public void GetNeighbors(NodeAStar node, ArrayList neighbors) { Vector3 neighborPosition = node.position; int neighborIndex = GetGridIndex(neighborPosition); int row = GetRowOfIndex(neighborIndex); int column = GetColumnOfIndex(neighborIndex); //Bottom int leftNodeRow = row - 1; int leftNodeColumn = column; AssignNeighbor(leftNodeRow, leftNodeColumn, neighbors); //Top leftNodeRow = row + 1; leftNodeColumn = column; AssignNeighbor(leftNodeRow, leftNodeColumn, neighbors); //Right leftNodeRow = row; leftNodeColumn = column + 1; AssignNeighbor(leftNodeRow, leftNodeColumn, neighbors); //Left leftNodeRow = row; leftNodeColumn = column - 1; AssignNeighbor(leftNodeRow, leftNodeColumn, neighbors); }
void CreateGrid() { grid = new NodeAStar[gridSizeX, gridSizeY]; Vector3 worldBottomLeft = transform.position - Vector3.right * gridWorldSize.x / 2f - Vector3.forward * gridWorldSize.y / 2f; for (int y = 0; y < gridSizeY; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < gridSizeX; x++) { // Determine height of terrain mesh at pos RaycastHit hit; Vector3 worldPoint =; Ray ray = new Ray(new Vector3(worldBottomLeft.x + (x * nodeDiameter + nodeRadius), 150, worldBottomLeft.z + (y * nodeDiameter + nodeRadius)), Vector3.down); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 200)) { worldPoint = hit.point; } else { Debug.LogError("NO TERRAIN FOUND IN RAYCAST"); } bool walkable = !Physics.CheckSphere(worldPoint, nodeRadius, unwalkableMask); grid[x, y] = new NodeAStar(walkable, worldPoint, x, y); } } }
public NodeAStar() { hCost = 0.0f; gCost = 1.0f; bObstacle = false; parent = null; }
public NodeAStar(Vector3 pos) { hCost = 0.0f; gCost = 1.0f; bObstacle = false; parent = null; position = pos; }
public NodeAStar(GraphPoint <NaviPoint> point, NodeAStar father) { this.point = point; this.father = father; this.G = 0; this.H = 0; this.F = 0; }
private void FindPath() { startPosition = startCube.transform; endPosition = endCube.transform; startNode = new NodeAStar(gridManager.GetGridCellCenter(gridManager.GetGridIndex(startPosition.position))); goalNode = new NodeAStar(gridManager.GetGridCellCenter(gridManager.GetGridIndex(endPosition.position))); pathArray = AStar.FindPath(startNode, goalNode); }
private static ArrayList CalculatePath(NodeAStar node) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); while (node != null) { list.Add(node); node = node.parent; } list.Reverse(); return(list); }
// Check the neighbor. If it's not an obstacle, assign the neighbor. private void AssignNeighbor(int row, int column, ArrayList neighbors) { if (row != -1 && column != -1 && row < numberOfRows && column < numberOfColumns) { NodeAStar nodeToAdd = nodes[row, column]; if (!nodeToAdd.bObstacle) { neighbors.Add(nodeToAdd); } } }
int GetDistance(NodeAStar nodeA, NodeAStar nodeB) { int dstX = Mathf.Abs(nodeA.gridX - nodeB.gridX); int dstY = Mathf.Abs(nodeA.gridY - nodeB.gridY); if (dstX > dstY) { return(14 * dstY + 10 * (dstX - dstY)); } else { return(14 * dstX + 10 * (dstY - dstX)); } }
void RetracePath(NodeAStar startNode, NodeAStar endNode) { List <NodeAStar> path = new List <NodeAStar>(); NodeAStar currentNode = endNode; while (currentNode != startNode) { path.Add(currentNode); currentNode = currentNode.parentNode; } path.Reverse(); grid.path = path; }
//IComparable Interface method implementation public int CompareTo(object obj) { NodeAStar node = (NodeAStar)obj; if (hCost < node.hCost) { return(-1); } if (hCost > node.hCost) { return(1); } return(0); }
