        public void LogTest()
            var testInnerException = new NoNullAllowedException();
            var testException      = new Exception("test exception", testInnerException);

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => _logLogic.Log(testException));
        public void LogTestMessageContainsSensitiveData()
            var testInnerException = new NoNullAllowedException();
            var testException      = new Exception("test exception Password", testInnerException);

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => _logLogic.Log(testException));
        // public static TheDarkOwlLogger.TheDarkOwlLogger Bugger = new TheDarkOwlLogger.TheDarkOwlLogger(false, true, true, "WhiteTiger");
        public static void errorreport(Exception e)
            NoNullAllowedException nonullallowedext = new NoNullAllowedException();

            System.Data.RowNotInTableException exrownotinTable = new RowNotInTableException();
            System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException excarg          = new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
            System.IO.FileNotFoundException    filenotfound    = new FileNotFoundException();
            System.Xml.XmlException            xmlexc          = new XmlException();
            if ((e.GetType() != nonullallowedext.GetType()) && (e.GetType() != exrownotinTable.GetType()) &&
                (e.GetType() != excarg.GetType()) && (e.GetType() != filenotfound.GetType()) &&
                (e.GetType() != xmlexc.GetType()))
                logman.TraceException(e.Message, e);
 public void AfterThrowing(NoNullAllowedException ex)
     var a = 0;
        public ExceptionThrower()
            NoNullAllowedException innerException = new NoNullAllowedException("Null ist nicht erlaubt!");

            throw new FormatException("Fehlerhaftes Format!", innerException);
 private static string GetFieldName(NoNullAllowedException e)
        public static MyException TranslateException(Exception e, DataGridView dgv)
            string s, msg = "";

            if (e == null)
                throw new ArgumentException();
            if (dgv == null)
                return(new MyException(e.Message, e));

            DataTable dt = GetDataTableFromDataGridView(dgv);

            if (e is SqlException &&
                //The UPDATE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint \"fk_OPS_AC11_Acp21_AC\". The conflict occurred in database \"C:\\A1-DOCS\\C_NET\\KLONS1\\DB\\KLONS.MDF\", table \"dbo.OPS\", column 'AC11'
                SqlException esq = e as SqlException;
                //s = GetFieldName(esq, table);
                //s = table.Columns[s].Caption;
                msg = string.Format("Lauka vērtību nevar mainīt, " +
                                    "ja tā ir izmantota sistītā tabulā");
            else if (e is FbException &&
                     e.Message.StartsWith("violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint "))
                //violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_OPSD_CLID_PERSONS_CLID" on table "OPSD" Foreign key references are present for the record Problematic key value is ("CLID" = 'zapte')
                msg = string.Format("Darbību ar ierakstu nevar izpildīt, " +
                                    "ja tas ir izmantots sistītā tabulā");
            else if (e is DBConcurrencyException)
                msg = "Izmaiņas neizdevās saglabāt,\n" +
                      "jo ierakstu ir labojis cits lietotājs.\n" +
                      "Mēģiniet pārlasīt tabulas datus.";
            else if (e is NoNullAllowedException)
                NoNullAllowedException enn = e as NoNullAllowedException;
                s   = GetFieldName(enn);
                s   = GetColumnDescr(dgv, s);
                msg = string.Format("Lauks [{0}] nevar būt tukšs", s);
            else if (e is ConstraintException &&
                     e.Message.StartsWith("Column '") &&
                     e.Message.Contains("is constrained to be unique"))
                //Column 'AC' is constrained to be unique.  Value '1210' is already present.
                ConstraintException ec = e as ConstraintException;
                s   = GetFieldName(ec);
                s   = GetColumnDescr(dgv, s);
                msg = string.Format("Nekorekta lauka [{0}] vērtība" +
                                    " (šāda vērtība tabulā jau ir).", s);
            else if (e is ConstraintException &&
                     e.Message.StartsWith("Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain"))
                //Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain
                DetailedConstraintException de = new DetailedConstraintException(e.Message,
                                                                                 GetDataTableFromDataGridView(dgv), e);
                msg = de.Message;
            else if (e is InvalidConstraintException &&
                     e.Message.IndexOf("deleting") >= 0)
                msg = "Ierakstu nevar dzēst, jo tam ir saistīti ieraksti citā tabulā.";
            else if (e is InvalidConstraintException)
                InvalidConstraintException eic = e as InvalidConstraintException;
                s   = GetFieldName(eic, dt);
                s   = GetColumnDescr(dgv, s);
                msg = string.Format("Nekorekta lauka [{0}] vērtība", s);
            else if (e is ArgumentException &&
                     e.Message.Contains("The value violates the MaxLength limit"))
                //ArgumentException: Cannot set column 'ClId'. The value violates the MaxLength limit of this column
                s   = GetFieldName(e as ArgumentException);
                s   = GetColumnDescr(dgv, s);
                msg = string.Format("Lauka [{0}] teksts ir par garu.", s);
            else if (e is FormatException)
                //Input string was not in a correct format.
                msg = string.Format("Ievadīta nekorekta lauka vērtība\n" +
                                    "(nekorekts ievadītā teksta formāts, ...).");
            if (msg == "")
                msg = e.Message;
            return(new MyException(msg, e));