        public async Task <NormalizedLog> Edit(NormalizedLog model)
            var result = await _normalizedLogRepository.Update(model);

            if (result)
                return(await _normalizedLogRepository.Read(model.Id));

            throw new ArgumentException();
        public async Task <NormalizedLog> Create(NormalizedLog model)
            var createdId = await _normalizedLogRepository.Create(model);

            return(await _normalizedLogRepository.Read(createdId));
        private async Task <IEnumerable <AlertValue> > GenerateAlertsNonConstantValue(IList <NormalizedLog> logs,
                                                                                      IList <Alert> alerts)
            var componentId = logs.First().ComponentId;
            var alertValues = new List <AlertValue>();

            if (alerts.Any())
                var longestTimespan = alerts.Select(elem => elem.Timespan).Max();
                var firstLogTime    = logs.Select(elem => elem.DateTime).Min();
                var lastLogTime     = logs.Select(elem => elem.DateTime).Max();
                var startDateTime   = firstLogTime - longestTimespan;
                var endDateTime     = lastLogTime + longestTimespan;

                var materializedLogs =
                    (await _normalizedLogRepository.WithinTimeFrameForComponents(new[] { componentId }, startDateTime, endDateTime,
                                                                                 null)).OrderBy(elem => elem.DateTime).ToArray();

                foreach (var alert in alerts)
                    var earliestEvent = firstLogTime - alert.Timespan;
                    var latestEvent   = lastLogTime + alert.Timespan;
                    var rule          = alert.GeneralRule;
                    var valueMatcher  = alert.Value;

                    var logsWithinTimeFrame =
                        materializedLogs.Where(elem => elem.DateTime >= earliestEvent && elem.DateTime <= latestEvent).ToArray();

                    NormalizedLog startLog = null;

                    var eventCount = 0;

                    foreach (var log in logsWithinTimeFrame)
                        var isMatch = IsMatch(rule.Id, log, valueMatcher, out var matchedValue);

                        if (startLog == null)
                            if (isMatch)
                                startLog = log;
                            if (isMatch)

                            if (eventCount >= alert.Threshold)
                                // create new alert value and save it to db
                                var alertValue = new AlertValue
                                    Id            = 0, AlertId = alert.Id, TimespanStart = startLog.DateTime, TimespanEnd = log.DateTime,
                                    ConstantValue = null
                                var createdId = await _alertValueRepository.Create(alertValue);

                                alertValues.Add(await _alertValueRepository.Read(createdId));

                                // reset event count
                                eventCount = 0;
                                // start search for new window beginning
                                startLog = null;
                                var diff = startLog.DateTime - log.DateTime;
                                if (diff > alert.Timespan)
                                    // find next start, search until new positive match is found or until end of current windows is found
                                    var nextLogStart = logsWithinTimeFrame.FirstOrDefault(elem =>
                                                                                          elem.DateTime > startLog.DateTime && elem.DateTime <= log.DateTime &&
                                                                                          IsMatch(rule.Id, elem, valueMatcher, out var nextConstantValue));

                                    // current window is closed, we restart search
                                    if (nextLogStart == null || nextLogStart.Id == log.Id)
                                        eventCount = 0;
                                        startLog   = null;
                                    // we found middle match
                                        // we lost previous first match

                                        startLog = nextLogStart;
