.EmailNote = newEmailNote;

                    if ( SelectedFields.Contains( tbSystemNote.ClientID ) )
                        History.EvaluateChange( changes, "System Note", person.SystemNote, newSystemNote );
                        person.SystemNote = newSystemNote;

                    if ( SelectedFields.Contains( ddlReviewReason.ClientID ) )
                        History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Review Reason", DefinedValueCache.GetName( person.ReviewReasonValueId ), DefinedValueCache.GetName( newReviewReason ) );
                        person.ReviewReasonValueId = newReviewReason;

                    if ( SelectedFields.Contains( tbReviewReasonNote.ClientID ) )
                        History.EvaluateChange( changes, "Review Reason Note", person.ReviewReasonNote, newReviewReasonNote );
                        person.ReviewReasonNote = newReviewReasonNote;

                if ( SelectedFields.Contains( cpCampus.ClientID ) && cpCampus.SelectedCampusId.HasValue )
                    int campusId = cpCampus.SelectedCampusId.Value;

                    Guid familyGuid = new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.GroupType.GROUPTYPE_FAMILY );

                    var familyMembers = new GroupMemberService( rockContext ).Queryable()
                        .Where( m => ids.Contains( m.PersonId ) && m.Group.GroupType.Guid == familyGuid )
                        .Select( m => new { m.PersonId, m.GroupId } )

                    var families = new GroupMemberService( rockContext ).Queryable()
                        .Where( m => ids.Contains( m.PersonId ) && m.Group.GroupType.Guid == familyGuid )
                        .Select( m => m.Group )

                    foreach ( int personId in ids )
                        var familyIds = familyMembers.Where( m => m.PersonId == personId ).Select( m => m.GroupId ).ToList();
                        if ( familyIds.Count == 1 )
                            int familyId = familyIds.FirstOrDefault();
                            var family = families.Where( g => g.Id == familyId ).FirstOrDefault();
                                if ( family != null )
                                    family.CampusId = campusId;
                                familyMembers.RemoveAll( m => m.GroupId == familyId );


                // Update following
                if ( SelectedFields.Contains( ddlFollow.ClientID ) )
                    var personAliasEntityType = EntityTypeCache.Read( "Rock.Model.PersonAlias" );
                    if ( personAliasEntityType != null )
                        int personAliasEntityTypeId = personAliasEntityType.Id;

                        bool follow = true;
                        if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( ddlFollow.SelectedValue ) )
                            follow = ddlFollow.SelectedValue == "Add";

                        var personAliasService = new PersonAliasService( rockContext );
                        var followingService = new FollowingService( rockContext );
                        if ( follow )
                            var paQry = personAliasService.Queryable();

                            var alreadyFollowingIds = followingService.Queryable()
                                .Where( f =>
                                    f.EntityTypeId == personAliasEntityTypeId &&
                                    f.PersonAlias.Id == CurrentPersonAlias.Id )
                                .Join( paQry, f => f.EntityId, p => p.Id, ( f, p ) => new { PersonAlias = p } )
                                .Select( p => p.PersonAlias.PersonId )

                            foreach ( int id in ids.Where( id => !alreadyFollowingIds.Contains( id ) ) )
                                var following = new Following
                                    EntityTypeId = personAliasEntityTypeId,
                                    EntityId = ( people.FirstOrDefault( p => p.Id == id ).PrimaryAliasId ) ?? 0,
                                    PersonAliasId = CurrentPersonAlias.Id
                                followingService.Add( following );
                            var paQry = personAliasService.Queryable()
                                .Where( p => ids.Contains( p.PersonId ) )
                                .Select( p => p.Id );

                            foreach ( var following in followingService.Queryable()
                                .Where( f =>
                                    f.EntityTypeId == personAliasEntityTypeId &&
                                    paQry.Contains( f.EntityId ) &&
                                    f.PersonAlias.Id == CurrentPersonAlias.Id ) )
                                followingService.Delete( following );



                #region Attributes

                var selectedCategories = new List<CategoryCache>();
                foreach ( string categoryGuid in GetAttributeValue( "AttributeCategories" ).SplitDelimitedValues() )
                    var category = CategoryCache.Read( categoryGuid.AsGuid(), rockContext );
                    if ( category != null )
                        selectedCategories.Add( category );

                var attributes = new List<AttributeCache>();
                var attributeValues = new Dictionary<int, string>();

                int categoryIndex = 0;
                foreach ( var category in selectedCategories.OrderBy( c => c.Name ) )
                    PanelWidget pw = null;
                    string controlId = "pwAttributes_" + category.Id.ToString();
                    if ( categoryIndex % 2 == 0 )
                        pw = phAttributesCol1.FindControl( controlId ) as PanelWidget;
                        pw = phAttributesCol2.FindControl( controlId ) as PanelWidget;

                    if ( pw != null )
                        var orderedAttributeList = new AttributeService( rockContext ).GetByCategoryId( category.Id )
                            .OrderBy( a => a.Order ).ThenBy( a => a.Name );
                        foreach ( var attribute in orderedAttributeList )
                            if ( attribute.IsAuthorized( Authorization.EDIT, CurrentPerson ) )
                                var attributeCache = AttributeCache.Read( attribute.Id );

                                Control attributeControl = pw.FindControl( string.Format( "attribute_field_{0}", attribute.Id ) );

                                if ( attributeControl != null && SelectedFields.Contains( attributeControl.ClientID ) )
                                    string newValue = attributeCache.FieldType.Field.GetEditValue( attributeControl, attributeCache.QualifierValues );
                                    attributes.Add( attributeCache );
                                    attributeValues.Add( attributeCache.Id, newValue );

                if ( attributes.Any() )
                    foreach ( var person in people )
                        foreach ( var attribute in attributes )
                            string originalValue = person.GetAttributeValue( attribute.Key );
                            string newValue = attributeValues[attribute.Id];
                            if ( ( originalValue ?? string.Empty ).Trim() != ( newValue ?? string.Empty ).Trim() )
                                Rock.Attribute.Helper.SaveAttributeValue( person, attribute, newValue, rockContext );

                                string formattedOriginalValue = string.Empty;
                                if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( originalValue ) )
                                    formattedOriginalValue = attribute.FieldType.Field.FormatValue( null, originalValue, attribute.QualifierValues, false );

                                string formattedNewValue = string.Empty;
                                if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( newValue ) )
                                    formattedNewValue = attribute.FieldType.Field.FormatValue( null, newValue, attribute.QualifierValues, false );

                                History.EvaluateChange( allChanges[person.Id], attribute.Name, formattedOriginalValue, formattedNewValue );

                // Create the history records
                foreach ( var changes in allChanges )
                    if ( changes.Value.Any() )
                        HistoryService.AddChanges( rockContext, typeof( Person ), Rock.SystemGuid.Category.HISTORY_PERSON_DEMOGRAPHIC_CHANGES.AsGuid(),
                            changes.Key, changes.Value );


                #region Add Note

                if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( tbNote.Text ) && CurrentPerson != null )
                    string text = tbNote.Text;
                    bool isAlert = cbIsAlert.Checked;
                    bool isPrivate = cbIsPrivate.Checked;

                    var noteTypeService = new NoteTypeService( rockContext );
                    var noteType = noteTypeService.Get( Rock.SystemGuid.NoteType.PERSON_TIMELINE.AsGuid() );
                    if ( noteType != null )
                        var notes = new List<Note>();
                        var noteService = new NoteService( rockContext );