private void InitializeNodes() { nodes = new NodeAStar[numberOfColumns, numberOfRows]; int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfColumns; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numberOfRows; j++) { Vector3 cellPosition = GetGridCellCenter(index); NodeAStar node = new NodeAStar(cellPosition); nodes[i, j] = node; index++; } } }
private void SortInsert(List <NodeAStar> open, NodeAStar childNode) { int i = 0; while (i < open.Count && open[i].F > childNode.F) { i++; } if (i == open.Count) { open.Add(childNode); } else { open.Insert(i, childNode); } }
void FindPath(Vector3 startPos, Vector3 targetPos) { NodeAStar startNode = grid.NodeFromWorldPoint(startPos); NodeAStar targetNode = grid.NodeFromWorldPoint(targetPos); Heap <NodeAStar> openSet = new Heap <NodeAStar>(grid.MaxSize); HashSet <NodeAStar> closedSet = new HashSet <NodeAStar>(); openSet.Add(startNode); while (openSet.Count > 0) { NodeAStar currentNode = openSet.PopFirst(); closedSet.Add(currentNode); if (currentNode == targetNode) { RetracePath(startNode, targetNode); return; } foreach (NodeAStar neighbourNode in grid.GetNeighbouringNodes(currentNode)) { if (!neighbourNode.walkable || closedSet.Contains(neighbourNode)) { continue; } int newMovementCostToNeighbour = currentNode.gCost + GetDistance(currentNode, neighbourNode); if (newMovementCostToNeighbour < neighbourNode.gCost || !openSet.Contains(neighbourNode)) { neighbourNode.gCost = newMovementCostToNeighbour; neighbourNode.hCost = GetDistance(neighbourNode, targetNode); neighbourNode.parentNode = currentNode; if (!openSet.Contains(neighbourNode)) { openSet.Add(neighbourNode); } } } } }
public Int32 CompareTo(object obj) { if (!(obj is NodeAStar)) { throw new Exception("Bad NodeAStar comparison."); } NodeAStar compareWithMe = (NodeAStar)obj; Int32 returnValue = 0; float difference = this.estimatedTotalCost - compareWithMe.estimatedTotalCost; if (difference > 0) { returnValue = 1; } else if (difference < 0) { returnValue = -1; } return returnValue; }
private void OnDrawGizmos() { if (pathArray == null) { return; } if (pathArray.Count > 0) { int index = 1; foreach (NodeAStar node in pathArray) { if (index < pathArray.Count) { NodeAStar nextNode = (NodeAStar)pathArray[index]; Debug.DrawLine(node.position, nextNode.position,; index++; } } ; } }
private void OnDrawGizmos() { Gizmos.DrawWireCube(transform.position, new Vector3(gridWorldSize.x, 100, gridWorldSize.y)); if (onlyDisplayPathGizmos) { if (path != null) { foreach (NodeAStar node in path) { Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawSphere(node.worldPosition, nodeRadius - .5f); } } } else { if (grid != null) { NodeAStar agentNode = NodeFromWorldPoint(testAgent.position); foreach (NodeAStar node in grid) { Gizmos.color = (node.walkable) ? Color.white :; if (path != null) { if (path.Contains(node)) { Gizmos.color =; } } Gizmos.DrawSphere(node.worldPosition, (nodeRadius - .5f)); } } } }
public List <NodeAStar> GetNeighbouringNodes(NodeAStar node) { List <NodeAStar> neighbours = new List <NodeAStar>(); for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) { for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++) { if (x == 0 && y == 0) { continue; } int checkX = node.gridX + x; int checkY = node.gridY + y; if (checkX >= 0 && checkX < gridSizeX && checkY >= 0 && checkY < gridSizeY) { neighbours.Add(grid[checkX, checkY]); } } } return(neighbours); }
public void Push(NodeAStar node) { nodes.Add(node); nodes.Sort(); }
