        private static async Task Client()
            // Connect to the server using the named pipe.
            using (var client = new NamedPipeClientStream(ServerName, PipeName, PipeDirection.InOut))
                await client.ConnectAsync();

                // Select the initial Noise protocol and configuration.
                var initial = Protocol.Parse("Noise_NN_25519_ChaChaPoly_SHA256".AsSpan());
                var config  = new ProtocolConfig(initiator: true);

                using (var noise = new NoiseSocket(initial, config, client))
                    // Send the initial handshake message to the server. In the real world the
                    // negotiation data would contain the initial protocol, supported protocols
                    // for the switch and retry cases, and maybe some other negotiation options.
                    await noise.WriteHandshakeMessageAsync(negotiationData : null);

                    // Receive the negotiation data from the server. In this example we will
                    // assume that the server decided to retry with Noise_XX_25519_AESGCM_BLAKE2b.
                    await noise.ReadNegotiationDataAsync();

                    // New protocol requires static key, so it's generated here.
                    using (var keyPair = KeyPair.Generate())
                        // The client again plays the role of the initiator.
                        config = new ProtocolConfig(initiator: true, s: keyPair.PrivateKey);

                        // Retry with a protocol different from the initial one.
                        noise.Retry(protocol, config);

                        // Ignore the empty handshake message.
                        await noise.IgnoreHandshakeMessageAsync();

                        // Finish the handshake using the new protocol.
                        await noise.WriteHandshakeMessageAsync();

                        await noise.ReadNegotiationDataAsync();

                        await noise.ReadHandshakeMessageAsync();

                        await noise.WriteHandshakeMessageAsync();

                        // Send the transport message to the server.
                        var request = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("I'm cooking MC's like a pound of bacon");
                        await noise.WriteMessageAsync(request);

                        // Receive the transport message from the
                        // server and print it to the standard output.
                        var response = await noise.ReadMessageAsync();

        private static async Task Server()
            // Listen for incoming TCP connections.
            using (var socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp))
                socket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, Port));

                // Generate the static key pair.
                using (var keyPair = KeyPair.Generate())
                    var config = new ProtocolConfig(initiator: false, s: keyPair.PrivateKey);

                    // Accept the connection and initialize the NoiseSocket with its network stream.
                    using (var client = await socket.AcceptAsync())
                        using (var stream = new NetworkStream(client))
                            using (var noise = new NoiseSocket(initial, config, stream))
                                // Receive the negotiation data from the client. In the real world the
                                // negotiation data would contain the initial protocol, supported protocols
                                // for the switch and retry cases, and maybe some other negotiation options.
                                await noise.ReadNegotiationDataAsync();

                                    await noise.ReadHandshakeMessageAsync();
                                catch (CryptographicException)
                                    // The decryption of the initial handshake message failed
                                    // because the client had an outdated remote static public key.

                                // The server decides to switch to a fallback protocol.
                                config = new ProtocolConfig(initiator: true, s: keyPair.PrivateKey);
                                noise.Switch(fallback, config);

                                // Send the first handshake message using the new protocol. In the
                                // real world the negotiation data would encode the details about
                                // the server's desicion to switch protocol.
                                await noise.WriteHandshakeMessageAsync(negotiationData : null, paddedLength : PaddedLength);

                                // Finish the handshake using the new protocol.
                                await noise.ReadNegotiationDataAsync();

                                await noise.ReadHandshakeMessageAsync();

                                // Receive the transport message from the client.
                                var request = await noise.ReadMessageAsync();

                                // Echo the message back to the client.
                                await noise.WriteMessageAsync(request, PaddedLength);
        private static async Task Server()
            // Listen for connections from TCP network clients.
            var listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Loopback, Port);


                // Accept the connection from the TCP client.
                using (var client = await listener.AcceptTcpClientAsync())
                    // Generate the static key pair.
                    using (var keyPair = KeyPair.Generate())
                        var config = new ProtocolConfig(initiator: false, s: keyPair.PrivateKey);

                        // Initialize the NoiseSocket with the network stream.
                        using (var stream = client.GetStream())
                            using (var noise = new NoiseSocket(stream))
                                // Receive the negotiation data from the client. In the real world the
                                // negotiation data would contain the initial protocol, supported protocols
                                // for the switch and retry cases, and maybe some other negotiation options.
                                await noise.ReadNegotiationDataAsync();

                                // Accept the offered protocol.
                                noise.Accept(protocol, config);

                                // Finish the handshake.
                                await noise.ReadHandshakeMessageAsync();

                                await noise.WriteHandshakeMessageAsync(paddedLength : PaddedLength);

                                await noise.ReadNegotiationDataAsync();

                                await noise.ReadHandshakeMessageAsync();

                                // Receive the transport message from the client.
                                var request = await noise.ReadMessageAsync();

                                // Echo the message back to the client.
                                await noise.WriteMessageAsync(request, PaddedLength);
        private static async Task Server()
            // Create the named pipe and wait for the client to connect to it.
            using (var server = new NamedPipeServerStream(PipeName, PipeDirection.InOut))
                await server.WaitForConnectionAsync();

                // Initialize the NoiseSocket.
                using (var noise = new NoiseSocket(server))
                    // Receive the negotiation data from the client. In the real world the
                    // negotiation data would contain the initial protocol, supported protocols
                    // for the switch and retry cases, and maybe some other negotiation options.
                    await noise.ReadNegotiationDataAsync();

                    // Read the handshake message from the client, but without decrypting it.
                    await noise.IgnoreHandshakeMessageAsync();