                        foreach ( int id in ids )
                            var note = new Note();
                            note.IsSystem = false;
                            note.EntityId = id;
                            note.Caption = isPrivate ? "You - Personal Note" : string.Empty;
                            note.Text = tbNote.Text;
                            note.IsAlert = cbIsAlert.Checked;
                            note.NoteType = noteType;
                            notes.Add( note );
                            noteService.Add( note );

                        rockContext.WrapTransaction( () =>
                            foreach ( var note in notes )
                                note.AllowPerson( Authorization.EDIT, CurrentPerson, rockContext );
                                if ( isPrivate )
                                    note.MakePrivate( Authorization.VIEW, CurrentPerson, rockContext );
                        } );



                #region Group

                int? groupId = gpGroup.SelectedValue.AsIntegerOrNull();
                if ( groupId.HasValue )
                    var group = new GroupService( rockContext ).Get( groupId.Value );
                    if ( group != null )
                        var groupMemberService = new GroupMemberService( rockContext );

                        var existingMembers = groupMemberService.Queryable( "Group" )
                            .Where( m =>
                                m.GroupId == group.Id &&
                                ids.Contains( m.PersonId ) )

                        string action = ddlGroupAction.SelectedValue;
                        if ( action == "Remove" )
                            groupMemberService.DeleteRange( existingMembers );
                            var roleId = ddlGroupRole.SelectedValueAsInt();
                            var status = ddlGroupMemberStatus.SelectedValueAsEnum<GroupMemberStatus>();

                            // Get the attribute values updated
                            var gm = new GroupMember();
                            gm.Group = group;
                            gm.GroupId = group.Id;
                            gm.LoadAttributes( rockContext );
                            var selectedGroupAttributes = new List<AttributeCache>();
                            var selectedGroupAttributeValues = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                            foreach ( var attributeCache in gm.Attributes.Select( a => a.Value ) )
                                Control attributeControl = phAttributes.FindControl( string.Format( "attribute_field_{0}", attributeCache.Id ) );
                                if ( attributeControl != null && ( action == "Add" || SelectedFields.Contains( attributeControl.ClientID ) ) )
                                    string newValue = attributeCache.FieldType.Field.GetEditValue( attributeControl, attributeCache.QualifierValues );
                                    selectedGroupAttributes.Add( attributeCache );
                                    selectedGroupAttributeValues.Add( attributeCache.Key, newValue );

                            if ( action == "Add" )
                                if ( roleId.HasValue )
                                    var newGroupMembers = new List<GroupMember>();

                                    var existingIds = existingMembers.Select( m => m.PersonId ).Distinct().ToList();
                                    foreach ( int id in ids.Where( id => !existingIds.Contains( id ) ) )
                                        var groupMember = new GroupMember();
                                        groupMember.GroupId = group.Id;
                                        groupMember.GroupRoleId = roleId.Value;
                                        groupMember.GroupMemberStatus = status;
                                        groupMember.PersonId = id;
                                        groupMemberService.Add( groupMember );
                                        newGroupMembers.Add( groupMember );


                                    if ( selectedGroupAttributes.Any() )
                                        foreach ( var groupMember in newGroupMembers )
                                            foreach ( var attribute in selectedGroupAttributes )
                                                Rock.Attribute.Helper.SaveAttributeValue( groupMember, attribute, selectedGroupAttributeValues[attribute.Key], rockContext );
                            else // Update
                                if ( SelectedFields.Contains( ddlGroupRole.ClientID ) && roleId.HasValue )
                                    foreach ( var member in existingMembers.Where( m => m.GroupRoleId != roleId.Value ) )
                                        if ( !existingMembers.Where( m => m.PersonId == member.PersonId && m.GroupRoleId == roleId.Value ).Any() )
                                            member.GroupRoleId = roleId.Value;

                                if ( SelectedFields.Contains( ddlGroupMemberStatus.ClientID ) )
                                    foreach ( var member in existingMembers )
                                        member.GroupMemberStatus = status;


                                if ( selectedGroupAttributes.Any() )
                                    foreach ( var groupMember in existingMembers )
                                        foreach ( var attribute in selectedGroupAttributes )
                                            Rock.Attribute.Helper.SaveAttributeValue( groupMember, attribute, selectedGroupAttributeValues[attribute.Key], rockContext );


                pnlEntry.Visible = false;
                pnlConfirm.Visible = false;

                nbResult.Text = string.Format( "{0} {1} succesfully updated.",
                    ids.Count().ToString( "N0" ), ( ids.Count() > 1 ? "people were" : "person was" ) ); ;
                pnlResult.Visible = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a note on the given person's record.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="personId"></param>
        /// <param name="noteTypeName"></param>
        /// <param name="noteText"></param>
        /// <param name="noteDate">(optional) The date the note was created</param>
        /// <param name="byPersonGuid">(optional) The guid of the person who created the note</param>
        /// <param name="rockContext"></param>
        private void AddNote( int personId, string noteTypeName, string noteText, string noteDate, string byPersonGuid, string isPrivate, string isAlert, RockContext rockContext )
            var service = new NoteTypeService( rockContext );
            var noteType = service.Get( _personEntityTypeId, noteTypeName );

            if ( noteType != null )
                // Find the person's alias
                int? createdByPersonAliasId = null;
                if ( byPersonGuid != null )
                    createdByPersonAliasId = _personCache[byPersonGuid.AsGuid()].PrimaryAliasId;

                var noteService = new NoteService( rockContext );
                var note = new Note()
                    IsSystem = false,
                    NoteTypeId = noteType.Id,
                    EntityId = personId,
                    Caption = string.Empty,
                    CreatedByPersonAliasId = createdByPersonAliasId,
                    Text = noteText,
                    IsAlert = isAlert.AsBoolean(),
                    IsPrivateNote = isPrivate.AsBoolean(),
                    CreatedDateTime = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( noteDate ) ? RockDateTime.Now : DateTime.Parse( noteDate, new CultureInfo( "en-US" ) )

                noteService.Add( note );
 public NotesController()
     _noteService = new NoteService();
 public NoteController(NoteService noteService) => _noteService = noteService;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the btnMoveGroupMember control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void btnMoveGroupMember_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var rockContext        = new RockContext();
            var groupMemberService = new GroupMemberService(rockContext);
            var groupMember        = groupMemberService.Get(hfGroupMemberId.Value.AsInteger());

            int destGroupId = gpMoveGroupMember.SelectedValue.AsInteger();
            var destGroup   = new GroupService(rockContext).Get(destGroupId);

            var destGroupMember = groupMemberService.Queryable().Where(a =>
                                                                       a.GroupId == destGroupId &&
                                                                       a.PersonId == groupMember.PersonId &&
                                                                       a.GroupRoleId == grpMoveGroupMember.GroupRoleId).FirstOrDefault();

            if (destGroupMember != null)
                nbMoveGroupMemberWarning.Visible = true;
                nbMoveGroupMemberWarning.Text    = string.Format("{0} is already in {1}", groupMember.Person, destGroupMember.Group);

            if (!grpMoveGroupMember.GroupRoleId.HasValue)
                nbMoveGroupMemberWarning.Visible = true;
                nbMoveGroupMemberWarning.Text    = string.Format("Please select a Group Role");

            string canDeleteWarning;

            if (!groupMemberService.CanDelete(groupMember, out canDeleteWarning))
                nbMoveGroupMemberWarning.Visible = true;
                nbMoveGroupMemberWarning.Text    = string.Format("Unable to remove {0} from {1}: {2}", groupMember.Person, groupMember.Group, canDeleteWarning);

            destGroupMember             = new GroupMember();
            destGroupMember.GroupId     = destGroupId;
            destGroupMember.GroupRoleId = grpMoveGroupMember.GroupRoleId.Value;
            destGroupMember.PersonId    = groupMember.PersonId;

            foreach (var attribute in groupMember.Attributes)
                if (destGroupMember.Attributes.Any(a => a.Key == attribute.Key && a.Value.FieldTypeId == attribute.Value.FieldTypeId))
                    destGroupMember.SetAttributeValue(attribute.Key, groupMember.GetAttributeValue(attribute.Key));

