public Node_AStar(Node_AStar copiedNode) { this.Index = copiedNode.Index; this.Parent = copiedNode.Parent; this.Passable = copiedNode.Passable; this.DistanceFromStart = copiedNode.DistanceFromStart; this.DistanceToDestination = copiedNode.DistanceToDestination; this.CostToDestination = copiedNode.CostToDestination; }
private bool NodeInClosedList(Node_AStar checkedNode) { for (int i = 0; i < closedList.Count; i++) { if (closedList[i] == checkedNode) { return(true); } } return(false); }
private bool NodeInOpenList(Node_AStar checkedNode) { for (int i = 0; i < openList.Count; i++) { if (openList[i] == checkedNode) { return(true); } } return(false); }
private void Refresh(TileMap_MapData.TileMap_TileData[,] tileData, TileMap_MapData.TileMap_TileData destinationTile) { openList.Clear(); closedList.Clear(); FinalTrack.Clear(); currentNode = null; for (int z = 0; z < column; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < row; x++) { node[x, z].Initialize(tileData[x, z], destinationTile); } } }
private void UpdatePathStartNTarget(Transform startPos, Transform targetPos, ref Node_AStar start, ref Node_AStar target) { float closestDistance = int.MaxValue; float distance; Vector3 direction; Vector3 startPosition = startPos.position; Vector3 endPosition; for (int i = 0; i < RepresentGraphIn2DArray_AStar.instance.allNodes.Length; i++) { endPosition = RepresentGraphIn2DArray_AStar.instance.allNodes[i].transform.position; direction = (endPosition - startPosition).normalized; distance = Vector3.Distance(startPosition, endPosition); if (Physics.Raycast(startPosition, direction, distance, RepresentGraphIn2DArray_AStar.instance.nonWalkableLayers)) { ; } else { if (distance < closestDistance) { start = RepresentGraphIn2DArray_AStar.instance.allNodes[i]; closestDistance = distance; } } } startPosition = targetPos.position; closestDistance = int.MaxValue; for (int i = 0; i < RepresentGraphIn2DArray_AStar.instance.allNodes.Length; i++) { endPosition = RepresentGraphIn2DArray_AStar.instance.allNodes[i].transform.position; direction = (endPosition - startPosition).normalized; distance = Vector3.Distance(startPosition, endPosition); if (Physics.Raycast(startPosition, direction, distance, RepresentGraphIn2DArray_AStar.instance.nonWalkableLayers)) { ; } else { if (distance < closestDistance) { target = RepresentGraphIn2DArray_AStar.instance.allNodes[i]; closestDistance = distance; } } } }
private void Create2DArray(Node_AStar[] nodes, ref float[][] arrayToFill, LayerMask objstacleLayers) { Vector3 direction; float distanceToNode; arrayToFill = new float[nodes.Length][]; for (int i = 0; i < arrayToFill.Length; i++) { arrayToFill[i] = new float[nodes.Length]; } Vector3 iPosition; Vector3 jPosition; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++) { Node_AStar currentNode = nodes[i]; currentNode.myIndex = i; for (int j = 0; j < nodes.Length; j++) { if (i != j) { iPosition = nodes[i].gameObject.transform.position; jPosition = nodes[j].gameObject.transform.position; direction = (jPosition - iPosition).normalized; distanceToNode = Vector3.Distance(iPosition, jPosition); if (Physics.Raycast(iPosition, direction, distanceToNode, objstacleLayers)) { arrayToFill[i][j] = -1; } else { arrayToFill[i][j] = distanceToNode; currentNode.connections.Add(nodes[j]); //Debug.DrawLine(iPosition, jPosition,, Mathf.Infinity); } } else { arrayToFill[i][j] = -1; } } } }
public Calculation_AStar(TileMap_MapData mapData) { row = mapData.row; column = mapData.column; currentNode = null; node = new Node_AStar[row, column]; for (int z = 0; z < column; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < row; x++) { node[x, z] = new Node_AStar(mapData.TileData[x, z]); } } openList = new List <Node_AStar>(); closedList = new List <Node_AStar>(); FinalTrack = new List <Node_AStar>(); }