                    // New protocol requires static key, so we generate it here.
                    using (var keyPair = KeyPair.Generate())
                        // The server decides to retry with a new protocol.
                        // It again plays the role of the responder.
                        var config = new ProtocolConfig(initiator: false, s: keyPair.PrivateKey);
                        noise.Retry(protocol, config);

                        // Request a retry from the client. In the real world the negotiation data
                        // would encode the details about the server's desicion to make a retry request.
                        await noise.WriteEmptyHandshakeMessageAsync(negotiationData : null);

                        // Receive the negotiation data from the client. The client will
                        // usually just confirm the server's choice of the retry protocol.
                        await noise.ReadNegotiationDataAsync();

                        // Finish the handshake using the new protocol.
                        await noise.ReadHandshakeMessageAsync();

                        await noise.WriteHandshakeMessageAsync();

                        await noise.ReadNegotiationDataAsync();

                        await noise.ReadHandshakeMessageAsync();

                        // Receive the transport message from the client.
                        var request = await noise.ReadMessageAsync();

                        // Echo the message back to the client.
                        await noise.WriteMessageAsync(request);
        private static async Task Client()
            // Connect to the server using the TCP socket.
            using (var socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp))
                await socket.ConnectAsync(IPAddress.Loopback, Port);

                // Generate the static key pair.
                using (var keyPair = KeyPair.Generate())
                    // In this example the client has an outdated remote static public key. The server will
                    // fail to decrypt the initial handshake message, which will trigger a fallback.
                    var config = new ProtocolConfig(initiator: true, s: keyPair.PrivateKey, rs: new byte[32]);

                    // Initialize the NoiseSocket with the network stream.
                    using (var stream = new NetworkStream(socket))
                        using (var noise = new NoiseSocket(initial, config, stream))
                            // Send the initial handshake message to the server. In the real world the
                            // negotiation data would contain the initial protocol, supported protocols
                            // for the switch and retry cases, and maybe some other negotiation options.
                            await noise.WriteHandshakeMessageAsync(negotiationData : null, paddedLength : PaddedLength);

                            // Receive the negotiation data from the server. In this example we will
                            // assume that the server decided to switch to Noise_XX_25519_AESGCM_BLAKE2b.
                            await noise.ReadNegotiationDataAsync();

                            // The client now plays the role of the responder.
                            config = new ProtocolConfig(initiator: false, s: keyPair.PrivateKey);

                            // Switch to a protocol different from the initial one.
                            noise.Switch(fallback, config);

                            // Finish the handshake using the new protocol.
                            await noise.ReadHandshakeMessageAsync();

                            await noise.WriteHandshakeMessageAsync(paddedLength : PaddedLength);

                            // Send the padded transport message to the server.
                            var request = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("I'm cooking MC's like a pound of bacon");
                            await noise.WriteMessageAsync(request, PaddedLength);

                            // Receive the transport message from the
                            // server and print it to the standard output.
                            var response = await noise.ReadMessageAsync();

        public async Task WriteMessageAsync(NoiseSocket socket, byte[] messageBody)
            await socket.WriteMessageAsync(messageBody, paddedLength);

            var message = new Message
                MessageBody  = messageBody,
                PaddedLength = paddedLength,
                Value        = Utilities.ReadMessage(stream)

            stream.Position = 0;
        private static async Task Client()
            // Open the TCP connection to the server.
            using (var client = new TcpClient())
                await client.ConnectAsync(IPAddress.Loopback, Port);

                // Generate the static key pair.
                using (var keyPair = KeyPair.Generate())
                    var config = new ProtocolConfig(initiator: true, s: keyPair.PrivateKey);

                    // Initialize the NoiseSocket with the network stream.
                    using (var stream = client.GetStream())
                        using (var noise = new NoiseSocket(protocol, config, stream))
                            // Send the initial handshake message to the server. In the real world the
                            // negotiation data would contain the initial protocol, supported protocols
                            // for the switch and retry cases, and maybe some other negotiation options.
                            await noise.WriteHandshakeMessageAsync(negotiationData : null, paddedLength : PaddedLength);

                            // Receive the negotiation data from the server. In this example we will
                            // assume that the server decided to accept the offered protocol.
                            await noise.ReadNegotiationDataAsync();

                            // Finish the handshake.
                            await noise.ReadHandshakeMessageAsync();

                            await noise.WriteHandshakeMessageAsync(paddedLength : PaddedLength);

                            // Send the padded transport message to the server.
                            var request = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("I'm cooking MC's like a pound of bacon");
                            await noise.WriteMessageAsync(request, PaddedLength);

                            // Receive the transport message from the
                            // server and print it to the standard output.
                            var response = await noise.ReadMessageAsync();

        private static async Task Run()
            using (var client = new TcpClient())
                await client.ConnectAsync(IPAddress.Loopback, Port);

                using (var keyPair = KeyPair.Generate())
                    var config = new ProtocolConfig(initiator: true, s: keyPair.PrivateKey);

                    using (var stream = client.GetStream())
                        using (var noise = new NoiseSocket(protocol, config, stream))
                            await noise.WriteHandshakeMessageAsync(negotiationData : clientNegotiationData, paddedLength : PaddedLength);

                            var serverNegotiationData = await noise.ReadNegotiationDataAsync();

                            if (serverNegotiationData.Length > 0)
                                throw new Exception("Unsupported Noise protocol.");

                            await noise.ReadHandshakeMessageAsync();

                            await noise.WriteHandshakeMessageAsync(paddedLength : PaddedLength);

                            var request = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("I'm cooking MC's like a pound of bacon");
                            await noise.WriteMessageAsync(request, PaddedLength);

                            var response = await noise.ReadMessageAsync();