            // Un-link any registrant records that point to this group member.
            foreach (var registrant in new RegistrationRegistrantService(rockContext).Queryable()
                     .Where(r => r.GroupMemberId == groupMember.Id))
                registrant.GroupMemberId = null;

            rockContext.WrapTransaction(() =>

                // move any Note records that were associated with the old groupMember to the new groupMember record
                if (cbMoveGroupMemberMoveNotes.Checked)
                    destGroupMember.Note        = groupMember.Note;
                    int groupMemberEntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.GetId <Rock.Model.GroupMember>().Value;
                    var noteService             = new NoteService(rockContext);
                    var groupMemberNotes        = noteService.Queryable().Where(a => a.NoteType.EntityTypeId == groupMemberEntityTypeId && a.EntityId == groupMember.Id);
                    foreach (var note in groupMemberNotes)
                        note.EntityId = destGroupMember.Id;



                destGroupMember.CalculateRequirements(rockContext, true);

            var queryString = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            queryString.Add("GroupMemberId", destGroupMember.Id.ToString());
            this.NavigateToPage(this.RockPage.Guid, queryString);
        public ActionResult Delete(int id)

            return(new JsonResult());
 private void SaveNote()
        public void ShouldGetNotes()
            string encryptionKey = "abc";
            DBResult <UserProfile> profileDBResult = new DBResult <UserProfile>
                Payload = new UserProfile()
                    EncryptionKey = encryptionKey

            Mock <IUserProfileDelegate> profileDelegateMock = new Mock <IUserProfileDelegate>();

            profileDelegateMock.Setup(s => s.GetUserProfile(hdid)).Returns(profileDBResult);

            Mock <ICryptoDelegate> cryptoDelegateMock = new Mock <ICryptoDelegate>();

            cryptoDelegateMock.Setup(s => s.Encrypt(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>())).Returns((string key, string text) => text + key);
            cryptoDelegateMock.Setup(s => s.Decrypt(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>())).Returns((string key, string text) => text.Remove(text.Length - key.Length));

            List <Note> noteList = new List <Note>();

            noteList.Add(new Note
                HdId            = hdid,
                Title           = "First Note",
                Text            = "First Note text",
                CreatedDateTime = new DateTime(2020, 1, 1)

            noteList.Add(new Note
                HdId            = hdid,
                Title           = "Second Note",
                Text            = "Second Note text",
                CreatedDateTime = new DateTime(2020, 2, 2)
            List <UserNote> userNoteList = UserNote.CreateListFromDbModel(noteList, cryptoDelegateMock.Object, encryptionKey).ToList();

            DBResult <IEnumerable <Note> > notesDBResult = new DBResult <IEnumerable <Note> >
                Payload = noteList,
                Status  = Database.Constants.DBStatusCode.Read

            Mock <INoteDelegate> noteDelegateMock = new Mock <INoteDelegate>();

            noteDelegateMock.Setup(s => s.GetNotes(hdid, 0, 500)).Returns(notesDBResult);

            INoteService service = new NoteService(
                new Mock <ILogger <NoteService> >().Object,

            RequestResult <IEnumerable <UserNote> > actualResult = service.GetNotes(hdid, 0, 500);

            Assert.Equal(Common.Constants.ResultType.Success, actualResult.ResultStatus);
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the comments grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindCommentsGrid()
            var rockContext = new RockContext();

            var noteTypeService = new NoteTypeService( rockContext );
            var noteType = noteTypeService.Get( (int)_prayerRequestEntityTypeId, "Prayer Comment" );
            // TODO log exception if noteType is null

            var noteService = new NoteService( rockContext );
            var prayerComments = noteService.GetByNoteTypeId( noteType.Id );

            SortProperty sortProperty = gPrayerComments.SortProperty;

            // TODO: filter out comments that do not belong to the configured "category" grouping.
            //if ( _blockInstanceGroupCategoryId != All.Id )
            //    prayerComments = prayerComments.Where( c => c.CategoryId == _blockInstanceGroupCategoryId );

            // Filter by Date Range
            if ( drpDateRange.LowerValue.HasValue )
                DateTime startDate = drpDateRange.LowerValue.Value.Date;
                prayerComments = prayerComments.Where( a => a.CreatedDateTime.HasValue && a.CreatedDateTime.Value >= startDate );

            if ( drpDateRange.UpperValue.HasValue )
                // Add one day in order to include everything up to the end of the selected datetime.
                var endDate = drpDateRange.UpperValue.Value.AddDays( 1 );
                prayerComments = prayerComments.Where( a => a.CreatedDateTime.HasValue && a.CreatedDateTime.Value < endDate );

            // Sort by the given property otherwise sort by the EnteredDate
            if ( sortProperty != null )
                gPrayerComments.DataSource = prayerComments.Sort( sortProperty ).ToList();
                gPrayerComments.DataSource = prayerComments.OrderBy( n => n.CreatedDateTime ).ToList();

        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the lbDeleteNote control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void lbDeleteNote_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            var rockPage = this.Page as RockPage;
            if ( rockPage != null )
                var currentPerson = rockPage.CurrentPerson;

                var rockContext = new RockContext();
                var service = new NoteService( rockContext );
                Note note = null;

                if ( NoteId.HasValue )
                    note = service.Get( NoteId.Value );
                    if ( note != null && note.IsAuthorized( Authorization.EDIT, currentPerson ) )
                        service.Delete( note );

                if ( DeleteButtonClick != null )
                    DeleteButtonClick( this, new NoteEventArgs( NoteId ) );

        public void ShowNote(DateTime date, params string[] tags)
            List <Note> Notes = NoteService.GetNotesForWeek(this.UserId, date, tags.ToList()).OrderBy(Note => Note.TimeStamp).ToList();

 public NoteServiceTest()
     context     = new TestData().GetNewInMemoryDabaseWithTestData();
     noteService = new NoteService(context);
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes the family's addresses, phone numbers, photos, viewed records, and people.
        /// TODO: delete attendance codes for attendance data that's about to be deleted when
        /// we delete the person record.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="families">The families.</param>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        private void DeleteExistingFamilyData( XElement families, RockContext rockContext )
            PersonService personService = new PersonService( rockContext );
            PhoneNumberService phoneNumberService = new PhoneNumberService( rockContext );
            PersonViewedService personViewedService = new PersonViewedService( rockContext );
            PageViewService pageViewService = new PageViewService( rockContext );
            BinaryFileService binaryFileService = new BinaryFileService( rockContext );
            PersonAliasService personAliasService = new PersonAliasService( rockContext );
            PersonDuplicateService personDuplicateService = new PersonDuplicateService( rockContext );
            NoteService noteService = new NoteService( rockContext );
            AuthService authService = new AuthService( rockContext );
            CommunicationService communicationService = new CommunicationService( rockContext );
            CommunicationRecipientService communicationRecipientService = new CommunicationRecipientService( rockContext );
            FinancialBatchService financialBatchService = new FinancialBatchService( rockContext );
            FinancialTransactionService financialTransactionService = new FinancialTransactionService( rockContext );
            PersonPreviousNameService personPreviousNameService = new PersonPreviousNameService( rockContext );
            ConnectionRequestService connectionRequestService = new ConnectionRequestService( rockContext );
            ConnectionRequestActivityService connectionRequestActivityService = new ConnectionRequestActivityService( rockContext );