private bool Contains(List <NodeAStar> list, GraphPoint <NaviPoint> graphPoint, out NodeAStar findNode) { if ((findNode = list.Find(new Predicate <NodeAStar>( delegate(NodeAStar node) { if (node.point == graphPoint) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }))) == null) { return(false); } else { return(true); } }
public void Remove(NodeAStar node) { nodes.Remove(node); nodes.Sort(); }
/// <summary> /// 使用A*算法依据当前信息计算一条最短的路径。 /// 注意,如果目标点在警戒线以内,会返回一条并非如你期望的路径。 /// 所以请自行实现目标点无法到达时的处理逻辑。 /// </summary> /// <param name="curPos"></param> /// <param name="aimPos"></param> /// <returns></returns> public NaviPoint[] CalPathUseAStar(Vector2 curPos, Vector2 aimPos) { #region 制导航图 GraphPoint <NaviPoint>[] map = new GraphPoint <NaviPoint> [Map.Length + 2]; GraphPoint <NaviPoint>[] temp = GraphPoint <NaviPoint> .DepthCopy(Map); for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; i++) { map[i] = temp[i]; } #endregion #region 将当前点和目标点加入到导航图中 int prePointSum = temp.Length; GraphPoint <NaviPoint> curNaviPoint = new GraphPoint <NaviPoint>(new NaviPoint(null, -1, curPos), new List <GraphPath <NaviPoint> >()); GraphPoint <NaviPoint> aimNaviPoint = new GraphPoint <NaviPoint>(new NaviPoint(null, -1, aimPos), new List <GraphPath <NaviPoint> >()); AddCurPosToNaviMap(map, curNaviPoint, prePointSum, GuardLines, BorderLines); AddAimPosToNaviMap(map, aimNaviPoint, curNaviPoint, prePointSum, GuardLines, BorderLines); #endregion #region 计算最短路径,使用A*算法 List <NodeAStar> open = new List <NodeAStar>(); List <NodeAStar> close = new List <NodeAStar>(); open.Add(new NodeAStar(curNaviPoint, null)); NodeAStar cur = null; while (open.Count != 0) { cur = open[open.Count - 1]; if (cur.point == aimNaviPoint) { break; } open.RemoveAt(open.Count - 1); close.Add(cur); foreach (GraphPath <NaviPoint> path in cur.point.neighbors) { if (Contains(close, path.neighbor)) { continue; } else { NodeAStar inOpenNode; if (Contains(open, path.neighbor, out inOpenNode)) { float G = cur.G + path.weight; if (inOpenNode.G > G) { inOpenNode.G = G; inOpenNode.F = G + inOpenNode.H; } } else { NodeAStar childNode = new NodeAStar(path.neighbor, cur); childNode.G = cur.G + path.weight; childNode.H = Vector2.Distance(aimPos, childNode.point.value.Pos); childNode.F = childNode.G + childNode.H; SortInsert(open, childNode); } } } } //if (cur == null) // return null; Stack <NodeAStar> cahe = new Stack <NodeAStar>(); while (cur.father != null) { cahe.Push(cur); cur = cur.father; } NaviPoint[] result = new NaviPoint[cahe.Count]; int j = 0; foreach (NodeAStar node in cahe) { result[j] = node.point.value; j++; } return(result); #endregion }
private List<Direction> _PathfinderAStar(Coords start, Coords endTopLeft, Coords endBottomRight, BitArray[] _passabilityMap, hFunction h) { // NOTE: Should later implemented a collision predictor mechanic to work in tandem // with the path-finder to provide better agent behavior. // NOTE: Consider returning the number of tiles scanned in case no path is found. // This will alert a boxed-in creature of its predicament. // NOTE: Introduce a flag for a straight-line initial check(for outdoors environmens and // for when the goal is near). Int32 rangeX = _passabilityMap.Length; Int32 rangeY = _passabilityMap[0].Count; NodeAStar?[,] nodeArray = new NodeAStar?