public override float GetNoteY(RuntimeNote note, float now, NoteMetrics noteMetrics, NoteAnimationMetrics animationMetrics) { var timePoints = NoteAnimationHelper.CalculateNoteTimePoints(note, animationMetrics); var onStageStatus = NoteAnimationHelper.GetOnStageStatusOf(note, now, timePoints); float y; switch (onStageStatus) { case OnStageStatus.Incoming: y = animationMetrics.Top; break; case OnStageStatus.Visible: y = GetNoteOnStageY(note, now, timePoints, animationMetrics); break; case OnStageStatus.Passed: y = animationMetrics.Bottom; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } return(y); }
public override RibbonParameters GetHoldRibbonParameters(RuntimeNote startNote, RuntimeNote endNote, float now, NoteMetrics noteMetrics, NoteAnimationMetrics animationMetrics) { var tp1 = NoteAnimationHelper.CalculateNoteTimePoints(startNote, animationMetrics); var tp2 = NoteAnimationHelper.CalculateNoteTimePoints(endNote, animationMetrics); var t1 = GetTransformedTime(startNote, now, tp1); var t2 = GetTransformedTime(endNote, now, tp2); var tperc = startNote.IsHold() ? 0.5 : 0.4; var tm = MathHelperEx.Lerp(t1, t2, tperc); var x1 = GetNoteX(startNote, now, noteMetrics, animationMetrics); var x2 = GetNoteX(endNote, now, noteMetrics, animationMetrics); var startStatus = NoteAnimationHelper.GetOnStageStatusOf(startNote, now, tp1); float y1; if (startStatus == OnStageStatus.Passed) { y1 = animationMetrics.Bottom; } else { y1 = GetNoteOnStageY(t1, animationMetrics); } var endStatus = NoteAnimationHelper.GetOnStageStatusOf(endNote, now, tp2); float y2; if (endStatus == OnStageStatus.Incoming) { y2 = animationMetrics.Top; } else { y2 = GetNoteOnStageY(t2, animationMetrics); } // CGSS-like //var xm = GetNoteOnStageX(endNote.StartX, endNote.EndX, tm, animationMetrics); // Naive guess //var xm = (x1 + x2) / 2; var xm = MathHelperEx.Lerp(x1, x2, 0.5f); if (startNote.IsSlide()) { if (endNote.EndX < startNote.EndX) { xm -= animationMetrics.Width * 0.02f * ((tp2.Leave - now) / (tp2.Leave - tp1.Enter)); } else if (endNote.EndX > startNote.EndX) { xm += animationMetrics.Width * 0.02f * ((tp2.Leave - now) / (tp2.Leave - tp1.Enter)); } } var ym = GetNoteOnStageY(tm, animationMetrics); var(cx1, cx2) = GetBezierFromQuadratic(x1, xm, x2); var(cy1, cy2) = GetBezierFromQuadratic(y1, ym, y2); return(new RibbonParameters(x1, y1, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x2, y2)); }
public override SizeF GetNoteRadius(RuntimeNote note, double now, NoteMetrics noteMetrics, NoteAnimationMetrics animationMetrics) { var timeRemaining = note.HitTime - now; var timePoints = NoteAnimationHelper.CalculateNoteTimePoints(note, animationMetrics); var timeTransformed = NoteTimeTransform((float)timeRemaining / timePoints.Duration); var endRadius = noteMetrics.EndRadius; if (timeTransformed < 0.75f) { if (timeTransformed < 0f) { return(endRadius); } else { var r = 1 - (float)timeTransformed * 0.933333333f; return(new SizeF(endRadius.Width * r, endRadius.Height * r)); } } else { if (timeTransformed < 1f) { var r = (1 - (float)timeTransformed) * 1.2f; return(new SizeF(endRadius.Width * r, endRadius.Height * r)); } else { return(SizeF.Empty); } } }