            // delete the batch data
            List<int> imageIds = new List<int>();
            foreach ( var batch in financialBatchService.Queryable().Where( b => b.Name.StartsWith( "SampleData" ) ) )
                imageIds.AddRange( batch.Transactions.SelectMany( t => t.Images ).Select( i => i.BinaryFileId ).ToList() );
                financialTransactionService.DeleteRange( batch.Transactions );
                financialBatchService.Delete( batch );

            // delete all transaction images
            foreach ( var image in binaryFileService.GetByIds( imageIds ) )
                binaryFileService.Delete( image );

            foreach ( var elemFamily in families.Elements( "family" ) )
                Guid guid = elemFamily.Attribute( "guid" ).Value.Trim().AsGuid();

                GroupService groupService = new GroupService( rockContext );
                Group family = groupService.Get( guid );
                if ( family != null )
                    var groupMemberService = new GroupMemberService( rockContext );
                    var members = groupMemberService.GetByGroupId( family.Id, true );

                    // delete the people records
                    string errorMessage;
                    List<int> photoIds = members.Select( m => m.Person ).Where( p => p.PhotoId != null ).Select( a => (int)a.PhotoId ).ToList();

                    foreach ( var person in members.Select( m => m.Person ) )
                        person.GivingGroup = null;
                        person.GivingGroupId = null;
                        person.PhotoId = null;

                        // delete phone numbers
                        foreach ( var phone in phoneNumberService.GetByPersonId( person.Id ) )
                            if ( phone != null )
                                phoneNumberService.Delete( phone );

                        // delete communication recipient
                        foreach ( var recipient in communicationRecipientService.Queryable().Where( r => r.PersonAlias.PersonId == person.Id ) )
                            communicationRecipientService.Delete( recipient );

                        // delete communication
                        foreach ( var communication in communicationService.Queryable().Where( c => c.SenderPersonAliasId == person.PrimaryAlias.Id ) )
                            communicationService.Delete( communication );

                        // delete person viewed records
                        foreach ( var view in personViewedService.GetByTargetPersonId( person.Id ) )
                            personViewedService.Delete( view );

                        // delete page viewed records
                        foreach ( var view in pageViewService.GetByPersonId( person.Id ) )
                            pageViewService.Delete( view );

                        // delete notes created by them or on their record.
                        foreach ( var note in noteService.Queryable().Where ( n => n.CreatedByPersonAlias.PersonId == person.Id
                            || (n.NoteType.EntityTypeId == _personEntityTypeId && n.EntityId == person.Id ) ) )
                            noteService.Delete( note );

                        // delete previous names on their records
                        foreach ( var previousName in personPreviousNameService.Queryable().Where( r => r.PersonAlias.PersonId == person.Id ) )
                            personPreviousNameService.Delete( previousName );

                        // delete any GroupMember records they have
                        foreach ( var groupMember in groupMemberService.Queryable().Where( gm => gm.PersonId == person.Id ) )
                            groupMemberService.Delete( groupMember );

                        //// delete any Authorization data
                        //foreach ( var auth in authService.Queryable().Where( a => a.PersonId == person.Id ) )
                        //    authService.Delete( auth );

                        // delete their aliases
                        foreach ( var alias in personAliasService.Queryable().Where( a => a.PersonId == person.Id ) )
                            foreach ( var duplicate in personDuplicateService.Queryable().Where( d => d.DuplicatePersonAliasId == alias.Id ) )
                                personDuplicateService.Delete( duplicate );

                            personAliasService.Delete( alias );

                        // delete any connection requests tied to them
                        foreach ( var request in connectionRequestService.Queryable().Where( r => r.PersonAlias.PersonId == person.Id || r.ConnectorPersonAlias.PersonId == person.Id ) )
                            connectionRequestActivityService.DeleteRange( request.ConnectionRequestActivities );
                            connectionRequestService.Delete( request );

                        // Save these changes so the CanDelete passes the check...
                        rockContext.SaveChanges( disablePrePostProcessing: true );

                        if ( personService.CanDelete( person, out errorMessage ) )
                            personService.Delete( person );
                            //rockContext.SaveChanges( disablePrePostProcessing: true );
                            throw new Exception( string.Format( "Trying to delete {0}, but: {1}", person.FullName, errorMessage ) );

                    rockContext.SaveChanges( disablePrePostProcessing: true );

                    // delete all member photos
                    foreach ( var photo in binaryFileService.GetByIds( photoIds ) )
                        binaryFileService.Delete( photo );

                    DeleteGroupAndMemberData( family, rockContext );
        public void ShowCurrentNote()
            List <Note> Notes = NoteService.GetCurrentNote(this.UserId).OrderBy(Note => Note.TimeStamp).ToList();

        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the lbSaveNote control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void lbSaveNote_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            var rockPage = this.Page as RockPage;
            if (rockPage != null && NoteTypeId.HasValue)
                var currentPerson = rockPage.CurrentPerson;

                var rockContext = new RockContext();
                var service = new NoteService( rockContext );
                Note note = null;

                if ( NoteId.HasValue )
                    note = service.Get( NoteId.Value );

                bool newNote = false;

                if ( note == null )
                    newNote = true;

                    note = new Note();
                    note.IsSystem = false;
                    note.NoteTypeId = NoteTypeId.Value;
                    note.EntityId = EntityId;
                    note.SourceTypeValueId = SourceTypeValueId;
                    service.Add( note );

                note.Caption = IsPrivate ? "You - Personal Note" : string.Empty;
                note.Text = Text;
                note.IsAlert = IsAlert;


                if ( newNote )
                    note.AllowPerson( Authorization.EDIT, currentPerson );

                if ( IsPrivate && !note.IsPrivate( Authorization.VIEW, currentPerson ) )
                    note.MakePrivate( Authorization.VIEW, currentPerson );

                if ( !IsPrivate && note.IsPrivate( Authorization.VIEW, currentPerson ) )
                    note.MakeUnPrivate( Authorization.VIEW, currentPerson );

                if ( SaveButtonClick != null )
                    SaveButtonClick( this, new NoteEventArgs( note.Id ) );
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the comment for the prayer request being viewed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void bbtnSaveComment_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( tbComment.Text ) )

            int prayerRequestId = hfIdValue.ValueAsInt();