[rangeX, rangeY]; NodeAStar startNode = new NodeAStar(); startNode.costSoFar = 0; startNode.estimatedTotalCost = h(start); nodeArray[start.X, start.Y] = startNode; List<Coords> ListOpen = new List<Coords>(); ListOpen.Add(start); while (ListOpen.Count > 0) { // I have to use this bool the way I've implemented the algo. Consider rewriting. bool resortList = false; Coords currentCoords = ListOpen.First(); // Check to see if goal is reached. //if (currentCoords.Equals(endTopLeft)) if (StaticMathFunctions.CoordinateIsInBox(currentCoords, endTopLeft, endBottomRight)) { break; } NodeAStar currentNode = nodeArray[currentCoords.X, currentCoords.Y].Value; for (byte i = 0; i <= 3; ++i) { Direction currentDir = (Direction)(2 * i + 1); Coords dirCoords = StaticMathFunctions.DirectionToCoords(currentDir); Coords potential = currentCoords + dirCoords; // check if move in dir is allowed if (potential.X >= 0 && potential.X < rangeX && potential.Y >= 0 && potential.Y < rangeY // bounds check && _passabilityMap[potential.X][potential.Y]) // passability check { // Using the simplest cost function possible. Can be easily updated // once tile walkability coefficients are added. Coords newNodePosition = new Coords(CoordsType.General, currentCoords.X + dirCoords.X, currentCoords.Y + dirCoords.Y); float accruedCost = currentNode.costSoFar + Constants.MovementCost[(byte)currentDir]; // Straight line correction if (currentDir == nodeArray[currentCoords.X, currentCoords.Y].Value.connection) { accruedCost -= Constants.PathfinderStraightPathCorrection; } // Check to see if the node under examination is in the closed list. //NodeAStar? oldNode = nodeArray[newNodePosition.X, newNodePosition.Y]; if (nodeArray[newNodePosition.X, newNodePosition.Y] != null) { // If node is in closed list, see if it needs updating. if (nodeArray[newNodePosition.X, newNodePosition.Y].Value.costSoFar > accruedCost) { float expectedAdditionalCost = nodeArray[newNodePosition.X, newNodePosition.Y].Value.estimatedTotalCost - nodeArray[newNodePosition.X, newNodePosition.Y].Value.costSoFar; NodeAStar nodeToAdd = new NodeAStar(currentDir, accruedCost, accruedCost + expectedAdditionalCost); nodeArray[newNodePosition.X, newNodePosition.Y] = nodeToAdd; ListOpen.Add(newNodePosition); resortList = true; } } // Node is in open list. Process it. else { float expectedAdditionalCost = h(newNodePosition); NodeAStar nodeToAdd = new NodeAStar(currentDir, accruedCost, accruedCost + expectedAdditionalCost); nodeArray[newNodePosition.X, newNodePosition.Y] = nodeToAdd; ListOpen.Add(newNodePosition); resortList = true; } } } ListOpen.RemoveAt(0); if (resortList) { ListOpen.Sort( delegate(Coords c1, Coords c2) { float difference = nodeArray[c1.X, c1.Y].Value.estimatedTotalCost - nodeArray[c2.X, c2.Y].Value.estimatedTotalCost; Int32 returnValue = 0; if (difference > 0) { returnValue = 1; } else if (difference < 0) { returnValue = -1; } return returnValue; } ); } } List<Direction> ListRoute = new List<Direction>(); // Return empty route if the open list is empty, i.e. there is no path to the target // Ideally, the game logic should be fixed so that the search isn't even attempted // if there is no path between the two points. if (ListOpen.Count == 0) { return ListRoute; } Coords trackbackCoords = endTopLeft; while (trackbackCoords != start) { Direction newDirection = nodeArray[trackbackCoords.X, trackbackCoords.Y].Value.connection; ListRoute.Add(newDirection); trackbackCoords = StaticMathFunctions.CoordsNeighboringInDirection(new Coords(CoordsType.Tile, trackbackCoords), StaticMathFunctions.OppositeDirection(newDirection)); } // Might be faster without reversing //ListRoute.Reverse(); // We skip the reversal, so pick directions from the END of the list. return ListRoute; }