public override RibbonParameters GetSlideRibbonParameters(RuntimeNote startNote, RuntimeNote endNote, float now, NoteMetrics noteMetrics, NoteAnimationMetrics animationMetrics) { var tp1 = NoteAnimationHelper.CalculateNoteTimePoints(startNote, animationMetrics); var thisStatus = NoteAnimationHelper.GetOnStageStatusOf(startNote, now, tp1); if (thisStatus < OnStageStatus.Passed) { return(GetHoldRibbonParameters(startNote, endNote, now, noteMetrics, animationMetrics)); } var tp2 = NoteAnimationHelper.CalculateNoteTimePoints(endNote, animationMetrics); var t1 = GetTransformedTime(startNote, now, tp1); var t2 = GetTransformedTime(endNote, now, tp2); var tperc = startNote.IsHold() ? 0.5 : 0.4; var tm = MathHelperEx.Lerp(t1, t2, tperc); var trackCount = animationMetrics.TrackCount; var leftMarginRatio = animationMetrics.NoteEndXRatios[0]; var rightMarginRatio = animationMetrics.NoteEndXRatios[trackCount - 1]; var startXRatio = leftMarginRatio + (rightMarginRatio - leftMarginRatio) * (startNote.EndX / (trackCount - 1)); var endXRatio = leftMarginRatio + (rightMarginRatio - leftMarginRatio) * (endNote.EndX / (trackCount - 1)); var perc = (now - startNote.HitTime) / (endNote.HitTime - startNote.HitTime); var x1Ratio = MathHelperEx.Lerp(startXRatio, endXRatio, perc); var x1 = animationMetrics.Width * x1Ratio; var y1 = animationMetrics.Bottom; var x2 = GetNoteX(endNote, now, noteMetrics, animationMetrics); var y2 = GetNoteOnStageY(t2, animationMetrics); // CGSS-like //var xm = GetNoteOnStageX(endNote.StartX, endNote.EndX, tm, animationMetrics); // Naive guess //var xm = (x1 + x2) / 2; var xm = MathHelperEx.Lerp(x1, x2, 0.5f); if (startNote.IsSlide()) { if (endNote.EndX < startNote.EndX) { xm -= animationMetrics.Width * 0.02f * ((tp2.Leave - now) / (tp2.Leave - tp1.Enter)); } else if (endNote.EndX > startNote.EndX) { xm += animationMetrics.Width * 0.02f * ((tp2.Leave - now) / (tp2.Leave - tp1.Enter)); } } var ym = GetNoteOnStageY(tm, animationMetrics); var(cx1, cx2) = GetBezierFromQuadratic(x1, xm, x2); var(cy1, cy2) = GetBezierFromQuadratic(y1, ym, y2); return(new RibbonParameters(x1, y1, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x2, y2)); }
private static float GetIncomingNoteXRatio([NotNull] RuntimeNote prevNote, RuntimeNote thisNote, double now, NoteMetrics noteMetrics, NoteAnimationMetrics animationMetrics) { var trackCount = animationMetrics.TrackCount; var trackXRatioStart = animationMetrics.NoteEndXRatios[0]; var trackXRatioEnd = animationMetrics.NoteEndXRatios[trackCount - 1]; var thisXRatio = trackXRatioStart + (trackXRatioEnd - trackXRatioStart) * (prevNote.EndX / (trackCount - 1)); var nextXRatio = trackXRatioStart + (trackXRatioEnd - trackXRatioStart) * (thisNote.EndX / (trackCount - 1)); var thisTimePoints = NoteAnimationHelper.CalculateNoteTimePoints(prevNote, animationMetrics); var nextTimePoints = NoteAnimationHelper.CalculateNoteTimePoints(thisNote, animationMetrics); var perc = (float)(now - thisTimePoints.Enter) / (float)(nextTimePoints.Enter - thisTimePoints.Enter); return(MathHelper.Lerp(thisXRatio, nextXRatio, perc)); }
private static double GetTransformedTime(RuntimeNote note, double now, NoteAnimationMetrics animationMetrics) { var timePoints = NoteAnimationHelper.CalculateNoteTimePoints(note, animationMetrics); var timeRemaining = note.HitTime - now; var timeRemainingInWindow = (float)timeRemaining / timePoints.Duration; if (timeRemaining > timePoints.Duration) { timeRemainingInWindow = 1; } if (timeRemaining < 0) { timeRemainingInWindow = 0; } return(NoteTimeTransform(timeRemainingInWindow)); }
