/// <summary>
        /// Deletes the items from the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceProvider">The application service provider.</param>
        /// <param name="token">The cancellation token for the task.</param>
        public async Task DeleteAsync(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, CancellationToken token)
            // Check if there weren't any valid items found.
            if (Items == null)
                // Throw an exception.
                throw new TaskException("No valid items could be found with the provided data.");
            // Get the total number of batches.
            var count = Math.Ceiling((double)Items.Count() / ApplicationDbContext.BatchSize);

            // Go over each batch.
            for (var index = 0; index < count; index++)
                // Check if the cancellation was requested.
                if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
                    // Break.
                // Get the items in the current batch.
                var batchItems = Items
                                 .Skip(index * ApplicationDbContext.BatchSize)
                // Get the IDs of the items in the current batch.
                var batchIds = batchItems.Select(item => item.Id);
                // Define the list of items to get.
                var nodeCollections = new List <NodeCollection>();
                // Use a new scope.
                using (var scope = serviceProvider.CreateScope())
                    // Use a new context instance.
                    using var context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <ApplicationDbContext>();
                    // Get the items with the provided IDs.
                    var items = context.NodeCollections
                                .Where(item => batchIds.Contains(item.Id));
                    // Check if there were no items found.
                    if (items == null || !items.Any())
                        // Continue.
                    // Get the items found.
                    nodeCollections = items
                // Get the IDs of the items.
                var nodeCollectionIds = nodeCollections
                                        .Select(item => item.Id);
                // Delete the dependent entities.
                await NodeCollectionExtensions.DeleteDependentAnalysesAsync(nodeCollectionIds, serviceProvider, token);

                await NodeCollectionExtensions.DeleteDependentNetworksAsync(nodeCollectionIds, serviceProvider, token);

                // Delete the related entities.
                await NodeCollectionExtensions.DeleteRelatedEntitiesAsync <NodeCollectionType>(nodeCollectionIds, serviceProvider, token);

                await NodeCollectionExtensions.DeleteRelatedEntitiesAsync <NodeCollectionNode>(nodeCollectionIds, serviceProvider, token);

                await NodeCollectionExtensions.DeleteRelatedEntitiesAsync <NodeCollectionDatabase>(nodeCollectionIds, serviceProvider, token);

                // Delete the items.
                await IEnumerableExtensions.DeleteAsync(nodeCollections, serviceProvider, token);
        /// <summary>
        /// Edits the items in the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceProvider">The application service provider.</param>
        /// <param name="token">The cancellation token for the task.</param>
        public async Task EditAsync(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, CancellationToken token)
            // Check if there weren't any valid items found.
            if (Items == null)
                // Throw an exception.
                throw new TaskException("No valid items could be found with the provided data.");
            // Check if the exception item should be shown.
            var showExceptionItem = Items.Count() > 1;
            // Get the total number of batches.
            var count = Math.Ceiling((double)Items.Count() / ApplicationDbContext.BatchSize);