            NoteService service = new NoteService();

            var note = new Note();
            note.IsSystem = false;
            note.IsAlert = false;
            note.NoteTypeId = PrayerCommentNoteTypeId;
            note.EntityId = prayerRequestId;
            note.CreatedByPersonId = CurrentPersonId;
            note.CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now;
            note.Text = Sanitizer.GetSafeHtmlFragment( tbComment.Text.Trim() );

            service.Add( note, CurrentPersonId );
            service.Save( note, CurrentPersonId );

            tbComment.Text = "";

            ShowComments( prayerRequestId );
        /// <summary>
        /// Rebuilds the notes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="setSelection">if set to <c>true</c> [set selection].</param>
        public void RebuildNotes( bool setSelection )
            ShowMoreOption = false;

            int? currentPersonId = null;
            var currentPerson = GetCurrentPerson();
            if ( currentPerson != null )
                currentPersonId = currentPerson.Id;
                _noteNew.CreatedByPhotoId = currentPerson.PhotoId;
                _noteNew.CreatedByGender = currentPerson.Gender;
                _noteNew.CreatedByName = currentPerson.FullName;
                _noteNew.CreatedByPersonId = currentPerson.Id;
                _noteNew.CreatedByAge = currentPerson.Age;
                _noteNew.CreatedByPhotoId = null;
                _noteNew.CreatedByGender = Gender.Male;
                _noteNew.CreatedByName = string.Empty;
                _noteNew.CreatedByPersonId = null;
                _noteNew.CreatedByAge = null;

            _noteNew.EntityId = EntityId;

            if ( ViewableNoteTypes != null && ViewableNoteTypes.Any() && EntityId.HasValue )
                using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                    var viewableNoteTypeIds = ViewableNoteTypes.Select( t => t.Id ).ToList();
                    var qry = new NoteService( rockContext ).Queryable( "CreatedByPersonAlias.Person" )
                        .Where( n =>
                            viewableNoteTypeIds.Contains( n.NoteTypeId ) &&
                            n.EntityId == EntityId.Value );

                    if ( SortDirection == ListSortDirection.Descending )
                        qry = qry.OrderByDescending( n => n.IsAlert == true )
                            .ThenByDescending( n => n.CreatedDateTime );
                        qry = qry.OrderByDescending( n => n.IsAlert == true )
                            .ThenBy( n => n.CreatedDateTime );

                    var notes = qry.ToList();

                    NoteCount = notes.Count();

                    int i = 0;
                    foreach ( var note in notes )
                        if ( SortDirection == ListSortDirection.Descending && i >= DisplayCount )
                            ShowMoreOption = true;

                        if ( note.IsAuthorized( Authorization.VIEW, currentPerson ) )
                            var noteEditor = new NoteControl();
                            noteEditor.NoteTypes = EditableNoteTypes;
                            noteEditor.ID = string.Format( "note_{0}", note.Guid.ToString().Replace( "-", "_" ) );
                            noteEditor.Note = note;
                            noteEditor.IsPrivate = note.IsPrivateNote;
                            noteEditor.CanEdit = note.IsAuthorized( Authorization.ADMINISTRATE, currentPerson );
                            noteEditor.SaveButtonClick += note_Updated;
                            noteEditor.DeleteButtonClick += note_Updated;
                            Controls.Add( noteEditor );

 /// <summary>
 /// Binds all comments for the given prayer request.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="prayerRequest">a prayer request</param>
 private void ShowComments( PrayerRequest prayerRequest )
     var notes = new List<Note>();
     notes = new NoteService().Get( (int)PrayerCommentNoteTypeId, prayerRequest.Id ).OrderBy( n => n.CreationDateTime ).ToList();
     lMeIconHtml.Text = GetPhotoUrl( CurrentPerson, cssClassName: "media-object" );
     rptComments.DataSource = notes;
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the confirmation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="errorMessage">The error message.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool ProcessConfirmation( out string errorMessage )
            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( TransactionCode ) )
                GatewayComponent gateway = hfPaymentTab.Value == "ACH" ? _achGateway : _ccGateway;
                if ( gateway == null )
                    errorMessage = "There was a problem creating the payment gateway information";
                    return false;

                Person person = GetPerson( true );
                if ( person == null )
                    errorMessage = "There was a problem creating the person information";
                    return false;

                if ( !person.PrimaryAliasId.HasValue)
                    errorMessage = "There was a problem creating the person's primary alias";
                    return false;

                PaymentInfo paymentInfo = GetPaymentInfo();
                if ( paymentInfo == null )
                    errorMessage = "There was a problem creating the payment information";
                    return false;
                    paymentInfo.FirstName = person.FirstName;
                    paymentInfo.LastName = person.LastName;

                if ( paymentInfo.CreditCardTypeValue != null )
                    CreditCardTypeValueId = paymentInfo.CreditCardTypeValue.Id;

                PaymentSchedule schedule = GetSchedule();
                if ( schedule != null )
                    schedule.PersonId = person.Id;

                    var scheduledTransaction = gateway.AddScheduledPayment( schedule, paymentInfo, out errorMessage );
                    if ( scheduledTransaction != null  )
                        scheduledTransaction.TransactionFrequencyValueId = schedule.TransactionFrequencyValue.Id;
                        scheduledTransaction.AuthorizedPersonAliasId = person.PrimaryAliasId.Value;
                        scheduledTransaction.GatewayEntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read( gateway.TypeGuid ).Id;
                        scheduledTransaction.CurrencyTypeValueId = paymentInfo.CurrencyTypeValue.Id;
                        scheduledTransaction.CreditCardTypeValueId = CreditCardTypeValueId;

                        var changeSummary = new StringBuilder();
                        changeSummary.AppendFormat( "{0} starting {1}", schedule.TransactionFrequencyValue.Value, schedule.StartDate.ToShortDateString() );
                        changeSummary.Append( paymentInfo.CurrencyTypeValue.Value );
                        if (paymentInfo.CreditCardTypeValue != null)
                            changeSummary.AppendFormat( " - {0}", paymentInfo.CreditCardTypeValue.Value );
                        changeSummary.AppendFormat( " {0}", paymentInfo.MaskedNumber );

                        foreach ( var account in SelectedAccounts.Where( a => a.Amount > 0 ) )
                            var transactionDetail = new FinancialScheduledTransactionDetail();
                            transactionDetail.Amount = account.Amount;
                            transactionDetail.AccountId = account.Id;
                            scheduledTransaction.ScheduledTransactionDetails.Add( transactionDetail );
                            changeSummary.AppendFormat( "{0}: {1:C2}", account.Name, account.Amount );

                        var transactionService = new FinancialScheduledTransactionService( rockContext );
                        transactionService.Add( scheduledTransaction );

                        // Add a note about the change
                        var noteTypeService = new NoteTypeService( rockContext );
                        var noteType = noteTypeService.Get( scheduledTransaction.TypeId, "Note" );

                        var noteService = new NoteService( rockContext );
                        var note = new Note();
                        note.NoteTypeId = noteType.Id;
                        note.EntityId = scheduledTransaction.Id;
                        note.Caption = "Created Transaction";
                        note.Text = changeSummary.ToString();
                        noteService.Add( note );