public override Vector2 GetNoteRadius(RuntimeNote note, float now, NoteMetrics noteMetrics, NoteAnimationMetrics animationMetrics) { var onStageStatus = NoteAnimationHelper.GetOnStageStatusOf(note, now, animationMetrics); switch (onStageStatus) { case OnStageStatus.Incoming: return(Vector2.Zero); case OnStageStatus.Passed: return(noteMetrics.EndRadius); } var timeRemaining = note.HitTime - now; var timePoints = NoteAnimationHelper.CalculateNoteTimePoints(note, animationMetrics); var timeTransformed = NoteTimeTransform(timeRemaining / timePoints.Duration); var endRadius = noteMetrics.EndRadius; if (timeTransformed < 0.75f) { if (timeTransformed < 0f) { return(endRadius); } else { var r = 1 - timeTransformed * 0.933333333f; return(new Vector2(endRadius.X * r, endRadius.Y * r)); } } else { if (timeTransformed < 1f) { var r = (1 - timeTransformed) * 1.2f; return(new Vector2(endRadius.X * r, endRadius.Y * r)); } else { return(Vector2.Zero); } } }
private static float GetIncomingNoteXRatio(RuntimeNote prevNote, RuntimeNote thisNote, float now, NoteAnimationMetrics animationMetrics) { var trackCount = animationMetrics.TrackCount; var startLeftMarginRatio = animationMetrics.NoteStartXRatios[0]; var startRightMarginRatio = animationMetrics.NoteStartXRatios[trackCount - 1]; float xRatio; if (thisNote.IsSlide()) { var thisXRatio = startLeftMarginRatio + (startRightMarginRatio - startLeftMarginRatio) * (prevNote.EndX / (trackCount - 1)); var nextXRatio = startLeftMarginRatio + (startRightMarginRatio - startLeftMarginRatio) * (thisNote.EndX / (trackCount - 1)); var thisTimePoints = NoteAnimationHelper.CalculateNoteTimePoints(prevNote, animationMetrics); var nextTimePoints = NoteAnimationHelper.CalculateNoteTimePoints(thisNote, animationMetrics); var perc = (now - thisTimePoints.Enter) / (nextTimePoints.Enter - thisTimePoints.Enter); xRatio = MathHelperEx.Lerp(thisXRatio, nextXRatio, perc); } else { float nextStartX; if (thisNote.StartX < 0) { nextStartX = thisNote.StartX * 0.5f; } else if (thisNote.StartX > trackCount - 1) { nextStartX = (trackCount - 1) + (thisNote.StartX - (trackCount - 1)) * 0.5f; } else { nextStartX = thisNote.StartX; } xRatio = startLeftMarginRatio + (startRightMarginRatio - startLeftMarginRatio) * (nextStartX / (trackCount - 1)); } return(xRatio); }
public override Vector2 GetNoteRadius(RuntimeNote note, float now, NoteMetrics noteMetrics, NoteAnimationMetrics animationMetrics) { var timePoints = NoteAnimationHelper.CalculateNoteTimePoints(note, animationMetrics); var onStageStatus = NoteAnimationHelper.GetOnStageStatusOf(note, now, timePoints); switch (onStageStatus) { case OnStageStatus.Incoming: return(noteMetrics.StartRadius); case OnStageStatus.Visible: var passed = now - timePoints.Enter; var perc = passed / timePoints.Duration; var w = MathHelperEx.Lerp(noteMetrics.StartRadius.X, noteMetrics.EndRadius.X, perc); var h = MathHelperEx.Lerp(noteMetrics.StartRadius.Y, noteMetrics.EndRadius.Y, perc); return(new Vector2(w, h)); case OnStageStatus.Passed: return(noteMetrics.EndRadius); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } }
public override float GetNoteX(RuntimeNote note, float now, NoteMetrics noteMetrics, NoteAnimationMetrics animationMetrics) { var trackCount = animationMetrics.TrackCount; var endLeftMarginRatio = animationMetrics.NoteEndXRatios[0]; var endRightMarginRatio = animationMetrics.NoteEndXRatios[trackCount - 1]; var endXRatio = endLeftMarginRatio + (endRightMarginRatio - endLeftMarginRatio) * (note.EndX / (trackCount - 1)); var onStage = NoteAnimationHelper.GetOnStageStatusOf(note, now, animationMetrics); float xRatio; switch (onStage) { case OnStageStatus.Incoming: if (note.HasPrevHold()) { xRatio = GetIncomingNoteXRatio(note.PrevHold, note, now, animationMetrics); } else if (note.HasPrevSlide()) { xRatio = GetIncomingNoteXRatio(note.PrevSlide, note, now, animationMetrics); } else { xRatio = endXRatio; } break; case OnStageStatus.Passed: if (note.HasNextSlide()) { var destXRatio = endLeftMarginRatio + (endRightMarginRatio - endLeftMarginRatio) * (note.NextSlide.EndX / (trackCount - 1)); var nextPerc = (now - note.HitTime) / (note.NextSlide.HitTime - note.HitTime); xRatio = MathHelperEx.Lerp(endXRatio, destXRatio, nextPerc); } else { xRatio = endXRatio; } break; default: var startLeftMarginRatio = animationMetrics.NoteStartXRatios[0]; var startRightMarginRatio = animationMetrics.NoteStartXRatios[trackCount - 1]; float whichStartToTake; if (note.IsSlide()) { whichStartToTake = note.EndX; } else { if (note.StartX < 0) { whichStartToTake = note.StartX * 0.5f; } else if (note.StartX > trackCount - 1) { whichStartToTake = (trackCount - 1) + (note.StartX - (trackCount - 1)) * 0.5f; } else { whichStartToTake = note.StartX; } } var startXRatio = startLeftMarginRatio + (startRightMarginRatio - startLeftMarginRatio) * (whichStartToTake / (trackCount - 1)); var timePoints = NoteAnimationHelper.CalculateNoteTimePoints(note, animationMetrics); var perc = (now - timePoints.Enter) / timePoints.Duration; xRatio = MathHelperEx.Lerp(startXRatio, endXRatio, perc); break; } return(animationMetrics.Width * xRatio); }
internal RibbonMesh(RibbonMeshCreateParams createParams) { _vertexStride = 0; _faceCount = 0; _vertices = null; _indices = null; _vertexBuffer = null; _indexBuffer = null; if (createParams.RibbonParameters == null) { return; } if (createParams.NotePairs == null) { return; } if (createParams.RibbonParameters.Length == 0 || createParams.NotePairs.Length == 0 || createParams.RibbonParameters.Length != createParams.NotePairs.Length) { throw new ArgumentException(); } if (!createParams.RibbonParameters.Any(rp => rp.Visible)) { throw new ArgumentException(); } Dispose(); var vertexCount = 0; var indexCount = 0; var now = createParams.Now; var slice = createParams.Slice; var visualNoteMetrics = createParams.VisualNoteMetrics; var animationMetrics = createParams.AnimationMetrics; // First, calculate the total ribbon length. // Since CGSS allows ribbon to "fold", we cannot simply use Y coord value to calculate texture V value. var bezierCount = createParams.RibbonParameters.Count(rp => rp.Visible && !rp.IsLine); var ribbonCache = bezierCount > 0 ? new RibbonPointCache[bezierCount] : null; var ribbonLength = 0f; var bezierIndex = 0; for (var i = 0; i < createParams.RibbonParameters.Length; ++i) { var rp = createParams.RibbonParameters[i]; if (!rp.Visible) { continue; } var notePair = createParams.NotePairs[i]; if (rp.IsLine) { ribbonLength += Math.Abs(rp.Y1 - rp.Y2); } else { float startTime, endTime; var startStatus = NoteAnimationHelper.GetOnStageStatusOf(notePair.Start, now, animationMetrics); if (startStatus == OnStageStatus.Passed) { startTime = now; } else { startTime = notePair.Start.HitTime; } var endStatus = NoteAnimationHelper.GetOnStageStatusOf(notePair.End, now, animationMetrics); if (endStatus == OnStageStatus.Incoming) { var endTimePoints = NoteAnimationHelper.CalculateNoteTimePoints(notePair.End, animationMetrics); endTime = now + endTimePoints.Duration; } else { endTime = notePair.End.HitTime; } var pts = new Vector2[slice + 1]; for (var j = 0; j <= slice; ++j) { var t = (float)j / slice; var pt = RibbonMathHelper.CubicBezier(rp, t); pts[j] = pt; if (j > 0) { ribbonLength += Math.Abs(pt.Y - pts[j - 1].Y); } } var pointCache = new RibbonPointCache { StartTime = startTime, EndTime = endTime, Locations = pts }; if (ribbonCache == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } ribbonCache[bezierIndex] = pointCache; ++bezierIndex; } } if (ribbonLength <= 0) { // An empty ribbon. SetVertices(createParams.Device, (RibbonVertex[])null); SetIndices(createParams.Device, null); } else { // Normal case. foreach (var rp in createParams.RibbonParameters) { if (!rp.Visible) { continue; } if (rp.IsLine) { vertexCount += 4; indexCount += 6; } else { vertexCount += (slice + 1) * 2; indexCount += slice * 6; } } var z = createParams.Z; var foldedZ = z - createParams.LayerDepth / 2; var vertices = new RibbonVertex[vertexCount]; var indices = new ushort[indexCount]; var vertexStart = 0; var indexStart = 0; // Generated vertex order for a non-folded fragment: // 1---2 // | / | // 3---4 // (1,2,3) (4,3,2) var processedRibbonLength = 0f; bezierIndex = 0; var traceCalculator = createParams.AnimationCalculator; var textureTopYRatio = createParams.TextureTopYRatio; var textureBottomYRatio = createParams.TextureBottomYRatio; for (var i = 0; i < createParams.RibbonParameters.Length; ++i) { var rp = createParams.RibbonParameters[i]; if (!rp.Visible) { continue; } var notePair = createParams.NotePairs[i]; // Normal ribbon is flowing from top to bottom (Y1 < Y2); CGSS would have a part from downside to upside. // If this fragment is folded, we must place it under the normal layer (z - layerDepth / 2). bool isFragmentFolded; float zToUse; float perc; float v; if (rp.IsLine) { var startRadius = traceCalculator.GetNoteRadius(notePair.Start, now, visualNoteMetrics, animationMetrics); var endRadius = traceCalculator.GetNoteRadius(notePair.End, now, visualNoteMetrics, animationMetrics); isFragmentFolded = rp.Y1 > rp.Y2; zToUse = isFragmentFolded ? foldedZ : z; perc = processedRibbonLength / ribbonLength; v = MathHelper.Lerp(textureTopYRatio, textureBottomYRatio, perc); var leftTopVertex = new RibbonVertex(rp.X1 - endRadius.X / 2, rp.Y1, zToUse, 0, 0, 1, 0, v); var rightTopVertex = new RibbonVertex(rp.X1 + endRadius.X / 2, rp.Y1, zToUse, 0, 0, 1, 1, v); perc = (processedRibbonLength + Math.Abs(rp.Y1 - rp.Y2)) / ribbonLength; v = MathHelper.Lerp(textureTopYRatio, textureBottomYRatio, perc); var