public int Act(ref WindjermanGameState gs, NativeList <int> availableActions) { //déterminer la distance entre le joueur et le frisbee au moment T currentDistanceFromFrisbee = CalculerCurrentDistanceFromFrisbee(ref gs); FindHighGround(ref gs); //création de la liste des nodes var listeNodes = new NativeList <NodeAStar>(10, Allocator.Temp); //pour chaque action disponible for (int i = 0; i < availableActions.Length; i++) { //on crée un node NodeAStar n = new NodeAStar(); n.distanceFromFrisbee = 0; n.playerID = this.playerID; n.gsNode = Rules.Clone(ref gs); //on execute ladite action pour avoir le gamestate T+1 associé if (playerID == 0) { Rules.Step(ref n.gsNode, availableActions[i], 0); } else { Rules.Step(ref n.gsNode, 0, availableActions[i]); } //déterminer si le joueur a le frisbee à T+1 if (playerID == 0) { if (n.gsNode.isFreeze1) { n.hasFrisbee = true; } else { n.hasFrisbee = false; } } else { if (n.gsNode.isFreeze2) { n.hasFrisbee = true; } else { n.hasFrisbee = false; } } //déterminer la distance entre le joueur et le frisbee si celui-ci ne l'a pas en main à T+1 if (!n.hasFrisbee) { n.CalculerDistanceFromFrisbee(); } //si le joueur a le frisbee, déterminer sa situation par rapport à l'autre joueur else { n.FindHighGround(); } //ajouter le node à la liste listeNodes.Add(n); } //une fois les nodes créés, on détermine l'action à réaliser int action = FindBestAction(ref listeNodes, ref gs, ref availableActions); //listeNodes.Dispose(); return(action); }
// Find the path between start node and goal node using A* Algorithm public static ArrayList FindPath(NodeAStar start, NodeAStar goal) { openList = new PriorityQueue(); openList.Push(start); start.gCost = 0.0f; start.hCost = EstimateHeuristicCost(start, goal); closedList = new PriorityQueue(); NodeAStar node = null; GridManager gridManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GridManager>(); if (gridManager == null) { return(null); } while (openList.Length != 0) { node = openList.GetFirstNode(); if (node.position == goal.position) { return(CalculatePath(node)); } ArrayList neighbors = new ArrayList(); gridManager.GetNeighbors(node, neighbors); //Update the costs of each neighbor node. for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.Count; i++) { NodeAStar neighborNode = (NodeAStar)neighbors[i]; if (!closedList.Contains(neighborNode)) { //Cost from current node to this neighbor node float cost = EstimateHeuristicCost(node, neighborNode); //Total Cost So Far from start to this neighbor node float totalCost = node.gCost + cost; //Estimated cost for neighbor node to the goal float neighborNodeEstCost = EstimateHeuristicCost(neighborNode, goal); //Assign neighbor node properties neighborNode.gCost = totalCost; neighborNode.parent = node; neighborNode.hCost = totalCost + neighborNodeEstCost; //Add the neighbor node to the open list if we haven't already done so. if (!openList.Contains(neighborNode)) { openList.Push(neighborNode); } } } closedList.Push(node); openList.Remove(node); } //We handle the scenario where no goal was found after looping thorugh the open list if (node.position != goal.position) { Debug.LogError("Goal Not Found"); return(null); } //Calculate the path based on the final node return(CalculatePath(node)); }
/// Calculate the estimated Heuristic cost to the goal private static float EstimateHeuristicCost(NodeAStar currentNode, NodeAStar goalNode) { Vector3 cost = currentNode.position - goalNode.position; return(cost.magnitude); }
