        /// <summary>
        /// Callback used by <see cref="GraphEditorInputMode"/> to actually create a node upon a click.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method creates a dummy business object and associated it with a newly created node.
        /// </remarks>
        private INode CreateNode(IInputModeContext context, IGraph graph, PointD location, INode parent)
            Customer c          = new Customer("Sample Customer", "Your Computer", new Random((int)DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.TotalMilliseconds).Next(99999));
            var      simpleNode = new SimpleNode {
                Tag = c, Style = customerNodeStyle, Layout = new MutableRectangle(0, 0, 10, 10)
            var preferredSize = customerNodeStyle.GetPreferredSize(graphControl.CreateRenderContext(), simpleNode);

            return(graph.CreateNode(RectD.FromCenter(location, preferredSize), customerNodeStyle, c));
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the graph instance setting default styles
        /// and creating a small sample graph.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual async Task InitializeGraph()
            IGraph graph = graphControl.Graph;

            // set the style as the default for all new nodes
            graph.NodeDefaults.Style = defaultStyle;
            // let the node decide how much space it needs and make sure it doesn't get any smaller.
            graph.NodeDefaults.Size = defaultStyle.GetPreferredSize(graphControl.CreateRenderContext(), new SimpleNode {
                Tag = new LayerConstraintsInfo()
            defaultStyle.MinimumSize = graph.NodeDefaults.Size;

            // create a simple label style
            DefaultLabelStyle labelStyle = new DefaultLabelStyle
                Typeface        = new Typeface("Arial"),
                BackgroundBrush = Brushes.White,
                AutoFlip        = true

            // set the style as the default for all new node labels
            graph.NodeDefaults.Labels.Style = labelStyle;
            graph.EdgeDefaults.Labels.Style = labelStyle;

            graph.EdgeDefaults.Labels.LayoutParameter = new EdgeSegmentLabelModel().CreateDefaultParameter();

            // create the graph and perform a layout operation
            await DoLayout();
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a simple model - this method is not used in this demo - instead the graph is loaded from
        /// the included GraphML file.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateModel()
            // remember the mapping for each object to the created node
            var objectMapping = new Dictionary <object, INode>();

            // set the default node style..
            Graph.NodeDefaults.Style = customerNodeStyle;

            // and create some nodes - and associate them with a tag.

            var customers = new[]
                new Customer("Lucy Osbourne", "Arizona", 13413),
                new Customer("Stephanie Cornwell", "Oregon", 13414),
                new Customer("Mark Wright", "Michigan", 13415),
                new Customer("Ruby Turner", "South Carolina", 13416),
                new Customer("Norman Johnson", "Montana", 13417)

            foreach (var c in customers)
                // calculate the preferred size before creating the node
                var simpleNode = new SimpleNode {
                    Tag = c, Style = customerNodeStyle, Layout = new MutableRectangle(0, 0, 10, 10)
                var preferredSize = customerNodeStyle.GetPreferredSize(graphControl.CreateRenderContext(), simpleNode);

                // then create the node
                objectMapping[c] = Graph.CreateNode(new RectD(new PointD(), preferredSize), customerNodeStyle, c);

            // create the products
            Graph.NodeDefaults.Style = productNodeStyle;

            // and the nodes....

            var products = new[]
                new Product("Donut Maker", 8971, true),
                new Product("Snow Boots", 8972, true),
                new Product("Cowboy Hat", 8973, false),

            foreach (var p in products)
                // calculate the preferred size before creating the node
                var simpleNode = new SimpleNode {
                    Tag = p, Style = productNodeStyle, Layout = new MutableRectangle(0, 0, 10, 10)
                var preferredSize = productNodeStyle.GetPreferredSize(graphControl.CreateRenderContext(), simpleNode);

                // then create the node
                objectMapping[p] = Graph.CreateNode(new RectD(new PointD(), preferredSize), productNodeStyle, p);

            var relations = new[] {
                new Relation {
                    Customer = customers[0], Product = products[0]
                new Relation {
                    Customer = customers[0], Product = products[1]
                new Relation {
                    Customer = customers[0], Product = products[2]
                new Relation {
                    Customer = customers[1], Product = products[0]
                new Relation {
                    Customer = customers[1], Product = products[2]
                new Relation {
                    Customer = customers[2], Product = products[1]
                new Relation {
                    Customer = customers[2], Product = products[2]
                new Relation {
                    Customer = customers[3], Product = products[1]
                new Relation {
                    Customer = customers[4], Product = products[2]

            // now add the edges using the stored mapping between products/customers and INodes
            foreach (var relation in relations)
                var edge = Graph.CreateEdge(objectMapping[relation.Customer], objectMapping[relation.Product]);

                // and add a label
                var label = Graph.AddLabel(edge, relation.ToString());
                label.Tag = relation;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a GraphBuilder instance that's preconfigured with our demo's styles.
        /// </summary>
        internal static (GraphBuilder, NodesSource <INeo4jNode>, EdgesSource <IRelationship>) CreateGraphBuilder(GraphControl graphControl, IGraph graph, List <INeo4jNode> nodes, List <IRelationship> edges)
            var builder     = new GraphBuilder(graph);
            var nodesSource = builder.CreateNodesSource(nodes, n => n.Id);

            nodesSource.NodeCreator.TagProvider = n => n;
            var nodeStyle = new NodeControlNodeStyle("NodeStyle");

            nodesSource.NodeCreator.Defaults.Style = nodeStyle;
            var edgesSource = builder.CreateEdgesSource(edges, e => e.StartNodeId, e => e.EndNodeId, e => e.Id);

            edgesSource.EdgeCreator.Defaults.Style = new BezierEdgeStyle {
                TargetArrow = Arrows.Default
            var labelBinding = edgesSource.EdgeCreator.CreateLabelBinding(item => item.Type);

            labelBinding.Defaults.LayoutParameter = new EdgeSegmentLabelModel().CreateParameterFromSource(0, 0, EdgeSides.AboveEdge);

            var context = graphControl.CreateRenderContext();

            builder.NodeCreated +=
                (sender, e) => {
                // Ensure that nodes have the correct size
                e.Graph.SetNodeLayout(e.Item, RectD.FromCenter(e.Item.Layout.GetCenter(), nodeStyle.GetPreferredSize(context, e.Item)));
            return(builder, nodesSource, edgesSource);