            // Go over each batch.
            for (var index = 0; index < count; index++)
                // Check if the cancellation was requested.
                if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
                    // Break.
                // Get the items in the current batch.
                var batchItems = Items
                                 .Skip(index * ApplicationDbContext.BatchSize)
                // Get the IDs of the items in the current batch.
                var batchIds = batchItems
                               .Where(item => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Id))
                               .Select(item => item.Id);
                // Get the IDs of the related entities that appear in the current batch.
                var batchDatabaseIds = batchItems
                                       .Where(item => item.NodeCollectionDatabases != null)
                                       .Select(item => item.NodeCollectionDatabases)
                                       .SelectMany(item => item)
                                       .Where(item => item.Database != null)
                                       .Select(item => item.Database)
                                       .Where(item => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Id))
                                       .Select(item => item.Id)
                var batchNodeIds = batchItems
                                   .Where(item => item.NodeCollectionNodes != null)
                                   .Select(item => item.NodeCollectionNodes)
                                   .SelectMany(item => item)
                                   .Where(item => item.Node != null)
                                   .Select(item => item.Node)
                                   .Where(item => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Id))
                                   .Select(item => item.Id)
                // Define the list of items to get.
                var nodeCollections = new List <NodeCollection>();
                var databases       = new List <Database>();
                var nodes           = new List <Node>();
                // Use a new scope.
                using (var scope = serviceProvider.CreateScope())
                    // Use a new context instance.
                    using var context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <ApplicationDbContext>();
                    // Get the items with the provided IDs.
                    var items = context.NodeCollections
                                .Where(item => !item.NodeCollectionDatabases.Any(item1 => item1.Database.DatabaseType.Name == "Generic"))
                                .Where(item => batchIds.Contains(item.Id));
                    // Check if there were no items found.
                    if (items == null || !items.Any())
                        // Continue.
                    // Get the items found.
                    nodeCollections = items
                    // Get the related entities that appear in the current batch.
                    databases = context.Databases
                                .Where(item => item.DatabaseType.Name != "Generic")
                                .Where(item => batchDatabaseIds.Contains(item.Id))
                    nodes = context.Nodes
                            .Where(item => !item.DatabaseNodes.Any(item1 => item1.Database.DatabaseType.Name == "Generic"))
                            .Where(item => batchNodeIds.Contains(item.Id))
                // Get the IDs of the items.
                var nodeCollectionIds = nodeCollections
                                        .Select(item => item.Id);
                // Save the items to edit.
                var nodeCollectionsToEdit = new List <NodeCollection>();
                // Go over each of the valid items.
                foreach (var batchItem in batchItems)
                    // Get the corresponding item.
                    var nodeCollection = nodeCollections
                                         .FirstOrDefault(item => batchItem.Id == item.Id);
                    // Check if there was no item found.
                    if (nodeCollection == null)
                        // Continue.
                    // Check if there were no node collection databases provided.
                    if (batchItem.NodeCollectionDatabases == null || !batchItem.NodeCollectionDatabases.Any())
                        // Throw an exception.
                        throw new TaskException("There were no node collection databases provided.", showExceptionItem, batchItem);
                    // Get the node collection databases.
                    var nodeCollectionDatabases = batchItem.NodeCollectionDatabases
                                                  .Where(item => item.Database != null)
                                                  .Where(item => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Database.Id))
                                                  .Select(item => item.Database.Id)
                                                  .Where(item => databases.Any(item1 => item1.Id == item))
                                                  .Select(item => new NodeCollectionDatabase
                        DatabaseId = item
                    // Check if there were no node collection databases found.
                    if (nodeCollectionDatabases == null || !nodeCollectionDatabases.Any())
                        // Throw an exception.
                        throw new TaskException("There were no node collection databases found.", showExceptionItem, batchItem);
                    // Check if there were no node collection nodes provided.
                    if (batchItem.NodeCollectionNodes == null || !batchItem.NodeCollectionNodes.Any())
                        // Throw an exception.
                        throw new TaskException("There were no node collection nodes provided.", showExceptionItem, batchItem);
                    // Get the node collection nodes.
                    var nodeCollectionNodes = batchItem.NodeCollectionNodes
                                              .Where(item => item.Node != null)
                                              .Where(item => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Node.Id))
                                              .Where(item => nodes.Any(item1 => item1.Id == item.Node.Id))
                                              .Select(item => new NodeCollectionNode
                        NodeId = item.Node.Id
                    // Check if there were no node collection nodes found.
                    if (nodeCollectionNodes == null || !nodeCollectionNodes.Any())
                        // Throw an exception.
                        throw new TaskException("There were no node collection nodes found.", showExceptionItem, batchItem);
                    // Check if there were no node collection types provided.
                    if (batchItem.NodeCollectionTypes == null || !batchItem.NodeCollectionTypes.Any())
                        // Throw an exception.
                        throw new TaskException("There were no node collection types provided.", showExceptionItem, batchItem);
                    // Get the node collection types.
                    var nodeCollectionTypes = batchItem.NodeCollectionTypes
                                              .Select(item => item.Type)
                                              .Select(item => (Enum.TryParse <EnumerationNodeCollectionType>(item, out var type), type))
                                              .Where(item => item.Item1)
                                              .Select(item => new NodeCollectionType
                        Type = item.Item2
                    // Check if there were no node collection types found.
                    if (nodeCollectionTypes == null || !nodeCollectionTypes.Any())
                        // Throw an exception.
                        throw new TaskException("There were no node collection types found.", showExceptionItem, batchItem);
                    // Update the node collection.
                    nodeCollection.Name                    = batchItem.Name;
                    nodeCollection.Description             = batchItem.Description;
                    nodeCollection.NodeCollectionTypes     = nodeCollectionTypes.ToList();
                    nodeCollection.NodeCollectionDatabases = nodeCollectionDatabases.ToList();
                    nodeCollection.NodeCollectionNodes     = nodeCollectionNodes.ToList();
                    // Add the node collection to the list.
                // Delete the dependent entities.
                await NodeCollectionExtensions.DeleteDependentAnalysesAsync(nodeCollectionIds, serviceProvider, token);

                await NodeCollectionExtensions.DeleteDependentNetworksAsync(nodeCollectionIds, serviceProvider, token);

                // Delete the related entities.
                await NodeCollectionExtensions.DeleteRelatedEntitiesAsync <NodeCollectionType>(nodeCollectionIds, serviceProvider, token);

                await NodeCollectionExtensions.DeleteRelatedEntitiesAsync <NodeCollectionNode>(nodeCollectionIds, serviceProvider, token);

                await NodeCollectionExtensions.DeleteRelatedEntitiesAsync <NodeCollectionDatabase>(nodeCollectionIds, serviceProvider, token);

                // Update the items.
                await IEnumerableExtensions.EditAsync(nodeCollectionsToEdit, serviceProvider, token);