private List<Direction> _PathfinderAStar(Coords start, Coords endTopLeft, Coords endBottomRight, BitArray[] _passabilityMap, hFunction h) { // NOTE: Should later implemented a collision predictor mechanic to work in tandem // with the path-finder to provide better agent behavior. // NOTE: Consider returning the number of tiles scanned in case no path is found. // This will alert a boxed-in creature of its predicament. // NOTE: Introduce a flag for a straight-line initial check(for outdoors environmens and // for when the goal is near). Int32 rangeX = _passabilityMap.Length; Int32 rangeY = _passabilityMap[0].Count; NodeAStar?[,] nodeArray = new NodeAStar?[rangeX, rangeY]; NodeAStar startNode = new NodeAStar(); startNode.costSoFar = 0; startNode.estimatedTotalCost = h(start); nodeArray[start.X, start.Y] = startNode; List<Coords> ListOpen = new List<Coords>(); ListOpen.Add(start); while (ListOpen.Count > 0) { // I have to use this bool the way I've implemented the algo. Consider rewriting. bool resortList = false; Coords currentCoords = ListOpen.First(); // Check to see if goal is reached. //if (currentCoords.Equals(endTopLeft)) if (StaticMathFunctions.CoordinateIsInBox(currentCoords, endTopLeft, endBottomRight)) { break; } NodeAStar currentNode = nodeArray[currentCoords.X, currentCoords.Y].Value; for (byte i = 0; i <= 5; ++i) { Direction currentDir = (Direction)(i); //Coords dirCoords = StaticMathFunctions.DirectionToCoords(currentDir); Coords potential = StaticMathFunctions.CoordsNeighboringInDirection(currentCoords, currentDir); // check if move in dir is allowed if (potential.X >= 0 && potential.X < rangeX && potential.Y >= 0 && potential.Y < rangeY // bounds check && _passabilityMap[potential.X][potential.Y]) // passability check { // Using the simplest cost function possible. Can be easily updated // once tile walkability coefficients are added. //Coords newNodePosition = new Coords(CoordsType.General, currentCoords.X + dirCoords.X, currentCoords.Y + dirCoords.Y); Coords newNodePosition = potential; float accruedCost = currentNode.costSoFar + 1; // Straight line correction if (currentDir == nodeArray[currentCoords.X, currentCoords.Y].Value.connection) { accruedCost -= Constants.PathfinderStraightPathCorrection; } // Check to see if the node under examination is in the closed list. //NodeAStar? oldNode = nodeArray[newNodePosition.X, newNodePosition.Y]; if (nodeArray[newNodePosition.X, newNodePosition.Y] != null) { // If node is in closed list, see if it needs updating. if (nodeArray[newNodePosition.X, newNodePosition.Y].Value.costSoFar > accruedCost) { float expectedAdditionalCost = nodeArray[newNodePosition.X, newNodePosition.Y].Value.estimatedTotalCost - nodeArray[newNodePosition.X, newNodePosition.Y].Value.costSoFar; NodeAStar nodeToAdd = new NodeAStar(currentDir, accruedCost, accruedCost + expectedAdditionalCost); nodeArray[newNodePosition.X, newNodePosition.Y] = nodeToAdd; ListOpen.Add(newNodePosition); resortList = true; } } // Node is in open list. Process it. else { float expectedAdditionalCost = h(newNodePosition); NodeAStar nodeToAdd = new NodeAStar(currentDir, accruedCost, accruedCost + expectedAdditionalCost); nodeArray[newNodePosition.X, newNodePosition.Y] = nodeToAdd; ListOpen.Add(newNodePosition); resortList = true; } } } ListOpen.RemoveAt(0); if (resortList) { ListOpen.Sort( delegate(Coords c1, Coords c2) { float difference = nodeArray[c1.X, c1.Y].Value.estimatedTotalCost - nodeArray[c2.X, c2.Y].Value.estimatedTotalCost; Int32 returnValue = 0; if (difference > 0) { returnValue = 1; } else if (difference < 0) { returnValue = -1; } return returnValue; } ); } } List<Direction> ListRoute = new List<Direction>(); // Return empty route if the open list is empty, i.e. there is no path to the target // Ideally, the game logic should be fixed