                        ScheduleId = scheduledTransaction.GatewayScheduleId;
                        TransactionCode = scheduledTransaction.TransactionCode;
                        return false;
                    var transaction = gateway.Charge( paymentInfo, out errorMessage );
                    if ( transaction != null )
                        transaction.TransactionDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
                        transaction.AuthorizedPersonAliasId = person.PrimaryAliasId;
                        transaction.GatewayEntityTypeId = gateway.TypeId;
                        transaction.TransactionTypeValueId = DefinedValueCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.TRANSACTION_TYPE_CONTRIBUTION ) ).Id;
                        transaction.CurrencyTypeValueId = paymentInfo.CurrencyTypeValue.Id;
                        transaction.CreditCardTypeValueId = CreditCardTypeValueId;

                        Guid sourceGuid = Guid.Empty;
                        if ( Guid.TryParse( GetAttributeValue( "Source" ), out sourceGuid ) )
                            transaction.SourceTypeValueId = DefinedValueCache.Read( sourceGuid ).Id;

                        foreach ( var account in SelectedAccounts.Where( a => a.Amount > 0 ) )
                            var transactionDetail = new FinancialTransactionDetail();
                            transactionDetail.Amount = account.Amount;
                            transactionDetail.AccountId = account.Id;
                            transaction.TransactionDetails.Add( transactionDetail );

                        var batchService = new FinancialBatchService( rockContext );

                        // Get the batch
                        var batch = batchService.Get(
                            GetAttributeValue( "BatchNamePrefix" ),
                            gateway.BatchTimeOffset );

                        batch.ControlAmount += transaction.TotalAmount;

                        transaction.BatchId = batch.Id;
                        batch.Transactions.Add( transaction );

                        TransactionCode = transaction.TransactionCode;
                        return false;

                tdTransactionCodeReceipt.Description = TransactionCode;
                tdTransactionCodeReceipt.Visible = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( TransactionCode );

                tdScheduleId.Description = ScheduleId;
                tdScheduleId.Visible = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( ScheduleId );

                tdNameReceipt.Description = paymentInfo.FullName;
                tdPhoneReceipt.Description = paymentInfo.Phone;
                tdEmailReceipt.Description = paymentInfo.Email;
                tdAddressReceipt.Description = string.Format( "{0} {1}, {2} {3}", paymentInfo.Street1, paymentInfo.City, paymentInfo.State, paymentInfo.PostalCode );

                rptAccountListReceipt.DataSource = SelectedAccounts.Where( a => a.Amount != 0 );

                tdTotalReceipt.Description = paymentInfo.Amount.ToString( "C" );

                tdPaymentMethodReceipt.Description = paymentInfo.CurrencyTypeValue.Description;
                tdAccountNumberReceipt.Description = paymentInfo.MaskedNumber;
                tdWhenReceipt.Description = schedule != null ? schedule.ToString() : "Today";

                // If there was a transaction code returned and this was not already created from a previous saved account,
                // show the option to save the account.
                if ( !( paymentInfo is ReferencePaymentInfo ) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( TransactionCode ) )
                    cbSaveAccount.Visible = true;
                    pnlSaveAccount.Visible = true;
                    txtSaveAccount.Visible = true;

                    // If current person does not have a login, have them create a username and password
                    phCreateLogin.Visible = !new UserLoginService( rockContext ).GetByPersonId( person.Id ).Any();
                    pnlSaveAccount.Visible = false;

                return true;
                pnlDupWarning.Visible = true;
                divActions.Visible = false;
                errorMessage = string.Empty;
                return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the comments grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindCommentsGrid()
            var rockContext = new RockContext();

            var noteTypeService = new NoteTypeService( rockContext );
            var noteType = noteTypeService.Get( Rock.SystemGuid.NoteType.PRAYER_COMMENT.AsGuid() );
            var noteService = new NoteService( rockContext );
            var prayerComments = noteService.GetByNoteTypeId( noteType.Id );

            SortProperty sortProperty = gPrayerComments.SortProperty;

            // Filter by Category.  First see if there is a Block Setting, otherwise use the Grid Filter
            CategoryCache categoryFilter = null;
            var blockCategoryGuid = GetAttributeValue( "PrayerRequestCategory" ).AsGuidOrNull();
            if ( blockCategoryGuid.HasValue )
                categoryFilter = CategoryCache.Read( blockCategoryGuid.Value );

            if ( categoryFilter == null && catpPrayerCategoryFilter.Visible )
                int? filterCategoryId = catpPrayerCategoryFilter.SelectedValue.AsIntegerOrNull();
                if ( filterCategoryId.HasValue )
                    categoryFilter = CategoryCache.Read( filterCategoryId.Value );

            if ( categoryFilter != null )
                // if filtered by category, only show comments for prayer requests in that category or any of its decendent categories
                var categoryService = new CategoryService( rockContext );
                var categories = new CategoryService( rockContext ).GetAllDescendents( categoryFilter.Guid ).Select( a => a.Id ).ToList();

                var prayerRequestQry = new PrayerRequestService( rockContext ).Queryable().Where( a => a.CategoryId.HasValue &&
                    ( a.Category.Guid == categoryFilter.Guid || categories.Contains( a.CategoryId.Value ) ) )
                    .Select( a => a.Id );

                prayerComments = prayerComments.Where( a => a.EntityId.HasValue && prayerRequestQry.Contains( a.EntityId.Value ) );

            // Filter by Date Range
            if ( drpDateRange.LowerValue.HasValue )
                DateTime startDate = drpDateRange.LowerValue.Value.Date;
                prayerComments = prayerComments.Where( a => a.CreatedDateTime.HasValue && a.CreatedDateTime.Value >= startDate );

            if ( drpDateRange.UpperValue.HasValue )
                // Add one day in order to include everything up to the end of the selected datetime.
                var endDate = drpDateRange.UpperValue.Value.AddDays( 1 );
                prayerComments = prayerComments.Where( a => a.CreatedDateTime.HasValue && a.CreatedDateTime.Value < endDate );

            // Sort by the given property otherwise sort by the EnteredDate
            if ( sortProperty != null )
                gPrayerComments.DataSource = prayerComments.Sort( sortProperty ).ToList();
                gPrayerComments.DataSource = prayerComments.OrderByDescending( n => n.CreatedDateTime ).ToList();

        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the lbAddNote control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param>
        void lbAddNote_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            var service = new NoteService();

            var note = new Note();
            note.IsSystem = false;
            note.IsAlert = false;
            note.NoteTypeId = noteType.Id;
            note.EntityId = contextEntity.Id;
            note.CreatedByPersonId = CurrentPersonId;
            note.CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now;
            note.Text = tbNewNote.Text;

            if ( noteType.Sources != null )
                var source = noteType.Sources.DefinedValues.FirstOrDefault();
                if ( source != null )
                    note.SourceTypeValueId = source.Id;

            service.Add( note, CurrentPersonId );
            service.Save( note, CurrentPersonId );

        public void ShowCurrentNote(params string[] tags)
            List <Note> Notes = NoteService.GetCurrentNote(this.UserId, tags.ToList()).OrderBy(Note => Note.TimeStamp).ToList();

        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the comments grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindCommentsGrid()
            var rockContext = new RockContext();

            var noteTypeService = new NoteTypeService( rockContext );
            var noteType = noteTypeService.Get( Rock.SystemGuid.NoteType.PRAYER_COMMENT.AsGuid() );