public static Stack <int> AStarPath(float[][] graph, Node_AStar[] allNodes, Node_AStar start, Node_AStar target) { //Setting up things required to do the algorithim List <Node_AStar> nodesToProcess = new List <Node_AStar>(); bool createPath = false; nodesToProcess.Add(start); foreach (Node_AStar node in allNodes) { node.visited = false; node.gcost = float.MaxValue; node.fCost = float.MaxValue; node.fromNodeIndex = null; } start.gcost = 0; start.hCost = Vector3.Distance(start.transform.position, target.transform.position); start.fCost = start.hCost; //Filling in the shortest distances from start and from nodes i.e processing each node while (nodesToProcess.Count > 0) { float least = float.MaxValue; Node_AStar current = null; foreach (Node_AStar node in nodesToProcess) { if (node.fCost < least) { current = node; least = node.fCost; } } if (current == target) { createPath = true; break; } nodesToProcess.Remove(current); for (int i = 0; i < current.connections.Count; i++) { if (!current.connections[i].visited) { float temp; temp = current.gcost + graph[current.myIndex][current.connections[i].myIndex]; if (temp < current.connections[i].gcost) { current.connections[i].gcost = temp; current.connections[i].fromNodeIndex = current; current.connections[i].hCost = Vector3.Distance(current.connections[i].transform.position, target.transform.position); current.connections[i].fCost = current.connections[i].gcost + current.connections[i].hCost; if (!nodesToProcess.Contains(current.connections[i])) { nodesToProcess.Add(current.connections[i]); } } } } current.visited = true; } if (createPath) { //Finding the finalPath Stack <int> path = new Stack <int>(); Node_AStar currentNode = target; int currentIndex = currentNode.myIndex; if (currentIndex >= 0 || currentIndex == start.myIndex) { while (currentNode != null) { currentIndex = currentNode.myIndex; path.Push(currentIndex); currentNode = currentNode.fromNodeIndex; } } return(path); } else { Debug.Log("<color=red>PATH COULD NOT BE FOUND </color>"); return(null); } }
public bool FindPath(TileMap_MapData.TileMap_TileData[,] tileData, TileMap_MapData.TileMap_TileData startingTile, TileMap_MapData.TileMap_TileData destinationTile) { Refresh(tileData, destinationTile); currentNode = node[startingTile.Index.x, startingTile.Index.z]; closedList.Add(currentNode); int failureCount = row * column; while (true) { for (int z = currentNode.Index.z - 1; z < currentNode.Index.z + 2; z++) { for (int x = currentNode.Index.x - 1; x < currentNode.Index.x + 2; x++) { if (NodeIndexAvailable(x, z) == false) { continue; } if (node[x, z].Passable == false) { continue; } if (NodeInClosedList(node[x, z]) == true) { continue; } if (NodeInOpenList(node[x, z]) == false) { node[x, z].Parent = currentNode; node[x, z].CalculateCostToDestination(); openList.Add(node[x, z]); } else { Node_AStar newData = new Node_AStar(node[x, z]); newData.Parent = currentNode; newData.CalculateCostToDestination(); if (newData.CostToDestination < node[x, z].CostToDestination) { node[x, z].Parent = currentNode; node[x, z].CalculateCostToDestination(); } } } } int lowestCost = 99999999; for (int i = 0; i < openList.Count; i++) { if (openList[i].CostToDestination < lowestCost) { lowestCost = openList[i].CostToDestination; currentNode = openList[i]; } } if (currentNode == node[destinationTile.Index.x, destinationTile.Index.z]) { int whileBreaker = row * column; while (true) { FinalTrack.Add(currentNode); if (currentNode == node[startingTile.Index.x, startingTile.Index.z]) { return(true); } currentNode = currentNode.Parent; whileBreaker--; if (whileBreaker < 0) { return(false); } } } openList.Remove(currentNode); closedList.Add(currentNode); failureCount--; if (failureCount < 0) { return(false); } } }