so that the search isn't even attempted // if there is no path between the two points. if (ListOpen.Count == 0) { return ListRoute; } Coords trackbackCoords = endTopLeft; while (trackbackCoords != start) { Direction newDirection = nodeArray[trackbackCoords.X, trackbackCoords.Y].Value.connection; ListRoute.Add(newDirection); trackbackCoords = StaticMathFunctions.CoordsNeighboringInDirection(new Coords(CoordsType.Tile, trackbackCoords), StaticMathFunctions.OppositeDirection(newDirection)); } // Might be faster without reversing //ListRoute.Reverse(); // We skip the reversal, so pick directions from the END of the list. return ListRoute; }
public NodeAStar ( GraphPoint<NaviPoint> point, NodeAStar father ) { this.point = point; this.father = father; this.G = 0; this.H = 0; this.F = 0; }
private bool Contains ( List<NodeAStar> list, GraphPoint<NaviPoint> graphPoint, out NodeAStar findNode ) { if ((findNode = list.Find( new Predicate<NodeAStar>( delegate( NodeAStar node ) { if (node.point == graphPoint) return true; else return false; } ) )) == null) return false; else return true; }
private void SortInsert ( List<NodeAStar> open, NodeAStar childNode ) { int i = 0; while (i < open.Count && open[i].F > childNode.F) { i++; } if (i == open.Count) open.Add( childNode ); else open.Insert( i, childNode ); }
/// <summary> /// 使用A*算法依据当前信息计算一条最短的路径。 /// 注意,如果目标点在警戒线以内,会返回一条并非如你期望的路径。 /// 所以请自行实现目标点无法到达时的处理逻辑。 /// </summary> /// <param name="curPos"></param> /// <param name="aimPos"></param> /// <returns></returns> public NaviPoint[] CalPathUseAStar ( Vector2 curPos, Vector2 aimPos ) { #region 复制导航图 GraphPoint<NaviPoint>[] map = new GraphPoint<NaviPoint>[Map.Length + 2]; GraphPoint<NaviPoint>[] temp = GraphPoint<NaviPoint>.DepthCopy( Map ); for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; i++) { map[i] = temp[i]; } #endregion #region 将当前点和目标点加入到导航图中 int prePointSum = temp.Length; GraphPoint<NaviPoint> curNaviPoint = new GraphPoint<NaviPoint>( new NaviPoint( null, -1, curPos ), new List<GraphPath<NaviPoint>>() ); GraphPoint<NaviPoint> aimNaviPoint = new GraphPoint<NaviPoint>( new NaviPoint( null, -1, aimPos ), new List<GraphPath<NaviPoint>>() ); AddCurPosToNaviMap( map, curNaviPoint, prePointSum, GuardLines, BorderLines ); AddAimPosToNaviMap( map, aimNaviPoint, curNaviPoint, prePointSum, GuardLines, BorderLines ); #endregion #region 计算最短路径,使用A*算法 List<NodeAStar> open = new List<NodeAStar>(); List<NodeAStar> close = new List<NodeAStar>(); open.Add( new NodeAStar( curNaviPoint, null ) ); NodeAStar cur = null; while (open.Count != 0) { cur = open[open.Count - 1]; if (cur.point == aimNaviPoint) break; open.RemoveAt( open.Count - 1 ); close.Add( cur ); foreach (GraphPath<NaviPoint> path in cur.point.neighbors) { if (Contains( close, path.neighbor )) { continue; } else { NodeAStar inOpenNode; if (Contains( open, path.neighbor, out inOpenNode )) { float G = cur.G + path.weight; if (inOpenNode.G > G) { inOpenNode.G = G; inOpenNode.F = G + inOpenNode.H; } } else { NodeAStar childNode = new NodeAStar( path.neighbor, cur ); childNode.G = cur.G + path.weight; childNode.H = Vector2.Distance( aimPos, childNode.point.value.Pos ); childNode.F = childNode.G + childNode.H; SortInsert( open, childNode ); } } } } //if (cur == null) // return null; Stack<NodeAStar> cahe = new Stack<NodeAStar>(); while (cur.father != null) { cahe.Push( cur ); cur = cur.father; } NaviPoint[] result = new NaviPoint[cahe.Count]; int j = 0; foreach (NodeAStar node in cahe) { result[j] = node.point.value; j++; } return result; #endregion }