            // TODO log exception if noteType is null

            var noteService = new NoteService( rockContext );
            var prayerComments = noteService.GetByNoteTypeId( noteType.Id );

            SortProperty sortProperty = gPrayerComments.SortProperty;

            if ( _blockInstancePrayerRequestCategoryGuid.HasValue )
                // if filtered by category, only show comments for prayer requests in that category or any of its decendent categories
                var categoryService = new CategoryService( rockContext );

                if ( _blockInstancePrayerRequestCategoryGuid.HasValue )
                    var categories = new CategoryService( rockContext ).GetAllDescendents( _blockInstancePrayerRequestCategoryGuid.Value ).Select( a => a.Id ).ToList();

                    var prayerRequestQry = new PrayerRequestService( rockContext ).Queryable().Where( a => a.CategoryId.HasValue &&
                        ( a.Category.Guid == _blockInstancePrayerRequestCategoryGuid.Value || categories.Contains( a.CategoryId.Value ) ) )
                        .Select( a => a.Id );

                    prayerComments = prayerComments.Where( a => a.EntityId.HasValue && prayerRequestQry.Contains( a.EntityId.Value ) );

            // Filter by Date Range
            if ( drpDateRange.LowerValue.HasValue )
                DateTime startDate = drpDateRange.LowerValue.Value.Date;
                prayerComments = prayerComments.Where( a => a.CreatedDateTime.HasValue && a.CreatedDateTime.Value >= startDate );

            if ( drpDateRange.UpperValue.HasValue )
                // Add one day in order to include everything up to the end of the selected datetime.
                var endDate = drpDateRange.UpperValue.Value.AddDays( 1 );
                prayerComments = prayerComments.Where( a => a.CreatedDateTime.HasValue && a.CreatedDateTime.Value < endDate );

            // Sort by the given property otherwise sort by the EnteredDate
            if ( sortProperty != null )
                gPrayerComments.DataSource = prayerComments.Sort( sortProperty ).ToList();
                gPrayerComments.DataSource = prayerComments.OrderBy( n => n.CreatedDateTime ).ToList();

        private void ShowNotes()

            var service = new NoteService();

            foreach ( var note in service.Get( noteType.Id, contextEntity.Id ) )
                if ( note.IsAuthorized( "View", CurrentPerson ) )
                    if ( prayerComment != null && note.Id == prayerComment.Id )
                        ShowEditDetails( note );
                        AddNoteHtml( note );
 /// <summary>
 /// Deletes all related notes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="prayerRequest">The prayer request.</param>
 private void DeleteAllRelatedNotes( PrayerRequest prayerRequest )
     var rockContext = new RockContext();
     var noteTypeService = new NoteTypeService( rockContext );
     var noteType = noteTypeService.Get( _prayerRequestEntityTypeId.Value, "Prayer Comment" );
     var noteService = new NoteService( rockContext );
     var prayerComments = noteService.Get( noteType.Id, prayerRequest.Id );
     foreach ( Note prayerComment in prayerComments )
         noteService.Delete( prayerComment );
        private void SaveNote()
            int noteId = 0;
            if ( ! int.TryParse( hfNoteId.Value, out noteId ) )

            NoteService noteService = new NoteService();
            Note note = noteService.Get( noteId );
            if ( note != null )
                note.Text = dtbText.Text;
                note.Caption = dtbCaption.Text;

                if ( !Page.IsValid )

                if ( !note.IsValid )
                    // field controls render error messages

                noteService.Save( note, CurrentPersonId );
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="action">The action.</param>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity.</param>
        /// <param name="errorMessages">The error messages.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool Execute( RockContext rockContext, WorkflowAction action, Object entity, out List<string> errorMessages )
            errorMessages = new List<string>();

            Guid? groupGuid = null;
            Person person = null;
            Group group = null;
            string noteValue = string.Empty;
            string captionValue = string.Empty;
            bool isAlert = false;

            // get the group attribute
            Guid groupAttributeGuid = GetAttributeValue( action, "Group" ).AsGuid();

            if ( !groupAttributeGuid.IsEmpty() )
                groupGuid = action.GetWorklowAttributeValue( groupAttributeGuid ).AsGuidOrNull();

                if ( groupGuid.HasValue )
                    group = new GroupService( rockContext ).Get( groupGuid.Value );

                    if ( group == null )
                        errorMessages.Add( "The group provided does not exist." );
                    errorMessages.Add( "Invalid group provided." );

            // get person alias guid
            Guid personAliasGuid = Guid.Empty;
            string personAttribute = GetAttributeValue( action, "Person" );

            Guid guid = personAttribute.AsGuid();
            if ( !guid.IsEmpty() )
                var attribute = AttributeCache.Read( guid, rockContext );
                if ( attribute != null )
                    string value = action.GetWorklowAttributeValue( guid );
                    personAliasGuid = value.AsGuid();

                if ( personAliasGuid != Guid.Empty )
                    person = new PersonAliasService( rockContext ).Queryable()
                                    .Where( p => p.Guid.Equals( personAliasGuid ) )
                                    .Select( p => p.Person )
                    errorMessages.Add( "The person could not be found!" );

            // get caption
            captionValue = GetAttributeValue( action, "Caption" );
            guid = captionValue.AsGuid();
            if ( guid.IsEmpty() )
                captionValue = captionValue.ResolveMergeFields( GetMergeFields( action ) );
                var workflowAttributeValue = action.GetWorklowAttributeValue( guid );

                if ( workflowAttributeValue != null )
                    captionValue = workflowAttributeValue;

            // get group member note
            noteValue = GetAttributeValue( action, "Note" );
            guid = noteValue.AsGuid();
            if ( guid.IsEmpty() )
                noteValue = noteValue.ResolveMergeFields( GetMergeFields( action ) );
                var workflowAttributeValue = action.GetWorklowAttributeValue( guid );

                if ( workflowAttributeValue != null )
                    noteValue = workflowAttributeValue;

            // get alert type
            string isAlertString = GetAttributeValue( action, "IsAlert" );
            guid = isAlertString.AsGuid();
            if ( guid.IsEmpty() )
                isAlert = isAlertString.AsBoolean();
                var workflowAttributeValue = action.GetWorklowAttributeValue( guid );

                if ( workflowAttributeValue != null )
                    isAlert = workflowAttributeValue.AsBoolean();

            // get note type
            NoteTypeCache noteType = null;
            Guid noteTypeGuid = GetAttributeValue( action, "NoteType" ).AsGuid();

            if ( !noteTypeGuid.IsEmpty() )
                noteType = NoteTypeCache.Read( noteTypeGuid, rockContext );

                if (noteType == null )
                    errorMessages.Add( "The note type provided does not exist." );
                errorMessages.Add( "Invalid note type provided." );

            // set note
            if ( group != null && person != null && noteType != null )
                var groupMembers = new GroupMemberService( rockContext ).Queryable()
                                .Where( m => m.Group.Guid == groupGuid && m.PersonId == person.Id ).ToList();

                if ( groupMembers.Count() > 0 )
                    foreach ( var groupMember in groupMembers )
                        NoteService noteservice = new NoteService( rockContext );
                        Note note = new Note();
                        noteservice.Add( note );