leftBottomVertex = new RibbonVertex(rp.X2 - startRadius.X / 2, rp.Y2, zToUse, 0, 0, 1, 0, v); var rightBottomVertex = new RibbonVertex(rp.X2 + startRadius.X / 2, rp.Y2, zToUse, 0, 0, 1, 1, v); vertices[vertexStart] = leftTopVertex; vertices[vertexStart + 1] = rightTopVertex; vertices[vertexStart + 2] = leftBottomVertex; vertices[vertexStart + 3] = rightBottomVertex; if (isFragmentFolded) { indices[indexStart] = (ushort)(vertexStart + 2); indices[indexStart + 1] = (ushort)(vertexStart + 1); indices[indexStart + 2] = (ushort)vertexStart; indices[indexStart + 3] = (ushort)(vertexStart + 1); indices[indexStart + 4] = (ushort)(vertexStart + 2); indices[indexStart + 5] = (ushort)(vertexStart + 3); } else { indices[indexStart] = (ushort)vertexStart; indices[indexStart + 1] = (ushort)(vertexStart + 1); indices[indexStart + 2] = (ushort)(vertexStart + 2); indices[indexStart + 3] = (ushort)(vertexStart + 3); indices[indexStart + 4] = (ushort)(vertexStart + 2); indices[indexStart + 5] = (ushort)(vertexStart + 1); } vertexStart += 4; indexStart += 6; processedRibbonLength += Math.Abs(rp.Y1 - rp.Y2); } else { if (ribbonCache == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } var cache = ribbonCache[bezierIndex]; var deltaTime = cache.EndTime - cache.StartTime; for (var j = 0; j <= slice; ++j) { var t = (float)j / slice; var ribbonTime = cache.EndTime - deltaTime * t; var pt = cache.Locations[j]; if (j < slice) { isFragmentFolded = pt.Y > cache.Locations[j + 1].Y; } else { // Here, j = slice isFragmentFolded = cache.Locations[slice - 1].Y > pt.Y; } zToUse = isFragmentFolded ? foldedZ : z; var noteRadius = traceCalculator.GetNoteRadius(notePair.Start, ribbonTime, visualNoteMetrics, animationMetrics); perc = processedRibbonLength / ribbonLength; v = MathHelper.Lerp(textureTopYRatio, textureBottomYRatio, perc); var leftVertex = new RibbonVertex(pt.X - noteRadius.X / 2, pt.Y, zToUse, 0, 0, 1, 0, v); var rightVertex = new RibbonVertex(pt.X + noteRadius.X / 2, pt.Y, zToUse, 0, 0, 1, 1, v); vertices[vertexStart + j * 2] = leftVertex; vertices[vertexStart + j * 2 + 1] = rightVertex; if (j < slice) { if (isFragmentFolded) { indices[indexStart + j * 6] = (ushort)(vertexStart + j * 2 + 2); indices[indexStart + j * 6 + 1] = (ushort)(vertexStart + j * 2 + 1); indices[indexStart + j * 6 + 2] = (ushort)(vertexStart + j * 2); indices[indexStart + j * 6 + 3] = (ushort)(vertexStart + j * 2 + 1); indices[indexStart + j * 6 + 4] = (ushort)(vertexStart + j * 2 + 2); indices[indexStart + j * 6 + 5] = (ushort)(vertexStart + j * 2 + 3); } else { indices[indexStart + j * 6] = (ushort)(vertexStart + j * 2); indices[indexStart + j * 6 + 1] = (ushort)(vertexStart + j * 2 + 1); indices[indexStart + j * 6 + 2] = (ushort)(vertexStart + j * 2 + 2); indices[indexStart + j * 6 + 3] = (ushort)(vertexStart + j * 2 + 3); indices[indexStart + j * 6 + 4] = (ushort)(vertexStart + j * 2 + 2); indices[indexStart + j * 6 + 5] = (ushort)(vertexStart + j * 2 + 1); } processedRibbonLength += Math.Abs(cache.Locations[j + 1].Y - cache.Locations[j].Y); } } vertexStart += (slice + 1) * 2; indexStart += slice * 6; ++bezierIndex; } } _vertices = vertices; _indices = indices; SetVertices(createParams.Device, vertices); SetIndices(createParams.Device, indices); } }