public void SaveGraphToFile(string filename) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filename)) { throw new ArgumentException("Filename was empty or not ending with .txt"); } var writer = new Notation3Writer(); writer.Save(graph, filename); OnNewLogMessage("Saved changed Knowledge Base to " + filename); }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { yb = new Graph(); Notation3Parser n3p = new Notation3Parser(); Notation3Writer n3w = new Notation3Writer(); n3p.Load(yb, @"Properties.n3"); INode subject = yb.CreateUriNode("process:retrain"); INode predicate = yb.CreateUriNode("rdf:epochs"); INode simple = yb.CreateLiteralNode(textBox1.Text); Extensions.Assert(yb, subject, predicate, simple); n3w.Save(yb, "C:\\Users\\misha\\OneDrive\\Рабочий стол\\proj1\\proj1\\bin\\Debug\\Properties.n3"); }
static void WriteAnRDF() { IGraph g = new Graph(); IUriNode dotNetRDF = g.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create("")); IUriNode says = g.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create("")); ILiteralNode helloWorld = g.CreateLiteralNode("Hello World"); ILiteralNode bonjourMonde = g.CreateLiteralNode("Bonjour tout le Monde", "fr"); g.Assert(new Triple(dotNetRDF, says, helloWorld)); g.Assert(new Triple(dotNetRDF, says, bonjourMonde)); Notation3Writer n3writer = new Notation3Writer(); n3writer.Save(g, "Example.n3"); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { y = new Graph(); Notation3Writer n3w = new Notation3Writer(); b = new Graph(); Notation3Parser n3p = new Notation3Parser(); n3p.Load(b, @"reasoning.n3"); string query1 = @" prefix rdf: <> prefix rdfs: <> prefix owl: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?A ?B ?x WHERE { ?A rdfs:subClassOf ?B. ?x rdf:type ?Y. FILTER (?A = ?Y)}"; SparqlResultSet srRez1 = (SparqlResultSet)b.ExecuteQuery(query1); foreach (SparqlResult sr1 in srRez1) { n3p.Load(y, @"reasoning.n3"); INode subject = y.CreateUriNode(sr1["x"].ToString()); INode predicate = y.CreateUriNode("rdf:type");; INode simple = y.CreateUriNode(sr1["B"].ToString()); Extensions.Assert(y, subject, predicate, simple); } n3p.Load(y, @"Properties.n3"); string query10 = @" prefix rdf:<> prefix rdfs: <> prefix process: <process:> SELECT ?pr ?AssertedFile ?project ?intrepetor WHERE { ?pr rdfs:subClassOf ?project; rdf:AssertedFile ?AssertedFile; rdf:intrepetor ?intrepetor.}"; SparqlResultSet srRez10 = (SparqlResultSet)y.ExecuteQuery(query10); var AssertedFile = (srRez10[0]["AssertedFile"].ToString()); n3w.Save(y, @AssertedFile); }
internal static void WriteGraph(TextWriter writer, IGraph graph, string named, bool plain, bool inHtml) { string printerName = "plain"; if (plain) { DumpTriples(graph, writer, named); return; } else { IRdfWriter n3w; StringWriter dtt = new StringWriter(); string dttToString = "error"; bool prettyWillWorked = false; if (prettyWillWorked) { try { n3w = new CompressingTurtleWriter() { DefaultNamespaces = graph.NamespaceMap, PrettyPrintMode = true }; n3w.Save(graph, dtt); dttToString = dtt.ToString(); prettyWillWorked = true; printerName = n3w.GetType().Name; } catch (Exception e) { dttToString = dtt.ToString(); prettyWillWorked = false; } } if (!prettyWillWorked) { n3w = new Notation3Writer() { DefaultNamespaces = graph.NamespaceMap, PrettyPrintMode = true }; dtt = new StringWriter(); try { lock (graph) n3w.Save(graph, dtt); dttToString = dtt.ToString(); printerName = n3w.GetType().Name; } catch (Exception e) { if (inHtml) { writer.WriteLine("<pre><font color='red'>{0} {1} {2}</font></pre>", e.GetType(), e.Message, e.StackTrace); printerName = "triples"; DumpTriples(graph, writer, named); } else { printerName = "plain"; DumpTriplesPlain(graph.Triples, writer, "{0}", graph); } return; } } if (inHtml) { writer.WriteLine("<h3>{0} KB {1}</h3>", named, printerName); writer.WriteLine("<pre>"); } dttToString = dttToString.Replace("\r\n", "\n").Replace("\r", "\n"); foreach (string line in dttToString.Split('\n')) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) { writer.WriteLine(); continue; } if (line.StartsWith("@prefix ")) { continue; } var hline = line; hline = (" " + hline).Replace(" robokind:", " rk:"); hline = hline.Replace("<robokind:", "<rk:"); if (inHtml) { hline = hline.Replace("<", "<").Replace(">", ">"); } writer.WriteLine(hline); } if (inHtml) { writer.WriteLine("</pre>"); } } }
public void Dispose() { //Create all of the directories required for the file var f = new FileInfo(_outputPath); f.Directory.Create(); if (this._outputFormat == ERdfFormat.RdfXml) { using (XmlTextWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(_outputPath, new UTF8Encoding(false))) //Set encoding { _output.Save(xmlWriter); } } else if (this._outputFormat == ERdfFormat.TriG) { string fileNameAsTrig = GetFilePathBasedOnFormat(); var outparams = new StreamParams(fileNameAsTrig); outparams.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; var writer = new TriGWriter(); if (_store == null) { var g = GetXmlDocumentAsGraph(); _store = new TripleStore(); _store.Add(g, true); } writer.Save(_store, outparams); } else if (this._outputFormat == ERdfFormat.Turtle) { var g = GetXmlDocumentAsGraph(); string filePathForFormat = GetFilePathBasedOnFormat(); var writer = new TurtleWriter(TurtleSyntax.W3C); writer.Save(g, filePathForFormat); } else if (this._outputFormat == ERdfFormat.NTriples) { var g = GetXmlDocumentAsGraph(); string filePathForFormat = GetFilePathBasedOnFormat(); var writer = new NTriplesWriter(); writer.Save(g, filePathForFormat); } else if (this._outputFormat == ERdfFormat.N3) { var g = GetXmlDocumentAsGraph(); string filePathForFormat = GetFilePathBasedOnFormat(); var writer = new Notation3Writer(); writer.Save(g, filePathForFormat); } else if (this._outputFormat == ERdfFormat.NQuads) { string filePathForFormat = GetFilePathBasedOnFormat(); var outparams = new StreamParams(filePathForFormat); outparams.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; if (_store == null) { var g = GetXmlDocumentAsGraph(); _store = new TripleStore(); _store.Add(g, true); } var writer = new NQuadsWriter(); writer.Save(_store, outparams); } //make sure it's not null - can happen if no graphs have yet to be asserted!! if (_store != null) { foreach (var graph in _store.Graphs) { graph.Dispose(); } _store.Dispose(); GC.Collect(); } }