                        note.NoteTypeId = noteType.Id;
                        note.Text = noteValue;
                        note.IsAlert = isAlert;
                        note.Caption = captionValue;
                        note.EntityId = groupMember.Id;

                    errorMessages.Add( string.Format("{0} is not a member of the group {1}.", person.FullName, group.Name ));

            errorMessages.ForEach( m => action.AddLogEntry( m, true ) );

            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the person notes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="previousRegistrantIds">The previous registrants.</param>
        /// <param name="registration">The registration.</param>
        private void SavePersonNotes( RockContext rockContext, List<int> previousRegistrantIds, Registration registration )
            // Setup Note settings
            NoteTypeCache noteType = null;
            if ( RegistrationTemplate != null && RegistrationTemplate.AddPersonNote )
                noteType = NoteTypeCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.NoteType.PERSON_EVENT_REGISTRATION.AsGuid() );
                if ( noteType != null )
                    var noteService = new NoteService( rockContext );
                    var personAliasService = new PersonAliasService( rockContext );

                    Person registrar = null;
                    if ( registration.PersonAliasId.HasValue )
                        registrar = personAliasService.GetPerson( registration.PersonAliasId.Value );

                    var registrantNames = new List<string>();

                    // Get each registrant
                    foreach ( var registrantPersonAliasId in registration.Registrants
                        .Where( r => r.PersonAliasId.HasValue )
                        .Select( r => r.PersonAliasId.Value )
                        .ToList() )
                        var registrant = personAliasService.GetPerson( registrantPersonAliasId );
                        if ( registrant != null && !previousRegistrantIds.Contains( registrant.Id ) )
                            var noteText = new StringBuilder();
                            noteText.AppendFormat( "Registered for {0}", RegistrationInstanceState.Name );

                            if ( registrar != null && registrar.Id != registrant.Id )
                                noteText.AppendFormat( " by {0}", registrar.FullName );
                                registrantNames.Add( registrant.FullName );

                            if ( registrar != null && ( RegistrationState.FirstName != registrar.NickName || RegistrationState.LastName != registrar.LastName ) )
                                noteText.AppendFormat( " by {0}", RegistrationState.FirstName + " " + RegistrationState.LastName );

                            if ( noteText.Length > 0 )
                                var note = new Note();
                                note.NoteTypeId = noteType.Id;
                                note.IsSystem = false;
                                note.IsAlert = false;
                                note.IsPrivateNote = false;
                                note.EntityId = registrant.Id;
                                note.Caption = string.Empty;
                                note.Text = noteText.ToString();
                                noteService.Add( note );

                            var changes = new List<string> { "Registered for" };
                                typeof( Person ),
                                typeof( Registration ),
                                registration.PersonAliasId );

                    if ( registrar != null && registrantNames.Any() )
                        string namesText = string.Empty;
                        if ( registrantNames.Count >= 2 )
                            int lessOne = registrantNames.Count - 1;
                            namesText = registrantNames.Take( lessOne ).ToList().AsDelimited( ", " ) +
                                " and " +
                                registrantNames.Skip( lessOne ).Take( 1 ).First() + " ";
                            namesText = registrantNames.First() + " ";

                        var note = new Note();
                        note.NoteTypeId = noteType.Id;
                        note.IsSystem = false;
                        note.IsAlert = false;
                        note.IsPrivateNote = false;
                        note.EntityId = registrar.Id;
                        note.Caption = string.Empty;
                        note.Text = string.Format( "Registered {0} for {1}", namesText, RegistrationInstanceState.Name );
                        noteService.Add( note );

                        var changes = new List<string> { string.Format( "Registered {0} for", namesText ) };

                            typeof( Person ),
                            typeof( Registration ),
                            registration.PersonAliasId );

        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Delete event of the gPrayerComments control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="RowEventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void gPrayerComments_Delete( object sender, RowEventArgs e )
            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            NoteService noteService = new NoteService( rockContext );
            Note note = noteService.Get( (int)e.RowKeyValues["id"] );

            if ( note != null )
                string errorMessage;
                if ( !noteService.CanDelete( note, out errorMessage ) )
                    maGridWarning.Show( errorMessage, ModalAlertType.Information );

                noteService.Delete( note );

        /// <summary>
        /// Add a note on the given person's record.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="personId"></param>
        /// <param name="noteTypeName"></param>
        /// <param name="noteText"></param>
        /// <param name="noteDate">(optional) The date the note was created</param>
        /// <param name="byPersonGuid">(optional) The guid of the person who created the note</param>
        /// <param name="rockContext"></param>
        private void AddNote( int personId, string noteTypeName, string noteText, string noteDate, string byPersonGuid, string isPrivate, RockContext rockContext )
            var service = new NoteTypeService( rockContext );
            var noteType = service.Get( _personEntityTypeId, noteTypeName );

            // Find the person's alias
            int? createdByPersonAliasId = null;
            if ( byPersonGuid != null )
                createdByPersonAliasId = _personCache[byPersonGuid.AsGuid()].PrimaryAliasId;

            var noteService = new NoteService( rockContext );
            var note = new Note()
                IsSystem = false,
                NoteTypeId = noteType.Id,
                EntityId = personId,
                Caption = string.Empty,
                CreatedByPersonAliasId = createdByPersonAliasId,
                Text = noteText,
                CreatedDateTime = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( noteDate ) ? RockDateTime.Now : DateTime.Parse( noteDate, new CultureInfo( "en-US" ) )

            noteService.Add( note );

            if ( isPrivate.AsBoolean() )
                rockContext.SaveChanges( disablePrePostProcessing: true );
                note.MakePrivate( Rock.Security.Authorization.VIEW, _personCache[byPersonGuid.AsGuid()], rockContext );
        /// <summary>
        /// Reactivates the specified scheduled transaction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scheduledTransaction">The scheduled transaction.</param>
        /// <param name="errorMessages">The error messages.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Reactivate( FinancialScheduledTransaction scheduledTransaction, out string errorMessages )
            if ( scheduledTransaction != null &&
                scheduledTransaction.FinancialGateway != null &&
                scheduledTransaction.FinancialGateway.IsActive )
                if ( scheduledTransaction.FinancialGateway.Attributes == null )
                    scheduledTransaction.FinancialGateway.LoadAttributes( (RockContext)this.Context );

                var gateway = scheduledTransaction.FinancialGateway.GetGatewayComponent();
                if ( gateway != null )
                    if ( gateway.ReactivateScheduledPayment( scheduledTransaction, out errorMessages ) )
                        var noteTypeService = new NoteTypeService( (RockContext)this.Context );
                        var noteType = noteTypeService.Get( Rock.SystemGuid.NoteType.SCHEDULED_TRANSACTION_NOTE.AsGuid() );
                        if ( noteType != null )
                            var noteService = new NoteService( (RockContext)this.Context );
                            var note = new Note();
                            note.NoteTypeId = noteType.Id;
                            note.EntityId = scheduledTransaction.Id;
                            note.Caption = "Reactivated Transaction";
                            noteService.Add( note );

                        return true;
                        return false;

            errorMessages = "Gateway is invalid or not active";
            return false;
        public void ShowNotes(DateTime start, DateTime end, params string[] tags)
            List <Note> Notes = NoteService.GetNotes(this.UserId, start, end, tags.ToList()).OrderBy(Note => Note.TimeStamp).ToList();
